208 Educators providing Courses in Coventry

Mayer Environmental Ltd.

mayer environmental ltd.


Mayer Environmental is an established consultancy and training provider which is a specialist in the metals, waste, recycling and resource management sectors, the training division is known as MET Academy. MET Academy is an independent training provider which is located close to the M6, in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. We have a proven track record in providing a range of outstanding work based training and assessment solutions to regional and national employers within the waste, recycling and resource management sectors. We offer a wide range of up to date, flexible and relevant training opportunities, which can be delivered on your premises or ours. Training is delivered throughout the UK and training has been delivered within Europe and the US. We deliver a range of vocational training programmes which are designed to meet the operational and strategic needs of our learners and employers. Our portfolio includes Apprenticeship training, Functional Skills, nationally accredited training programmes and short courses which can support continuous professional development but also ensures compliance with the appropriate regulators. Our strategy is focussed on maintaining and developing excellent working relationships with employers and appropriate bodies within the sector to ensure that we are delivering training which is truly employer-led. Prior to commencing any training within any organisation, we will work with the employer to develop a training package that supports and enhances short and long term strategic aims. For the individual training is a great motivator and can support you to reach your full potential and facilitate career progression. We offer a free consultancy service to businesses who wish to work with us to use training as a mechanism to facilitate change, succession and continuous improvement.

The First Principle Group Ltd

the first principle group ltd


WELCOME TO THE FIRST PRINCIPLE GROUP LTD, WHERE HEALTH AND SAFETY MEET INNOVATION! OUR PHILOSOPHY At The First Principle Group Ltd, we believe in pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo. We are not your ordinary health and safety company. We thrive on innovation, embracing new ideas, and continuously improving our services. Our team is driven by the philosophy of Kaizen, always spurs us to look for ways to enhance our solutions and exceed our clients' expectations. OUR HISTORY Since our inception, we have been focused on disrupting the health and safety landscape with our innovative approach. Our reputation as the most trusted firm in the UK is built on our commitment to excellence, professionalism, and cutting-edge solutions. We have a track record of delivering results that go beyond our clients' expectations, and we take pride in our role as industry pioneers. WHO WE ARE We are a team of dynamic and highly skilled professionals who are passionate about making a difference. Led by our visionary Directors, Piotr and Sylwia Leszkiewicz, we bring together diverse expertise and experience to create a powerhouse of health and safety solutions. We are not just about protocols and regulations; we are about creativity, innovation, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. WHAT WE DO At The First Principle Group Ltd, we specialize in providing a wide range of health and safety services that cover general health and safety, fire safety, water safety, asbestos, and air quality. Our team of experts works tirelessly to deliver the highest level of service and expertise to our clients. We understand that every business is unique, and we work closely with them to develop tailor-made solutions that meet their specific needs and requirements.

IOA Central Branch

ioa central branch


The Institute of Acoustics is the UK's professional body for those working in acoustics, noise and vibration. It was formed in 1974 from the amalgamation of the Acoustics Group of the Institute of Physics and the British Acoustical Society (a daughter society of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers). The Institute of Acoustics is a nominated body of the Engineering Council, offering registration at Chartered and Incorporated Engineer levels. The Institute has some 3000 members from a rich diversity of backgrounds, with engineers, scientists, educators, lawyers, occupational hygienists, architects and environmental health officers among their number. This multidisciplinary culture provides a productive environment for cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives. The range of interests of members within the world of acoustics is equally wide, embracing such aspects as aerodynamics, architectural acoustics, building acoustics, electroacoustics, engineering dynamics, noise and vibration, hearing, speech, underwater acoustics, together with a variety of environmental aspects. The lively nature of the Institute is demonstrated by the breadth of its learned society programmes. There are three corporate grades of membership, namely Honorary Fellow, Fellow, and Member, and four non-corporate grades of Associate Member, Technician Member, Affiliate, and Student. The Institute is well supported by organisations which have become Sponsor Members and by its Key Sponsors. A recent employment survey shows that of our 3000 members, some 900 are employed in industry, commerce and consultancies, 400 in education and research, and nearly 500 in public authorities. Among the more specialist areas in which acousticians are employed are the audio and hi-fi industry, auditorium and concert hall design, broadcasting, telecommunications, quiet vehicle and product design, sonar system design, human-computer interaction, environmental noise control and health and safety management. The Institute works closely with other professional bodies in related fields, including CIEH, REHIS and IOSH and the Association of Noise Consultants. As one of the smaller professional institutions, the Institute of Acoustics has particular strengths in its learned society programmes and its cohesive role for the subject. There is a club atmosphere in its activities and it is possible for members to maintain personal contacts with colleagues engaged in other related areas of acoustics. There is a high participation rate by members in the conference, subject specialist meetings and regional branch activities of the Institute. The Institute offers members a Continuous Professional Development support scheme, a feature which is becoming increasingly recognised as an essential element in ensuring that professionals can keep up-to-date with rapidly changing technological and regulatory issues. Specialist interests are catered for through specialist groups, and regional activities are promoted by a number of regional branches. The work of the Institute relies heavily, of course, on the voluntary efforts of many members of Council, of its Standing Committees and of the Group and Branch Committees. The Institute publishes a bi-monthly Acoustics Bulletin, containing articles of professional, academic and technical interest and the Institute's Proceedings record the two hundred or more papers presented at our formal meetings each year. An education programme, comprising a Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control and several Certificate of Competence courses is offered at a number of Centres throughout the UK. The Diploma is also available by tutored distance learning. Through specialist Institute of Acoustics working groups, support is given to the development of legislation in these areas, and there is considerable activity by Institute members in UK, European and International Standards development. The Institute is a founding member of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), a member society of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and a member of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA)