48 Educators providing Courses in Glasgow

SAY Women

say women



SAY Women offers safe semi-supported accommodation and emotional support for young women aged 16 to 25 who are survivors of sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault and who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness. SAY Women was established in 1991 in response to CHAR research that found 4 in 10 young women who were homeless had become so due to sexual abuse. The research recognised the complex needs of young women in this position and the high risk of ongoing targeting from perpetrators due to their vulnerable circumstances. We are a charity of women supporting women who are survivors of men’s sexual violence. Using the framework of the Judith Herman model: Establishing Safety, Mourning & Remembering, Reconnection and Move On, we operate the Social Model of support. This concentrates on the experience of abuse as the issue, and recognises that the behaviours that survivors have had to use, such as self-harm and anger, are coping strategies. Collage.jpg Support for the young women is offered in the form of semi-independent living in our Accommodation Project, alongside support to prepare for a more independent lifestyle, as well as looking at the difficulties surrounding their childhood sexual abuse. They work towards moving into their own tenancy, while we offer ongoing support at our Resource Service with emotional and mental health difficulties, plus groupwork, events, activities and help with practical issues. The support we provide is flexible and varies according to what each young woman needs, so she is always in control and can access the service at a pace that suits her.

Y Sort-it

y sort-it


In 1999, West Dunbartonshire SIP commissioned research on the needs of local young people from Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Clydebank. Findings highlighted overwhelming support for the introduction of some form of youth information service. A steering group, comprising local young people and adults was set up and the idea of a youth led information and support project; for young people by young people was developed with funding from West Dunbartonshire Partnership, Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire and Greater Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. In January the Y Sort-It Youth Information Centre on Kilbowie road was launched with four full-time members of staff, led by a management committee made up of the young members of the steering group and this committee is still the main driving force for the project today(though its members have changed from year to year). In 2014 Y Sort-It moved to its huge new base located besides the Clydebank Hub on West Thomson Street. Where before the base had been a small and sometime cramped place to hold meetings and groups the new base was is now a massive difference and as such the opportunities are now boundless. So please if you’re in the area why not drop in and you can help us to continue making fantastic history for the young people of West Dunbartonshire. Our Facilities Y Sort It youth centre provides a dedicated youth friendly space with various weekly youth activities offered throughout the West Dunbartonshire are . Our Y Sort It outreach bus helps provide youth activities across the local communities of West Dunbartonshire and our unique Carbeth hut, the Gillie Dhu, provides an opportunity for young people and children to enjoy the outdoors located in the Carbeth Hutting Community, Stirlingshire. We also developed a local shop front into a bike maintenance work shop & training space for our StreetBikes initiative.