41 Educators providing Courses in Cardiff

Athletic Development Hub

athletic development hub


The ADP is a performance support staff education platform, specialising in online course material; designed and implemented by the best applied practitioners and academic researchers around. We also provide varying CPD services and consultancy options for athletes, Sports Teams and organisations with the aim of enhancing Sports Performance. Read about our key features below. Courses Free Content and CPD Consultancy Services for your team or organisation Bespoke CPD for you, your club or organisation Club or Organisation CPD hosting hub Platform Courses The ADP offer specialist online courses in the areas of Athletic Performance and development from youth to adult. The courses will enhance your knowledge as a coach or practitioner and give you the tools to implement that knowledge in to a day to day applied setting. Not only will the courses develop you further in your field they will allow you to aid the development of the athletes of today and the future. Our online Learning management system (LMS) provides a great learning experience to users wanting to develop their knowledge in the Sports Performance World and gives them the tools to apply that in a practical setting. Our courses are designed and implemented by only the best academic researchers and applied practitioners working in professional Sport today, specific to the course topic area. Our first course offering; Certificate in Growth & Maturation for Youth Athletes has been approved for British Association of Sport & exercise Science (BASES) endorsement.

Bailiffe Bridge Junior and Infant School

bailiffe bridge junior and infant school


We want Bailiffe Bridge School to be a safe, caring, nurturing environment, in which everyone works and learns together, valuing and respecting our community to create firm foundations for success. Motto ‘Focused on the future’ Aims Aim 1: To show respect and responsibility for ourselves and others, our school, and its community at all times; displaying positive attitudes, pride in our school, and the confidence to challenge negative influences and behaviour. Aim 2: To provide a caring, safe, listening, and nurturing environment where everyone can learn, work and play with confidence and where achievement is celebrated. Aim 3: To share a commitment to working in partnership by listening to all our children, their families, staff, governors, and the wider community. Aim 4: To celebrate our social and cultural diversity so that everyone shares a sense of belonging; feeling valued and respected for their individuality. Aim 5: To provide a curriculum which is relevant and creative; promoting high quality learning opportunities that challenge and develop pupils’ talents and gifts to enable them to reach their full potential. Aim 6: To provide wider learning experiences that promote and develop pupils’ independence, risk taking and resilience in the understanding that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Aim 7: To show learning behaviours that demonstrate the desire and determination to achieve a personal best. Aim 8: To always have high expectations of ourselves and others.

Bramcote Hills Primary School

bramcote hills primary school


Welcome to Bramcote Hills Primary School. Our website aims to give an insight into life at our school and we hope you find it useful. We strive to fulfil our school motto ‘Make the Future Better for All’ in all that we do and are incredibly proud of our school and its pupils, who are supported by a dedicated, committed and caring staff team. Since 1961, our small school has steadily grown into a large one of 14 classes located on an attractive and spacious campus with many excellent facilities. The school boasts a rich ethnic mix and we are proud to teach the children to celebrate diversity in all its forms. We promote an age-appropriate awareness of the protected characteristics and encourage the children not to be bystanders but to stand up for what is right. If I had to describe our school in a few words I would say it is a’ hive of activity’; many visitors often comment positively on the range of learning opportunities evident in our school. We encourage all children to take an active part in their learning, through the context of a broad and engaging curriculum. In addition to this, we place a strong emphasis on curriculum enrichment, offering many experiences, clubs, teams and visits to support learning. We want to develop a love of learning, interests and skills which are lifelong. Our website is no substitute for seeing the school in action and we encourage you to come and visit and see BHPS for yourself; you would be most welcome. If you have any query relating to the school, or require a paper copy of any information published on this website, please do not hesitate to contact myself or our school office.

Behavioural Education

behavioural education


Behavioural Educational Services was established in 2000, and is now celebrating 13 years of home & school programme success, during which we have worked in partnership with families, local authorities, educational professionals, and national children's charities For the past 13 years, BES has provided CABAS® based early intensive interventions designed to increase the skills and abilities of children and young adults with special needs through the systematic use of applied behavioural analysis (ABA). ABA has a proven record of success with individuals with a diagnosis of autism and ADHD, as well as developmental, communication, and behavioural disorders. Early intensive intervention provides children with special needs the greatest possible chance at future mainstreaming, while also helping them achieve their highest intellectual, social and emotional potential. BES designs and supervises ABA home and school programmes that are based on theories of development and learning that focuses on variables that are observable, while also proposing a flexible research methodology that can benefit all children. Behaviour analysis benefits equally from its assessment methodologies, which emphasise factors that maintain or influence a child’s behaviour, as it does from its intervention procedures, which focus on the quality of implementation, effectiveness and social validity of the programme. In addition to our ABA work, BES are providers of Fast ForWord®, a learning acceleration programme based on over 30 years of neuroscience research, that helps develop the cognitive skills required to enhance learning. Strengthening these skills can result in a wide range of improved critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader. Fast ForWord® includes several training programmes that are individually adaptive and interactive computerised language-learning programmes that incorporate the latest neurological research in brain plasticity. These intensive, computerised programmes are designed to help leaners increase the rate at which their brains can process auditory information, which then enhances abilities in communication, reading, writing, and spelling.

Tots Play Edinburgh North West

tots play edinburgh north west


Hi, my name is Lian. I live in Winchburgh with my fiancé, Stuart, and my two little girls, Maddie and Connie, and I run classes in the Edinburgh North West areas. I am originally from Manchester and before moving to Edinburgh travelled the world working on a cruise ship. After meeting Stuart, we decided to put down some roots in Scotland and start a family. I attended lots of baby classes with Maddie, she spent most of the time sleeping but for me it was invaluable - being able to chat to other mums going through the same things at the same time. Also, being new to area meant I was able to meet, what have become, lifelong friends. In June 2020 I had my second daughter, Connie, in the middle of a global pandemic. My maternity experience was very different. Not having the opportunity to go to classes and share experiences with other Mums made me realise even more how important these baby groups are, not just for my baby but also for me. So this got me thinking about my future and where my passion was, then I discovered Tots Play and knew I had found exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to offer the same opportunity for new mums and the experiences I had to Edinburgh North West. I immediately jumped at the chance to bring this fantastic programme to families in the area. My aim is to offer you and your baby a relaxed and friendly environment, where you can spend special time with your little one playing, laughing, learning and bonding together. Each class brings with it a unique structured play programme, where you can share experiences through activities such as baby massage, yoga, music, sign language, sensory play and much more all in one place. Take a look below to see when classes are available and follow the links to book your place. You can also contact me on liand@totsplay.co.uk with any questions. I look forward to welcoming you and your wee one to Tots Play very soon. Happy Playing Lian xx

London Suzuki Group(the)

london suzuki group(the)


The London Suzuki Group ( LSG ) was founded in 1972 and was the first group in the United Kingdom to teach music by the Suzuki Method. With 60 qualified teachers and over 600 children currently receiving tuition, the LSG runs individual and group classes, orchestral and chamber music courses, workshops and an annual residential summer course at Bryanston School in Dorset. The group offers instruction in violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, recorder and voice. Public and private concerts are regularly organised at venues throughout London and elsewhere, providing much more than the opportunity to learn an instrument. Children and parents form lasting friendships. Parents and teachers are able to share experience and ideas. Music, and the love of music, becomes a natural part of the life of the whole family. Talent is not a prerequisite The Suzuki approach stimulates and develops musical abilities inherent in all children. Despite its sustained record of success exemplified in the many distinctions won by LSG students in music examinations, competitions and scholarships to major schools and conservatoires, the LSG’s overriding achievement is the provision of joy through music making, and the enrichment of the lives of the families involved in the learning process. You can find out more about the Suzuki Method through our website. If you are interested in finding a Suzuki teacher If you are interested in finding a Suzuki teacher, please have a look at our Teacher Profile page. Group class, in addition to individual instruction, gives children the opportunity to learn from one another.Visit our Group Class page for more information. You must sign up for individual lessons before joining a group, and your lesson teacher will be able to help you with this. In most cases, your teacher will ask you to observe classes and register as a member of LSG before you begin lessons. Your teacher will be able to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member. Registration and direct debit forms are available on our website under membership. Please contact us if you have any questions about joining the LSG. We hope to see you at one of our many LSG concerts, courses, or group classes in the near future.

Bee Worldwide

bee worldwide


In the 1950’s there were over 50 native species of bee in the UK, yet just a few years ago there was just 27. In the past few years honey bees have experienced more substantial declines. The UK used to be home to 27 species of bee, yet sadly 3 of these are now extinct with many more under threat. Bee Worldwide has been established in direct response to the growing number of declining bees. The goal is to identify the reasons for the decline and work towards rebuilding the ecosystem that is vital for the bees to regenerate their colonies. PreviousNext 123 This programme has several aims: to raise awareness of our current situation to educate the importance of bees replant foraging areas that are fundamental to the survival and reforming of bee colonies complete and promote research which targets understanding the impacts bees and other pollinators have and the effects of their current and future environment has on them. take action to reverse any negative impact which has already occurred. Bee Worldwide primary focus is to promote individuals and other groups to help bees in their own communities by planting some bee-friendly plants in their gardens. We will extend this to finding donated land and use volunteers to plant flowers in these areas. We also hope to set up a franchise model to become a bee keeper under our own brand, and this will include training, equipment and advice etc. Our research will be world leading and we will also collaborate with universities who are also working in this field of study. This will include monitoring bee movements with trackers (little backpacks) bee counting and many more scientific experiments. With the results, we can see if we can reverse any of the issues and help promote these messages so others can assist with the issues. Over time, Bee Worldwide will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable resource for bee keepers and an aspiration to the public and the community at large. About Meet the Team Contact Beekeeping Courses and Experiences Bee Worldwide is a non-profit organisation raising awareness of the plight of the bee and the ecological turmoil which threatens our planet. We are looking for individuals and communities to help us resolve this crisis and spread our message.

E-learning Matters

e-learning matters


E-Learning Matters Home About Me Blog Portfolio Contact E-learning Matters You are here:Home/Blog/Blog/E-learning/E-learning Matters E-LEARNING MATTERS WELCOME Hello and welcome to E-learning Matters. This is the obligatory (well, it’s not really obligatory, but it feels so) blog post about myself and the website. THE OBLIGATORY INTRODUCTION Introductions first: My name’s Gareth Davies and I’m from south Wales in the UK. I’m an e-learning professional with an MA in Online and Distance Education, but more importantly, I’m someone that is very passionate about education and technology’s role within it. WHY HAVE YOU MADE THIS SITE? This website is the successor of my Multiple Tracks blog which was a free WordPress blog site. I chose to go down the route of getting my own hosting to increase my options on what I can do with my content and, crucially, for me to learn how to create my own website using WordPress. WHAT WILL E-LEARNING MATTERS BE ABOUT? The content I’ll be writing about will naturally revolve around e-learning. However, what is e-learning and why should you care about it? The ‘e’ in e-learning stands for ‘electronic’, so e-learning is learning using electronic technologies. This learning can be a part of a course or curriculum or it can account for their entirety. Typically, e-learning is seen purely as online learning where learners engage with materials via the Internet. This website will not be solely looking at online learning, however. I’ll be discussing the wide variety of issues that fall under the roof of technology enhanced learning or educational technology. The link to the left is to the wikipedia entry for educational technology. I’ll be doing this in all my blog posts when a particular term comes up that I feel readers may be interested in because I am committed to making this website a hub for people to learn about the field of educational technology. A place where readers can find not only original content but a starting off point for further reading to achieve a deeper understanding of the subjects covered. I’ll be writing about subjects such as the future of education, new developments in technology that will and are having an impact on education, and existing and burgeoning learning theories that relate to these technologies use in learning. I’ll also be writing about any of my own experiences that I feel will be of use to people studying and working in the field. Anyway, welcome and please feel free to make comments. I’d love to hear from you. Click here to add your own text PAGES About Me Blog Contact Home Portfolio CATEGORIES Blog digital competence E-learning e-learning MOOC new and emerging technology




Which? and The Student Room have worked together to ensure that valuable content from the award-winning Which? University website could continue to be easily available to students, parents and teachers. From 3 February 2020, the course and university search tools and much of the independent expert advice developed by Which? to help students make informed choices is now owned and operated by The Student Room, as The Uni Guide. The site retains its design and the key student-facing services. It also maintains the Which? University ethos of focusing on the needs of the student and delivering the highest quality expert advice and guidance, independently and free of bias. “We are delighted to have found a great new home for much of our excellent university content," says Jenni Allen, Director of Content at Which?. "We chose to work with the Student Room as they share our mission to be a trusted, independent source of information for students. "We are exceptionally proud of the fact that we have helped millions of prospective students and their families make informed choices about all aspects of their higher education over the years, and our agreement with The Student Room ensures that many more will benefit in future.” “As part of The Student Room family, The Uni Guide will allow us to help even more students in their educational journey," says Pete Barnes, managing director of The Student Room. "We will continue to develop the site as a market-leading source of guidance and will be introducing new services to deepen the support we offer to university applicants.” For student finance and other information now available on the Which? site The Uni Guide is a free and unbiased university advice service from the The Student Room, which is based on content that was originally hosted on Which? University. Our mission is to help students make the best possible choices and get the most out of their educational career. The Uni Guide does this through interactive tools, straightforward advice, and key stats (including explaining what these numbers actually mean). This way, you have everything you need to decide with confidence where you want to spend the next three years of your life studying. We can help you… Find a university course: search, sort, compare and shortlist from more than 30,000 full-time and part-time degree courses via UCAS. Match your predicted or actual grades to courses’ entry requirements to narrow down your search. Our course profiles contain full entry requirements, tuition fees, modules and course-content info, and satisfaction ratings from students. Learn more about a university or college: view over 300 university and college profiles to get the latest league-table ranking, comments from current students and more. Match your A-levels to degree course possibilities: enter your subjects into our A-level Explorer to see the full breadth of degree subjects you could study (including ones that weren’t on your radar). If you’re a Year 11 student choosing A-levels, you can use the Explorer to see where different combinations will leave you in two years’ time (particularly useful if you already have a degree subject in mind). Enter the ones you’re mulling over and see whether they’ll lead you down the right path. Get tips and advice at each stage: you don’t have to make the journey to university alone. Read jargon-free advice and guides, including guest posts from external experts (admission tutors and careers advisers) and personal student stories.

Metal Cladding & Roofing Manufacturers Association

metal cladding & roofing manufacturers association

Newport Gwent

MCRMA HOME Welcome to the Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers Association web site! A NEW MEMBER FOR MCRMA! MCRMA extends a warm welcome to Blueprint who offer a comprehensive in-house design and detailing service covering all aspects of the development and engineering of the building envelope.GD40 EXPLAINED IN ONLINE WEBINAR This webinar from A. Proctor Group introduces and discusses the content of MCRMA Guidance Document GD40 – Understanding membranes in ventilated rainscreen facades. ADVICE NOTE BRINGS CLARITY TO AD-L2 MCRMA has published an Advice Note AN 09 The Building (Amendment) Regulations Guidance 2021. This advice note addresses ambiguities in the new Approved Document AD-L Volume 2 Buildings other than dwellings which MCRMA has identified in comparison with previous versions of the Approved Documents.CPD MODULES ON SUSTAINABILITY Four CPD modules have been added to the MCRMA online CPD programme. All are based on the recent guidance document ‘Sustainability and durability of metal roofing and cladding systems’ and cover a range of topics including sustainability, recyclability, life cycle costings and durability.DID YOU KNOW? All MCRMA publications are free to download without any restrictions! MCRMA believes that it is essential for technical information to be made as widely available as possible – visit the publications page.NEW! THE AUTUMN EDITION OF METAL MATTERS – OUT NOW This issue features an article on cavity barriers and fire stopping in which we examine how effective fire stopping and cavity barriers are essential elements of fire protection to restrict the spread of smoke or flames, and to maintain compartmentation . This issue of Metal Matters also features case studies from A.Proctor Group, Architectural Profiles, BTS Facades & Fabrications, Euroclad Group and Rockwool, Contact the MCRMA Follow us on Find us on The MCRMA was formed in 1990 to support the systems manufacturers in the emerging metal cladding and roofing industry. Since then MCRMA has evolved to encompass the needs of component manufacturer suppliers, stockholders, systems installers, independent roofing and cladding inspectors plus industry support services providers, all providing independent building envelope solutions for metal-based roofing and cladding systems, products and services. MCRMA publishes a wide range of guidance documents and articles which reflect the latest developments in the specification and manufacture of metal building envelope systems and their components. All MCRMA publications are free to download. A new MCRMA guidance document GD39 Sustainability and durability of metal roofing and cladding systems focuses on sustainability from a ‘fabric first’ approach where the metal building envelope provides a long-lasting solution which can be future proofed for potential changes of use of the building. As there is a natural split between sustainability and durability topics the MCRMA guidance document is published as a suite of eight standalone sections each of which covers specific but interrelated subjects, including sustainability background, zero avoidable waste, environmental assessment methods, durability, life cycle/whole life costing, products and components. The document can be downloaded from the sustainability page. MCRMA has published a new Advice Note AN 09 The Building (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Guidance. This advice note addresses ambiguities in the new Approved Document AD-L Volume 2 Buildings other than dwellings which MCRMA has identified in comparison with previous versions of the Approved Documents. Advice Note AN 06 Safe working practices on roofs: the distinction between ‘walkable’ and ‘non-fragility’ has been produced to remind all those involved in roof work construction that they have a responsibility to be aware of the most up to date advice on safe working practices and also to be compliant with the legal requirements. Guidance document GD 32 Self drilling fastener installation tools explains that screw guns are an installer essential when working in roofing and cladding construction, as they ensure that the optimum mechanical performance of a self-drilling fastener is obtained, guaranteeing the integrity of the building envelope. Impact drivers should not be used! Their repetitive impact action can lead to drilling failures, reduce the fastener pull-out performance, and damage the coating or strip the moulding on the fastener head.