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274 Courses in Coventry

Growth Leadership Programme

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Workplace Innovation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE YOU A LEADER WHO WANTS TO ENHANCE YOUR TEAM’S ACCOUNTABILITY, ADAPTABILITY, RESILIENCE, AND WELL-BEING? Consider joining our newly launched Growth Leadership Programme: Workplace Innovation, subsided by Scottish Enterprise, which offers a unique approach to leadership development and workplace Innovation, emphasising Motivational Intelligence (MQ). Our programme will help you build on your leadership capabilities and confidence while creating a more innovative, productive, and fair workplace for employee development and growth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth Leadership: Workplace Innovation Leading with Motivational Intelligence (MQ) You’ll learn to: * Develop MQ leadership skills that encourage fair and innovative workplace practices and inclusive economic growth. * Increase engagement, innovation, and productivity among your team. * Enhance your strategic decision-making skills. * Build a resilient, agile, and change-driven team culture. * Identify and integrate organisational values into your workplace culture. * Create a successful business that is also a fair place to work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SESSION OVERVIEW Our comprehensive programme, consisting of eight engaging and insightful sessions, is meticulously crafted to provide a world-class education in Leadership, Workplace Innovation and Motivational Intelligence (MQ). We combine some of the most potent, powerful and cutting-edge research in workplace innovation, neuroscience and the most promising discoveries in cognitive and social psychology of the 20th century. 01 Self-Leadership and The Secret to Personal Success SESSION 1: SELF-LEADERSHIP AND THE SECRET TO PERSONAL SUCCESS THIS COMPREHENSIVE KICK-OFF SESSION DELVES INTO THE FOUNDATIONS OF SELF-LEADERSHIP AND PERSONAL SUCCESS. PARTICIPANTS WILL EXPLORE VARIOUS ASPECTS, FROM SETTING COURSE EXPECTATIONS AND CREATING A CONDUCIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT TO UNDERSTANDING MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND MANAGING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. THROUGH ESSENTIAL RESOURCES LIKE THE LEADERSHIP REFERENCE MANUAL AND ROADMAP WORKBOOK, MULTI-SENSORY PERCEPTION, AND SPACED REPETITION LEARNING TECHNIQUES, PARTICIPANTS WILL SOLIDIFY THEIR LEARNINGS AND ENHANCE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understand the critical role of self-leadership in personal and professional success and the impact of external and internal factors on performance * Develop strategies to optimise motivation, communication, and effectiveness within teams and organisations, leveraging diverse learning styles and adult learning techniques * Utilise essential resources like the Leadership Reference Manual and Roadmap Workbook for ongoing growth and development while implementing practical tools like the Start, Stop, Continue plan for self-reflection and improvement * Explore the power of adaptability, self-awareness, and resilience in navigating through challenging times and maintaining a positive mindset * Discover the importance of a positive mental diet, gratitude, and consistent small decisions that compound over time, leading to personal and professional growth 02 The Role of Intelligence in Leadership and Management SESSION 2: THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT IT'S TIME TO DELVE INTO MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS ROLE IN OUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIVES. IN THIS COMPREHENSIVE AND INTERACTIVE SESSION, PARTICIPANTS WILL EXPLORE THE MULTIFACETED ASPECTS OF INTELLIGENCE IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, FOCUSING ON IQ, EQ, AND MQ. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO CULTIVATE A GROWTH MINDSET AND MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE WITHIN THEMSELVES AND THEIR TEAMS, FOSTERING A CULTURE OF LEARNING AND RESILIENCE. THE SESSION WILL ALSO COVER THE IMPORTANCE OF CRAFTING A CLEAR VISION FOR THE TEAM OR ORGANISATION AND PROVIDE PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATING THE VISION TO INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understand the roles of IQ, EQ, and MQ in Leadership and management and their impact on individual and team performance * Develop strategies to improve your levels of intelligence and foster a growth mindset within individuals and teams * Discover the importance of vision in Leadership and management and learn to craft it using the WHERE (performance), HOW (perception), and WHY (purpose) perspectives * Gain insights into effectively communicating the vision to stakeholders, ensuring alignment, ownership, and motivation * Reflect on the role of a growth mindset and motivational intelligence in achieving the team's vision and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability 03 The Pillars of Human Performance: Unlocking Potential SESSION 3: THE PILLARS OF HUMAN PERFORMANCE: UNLOCKING UNLIMITED POTENTIAL DISCOVER THE KEYS TO UNLOCKING YOUR UNLIMITED POTENTIAL AND BECOMING A MORE EFFECTIVE LEADER IN THIS INTERACTIVE COURSE. THROUGH ENGAGING DISCUSSIONS AND SELF-REFLECTION, PARTICIPANTS WILL DIVE DEEP INTO UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, UNDERSTAND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN LEADERSHIP, AND LEARN TO OVERCOME CHALLENGES IN THEIR TEAMS OR BUSINESSES. PARTICIPANTS WILL GAIN INSIGHTS INTO THE CHARACTERISTICS OF INFLUENTIAL LEADERS, THE IMPORTANCE OF ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, AND THE VALUE OF EMBRACING FAILURE AS A PART OF SUCCESS. WITH A FOCUS ON PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH, THIS SESSION WILL EQUIP YOU WITH THE TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES TO BECOME A BETTER MANAGER AND LEADER. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understand the concept of unlimited potential and its importance in Leadership and personal growth * Identify personal and team visions, challenges, and the role of asking the right questions in gaining insights * Recognise the role of practice and reflection in transforming weaknesses into strengths * Explore the characteristics and impact of great leaders and learn how to apply these traits in your leadership style * Embrace the importance of failure as a crucial part of success and create a supportive environment for personal and team development 04 Defining Management and Vertical Alignment SESSION 4: DEFINING MANAGEMENT AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT IN THIS ENGAGING SESSION, PARTICIPANTS WILL DELVE INTO THE ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP AND DISCOVER HOW UNDERSTANDING THESE DISTINCTIONS CAN SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACT TEAM CULTURE AND PERFORMANCE. WE'LL EXAMINE COMMON MANAGEMENT MISTAKES AND THEIR EFFECTS, UNCOVER THE BEST PRACTICES OF EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT, AND DISCUSS THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND THE MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY. THIS INTERACTIVE SESSION WILL PROVIDE VALUABLE INSIGHTS AND ACTIONABLE STRATEGIES THAT CAN BE APPLIED TO PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE, HELPING PARTICIPANTS BECOME MORE EFFECTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL MANAGERS AND LEADERS. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Differentiating between management and Leadership: Gain a deeper understanding of how these concepts differ and their impact on team culture and performance * Identifying common management mistakes: Learn about these pitfalls and their consequences on team culture and performance and develop strategies to avoid them * Mastering the best practices of excellent management: Discover the five essential techniques to help you become a more effective manager * Developing management skills and understanding the management hierarchy: Enhance your ability to grow as a leader and manager * Embracing Ultimate Responsibility: Learn the importance of taking ownership and responsibility for your and your team's success and understand the role of motivational intelligence in achieving this 05 Workplace Innovation and High-Payoff Activities SESSION 5: WORKPLACE INNOVATION AND HIGH-PAYOFF ACTIVITIES N (JOB CRAFTING) THIS SESSION PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF THE CRITICAL PRINCIPLES OF WORKPLACE INNOVATION, JOB CRAFTING, PEOPLE LEADERSHIP, AND COACHING IN THE WORKPLACE. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN ABOUT JOB CRAFTING, OUR MQ WORKPLACE INNOVATION PROCESS, AND THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN MANAGING AND MONITORING PERFORMANCE IN THE WORKPLACE. BY ADOPTING A PROACTIVE AND CREATIVE APPROACH TO THEIR WORK, INDIVIDUALS CAN IMPROVE THEIR JOB SATISFACTION, CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR ORGANISATION'S SUCCESS, AND DRIVE ECONOMIC HEALTH FOR THE NATION. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understanding of Leadership in the job crafting innovative process * Skills in job crafting and workplace innovation * Knowledge of the critical role of Leadership in performance management * Techniques for effective coaching and positive feedback, through trust and mutual respect in the workplace * Helping individuals reflect on their role in the success of the team and company and developing a written plan to achieve their goals 06 Defining and Exploring Leadership SESSION 6: DEFINING AND EXPLORING LEADERSHIP IN THIS SESSION, WE WILL DEFINE AND EXPLORE THE ESSENCE OF LEADERSHIP, DISPELLING THE MYTHS AND PROVIDING A DEFINITION THAT WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE COURSE. WE WILL ALSO EXPLORE THE THREE-TIER HIERARCHY OF SUCCESS AND HOW LEADERS CAN INFLUENCE MQ (MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE) BY DOING FIVE THINGS CONSISTENTLY. AS A MANAGER OR LEADER, YOU MAY HAVE FOUND THAT YOUR TEAM'S SUCCESS IS NOT GUARANTEED EVEN WITH THE BEST PLANS, PROCESSES, AND STRATEGIES. THIS IS BECAUSE NOT ALL TEAM MEMBERS WILL ADOPT NEW IDEAS OR CHANGES UNLESS THEY FIRST BELIEVE THEY CAN ACHIEVE THE DESIRED OUTCOME. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understanding the essence of Leadership to provide an in-depth understanding of the essence of successful Leadership, dispelling the myths and providing a definition that will guide you through the course * Psychology of your team: Leaders understand that to achieve their goals, they need to focus on the psychology of their team * Power of questions in Leadership: Leaders can gain insight into the minds of their team members and unlock the key to motivating and developing them by asking the right questions * Explore the three-tier hierarchy of success and the importance of each level in determining a person's likelihood of success * Five things great leaders do each day to influence a culture of responsibility, consistently build esteem and confidence, and always work on coaching and mentoring employees 07 Building a Leadership Toolbox SESSION 7: BUILDING A LEADERSHIP TOOLBOX: TRUST & INSPIRATION FOSTERING ADAPTABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY, RESILIENCE, AND COURAGE, THIS STEP FOCUSES ON LEADERS' TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES TO PROMOTE GREATER TEAM ACCOUNTABILITY AND OWNERSHIP. IT STARTS TO DELVE INTO THE CRITICAL ROLE OF SELF-ESTEEM IN A PERSON'S MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ADAPTABILITY. WE ALSO EXPLORE HOW SELF-ESTEEM IS FORMED AND INFLUENCES A PERSON'S INTERPRETATION OF FEEDBACK. WE ALSO LOOK AT SELF-ESTEEM'S CRITICAL ROLE IN A PERSON'S MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ADAPTABILITY, EXAMINING HOW SELF-ESTEEM IS FORMED AND INFLUENCES A PERSON'S INTERPRETATION OF FEEDBACK. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Understanding the tools and techniques leaders can use to foster greater team accountability and ownership * Delving into the critical role of self-esteem in a person's motivational intelligence and adaptability * Exploring how self-esteem is formed and influences a person's interpretation of feedback * Examining the levels of self-esteem and associated behaviours of each group * Understanding the influence of comfort zones and tools leaders can use to help people overcome the fear of change 08 Developing a Healthy Perspective and Resilient Attitude SESSION 8: DEVELOPING A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE AND RESILIENT ATTITUDE THIS STEP EXPLORES HOW DEVELOPING A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE AND RESILIENT ATTITUDE IS CRUCIAL FOR SUCCESS AS A LEADER. IN THIS SESSION, WE WILL EXPLORE THE CRITICAL ROLE OF SELF-REFLECTION IN BUILDING MOTIVATION AND ADAPTABILITY. WE WILL EXAMINE HOW SELF-ESTEEM IS FORMED AND HOW IT INFLUENCES A PERSON'S INTERPRETATION OF FEEDBACK. WE WILL ALSO DELVE INTO THE LEVELS OF SELF-ESTEEM AND THE ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOURS OF EACH CLASS. WE WILL PROVIDE PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR CULTIVATING RESILIENCE AND ADAPTABILITY IN FACING CHALLENGES AND SETBACKS. THROUGH REFLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF YOUR MOMENTS OF SURPRISE, FRUSTRATION, AND FAILURE, YOU WILL DEVELOP A GROWTH MINDSET THAT FOSTERS CONTINUOUS LEARNING AND IMPROVEMENT. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES: * The critical role of self-reflection in building motivation and adaptability * How self-esteem is formed and influences a person's interpretation of feedback * The levels of self-esteem and the associated behaviours of each class * Strategies for cultivating resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges and setbacks * The influence of affirmations and tools leaders can use to help people overcome the fear of change

Growth Leadership Programme
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

10 Secrets to Writing a Business Administration Thesis That Stands Out


By The Academic Papers UK

There are multiple steps and proven strategies that will help you write your Business Administration thesis impressively.

10 Secrets to Writing a Business Administration Thesis That Stands Out
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Professional Customer Care

By Dickson Training Ltd

Any team member with Customer interaction (including internal) are the 'Ambassadors' of the company/organisation. If they project positive professionalism - they win others' confidence. If they appear or sound like they are in any way indifferent or unprofessional - they will cost sales and lose clients/customers. With this 2 day Training course, that will be tailored to your company/organisation, each person attending will upgrade their professional standards in people skills, telephone manner and email etiquette. No training in this area may well be a false economy as there is a much greater risk of disenfranchised customers and team members - and probably increases your competitors to win business at your expense. Professional customer care is all too frequently regarded as a token issue in most induction sessions for employees. Surprisingly it is very rarely considered as a key priority, despite being essential for ensuring customer commitment is secure and supplier/partnerships are robust. Excellent customer care is paramount in our ever increasingly competitive market and making customers feel valued and looked after is often a differentiator. This 2-day course will help you understand your customers and the vital importance of customer care in any organisation. You will gain the tools and techniques to apply your learning directly back into the workplace and deliver excellent customer care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Syllabus The syllabus of the Professional Customer Care course is comprised of four modules, covering the following: Module One What is Excellent Customer Care? * Internal versus external customers * Why customer care is important * Meeting customer expectations Module Two Making a Personal Difference * How do you measure customer care? * Making a difference * Taking ownership * Positive mental attitude * Displaying professionalism both face-to-face and over the telephone * Using positive language Module Three Gathering Information and Offering Solutions * Asking the right questions * Active listening skills * Summarising and clarifying skills Module Four * Dealing with Difficult Situations * How to give a 'service' no * Demonstrating empathy * Assertiveness techniques * Handling a complaint * Problem solving * Saying 'sorry' * Making realistic promises and keeping them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Play Scenarios with a Professional Actor (Optional Extra) This programme benefits significantly from our innovative training feature: Real Play. Using a professional actor who performs role plays as different customer characters in carefully devised situations, the delegates have the opportunity to 'pause' the role play to coach and control their character to improve their skill sets and practice the theory delivered. These scenarios can deal with difficult situations and enacting options to ensure good customer relations are intact. The outcome of the scenario is the responsibility of the delegates, not the trainer and actor. The actor will remain in character throughout the de-brief in order to bring to life the impact and possible next steps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives By the end of the course participants will be able to * Adopt a professional telephone manner * Communicate assertively by taking control and directing the conversation * Deliver information positively by offering options and alternatives * Develop a range of versatile behaviours to use when dealing with difficult situations by: * Listening actively * Using empathy * Gathering relevant information through effective questioning * Finding solutions to concerns/problems quickly and efficiently * Speaking positively and assertively -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS THE BENEFIT? For individuals this course will increase confidence and ability to deal with customers in all situations, which will in turn create customer loyalty and raise their profile. For an employer, ensuring that all customer facing employees are demonstrating excellent customer care instils confidence in the customers and promotes a positive image of the company. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-HOUSE COURSES Every single team member or employee that has a role which involves engaging with a customer, client and/or a key partner/supplier has a responsibility for projecting a positive image of the organisation which they represent. That may sound obvious, but how many hundreds of experiences have you had as a customer where you were treated with indifference and a distinct lack of professionalism by the receptionist, the retail assistant, the tele-agent, the delivery person, the credit controller or the departmental manager of the operation that you were dealing with? Far too many to count? This is because professional customer care is regarded as a token issue in most induction sessions for employees - and it is very rarely considered as a key priority to ensure customer commitment is secure and supplier/partnerships are robust. Yet the hugely expensive churn in customer/client commitments and staff is enormously expensive and immensely disruptive to any organisation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS Every client/customer engaging person needs to recognise that it is ultimately the client or customer that pays their wages. If they gain a basic understanding of the clients' motivations and behaviours, coupled with some core skills in how to care for them, they will attain the status of 'professional'. This will very quickly translate into increased revenues, retained loyalty, high commitment and far greater security for all parties. The foundation has to be based on the authentic commitment to both the customer and also to the organisation they work for. Disenfranchisement readily curdles into sloppy behaviours cloaked in unprofessional attitudes and demeanours; plenty there to repel the most loyal of customers. If your company or organisation relies on repeat business and retaining the confidence and commitment of your clients, then all of your team members - perhaps including managers who set the example and have the biggest influence on the where the needle points to in relation to professionalism - need to be trained on the core basics of professional customer care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAMMES FROM DICKSON TRAINING LTD We are delighted to boast about the many successes we have had in providing effective and long lasting improvements for many clients, where awards have been won and, more importantly, talent has been retained because their clients and customers keep on coming back. Professional customer care extends to suppliers and partners that you value and need to get the best service and rates from, as well as any 'internal clients' such as other departments where you need to rely on their support and collaboration in order to achieve your goals. It is amazing what effective professional customer care training can do for any organisation. Without it your organisation may be vulnerable, with it you are much more likely to see increased performances and much greater security and growth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Professional Customer Care
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Team Building & Team Development

By Dickson Training Ltd

Our Team Building Programmes are 'simply excellent' (quote from Unilever). They always deliver much greater energy' motivation and efficiently accelerates to a galvanised, integrated team for their Manager/Team Leader. They're great fun and very commercially orientated - the best of both key elements to a successful and long-lasting high performance team. A successful company is always made up of successful teams. Teams that can work autonomously with a clearly defined set of goals, roles, vision, responsibility and culture will always reach for and achieve far greater success than a team that works just as a group of individuals. Our team building solutions are individually built and geared towards teams at any level within an organisation, providing an independent and objective perspective to promote a common purpose such as the creation of a 'high performance team'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT WITH THE OLD Traditionally, team building events have been restricted to certain levels of management where they head off site for a bit of archery, quad biking and paintballing or something along those lines. Then over some coffee and cocktails, business plans and more efficient ways to work are casually discussed. Whilst being out having fun instead of being at work may improve an individual person's mood, the effect will only be short-term, and will not go far in creating permanent and cohesive teams who are able to overcome challenges together and drive the business forward when back in the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN WITH THE NEW Today's business thinking is more strategic and certainly has to look for returns on the investment. That is why Dickson Training Ltd's team building programmes are bespoke and built to your requirements through research, understanding your business and, most importantly, what results and achievements you are looking to get out of the programme. Once "what success looks like" has been established, we create tasks and activities that will test your leadership, problem solving, communication and team work skills. When the tasks have been completed, the learning - both practical and theory - is debriefed to the group as well as how it will translate back in your business. Not only are our events great fun, but they provide participants with learning points they can act upon to improve or enhance the working practices/environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM BUILDING THAT GETS RESULTS We have a highly innovative team who design team builds to suit all budgets and time or space restrictions. Large or small, we will develop the perfect event to meet your commercial objectives, keeping in line with your values and company culture. More recently we have combined team galvanising events with ways to engage the participants with and support their local communities. This solution has proved extremely popular with our clients and we are continuing to develop more and more programmes doing exactly this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Phil did everything in a very professional and focused manner, without losing sight of the overall aims or having 'fun'. When I moved to Airbus UK and subsequently European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), I had no hesitation in recommending Phil and the team to deliver the required training and team events.  Without doubt Phil and his team are excellent providers of training, to suit even bespoke requirements, and I would not hesitate in recommending the team to any business in the future. " Glenn Brown, Systems & Expertise Manager, Airbus Personnel Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGMENTED SKILLS – AN ESSAY BY PHIL DICKSON All of you, who are reading this, and all the people you meet and work with will have – ‘Augmented Skills’. So – if you are an IT Engineer or a Pharmacist; perhaps you are, or know, a Departmental Leader and you work with a Logistics Project Manager; these roles will demand core skills, whether they be technical know-how or qualifications in the discipline. But to be that bit better; more reliable; more effective & productive and therefore more valuable and, frankly, marketable – capitalizing on ‘Augment Skills’ comes into play. The I T Engineer who was a Chess Champion at Uni, which would indicate that they possess some key ‘Augmented skills’ including how they plan 3 steps ahead and are always prepared for the unexpected. The Pharmacist, who is a keen sportsperson in their private life, will likely be tenacious, team-orientated and disciplined – again these are superb qualities to have in this – or any – role. Your colleagues, as well as yourself, will have ‘Augmented Skills’ that will be an asset if only they are explored and applied to their role and indeed, career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN 'SUPER-POWER' If they love gardening, they are probably strategic, patient and inclined to research; if they cook or bake, they are usually well organized and comfortable with multi-tasking. A big reader will tend to be considered and possess good critical thinking faculties, and an amateur mechanic or keen DIY person will often be practical, resourceful and very determined. I have observed that many new Parents discover they have ‘Augmented Skills’ they didn’t know they had... such as getting order out of chaos and displaying industrial amounts of patience and good grace when they really do not feel like it. They very often become far more compassionate and empathetic. Most people have their very own ‘Superpower’. Invite your team members to offer their ‘Augmented Skills’ to your work-place – and just watch as it elevates the motivation levels and improves results. It’ll be very rewarding for all concerned – and for meeting the Team’s objectives, to encourage the person who is a talented artist to be a sounding board on some of the marketing imagery and layouts; for the team member who is great at Maths or resolving crosswords to be asked for their input to solving a problem that is causing logistical or operational headaches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXPLOIT A TEAM MEMBER’S UNIQUE SPECIAL SKILLS AT THEIR EXPENSE I would like to stress, however, that it must never be an area where a team member gets exploited by harvesting their unique special skills to coerce them into taking on greater responsibilities and tasks without providing them with the commensurate salary and status. To do so would be immoral and, ultimately, counter-productive as it would lead to resentment and disenfranchisement. This is about encouraging people’s capability and inviting their input to boost confidence and enhance the team’s capability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFTEN, WE NEED TO BE MORE THAN WHAT OUR JOB DESCRIPTION SAYS It is also important to highlight that whatever a person’s role or function is – they will definitely need to have additional capabilities to be effective. The best example of this is when we designed and delivered a range of ‘Advanced Customer Care skills’ training sessions for the Met Office a few years ago…we met so many remarkably super-bright Meteorologists, many of whom were having to make significant adjustments to answering questions from Customers that seemed to be illogical and often, obtuse. It wasn’t enough for these Meteorologists to be highly skilled at interpreting data and identifying patterns – they needed ‘Augmented skills’ to make that information accessible to members of the public (and Council workers and Air Traffic controllers and Shipping agents) and many other people, as to what that particular weather system was going to be like in their area and at what time. They have to know how to ‘de-jargonise’ the material and provide succinct, clear, and yet temperate, descriptions without ever appearing exasperated, impatient or judgmental in response to sometimes quite silly questions. For a highly trained scientist – that can be counter-intuitive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEING PHILOSOPHICAL... AND A WEE BIT PRETENTIOUS At the risk of being a little Philosophical (and probably a wee bit pretentious) – in my own role of Trainer – my core skills have to include – being a very good communicator, an active listener and have innovative and engaging ways to convert an idea, or a model, into practical application that my Delegates and Clients gain tangible benefits from. This is how it applies to me... I really enjoy composing short, light classical-style piano pieces. Now, to do this well, you need to be able to find a transition from one chord or melody to a different theme or key. It has to be worked out very carefully to have incremental transitions and pleasant-sounding developments as the piece unfolds. I think I have become better at this as I have honed my skills as a composer. But I have realized that these very same skills have ‘Augmented’ my ability to help a Manager, or a Team, move from a state of conflict; tension; disfunction; disenfranchisement; lack of confidence to a place that is more harmonious with far greater productivity. The very same process of careful listening, considering options, taking well-considered steps, having a creative, sometimes brave, move towards a resolution are at play in both Training and Piano Compositions! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Team Building & Team Development
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Online Options

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HV & MV Power System Design, Protection & Coordination - Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Enhance your expertise in HV/MV power system design and protection coordination with EnergyEdge's virtual instructor-led training. Join now!

HV & MV Power System Design, Protection & Coordination - Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)
Delivered Online5 days, Jul 8th, 00:30
£1899 to £1999



By London Waterloo Academy

This 18 weeks Virtual Airline Cabin Crew course delivered via Zoom. Lessons scheduled for once a week, evenings from 6:30pm to 9pm. 98% Employment rate after completion of the course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Airline Cabin Crew which is also known as Air Hostess, Flight Attendant and Stewardess course – Join your lesson from wherever you are.  This intensive 18 weeks Virtual Airline Cabin Crew course designed for candidates who wish to: Travel the world and be paid for it Work in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere, 5000 metres above the sea level Build a global network This glamourous and exciting job requires lots of training and energy. Behind the beautiful smile of each flight attendant, stands a highly trained and skilled person who can deal with unforeseen situations on board.  98% Employment rate after completion of the course.   How will you learn? Apart of our traditional class-based tuition, we also offer Virtual Learning courses. On our Virtual (live stream via Zoom) lessons, we provide the same quality of tuition as in the classroom. You only need a laptop, PC or tablet with either built in (or external) camera and microphone. The virtual platform is very interactive with a sense of real classroom at the Academy. You will study from the comfort of your own home and communicate with your tutor and classmates via video chat (by using your phone or computer camera) and you will receive outstanding tuition, qualification, and certification. We provide A-Z guidance starting from before and after the course. Your tutor will guide you through the online course to graduation which you will be welcome to attend. What a joy it would be to meet your tutor and classmates in real life!! You will have: According to the timetable- 1 lesson per week for 18 consecutive weeks. Exams and final exam based on which the certificate will be issued. On successful completion you will hold: Airline Cabin Crew certificate in Current Airline Training Standards and Equipment. Individual support on the journey from the course to a job placement Receive constant updates on recruitment and news from Aviation the world We will enhance your CV Full support on your job application process Gain an insight into the airline selection process and final one-to-one interview What is Flight Attendant? Flight attendant/Airline Cabin Crew/Stewardess/Air Hostess are the most visible, glamorous jobs of all airline employees. A Flight Attendant is someone whose primary duty is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during a flight. They are members of an aircrew team , who operate a commercial, business or even military aircraft while travelling domestically or internationally.  Flight Attendant benefits: * Getting paid for travelling the world * Lifestyle * Flexible Work Schedules * Meeting Interesting People * Free Food & Accommodation * Excellent Compensation * The uniforms * Working Environment How to become successful Flight Attendant job candidate? [https://waterlooacademy.co.uk/airline-cabin-crew-course-career-progression-with-london-waterloo-academy/]Our Aviation Team understands each candidate who wish to become Airline Cabin Crew or start a career in Aviation. Airline companies look for individuals who share their values and can act as ambassadors for the company’s brand. Cabin Crew are the face of the airline company which means they deliver a fantastic service that makes airline world famous. Airline companies prefer candidates with knowledge of Cabin Crew role. Airline companies have selection day or online tests as a first stage of recruitment, after which, they will take a closer look at applicants CV, skills and experience. If you completed Airline Cabin Crew course, your application will stand out and you can get an offer from the first round.  Student – Cabin Crew Flying Support Group As a market leading Airline Cabin Crew Training Company with a wealth of experience in Aviation and recruitment, we constantly upgrading our course and going extra nautical mile to guide and support all our students to ensure they can reach their goals. Graduates who are already flying, offer their full support to us and new students. They share an insight of the airline they already fly with, and help new students through the process of joining them at that airline. It gives a flying start to a career to new learners.  Why London Waterloo Academy? [https://waterlooacademy.co.uk/airline-cabin-crew-course-career-progression-with-london-waterloo-academy/] * Top Airline Cabin Crew course provider in London * 98% Employment rate after completion of the course * With years of experience in Airline Cabin Crew industry, London Waterloo Academy has been recognised by major TV, radio channels who have invited our Aviation Team for expert advice or interview. * We are recognised by major airline companies in Europe and overseas who have approached London Waterloo Academy to deliver internal cabin crew training, corporate training and to recruit our graduates as a result of their high qualification standards and knowledge. * Our graduates are now flying with Etihad, Saudi Air, Hainan Airlines, Small Planet, British Airways, Qatar, EasyJet, Thomas Cook, Ryanair, Cubana de Aviación, Air France,Titan, Norwegian B737 Short Haul and many more. * The vast global experience of our instructors * This course has been developed in accordance with EASA PART-CC   Working together – Starting a new career isn’t easy and often it can seem like a lonely and impossible process. Our Aviation Department stays behind each learner, supporting every step of the way, we give you all the tools, skills and assistance you need to succeed. Our success, built on the success of our students and a long list of graduates with successful stories. Course Entry Requirements: English Language at B2 (CEFR) level or above. There are no other special requirements for this Airline Cabin Crew course. We will teach you from scratch and support after the course when applying for the job. This course has been developed for all candidates, independent of their background, wishing to start a new career.  Dates (choose one for your  course): 14 March 2024 – 11 July 2024, Thursday classes 10 June 2024 – 7 October 2024, Monday classes 17 September 2024 – 14 January 2025, Tuesday classes 18 November 2024 – 17 March 2025, Monday classes Course duration – 18 weeks Classes – once a week Lesson Time – 6:30pm to 9pm – GMT (London time) Course fee – £529 (we offer flexible payment plan and accept weekly instalments) Registration fee – £300  (includes: examination,  Airline Cabin Crew certificate in Current Airline Training Standards and Equipment)    

Delivered Online2 hours 30 minutes, Jul 8th, 17:30 + 49 more
£300 to £529

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring

By Dickson Training Ltd

Based on our extensive work and experience with leaders, both in the private and public sectors, this ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring programme has been designed to develop the capability of leaders to positively impact the performance of individuals and teams. We are experts at unlocking peak performance. Coaching and mentoring improves relationships, performance and engagement. This programme has been created to sharpen a leader's skills - enabling them to balance control, commitment and empowerment through productive conversations with individuals and teams. Scroll down to find out more about this ILM Level 5 qualification, or use the buttons below to jump straight to the scheduled course dates and prices. All of our ILM Programmes are provided in partnership with The BCF Group, which is the ILM Approved Centre we deliver under. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE SYLLABUS The syllabus of the ILM Level 5 Qualification in Business Coaching and Mentoring is comprised of six modules, covering the following: MODULE ONE INTRODUCTION * 1.1) Explore the myths * 1.2) What is coaching and mentoring? * 1.3) What is business coaching? * 1.4) Thoughts and perceptions * 1.5) 7 competencies of a coach * 1.6) Definitions - Mentoring / Consulting / Coaching / Therapy / Counseling MODULE TWO MODELS AND PRACTICE * 2.1) The Wheel of Life * 2.2) Johari's Window * 2.3) KASH - Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits of an effective coach * 2.4) STAR / GROW model * 2.5) Effective use of Paradigm cards * 2.6) Practice and feedback MODULE THREE BUILDING THE RELATIONSHIP * 3.1) Self-management * 3.2) How motivation works * 3.3) Personality & behavioural traits * 3.4) Rapport and trust MODULE FOUR COMMUNICATION AND PRACTICE * 4.1) Non-verbal communication * 4.2) Effective communication * 4.3) Questioning through 2nd/3rd/4th level questioning * 4.4) Building a bank of coaching questions * 4.5) Practice and feedback MODULE FIVE STRUCTURE * 5.1) Introduction * 5.2) The coaching cycle * 5.3) How to give feedback * 5.4) The COMET model * 5.5) Executive coaching * 5.6) Psychometrics * 5.7) Closing the coaching session MODULE SIX WELL-FORMED OUTCOMES * 6.1) Challenge and focus steps * 6.2) Coaching goals * 6.3) Establishing the gap analysis * 6.4) Using diagnostic tools * 6.5) SMART objectives * 6.6) Designing & planning focus steps * 6.7) Gaining commitment * 6.8) Practice and feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS IT FOR? Business coaching is the skill to have in today's rapidly changing business climate. People and team development through business coaching is fast, efficient and cost effective, and will get you measurable results. The ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring are highly accessible and have been designed for all tiers of director, management and supervisory level, or indeed anyone involved in people development. With a business-relevant, tried-and-tested approach, we encourage participants to bring live business issues and case histories with them on the course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCREDITATION Upon completion of this programme all attendees will receive the 'ILM Endorsed Programme in Business Coaching & Mentoring' certificate. Participants will also be eligible to receive ILM letters after their name; either AMInstLM (Affiliate/Associate Member Institute Leadership & Management) or MInstLM (Member Institute Leadership & Management). As with all ILM Accredited Programmes, participants will need to complete the post-programme activity in order to achieve their full 'ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring in Management' certificate. These elements have been designed in order to show to the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) that you are able to put the skills and techniques learned on the programme into practice. Full support and guidance is provided for completing these final elements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED ACTIVITIES PRE-COURSE We ask you to come prepared with issues which you are currently experiencing that you would be happy to discuss and be coached on. We also send out a short document containing questions and exercises which will help our coaches understand you better and work with you in order to receive the best training. POST-COURSE To achieve this ILM qualification, participants will have to complete the following post-course activities: 3 x work-based assignments need to be completed within 1 year from attendance and registration. Embedded in the assignments, the Certificate will require delegates to complete 18 hours of coaching or mentoring activity with 2-3 people. The Diploma will require delegates to complete 54 hours of coaching or mentoring with 4-9 people. Tutor guided learning will take on the format of book and video reviews with ongoing tutor guidance and support via phone, Skype or face-to-face. Optional: Self-initiated 2 x 45 min executive coaching sessions per delegate to offer a coaching best practice view. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE MATERIAL Each participant will be issued with a workbook to assist them both during and after the course, which will contain information, guidance and forms to assist with the coaching sessions. Participants will also complete a Paradigm psychometric report [https://www.dicksontraining.com/paradigm-psychometrics/index.php] and receive a year's membership with the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-HOUSE & CLASSROOM COURSES AVAILABLE ONLINE We have developed an alternative to traditional face-to-face training that continues to provide a full learning experience, and allows delegates to learn effectively whilst self-isolating from home. This is how it looks: Delegates booked on Classroom and In-House courses will continue to have access to their trainer online throughout the days that the course is booked to run. Prior to a delegate's course start date, they will be enrolled on our e-learning platform (in partnership with BCF Group [https://www.thebcfgroup.co.uk/business-coaching/ilm-level-5-business-coaching-and-mentoring.php]) for the course they are booked on to. They will also be given contact information for their trainer, and details of how to access the online workshops. Delegates will not require any special IT equipment. A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or a mobile phone with internet and audio capability is all that is required. Delegates taking ILM Qualifications will then proceed to the book review, video review and work based assignments with 12 months tutor support as appropriate, and in line with our previous arrangements. We hope you agree that this blended learning experience represents the safest way to continue supporting our clients and delegates during the Coronavirus disruption. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES CLASSROOM COURSE - NOTTINGHAM (NG12 4DG) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. In addition to the 2 days in the classroom, delegates will need to undertake self-directed learning and 3 work-based assignments. As a guide, this is estimated to take 3 hours per week for 12 months. Diploma: £2,195 + vat | Certificate: £1,895 + vat * 03-04 October 2023 * 22-23 February 2024 CLASSROOM COURSE - READING (RG41 5QS) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. In addition to the 2 days in the classroom, delegates will need to undertake self-directed learning and 3 work-based assignments. As a guide, this is estimated to take 3 hours per week for 12 months. Diploma: £2,195 + vat | Certificate: £1,895 + vat * 14-15 September 2023 * 14-15 December 2023 * 14-15 March 2024 ZOOM™ COURSE Attending a course via Zoom videoconferencing gives you all of the benefits of classroom training without the need to leave your home or office. You still benefit from a real tutor facilitating the programme, and the content is exactly the same. The only difference is that we split the course into four half-day sessions to make it easier on your eyes! Diploma: £1,795 + vat | Certificate: £1,495 + vat * September 2023 - 25th Sep (morning), 25th Sep (afternoon), 26th Sep (morning), 26th Sep (afternoon) * November 2023 - 6th Nov (morning), 6th Nov (afternoon), 7th Nov (morning), 7th Nov (afternoon) * January 2024 - 11th Jan (morning), 11th Jan (afternoon), 12th Jan (morning), 12th Jan (afternoon) * March 2024 - 11th Mar (morning), 11th Mar (afternoon), 12th Mar (morning), 12th Mar (afternoon) * May 2024 - 14th May (morning), 14th May (afternoon), 15th May (morning), 15th May (afternoon) * July 2024 - 9th Jul (morning), 9th Jul (afternoon), 10th Jul (morning), 10th Jul (afternoon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DICKSON TRAINING LTD Founded in 1985 in Yorkshire, we have built an impressive and loyal client base. Our partnerships are built by consistently delivering outstanding development solutions and working in close collaboration with our clients, resulting in us becoming a leading UK and international training provider.

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring
Delivered Online or in Nottingham + 1 more locationsTwo days, Jul 9th, 08:00 + 7 more
£1495 to £2195

Advanced Visualization with Power BI (AVIAD)

By Online Productivity Training

OVERVIEW Prerequisites—DIAD training or equivalent working experience This one-day course will cover Power BI report layouts and structure the agile process to creating Power BI data visualizations. It will help attendees to understand the art behind visualizations, the implications behind choosing the right charts, the impact of color, shape, and size, and finally the use of Power BI custom visuals. The course includes various design patterns of dashboards and reports, as well as best practices for authoring great reports and dashboards for business users. The course content is managed by the Power BI engineering team at Microsoft. There is no exam associated with the course. COURSE BENEFITS: * Understand the need for storytelling with data * Understand the agile process to creating Power BI data visualizations * Understand the art behind visualizations * Gain familiarity with Power BI report layouts and structure * Understand implications behind choosing the right charts * Gain familiarity with using Power BI custom visuals WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? * Power BI report developers who wish to improve the aesthetic quality of their reports * Power BI and other BI practitioners who would like to understand more about the theory of data visualization * BI practitioners who wish to create reports that communicate the meaning behind the data more clearly * Power BI users who would like to explore the types of chart and visual available that answer different types of business question COURSE OUTLINE Module 1 What Is Storytelling With Data? * Volume, Velocity and Variety * The importance of business questions * What is a story in this context? Module 2 The Science Behind Data Visualization * Basic problems to avoid * Memory and visualization * Ways to spark iconic, short-term and long-term memory Module 3 The Process Behind Data Visualization * Using an agile approach to report development * Data structure and data grain * Converting the story to a data model Module 4 Dashboards And Reports * Terminology and definitions * Dashboard layout and structure * Report layout and structure * Storyboarding * Drill-through, bookmarks, toggles and tooltips Module 5 Chart Selection * Charts for comparison * Time series * Proportions * Constructing effective tables, cards and slicers * Scatterplots Module 6 Accessibility And Custom Visuals * Report accessibility checklists * Custom visuals * Creating a custom R visual * Charticulator Module 7 Publishing And Formatting * Colour schemes * Making a Power BI theme * Use of fonts, icons and symbols * Sizing dashboard and report tiles * Sparklines, hyperlinks and images Module 8 Report Authoring - Best Practices * Design thought process * The audience * Defining the platform environment * The user experience * Visualization * Implementation and testing * Optimization Module 9 Dashboard And Goals Design * Tips and tricks * Best practices for dashboard design * Tracking business metrics with goals

Advanced Visualization with Power BI (AVIAD)
Delivered OnlineFull day, Jul 11th, 08:00

Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP)

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is intended for experienced IT security-related practitioners, auditors, consultants, investigators, or instructors, including network or security analysts and engineers, network administrators, information security specialists, and risk management professionals, who are pursuing CISSP training and certification to acquire the credibility and mobility to advance within their current computer security careers or to migrate to a related career. Through the study of all eight CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains, students will validate their knowledge by meeting the necessary preparation requirements to qualify to sit for the CISSP certification exam. Additional CISSP certification requirements include a minimum of five years of direct professional work experience in two or more fields related to the eight CBK security domains, or a college degree and four years of experience. Overview #NAME? In this course, students will expand upon their knowledge by addressing the essential elements of the 8 domains that comprise a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)© for information systems security professionals. Prerequisites * CompTIA Network+ Certification 1 - SECURITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT * Security Governance Principles * Compliance * Professional Ethics * Security Documentation * Risk Management * Threat Modeling * Business Continuity Plan Fundamentals * Acquisition Strategy and Practice * Personnel Security Policies * Security Awareness and Training 2 - ASSET SECURITY * Asset Classification * Privacy Protection * Asset Retention * Data Security Controls * Secure Data Handling 3 - SECURITY ENGINEERING * Security in the Engineering Lifecycle * System Component Security * Security Models * Controls and Countermeasures in Enterprise Security * Information System Security Capabilities * Design and Architecture Vulnerability Mitigation * Vulnerability Mitigation in Embedded, Mobile, and Web-Based Systems * Cryptography Concepts * Cryptography Techniques * Site and Facility Design for Physical Security * Physical Security Implementation in Sites and Facilities 4 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT GOALS * Organizational Security * The Application of Security Concepts 5 - INFORMATION SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT * Information Classification * Security Program Development 6 - RISK MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS * Risk Management * Ethics 7 - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY * Software Configuration Management * Software Controls * Database System Security 8 - CRYPTOGRAPHY * Ciphers and Cryptography * Symmetric-Key Cryptography * Asymmetric-Key Cryptography * Hashing and Message Digests * Email, Internet, and Wireless Security * Cryptographic Weaknesses 9 - PHYSICAL SECURITY * Physical Access Control * Physical Access Monitoring * Physical Security Methods * Facilities Security

Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP)
Delivered Online6 days, Jul 15th, 13:00 + 7 more

MS-102T00 Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is designed for persons aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Administrator role and have completed at least one of the Microsoft 365 role-based administrator certification paths. This course covers the following key elements of Microsoft 365 administration: Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, and Microsoft 365 security and compliance. In Microsoft 365 tenant management, you learn how to configure your Microsoft 365 tenant, including your organizational profile, tenant subscription options, component services, user accounts and licenses, security groups, and administrative roles. You then transition to configuring Microsoft 365, with a primary focus on configuring Office client connectivity. Finally, you explore how to manage user-driven client installations of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise deployments. The course then transitions to an in-depth examination of Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, with a focus on Microsoft Entra Connect and Connect Cloud Sync. You learn how to plan for and implement each of these directory synchronization options, how to manage synchronized identities, and how to implement password management in Microsoft 365 using multifactor authentication and self-service password management. In Microsoft 365 security management, you begin examining the common types of threat vectors and data breaches facing organizations today. You then learn how Microsoft 365?s security solutions address each of these threats. You are introduced to the Microsoft Secure Score, as well as to Microsoft Entra ID Protection. You then learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 security services, including Exchange Online Protection, Safe Attachments, and Safe Links. Finally, you are introduced to the various reports that monitor an organization?s security health. You then transition from security services to threat intelligence; specifically, using Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Once you have this understanding of Microsoft 365?s security suite, you then examine the key components of Microsoft 365 compliance management. This begins with an overview of all key aspects of data governance, including data archiving and retention, Microsoft Purview message encryption, and data loss prevention (DLP). You then delve deeper into archiving and retention, paying particular attention to Microsoft Purview insider risk management, information barriers, and DLP policies. You then examine how to implement these compliance features by using data classification and sensitivity labels. Prerequisites * Completed a role-based administrator course such as Messaging, Teamwork, Security, Compliance, or Collaboration. * A proficient understanding of DNS and basic functional experience with Microsoft 365 services. * A proficient understanding of general IT practices. * A working knowledge of PowerShell. 1 - CONFIGURE YOUR MICROSOFT 365 EXPERIENCE * Explore your Microsoft 365 cloud environment * Configure your Microsoft 365 organizational profile * Manage your tenant subscriptions in Microsoft 365 * Integrate Microsoft 365 with customer engagement apps * Complete your tenant configuration in Microsoft 365 2 - MANAGE USERS, LICENSES, AND MAIL CONTACTS IN MICROSOFT 365 * Determine the user identity model for your organization * Create user accounts in Microsoft 365 * Manage user account settings in Microsoft 365 * Manage user licenses in Microsoft 365 * Recover deleted user accounts in Microsoft 365 * Perform bulk user maintenance in Microsoft Entra ID * Create and manage guest users * Create and manage mail contacts 3 - MANAGE GROUPS IN MICROSOFT 365 * Examine groups in Microsoft 365 * Create and manage groups in Microsoft 365 * Create dynamic groups using Azure rule builder * Create a Microsoft 365 group naming policy * Create groups in Exchange Online and SharePoint Online 4 - ADD A CUSTOM DOMAIN IN MICROSOFT 365 * Plan a custom domain for your Microsoft 365 deployment * Plan the DNS zones for a custom domain * Plan the DNS record requirements for a custom domain * Create a custom domain in Microsoft 365 5 - CONFIGURE CLIENT CONNECTIVITY TO MICROSOFT 365 * Examine how automatic client configuration works * Explore the DNS records required for client configuration * Configure Outlook clients * Troubleshoot client connectivity 6 - CONFIGURE ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES IN MICROSOFT 365 * Explore the Microsoft 365 permission model * Explore the Microsoft 365 admin roles * Assign admin roles to users in Microsoft 365 * Delegate admin roles to partners * Manage permissions using administrative units in Microsoft Entra ID * Elevate privileges using Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management * Examine best practices when configuring administrative roles 7 - MANAGE TENANT HEALTH AND SERVICES IN MICROSOFT 365 * Monitor the health of your Microsoft 365 services * Monitor tenant health using Microsoft 365 Adoption Score * Monitor tenant health using Microsoft 365 usage analytics * Develop an incident response plan * Request assistance from Microsoft 8 - DEPLOY MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR ENTERPRISE * Explore Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise functionality * Explore your app compatibility by using the Readiness Toolkit * Complete a self-service installation of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise * Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise with Microsoft Configuration Manager * Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise from the cloud * Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise from a local source * Manage updates to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise * Explore the update channels for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise * Manage your cloud apps using the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center 9 - ANALYZE YOUR MICROSOFT 365 WORKPLACE DATA USING MICROSOFT VIVA INSIGHTS * Examine the analytical features of Microsoft Viva Insights * Explore Personal insights * Explore Team insights * Explore Organization insights * Explore Advanced insights 10 - EXPLORE IDENTITY SYNCHRONIZATION * Examine identity models for Microsoft 365 * Examine authentication options for the hybrid identity model * Explore directory synchronization 11 - PREPARE FOR IDENTITY SYNCHRONIZATION TO MICROSOFT 365 * Plan your Microsoft Entra deployment * Prepare for directory synchronization * Choose your directory synchronization tool * Plan for directory synchronization using Microsoft Entra Connect * Plan for directory synchronization using Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync 12 - IMPLEMENT DIRECTORY SYNCHRONIZATION TOOLS * Configure Microsoft Entra Connect prerequisites * Configure Microsoft Entra Connect * Monitor synchronization services using Microsoft Entra Connect Health * Configure Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync prerequisites * Configure Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync 13 - MANAGE SYNCHRONIZED IDENTITIES * Manage users with directory synchronization * Manage groups with directory synchronization * Use Microsoft Entra Connect Sync Security Groups to help maintain directory synchronization * Configure object filters for directory synchronization * Explore Microsoft Identity Manager * Troubleshoot directory synchronization 14 - MANAGE SECURE USER ACCESS IN MICROSOFT 365 * Manage user passwords * Enable pass-through authentication * Enable multifactor authentication * Enable passwordless sign-in with Microsoft Authenticator * Explore self-service password management * Explore Windows Hello for Business * Implement Microsoft Entra Smart Lockout * Implement conditional access policies * Explore Security Defaults in Microsoft Entra ID * Investigate authentication issues using sign-in logs 15 - EXAMINE THREAT VECTORS AND DATA BREACHES * Explore today's work and threat landscape * Examine how phishing retrieves sensitive information * Examine how spoofing deceives users and compromises data security * Compare spam and malware * Examine account breaches * Examine elevation of privilege attacks * Examine how data exfiltration moves data out of your tenant * Examine how attackers delete data from your tenant * Examine how data spillage exposes data outside your tenant * Examine other types of attacks 16 - EXPLORE THE ZERO TRUST SECURITY MODEL * Examine the principles and components of the Zero Trust model * Plan for a Zero Trust security model in your organization * Examine Microsoft's strategy for Zero Trust networking * Adopt a Zero Trust approach 17 - EXPLORE SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN MICROSOFT 365 DEFENDER * Enhance your email security using Exchange Online Protection and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 * Protect your organization's identities using Microsoft Defender for Identity * Protect your enterprise network against advanced threats using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint * Protect against cyber attacks using Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence * Provide insight into suspicious activity using Microsoft Cloud App Security * Review the security reports in Microsoft 365 Defender 18 - EXAMINE MICROSOFT SECURE SCORE * Explore Microsoft Secure Score * Assess your security posture with Microsoft Secure Score * Improve your secure score * Track your Microsoft Secure Score history and meet your goals 19 - EXAMINE PRIVILEGED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT * Explore Privileged Identity Management in Microsoft Entra ID * Configure Privileged Identity Management * Audit Privileged Identity Management * Control privileged admin tasks using Privileged Access Management 20 - EXAMINE AZURE IDENTITY PROTECTION * Explore Azure Identity Protection * Enable the default protection policies in Azure Identity Protection * Explore the vulnerabilities and risk events detected by Azure Identity Protection * Plan your identity investigation 21 - EXAMINE EXCHANGE ONLINE PROTECTION * Examine the anti-malware pipeline * Detect messages with spam or malware using Zero-hour auto purge * Explore anti-spoofing protection provided by Exchange Online Protection * Explore other anti-spoofing protection * Examine outbound spam filtering 22 - EXAMINE MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR OFFICE 365 * Climb the security ladder from EOP to Microsoft Defender for Office 365 * Expand EOP protections by using Safe Attachments and Safe Links * Manage spoofed intelligence * Configure outbound spam filtering policies * Unblock users from sending email 23 - MANAGE SAFE ATTACHMENTS * Protect users from malicious attachments by using Safe Attachments * Create Safe Attachment policies using Microsoft Defender for Office 365 * Create Safe Attachments policies using PowerShell * Modify an existing Safe Attachments policy * Create a transport rule to bypass a Safe Attachments policy * Examine the end-user experience with Safe Attachments 24 - MANAGE SAFE LINKS * Protect users from malicious URLs by using Safe Links * Create Safe Links policies using Microsoft 365 Defender * Create Safe Links policies using PowerShell * Modify an existing Safe Links policy * Create a transport rule to bypass a Safe Links policy * Examine the end-user experience with Safe Links 25 - EXPLORE THREAT INTELLIGENCE IN MICROSOFT 365 DEFENDER * Explore Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph * Explore alert policies in Microsoft 365 * Run automated investigations and responses * Explore threat hunting with Microsoft Threat Protection * Explore advanced threat hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender * Explore threat analytics in Microsoft 365 * Identify threat issues using Microsoft Defender reports 26 - IMPLEMENT APP PROTECTION BY USING MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR CLOUD APPS * Explore Microsoft Defender Cloud Apps * Deploy Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps * Configure file policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps * Manage and respond to alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps * Configure Cloud Discovery in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps * Troubleshoot Cloud Discovery in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps 27 - IMPLEMENT ENDPOINT PROTECTION BY USING MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR ENDPOINT * Explore Microsoft Defender for Endpoint * Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in Microsoft Intune * Onboard devices in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint * Manage endpoint vulnerabilities with Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management * Manage device discovery and vulnerability assessment * Reduce your threat and vulnerability exposure 28 - IMPLEMENT THREAT PROTECTION BY USING MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR OFFICE 365 * Explore the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection stack * Investigate security attacks by using Threat Explorer * Identify cybersecurity issues by using Threat Trackers * Prepare for attacks with Attack simulation training 29 - EXAMINE DATA GOVERNANCE SOLUTIONS IN MICROSOFT PURVIEW * Explore data governance and compliance in Microsoft Purview * Protect sensitive data with Microsoft Purview Information Protection * Govern organizational data using Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management * Minimize internal risks with Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management * Explore Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions 30 - EXPLORE ARCHIVING AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT IN MICROSOFT 365 * Explore archive mailboxes in Microsoft 365 * Enable archive mailboxes in Microsoft 365 * Explore Microsoft Purview Records Management * Implement Microsoft Purview Records Management * Restore deleted data in Exchange Online * Restore deleted data in SharePoint Online 31 - EXPLORE RETENTION IN MICROSOFT 365 * Explore retention by using retention policies and retention labels * Compare capabilities in retention policies and retention labels * Define the scope of a retention policy * Examine the principles of retention * Implement retention using retention policies, retention labels, and eDiscovery holds * Restrict retention changes by using Preservation Lock 32 - EXPLORE MICROSOFT PURVIEW MESSAGE ENCRYPTION * Examine Microsoft Purview Message Encryption * Configure Microsoft Purview Message Encryption * Define mail flow rules to encrypt email messages * Add organizational branding to encrypted email messages * Explore Microsoft Purview Advanced Message Encryption 33 - EXPLORE COMPLIANCE IN MICROSOFT 365 * Plan for security and compliance in Microsoft 365 * Plan your beginning compliance tasks in Microsoft Purview * Manage your compliance requirements with Compliance Manager * Examine the Compliance Manager dashboard * Analyze the Microsoft Compliance score 34 - IMPLEMENT MICROSOFT PURVIEW INSIDER RISK MANAGEMENT * Explore insider risk management * Plan for insider risk management * Explore insider risk management policies * Create insider risk management policies * Investigate insider risk management activities and alerts * Explore insider risk management cases 35 - IMPLEMENT MICROSOFT PURVIEW INFORMATION BARRIERS * Explore Microsoft Purview Information Barriers * Configure information barriers in Microsoft Purview * Examine information barriers in Microsoft Teams * Examine information barriers in OneDrive * Examine information barriers in SharePoint 36 - EXPLORE MICROSOFT PURVIEW DATA LOSS PREVENTION * Examine Data Loss Prevention * Explore Endpoint data loss prevention * Examine DLP policies * View DLP policy results * Explore DLP reports 37 - IMPLEMENT MICROSOFT PURVIEW DATA LOSS PREVENTION * Plan to implement Microsoft Purview Data Loss Protection * Implement Microsoft Purview's default DLP policies * Design a custom DLP policy * Create a custom DLP policy from a template * Configure email notifications for DLP policies * Configure policy tips for DLP policies 38 - IMPLEMENT DATA CLASSIFICATION OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION * Explore data classification * Implement data classification in Microsoft 365 * Explore trainable classifiers * Create and retrain a trainable classifier * View sensitive data using Content explorer and Activity explorer * Detect sensitive information documents using Document Fingerprinting 39 - EXPLORE SENSITIVITY LABELS * Manage data protection using sensitivity labels * Explore what sensitivity labels can do * Determine a sensitivity label's scope * Apply sensitivity labels automatically * Explore sensitivity label policies 40 - IMPLEMENT SENSITIVITY LABELS * Plan your deployment strategy for sensitivity labels * Examine the requirements to create a sensitivity label * Create sensitivity labels * Publish sensitivity labels * Remove and delete sensitivity labels ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans MS-102T00: Microsoft 365 Administrator training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the MS-102T00: Microsoft 365 Administrator course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

MS-102T00 Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials
Delivered Online6 days, Jul 15th, 13:00 + 6 more

Clean Hydrogen Derivatives - Ammonia, Methanol and Synthetic Hydrocarbon - Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS VILT This 3 half-day course is designed to give a clear businessperson’s summary of the technological, market and economic/competitive issues around the key commodities which can be decarbonised through the use of clean hydrogen in their production. It will examine direct derivatives such as ammonia, methanol and synfuels, along with the impact clean hydrogen may have on the production and trading of other products such as green steel. Clear explanations will be given on technological pathways and key terminologies, in language accessible to non-engineers and commercial businesspeople. The positioning of these hydrogen derivatives in both current and potential future markets will be presented, framed with discussion around the economic and competitive factors which will determine market growth As well as explaining key concepts, the presented content will draw on current market examples, published models, scenarios and forecasts, and on fundamental physical and chemical constraints (for example illustrated by utilising simple calculations and quantifications). Download your brochure [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/] Email me the brochure [info@asiaedge.net?subject=Please Send me the Brochure for Clean Hydrogen Derivatives – Ammonia, Methanol and Synthetic Hydrocarbon] TRAINING OBJECTIVES [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapseOne] Upon completion of this VILT course, the participants will be able to: * Review the key derivatives of hydrogen, with their market drivers * Understand common terminology and technologies within the sector * Quantify essential metrics and constraints to the production and trade of hydrogen derivatives * Assess the role of clean ammonia in the future hydrogen supply chain * Analyse the pathways to combine clean hydrogen with captured CO2 * Understand how different policy mechanisms and end-use drivers will influence the growth and competition between different hydrogen derivatives * Examine market and project examples, both current and planned * Assess the impact of decarbonisation in key sectors such as shipping, aviation and power TARGET AUDIENCE [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapseTwo] This VILT course has been specifically designed for: * Business developers * Company strategy developers * Investors * Product and project management executives * Policymakers and regulators * Other commercial roles (e.g. marketing, regulatory etc.) * Engineers or technical people entering new roles / new to the subject COURSE LEVEL [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapsecl] * Intermediate TRAINING METHODS [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapseThree] The VILT will be delivered online in 3 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, including time for lectures, discussion, quizzes and short classroom exercises. Additionally, some self-study will be requested. Participants are invited but not obliged to bring a short presentation (10 mins max) on a practical problem they encountered in their work. This will then be explained and discussed during the VILT. A short test or quiz will be held at the end the course. TRAINER [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapseFive] Your Expert Course Instructor is an internationally renowned energy communicator and business educator, focused on the interconnected clean energy transition topics of renewable power, energy storage, energy system electrification and hydrogen. His own independent technology tracking, market assessment and opportunity/risk analysis is delivered to clients through a mix of business advisory work, commissioned content, small-group training (online & in-person), and one-to-one executive coaching (online). In the hydrogen sector, he is currently lead consultant and trainer to the World Hydrogen Leaders network, and writer of their ‘This Week in Hydrogen’ news column. He is also co-presenter of the ‘New Energy Chinwag’ podcast, which regularly covers hydrogen-related issues. During more than 15 years as an independent energy expert, he has helped companies from large multinationals to innovative start-ups – totalling assignments in over 30 countries across 5 continents. Most recently, he has presented clean energy training in locations as diverse as Singapore, the UK, South Africa, The Philippines, the USA, Mexico, Spain and Dubai – and, in recent times of course, online to international audiences from across the world. Prior to this, he was Research Director for over 10 years at Informa, a $9 billion business intelligence provider; where he drove new market identification, analysis and project deployment work, and managed teams in the UK and US. He has a strong science background, holding a 1st Class Honours degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, a PhD in Earth Sciences and a further Diploma in Economics & Sustainability from the UK’s Open University. Download your brochure [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/] Email me the brochure [info@asiaedge.net?subject=Please Send me the Brochure for Clean Hydrogen Derivatives – Ammonia, Methanol and Synthetic Hydrocarbon] POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) [https://petroedgeasia.net/training/clean-hydrogen-derivatives-ammonia-methanol-and-synthetic-hydrocarbon-virtual-instructor-led-training-vilt/#collapseCS] To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized “One to One” coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support [info@asiaedge.net?subject=Request%20for%20further%20information%20regarding%20post%20training%20coaching%20support] and fees applicable

Clean Hydrogen Derivatives - Ammonia, Methanol and Synthetic Hydrocarbon - Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)
Delivered Online3 days, Jul 17th, 00:30



By Improving Communications Uk

LEARN TO FOCUS ON INTERPERSONAL SKILLS, BEHAVIOR, AND ENVIRONMENT AND HOW TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY-POSITIVE INTERACTIONS. You will be able to focus on interpersonal skills, behavior, and environment, to see how they promote diversity-positive interactions, as well as learn causes for discriminatory practices and create an action plan for increasing workplace acceptance and harmony. Uncover and discard beliefs and attitudes that foster or block progress. By discovering your strengths as well as liabilities, you can build on the positive and move toward minimizing the negative. As a result, you will gain greater personal and professional satisfaction. PART I – BROADENING THE VIEW   Find new perspectives and ways to turn challenges into opportunities. Become skilled at ways to further develop self-awareness and sensitivity. PART II – FAIR STANDARDS   Learn about how attitudes expressed in speech and behavior promote or hinder a positive work environment. Determine and apply steps for getting past prejudice for greater productivity. PART III – ORGANIZATIONAL UNITY   Discover value in diverse perspectives and personalities and their benefits. Strategize ways to strengthen relationships and turn negative into positive interactions. ATTENDEES WILL BE ABLE TO:   * Discover new ways to “see things differently;” * Use Emotional Intelligence to strengthen relationships and increase awareness of self and others; * Define Diversity and uncover ways in which it is significantly useful in an organization; * Develop best practices (rooted in honor and law) to use Diversity in planning, problem solving, and decision-making); * Manage conflict through unity, using the organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals; and * Understand and communicate value to staff. Online Class—Diversity – Building a Thriving Business Environment is a 4-hour interactive virtual class.    REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS AND YOU WILL BE SENT ONLINE LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO THE CLASS DATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Communications brought our organization to realize how important our employees—our people—are to Baystate Dental. By helping us to develop a more thoughtful and sensitive nature, we now relate better with each other and our patients. Dr. Kevin Coughlin, DMD, FAGD, MBABaystate Dental

Delivered Online4 hours, Jul 17th, 19:00 + 1 more

This course offers insights into the art and science of goal setting within a business environment. It delves into the significance of defining and tailoring goals using various methodologies. Additionally, it explores personalizing goal setting for personal development and career advancement. Key Topics Covered: 1. Understanding the principles of effective goal setting. 2. Identifying different goal-setting techniques. 3. Applying personalized goal-setting strategies to enhance professional growth. 4. Leveraging goals to drive success in both personal and professional spheres. Setting clear and well-defined goals is essential for achieving success in any area of life. Whether you’re aiming for career advancement, personal growth, or skill development, having a structured approach to goal setting can make a significant difference!

Delivered Online On Demand

ITIL© 4 Specialist - Create Deliver and Support (CDS)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for Delegates attending this course must have successfully achieved the ITIL 4 Foundation Qualification; your certificate must be presented as documentary evidence to gain admission to this course. Ideally, candidates should have at least two years of professional experience working in IT Service Management. The ITIL 4 CDS Qualification would most likely suit the following delegates: Individuals continuing their journey in service management ITSM managers and aspiring ITSM managers ITSM practitioners managing the operation of IT-enabled & digital products and services, and those responsible for the end-to-end delivery Existing ITIL qualification holders wishing to develop their knowledge The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives. Delegates may take as few or as many Intermediate qualifications as they require, and to suit their needs. Overview The course includes core concepts describing how different types of work (value streams) are built, tested and delivered ?end-to-end? from beginning to end and with continual iterations and feedback loops. There is also a focus on areas such as testing, knowledge, customer and employee feedback, new technologies, supplier sourcing, and ways of managing work. During this course, you will: Understand how to plan and build a service value stream to create, deliver and support services Know how relevant ITIL practices contribute to creation, delivery, and support across the SVS and value streams Know how to create, deliver and support services Understand how to integrate different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT-enabled products and services, and relevant practices, methods, and tools Understand service performance, service quality, and improvement methods. This course begins your journey toward the ITIL Managing Professional designation. You will acquire insight that will allow you to integrate different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT-enabled products and services. Armed with this knowledge and skill set, you will be confident in running those IT-enabled services, teams and workflows successfully. This class includes an exam voucher. Prerequisites * ITIL© 4 Foundation 1 - PLANNING AND BUILDING A SERVICE VALUE STREAM * Tackling the concepts and challenges related to SVS * Using the ?shift left? approach * The true value of information and technology across the SVS 2 - CONTRIBUTING TO CREATION, DELIVERY AND SUPPORT * Using the value stream to design, develop and transition new services * Adding to a value stream by leveraging ITIL practices * Providing user support * Furthering the value stream for support through ITIL practices 3 - CREATING, DELIVERING AND SUPPORTING SERVICES * Coordinate, prioritize and structure activities * The value of buy vs. build, sourcing, and service integration and management

ITIL© 4 Specialist - Create Deliver and Support (CDS)
Delivered Online4 days, Jul 24th, 13:00 + 1 more

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