1472 Educators providing Courses in Leeds

The Sound Therapy Company

the sound therapy company



PRACTITIONER LEVEL TRAINING COURSE - 100+ Hours of Study Life-Changing is a term used by many of our graduates to describe their experience of studying with The Sound Therapy Company. In addition to learning the skills and knowledge to deliver safe and professional sound healing sessions for groups and individuals, you will be on a journey of self discovery. The courses are experiential with lots of hands on, group activities. Making our workshop days rich, rewarding and fun! Whether you are a complete beginner or already have some knowledge of sound healing, we will help you develop your skills as a professional sound practitioner. I have witnessed first hand the impact that Therapeutic Sound Sessions can have on people from all walks of life, in all types of situations and circumstances. There is so much valuable work to be done in the field of Sound Healing and Sound Therapy. The use of Therapeutic Sound has many possible applications. It can be a simple but very powerful way to uplift and empower people in all manner of situations. As a Practitioner, I feel it is so important that we hold space for people in a professional and compassionate way, and that any work is carried out to the highest standards.    With this in mind, I have developed a number of different training courses to help you enhance your skills and take Sound Healing and Sound Therapy to where it can most benefit peoples lives.  Through collaboration, promoting high standards, aiding research projects, working with the health standards organisations and health support groups. I would love to see Sound Therapy take a larger role as a mainstream Complementary Medicine. This is a fundamental aim of The Sound Therapy Company. As well as improving the well-being of individuals by helping you gain a richer understanding of your self and your health; physically, mentally and emotionally. I’d be delighted to speak with you about sound healing, answer any questions that you may have, plus offer whatever guidance I can. To find out more about the courses we run visit the website, www.thesoundtherapycompany.co.uk/sound-healing-training/ or contact Craig on 07804 088663 to arrange a conversation or send an email to request an information pack to craig@thesoundtherapycompany.co.uk I look forward to speaking with you soon Craig

Driver Hire Training

driver hire training



All professional drivers of large goods vehicles must have a Driver Qualification Card, or DQC. There are a small number of exemptions, but essentially if you’re driving an HGV / LGV (licence categories C, C1, C1+E or C+E), then Driver CPC is a legal obligation. Professional PCV drivers with equivalent licences are also required to hold a DQC. Ongoing requirement Whether the initial DQC was gained as part of the drivers’ initial licence acquisition or by attending Driver CPC training courses, Driver CPC is an ongoing requirement. It is mandated by EU law (Directive 2003/59) and is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of drivers, as well as enhancing safety on our roads. The requirement for Driver CPC has not changed as a result of Brexit and there are no Government plans to do so – the relevant regulations pass into UK law. We believe that done well, Driver CPC training makes a positive contribution to the road transport industry, supporting the ongoing professional development of the drivers who make such a valuable contribution to our society. What must a driver do? Each DQC is valid for five years from the date of issue. This means that – unlike the 2014 deadline set when Driver CPC was introduced – each driver’s renewal date is unique to them. All drivers must undertake 35 hours’ periodic training before the end of the five years following the issue date on their DQC. If the training is not undertaken during that time, they will not be permitted to drive professionally until they have completed their 35 hours. The best way to ensure that a DQC doesn’t lapse is to carry out at least one day’s mandatory periodic training every year. To check your Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) training record, visit the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency website. The consequences If a driver is caught driving commercially without their Driver Qualification Card: Both driver and operator face fines of up to £1000 Driver suspended from driving commercially until training is completed Possible reduction in driving workforce, and operations adversely affected If operations are affected, your reputation with customers could be damaged If convicted, operator’s OCRS rating will drop to red Likely increase in insurance premiums What should I look for in Driver CPC training? When choosing your Driver CPC training provider, look for a wide range of relevant topics for drivers to choose from. This keeps the training useful, interesting and engaging. Look out for interactive elements, such as videos, quizzes and feedback sessions, which will benefit drivers, and add real value to the training.