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We Love Sailing

we love sailing


I started lovesailing.net over 8 years ago while studying my RYA Day Skipper theory course and was struggling to find websites where I could test what I'd learnt. After several months of looking I decided to write the website myself, if I was wanting a site like this, then maybe other people as well. As far as I know, and please correct me if I'm wrong, We Love Sailing’s testing feature that allows users to answer random questions across different theory categories, and record their score, is one of a kind on the world wide web. And one that I hope is helping other sailors, new and old, improve their sailing knowledge. It certainly helped me to pass my course, and while I was the only person to use the site in the first year, I stuck with it and now it's used daily by sailors all over the world. This is only the beginning though, there are lots more plans for We Love Sailing, for a start I've added a "We" to the name of the site, I want the site to become a hub to bring people together from all walks of live who love sailing, a community where the can celebrate our sport / hobby, and where those curious about sailing can learn more. The dream is on. So onto my own personal sailing story, I best start by saying that I am in no way an experienced sailor, in fact I would quite easily class myself as a novice sailor. I've not actually sailed that much, at the time of writing this, 18th April 2018, I've only ever sailed on a yacht 3 times, and in a dinghy about 10 times. This is only the beginning though, there are lots more plans for love sailing and I'm starting to get excited about the possibilities, the dream is on.




WELCOME GLAD YOU ARE HERE. You may be wondering what FL is all about? Toni Morrison’s quote sums it beautifully; “When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else.” We are a global community of women working in partnership with leaders and progressive organisations to close the gender gap in business. We are a 100% female-owned and run business. Our work is supported by our members who subscribe to our membership platform, enabling them to access resources to transform their career and businesses. Our mission is to create a global digital platform that connects women to opportunities, expertise that will empower them. Every year we celebrate and recognise inspirational female leaders and male agents of change through our awards program, the FL National Awards & Summit. We believe in investing in women and are committed to developing female leaders through our industry-specific leadership development programmes. Our research explores business issues with a gender lens and covers everything that impacts women attraction and progression into critical sectors and leadership positions. Finally, giving back to our communities and paying it forward to the next generation is part of our DNA. This is why we have scholarships in place to support the next generation of female leaders. Each year we also work with charity partners who we raise funds for through our events. Want to know more? Then join thousands of other women in our community by subscribing to our newsletter. Want to bring FL into your business? Get in touch to see what we can do for you. Follow the page for inspirational content.

Human Givens College

human givens college

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