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Courses matching "Overload"

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Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion Workshop


By Changing Minds Training

This half-day workshop delivered face-to-face or online is designed for anyone in your organisation that wants to become a Neurodiversity Champion - someone who wants to educate and change the way that Neurodiversity is viewed in the workplace.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion Workshop
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers Workshop


By Changing Minds Training

This full day workshop is designed to follow on and build on the learning from the 1-hour webinar to provide an embedded learning experience leading to acceptance and change of culture around neurodiversity. We understand the pressure managers can experience working within a neurodiverse team, this training is designed with managers in mind.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers Workshop
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Level 2 PAT Testing Training Course - CPD Accredited


By Worksafepat Ltd

We deliver Workplace PAT Testing Courses across most of the UK to assist businesses with Compliance. We also work with Bridges into Work and ReACT in association with Careers Wales and the Welsh Government to offer work based skills which some Candidates could be eligible for Government funding.

Level 2 PAT Testing Training Course - CPD Accredited
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Mountain Ash

Commercial decision-making - 'Stop, Think, Act!' (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

When managers have too many decisions to make, it can have a serious impact on the speed and efficiency of the organisation. When those decisions are commercial ones, the results can wreak havoc with the bottom line. Often the problem arises when those below them or in operational areas of the organisation aren't equipped or allowed to make a decision for themselves. Issues get passed back up and that wastes time. This programme provides a solution, giving your entire team the skills to: And most importantly, they'll be able to do this in line with the broader aims and commercial objectives of the business. By the end of the programme participants will be able to: * Fully appreciate the importance of effective decision-making in business * Use the five-step 'Stop, Think, Act!' decision-making process * Stop leaping to conclusions * Really understand the situations and decisions they are dealing with * Identify good options * Evaluate those options * Make decisions and then put them into action * Apply these tools and techniques to all their decisions in future 1 UNDERSTANDING THE BUSINESS WE WORK IN * What are the critical factors in our business? * What is the SWOT analysis for our business? 2 UNDERSTANDING WHAT DECISION-MAKING IS 3 BACKGROUND * Culture of 'having to be doing' * To change things we have to think about it! * We are paid to make decisions! 4 RECOGNISE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DECISION 5 THE 'STOP, THINK, ACT!' TECHNIQUE 6 STOP! * Recognise the opportunity to make a decision * Don't leap to conclusions * Get ready to think * Initial questions: * Is this my decision? (Do I have the authority?) * Who is this going to affect? (Do they need to be included?) * When do I need to make the decision? (What's the timeline?) 7 THINK! * The 3 Cs - making sure we understand the decisions we have to make * What is the context of this decision? * What is the overall situation? * Why is this decision important? * What do we need to achieve? * What will success look like? * Do I have clarity about the decision I need to make? * Can I write it down? * Can I express it clearly in two sentences? * What are the criteria? * What are the critical commercial factors that we will use to select our options? * What will we use to measure the business success? 8 ACT! * Identifying options * What data do I need to collect? * Issues with today's overload * Identifying what will help you * Select options * How many options? * Must match your criteria * Must achieve success * 'Decision compass' exercise * Analyse options * Tabular method * Risk analysis (likelihood v effect) * Head, heart and gut (is there any organisational history/bias that we are up against?) * Making your decision * Taking it to action * First actions * Planning how to make it happen

Commercial decision-making - 'Stop, Think, Act!' (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

C++ programming foundation


By Systems & Network Training

C++ TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on introduction to programming in the C++ language. The course concentrates on aspects that will be new to experienced C programmers and so is not suitable for those without C knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write C++ programs * Debug C++ programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. * Use classes, function overloading, operator overloading, inheritance and virtual functions within C++ programs. C++ TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. * Prerequisites: C programming foundation. * Duration 5 days C++ TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * The origins of C++ C++ as a better C, C++ and Object Oriented Programming, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance. C++ standards. * Getting started Simple C++ programs. * Classes Basics, constructor and destructor functions, member and friend functions. Using objects. Default, copy and conversion constructors. * A better C Arrays, pointers and references, new and delete. Improved safety with smart pointers, Resource Acquisition in Initialization (RAII). * Functions in C++ Function overloading, default arguments, inline functions, Lambda functions. * Templates Template classes and functions. * Standard Library Containers, Iterators, algorithms, function objects. * Operator overloading Basics, binary operators, the this pointer, relational operators, unary operators. Members versus friends. * Inheritance Base class access control, protected members, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes. * More I/O Manipulators, customising inserters, extractors. File I/O. * Virtual functions Pointers to derived classes, run time polymorphism. * Exception handling Throwing errors, trying code and catching errors.

C++ programming foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced C++ programming


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will give a broad overview of the C++ Programming language, focusing on modern C++, up to C++17. This course will cover the use of the Standard Library, including containers, iterator, function objects and algorithms. From the perspective of application development, a number of design patterns will be considered. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write C++ programs using the more esoteric language features. * Utilise OO techniques to design C++ programs. * Use the standard C++ library. * Exploit advanced C++ techniques ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. * Prerequisites: C++ programming foundation. * Duration 5 days ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Study of a string class Create a string class as a means to investigate many issues, involving the use of operator overloading and including overloading new and delete. Creation of the class will also require consideration of 'const correctness'. * Exception handling Consider the issues involved in exception handling including the concept of exception safety. * Templates Review definition of template functions, including template parameter type deduction. Introduction to template metaprogramming. Newer features including template template parameters and variadic templates. Creation of template classes. * Design patterns Introduction to Design Patterns and consideration of a number of patterns, such as, factory method, builder, singleton and adapter. * The standard C++ library (STL) Standard Library features, such as, Containers, Iterator, Function Objects and Algorithms. Introduction to Lambda expressions. * C++ and performance The writing of code throughout the course will be oriented towards performant code, including use of R Value references and 'move' semantics. * Pointers The use of pointers will be considered throughout the course. Smart pointers will be considered to improve program safety and help avoid the use of 'raw' pointers. * Threading This section will consider the creation of threads and synchronisation issues. A number of synchronisation primitives will be considered. Async and the use of Atomic will also be considered. * New ANSI C++ features Summarising some of the newer features to be considered are: Auto, Lambdas expression, smart pointers, variadic templates and folds, R Value references and tuple together with structured binding.

Advanced C++ programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Introduction to Java programming


By Systems & Network Training

JAVA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive introduction of the Java language and environment. It is important to note that the course will assume that the delegates are already familiar with the C language as this enables more advanced features of the Java language to be covered in the course. The course will also give an overview of areas related to programming in Java. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the Java architecture. * Write Java applets and applications. * Debug Java programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. * Use multimedia extensions, the awt, multithreading, exceptions within Java JAVA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Those wishing to program in Java. * Prerequisites: Complete C programming * Duration 5 days JAVA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review of UNIX fundamentals * What is Java? What Java is, history of Java, reasons for success. The Java Virtual Machine, Bytecodes, getting up and running with Java, Java resources. Simple Java applications. * C features in Java Java data structures, Java flow control, differences from C, arrays, strings and packages. * OO features in Java Java classes and objects, inheritance, overloading, packages. Differences from C++. * Java applets Applications vs. applets, HTML, the applet tag, applet methods, life cycle, testing and debugging. * Multimedia applets Images, sounds, fonts, colours and animation. * Java products The JDK in detail, other development environments. Javabeans and JDBC overviews. * Abstract Window Toolkit JFC and Swing versus AWT. Event handling (JDK 1.1), GUIs, panels, buttons, lists, scrollbars, text areas, frames… * Exception handling and multithreading Handling exceptions. Starting, pausing, stopping threads, producers, consumers, monitoring. * More standard classes Java file I/O, Streams, The system class. The networking model, java.net classes. * Security and Java Types of attack, the security manager, craplets, securing the network. * Integrating legacy code with Java

Introduction to Java programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete C# programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. Students review the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use the syntax and features of C#. * Create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions, and describe the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications. * Implement a typical desktop application. * Create class, define and implement interfaces, and create and generic collections. * Read and write data to/from files. * Build a GUI using XAML. COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers wishing to learn C#. * Prerequisites: Developers attending this course should already have gained some limited experience using C# to complete basic programming tasks. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review of C# Syntax Overview of Writing Applications using C#, Datatypes, Operators, and Expressions. C# Programming Language Constructs. Hands on Developing the Class Enrolment Application. * Methods, exceptions and monitoring apps Creating and Invoking Methods. Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters. Handling Exceptions. Monitoring Applications. Hands on Extending the Class Enrolment Application Functionality. * Developing a graphical application Implementing Structs and Enums. Organizing Data into Collections. Handling Events. Hands on Writing the Grades Prototype Application. * Classes and Type-safe collections Creating Classes. Defining and Implementing Interfaces. Implementing Type-safe Collections. Hands on Adding Data Validation and Type-safety to the Grades Application. * Class hierarchy using Inheritance Class hierarchies. Extending .NET framework classes. Creating generic types. Hands on Refactoring common functionality into the User Class. * Reading and writing local data Reading and Writing Files. Serializing and Deserializing Data. Performing I/O Using Streams. Hands on Generating the Grades Report. * Accessing a Database Creating and using entity data models. Querying and updating data by using LINQ. Hands on Retrieving and modifying grade data. * Accessing remote data Accessing data across the web and in the cloud. Hands on Modifying grade data in the Cloud. * Designing the UI for a graphical applicatione Using XAML to design a User Interface. Binding controls to data. Styling a UI. Hands on Customizing Student Photographs and Styling the Application. * Improving performance and responsiveness Implementing Multitasking by using tasks and Lambda Expressions. Performing operations asynchronously. Synchronizing concurrent data access. Hands on Improving the responsiveness and performance of the application. * Integrating with unmanaged code Creating and using dynamic objects. Managing the Lifetime of objects and controlling unmanaged resources. Hands on Upgrading the grades report. * Creating reusable types and assemblies Examining Object Metadata. Creating and Using Custom Attributes. Generating Managed Code. Versioning, Signing and Deploying Assemblies. Hands on Specifying the Data to Include in the Grades Report. * Encrypting and Decrypting Data Implementing Symmetric Encryption. Implementing Asymmetric Encryption. Hands on Encrypting and Decrypting Grades Reports.

Complete C# programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Project planning and control (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme concentrates on the core planning skills needed to develop sound practical project plans in a team environment. This enables the plan to be modified should requirements change or difficulties arise. The programme also gives participants the confidence to practise those skills and apply them in the work environment and deliver their projects more successfully in the future. Participants learn fundamental project management concepts and terminology, demystifying the project management process, and, in particular, how to: * Break a project down into manageable sections and ensure nothing is left out * Understand and apply estimating techniques to develop realistic estimates * Sequence work effectively and carry out critical path analysis to determine project duration and which tasks to pay closest attention to * Manage project risk effectively to protect project value * Monitor, control and re-plan the project to best keep it on track * Close out the project and ensure the project comes to an orderly end 1 INTRODUCTION * Self-introductions and personal objectives * Course objectives * Sharing of project issues 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS * Characteristics of a project and what should be kept as operational responsibilities * Understanding the triple and quadruple constraints - and their limitations * Prioritising requirements through the MOSCOW technique * Product v project life cycle * Key project roles and responsibilities - the importance of sponsorship and clarity of roles 3 STARTING A PROJECT, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE / PROJECT BRIEF * Avoiding the pressure to 'just do it'! * The importance and benefits of planning * The best time to learn! * Initial project documentation - the BOSCARDI approach 4 BREAKING THE WORK DOWN * Understanding alternative breakdown structures such as the product breakdown structure and work breakdown structure * Guidelines for creating a work breakdown structure to ensure the full work scope is identified 5 ESTIMATING * Alternative estimating techniques and associated confidence levels * Further considerations - loss and resource factors 6 ORGANISING THE WORK * Use of network diagrams to develop a clear sequence of work * Critical path analysis and calculating the project duration and task float - and usage 7 THE MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT RISK * Understanding the nature of project risk * The risk analysis and risk management processes * How to best manage threats and opportunities * Running a risk workshop * Using the risk register 8 SCHEDULING THE WORK * The importance of the Gantt chart and understanding its limitations * The Gantt chart layout and using alternative views such as the tracking Gantt * Using alternative dependencies 9 RESOURCE ISSUES * Assigning resources and resolving resource overloads * Crashing and fast-tracking your project and potential issues to look out for 10 CONTROLLING THE PROJECT * The control cycle and alternative feedback mechanisms * Alternative progress reporting * Assessing the impact * The importance of re-planning * The benefits of control * Change control - the importance of impact analysis * The steps of change control and the use of the issue register 11 CLOSING THE PROJECT * The project closure checklist * Reviewing the project - things to avoid * Developing meaningful lessons and ensuring they are applied effectively * The post-project review - its importance to the organisation

Project planning and control (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry