184 Educators providing Courses in Glasgow

SAY Women

say women



SAY Women offers safe semi-supported accommodation and emotional support for young women aged 16 to 25 who are survivors of sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault and who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness. SAY Women was established in 1991 in response to CHAR research that found 4 in 10 young women who were homeless had become so due to sexual abuse. The research recognised the complex needs of young women in this position and the high risk of ongoing targeting from perpetrators due to their vulnerable circumstances. We are a charity of women supporting women who are survivors of men’s sexual violence. Using the framework of the Judith Herman model: Establishing Safety, Mourning & Remembering, Reconnection and Move On, we operate the Social Model of support. This concentrates on the experience of abuse as the issue, and recognises that the behaviours that survivors have had to use, such as self-harm and anger, are coping strategies. Collage.jpg Support for the young women is offered in the form of semi-independent living in our Accommodation Project, alongside support to prepare for a more independent lifestyle, as well as looking at the difficulties surrounding their childhood sexual abuse. They work towards moving into their own tenancy, while we offer ongoing support at our Resource Service with emotional and mental health difficulties, plus groupwork, events, activities and help with practical issues. The support we provide is flexible and varies according to what each young woman needs, so she is always in control and can access the service at a pace that suits her.

Sky Walkers Pack

sky walkers pack



It has always been all about dogs. My journey started in a local pet rescue centre where in seven years I have probably seen everything: various pet illnesses, serious behavioural issues, rehabilitation and success cases, you name it - I bet I have a story or two about it. Let me tell you a secret, though: once you become a volunteer, it does not take long until you rescue your first dog. I was not an exception and soon enough Beta joined our crazy family. Now, this is the point in the story where I immersed myself into dog training - my dog was far from perfect. It makes me smile now to remember all the chewed leashes, carpets, mom's shoes (it honestly seemed like Beta just enjoyed the expensive ones best). Oh, do not forget leash reactivity, barking at the house and doors shredded to pieces (I'm still convinced she was aiming for a Louvre worth art piece)! A number of dog psychology and training seminars, workshops, classes and courses were where you would have found me during my free time. At the same time, I started my professional dog show handling career and traveled around Europe showing dogs I trained. It was a no brainer what I want to do when I came to Scotland and so Sky Walks Glasgow was born. Two years later I finished my first diploma with the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) and kept helping people to become the coolest puppy parents! Dog and girl sitting in the nature What once started as a hobby has grown into this big team of four-legged stars and their humans that just could not fit under the old name anymore. So we grew. It's my pack and we are Sky Walkers! I was never about simply giving you instructions on what to do. If we work together, get your thinking hat ready because we are about to look at the world through your dog's eyes!