303 Educators providing Courses in Glasgow

Engage Renfrewshire

engage renfrewshire



Engage Renfrewshire is a third sector interface (TSI); this means that we support local charities and other not-for-profit groups. Now in its 12th year Engage Renfrewshire support local organisations to be well managed, well resourced, well represented and well connected. Engage Renfrewshire provides advice and support to all community focussed groups who want to start up or develop further. We support social enterprises, community development trusts, charitable groups, mutual aid groups and more. We help groups to build capacity and to be safe, by providing information, advice and training for everything from charitable structures to funding. We have a comprehensive volunteering service. We support volunteer involving organisations with recruitment and volunteer support, and work with individuals to find them rewarding and uplifting volunteer opportunities. We also work with local charities and public sector bodies to promote volunteering for all. Our financial services social enterprise, Engage Finance, offers payroll, HR and financial services to individuals and organisations in Renfrewshire and beyond. Our space in Ferguslie Park is a community hub where we host training and networking opportunities as well as hosting other third sector organisations and charities. We are part of local community planning and actively support collaborative working with the public and private sectors to ensure that people and services are working together, in the most effective way possible. We support and advise many community agendas across Renfrewshire including Renfrewshire’s Health and Social Care Partnership, Local Employability Partnership, Future Paisley, RenSEN (Renfrewshire Social Enterprise Network), and Renfrewshire’s Youth Work Network.

Scott Cowan Mind Coach

scott cowan mind coach


I became a mindset coach in early 2019. Many people ask why or how I became a coach. I became a coach after one day I had a moment where I was sitting on my balcony and had the strangest feeling of looking around and thinking - how did I get here? So, at that moment I decided I had to look back at everything I had done to get to where I was. Like us all, I have faced adversity in my life. During my 32 years on earth, I had been through a very messy break-up that involved my son, I had been through grieving the loss of both my great-grandparents within 3 weeks of each other, I moved to a different country to find work, I ended up living in a hostel in a country I was unfamiliar with due to a relationship break up, I have suffered from depression, loneliness and I have even attempted to take my own life at one point. So, when I looked back over all these experiences in my life, I began to question how I managed to get through it all. After searching for a while and exploring everything I have been through, I realised that there was only one constant in every situation I had faced, and that was my mindset and how I looked at situations. Now, I'm so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and desires. I am passionate about helping as many people as I can to make a change in the world. I want to help create a world where everyone has a positive mindset, a go get it mindset and indestructible resilience. Why do I want this? As we all know mental health has rocketed in the last decade and unless we create bulletproof mindsets and indestructible resilience, the number will only increase. My goal is to help as many adults change their mindset so then they can pass that down to their children. Having a son myself, I am passionate about helping the children of today and our future generations in creating resilience and a positive mindset as helping to create this early as possible will not only benefit the children of today and the future it will help decrease the number of mental health issues we are currently facing across the globe.

The Orry Mill

the orry mill


The name ‘The Orry Mill’ refers to the open space in Eaglesham known as ‘The Orry’ (Old Scots for 'area') in which there are the remains of a cotton mill. The mill and the village were designed by Lord Alexander Eglinton, but built by his brother Archibald. The Eglinton family were responsible for a series of cotton mills and key agricultural developments throughout the late 18th and early 19th Century. The area of Busby, Eaglesham, Clarkston and Newton Mearns as small villages all had water powered cotton mills, and this drove the development of these villages, the buildings, geography and layout as we see it now. The Orry Mill was started simply to be a lovely wee shop that sought to share our love of crafting and colour with the local community. The shop was to be more than a retail outlet, a place to visit and spend time in, to leave having learnt something new, or to have found something that inspired you just a little bit. We wanted to have a shop that was full of colour, where you would be surrounded by quality vibrant yarn, yet also be a calming, inspiring and tactile place where we curate a range of lovely things for people to craft with, and to provide support and advice to create something at a pace that suits you. The wider benefits of crafting are a given to all those that are already passionate about it, and there is real-world evidence that taking time to craft and develop your practice, is beneficial to your health. It creates ‘head-space’ to reflect, focus and quiet the busy mind in our unsettled times. These deliberate pauses we carve out for ourselves can be nurturing for body and mind and if we can help to encourage and support creating the time, space, and tools to do that, then that would make us very happy indeed.