• Professional Development
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  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

384 Courses in Cardiff

Creative Problem Solving

By Centre for Competitiveness

Firefighting or solving the same problems week after week? Create a problem-solving culture in your business with this proven methodology.

Creative Problem Solving
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Belfast & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Emergency First Aid at Work

By Prima Cura Training

This one-day course will help you meet your regulatory requirements if your risk assessment indicates that first aid training covering emergency protocols only, is sufficient for your workplace.

Emergency First Aid at Work
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Fall Prevention Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

Falls prevention is a variety of actions to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by older people. Falls and fall-related injuries are among the most severe and common medical problems experienced by older adults. Training, supervision and tailored exercise programmes can reduce falls by as much as 54%.

Fall Prevention Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Bad news - people don't buy your product. Better news - they don't buy anyone else's product either. Best news - they do buy what a product gives them, whether it be removing 'pain' or giving 'pleasure'. So what a challenge it is that every single person buys your product for a slightly different reason! What's the secret to selling in that sort of sales environment? This programme provides a great roadmap. This course will help participants: * Build rapport with authenticity * Use open questions, listening and summary to properly understand the prospect * Use 'impact' questions to 'stack the pain' of remaining with the status quo * Convert features into personalised benefits that reflect stated needs * Handle objections with calm confidence * Identify buying signals * Close effectively * Convey credible urgency centred on the prospect's - not the salesperson's - interests 1 WHAT MAKES A CUSTOMER BUY ANY PRODUCT? * Moving towards 'pleasure' * Moving away from 'pain' * Robert Cialdini's Psychology of Influence - buying motives * Understanding what your product does for customers * Why there is never a 'one size fits all' approach * What are the real 'unique selling points' and why the salesperson is the real 'USP' * At what point does the customer emotionally buy your product? 2 GETTING PAST GATEKEEPERS * What gatekeepers' motivations are * How to make them your friend rather than your enemy * How to make your call harder to block than to put through * How to control the gatekeeper with questions, not answers * Using Cialdini's 'reciprocity' law to get put through more often * Practical exercise in which the trainer poses as gatekeeper 3 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING SKILLS * How to use open questions to get the customer talking * What questions to avoid and why * How to 'stack the pain' of the status quo with 'impact questions' * Practical 'pain stacking' exercise in pairs * What listening is and what it isn't * Question funnelling - how to earn deeper disclosure through probing * Practical funnelling exercise in pairs * The power of summary 4 HOW TO CREATE TAILORED BENEFITS AND NOT 'DIVE INTO SOLUTION' * What is 'diving into solution'? Examples and analogies * Why it is to be avoided * Practical exercise in pairs - how it feels to have solutions offered up too early * How to avoid 'feature-dumping' * What is 'value selling'? * How to create tailored benefits * How to convert product features into benefits * How to deal with the prospect's competitor allegiance 5 HANDLING OBJECTIONS AND TESTING THE WATER * How to overcome the price objection by selling value * Common objections the participants encounter and answers that work * The objections salespeople carry in their own heads * The 'A-C-E' objection-handling model * How to uncover objections * When - and when not - to trial close 6 CLOSING SKILLS * Why salespeople often close too early * How to identify buying signals * How to use urgency with skill and effectiveness * Four killer closing techniques that work * How to avoid buying the product back by careless post-sale talk * How to ask for referrals for your product * How to 'farm' the account for future opportunities 7 WRAP-UP * Key learnings from each participant * Individual action planning - steps that can and will be implemented in the workplace

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Professional administrator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Today's administrative professional needs flexibility and a broad portfolio of skills including self-motivation, assertiveness, and the ability to deal with difficult people. You will benefit from this course if you are an administrator, medical/legal secretary or PA, who wants to enhance your administrative support skills, as well as evaluating your existing techniques. This course will help you identify: * your areas of strength and your areas for improvement in the work environment * ways to accept new challenges and responsibilities with confidence * what motivates you at work * techniques to improve your planning and time management * ways of improving your influencing and assertiveness skills * your preferred working style (and relate it to your interaction with others) * ways of using your initiative * how to deal with challenging people, using recognised communication methods The course will help you develop a flexible set of skills that will allow you to succeed at work, no matter what the day throws at you. It will help you communicate effectively with a diverse range of colleagues and others with tact and diplomacy. And, finally, it will help you provide the administrative support that is essential for the smooth running of your area and of the organisation as a whole. 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview * Introductions * Individual objectives 2 WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR ROLE? * Before looking at new skills and techniques, where are you now? Do you have the skills, knowledge and attitude required to be an exceptional administrator? * Understand your job criteria * Identifying your strengths and areas for development * Activity - skills analysis * Activity - action plan 3 BUILDING TRUST * How can you build trust? * Understanding the links between reliability, consistency and trust * What is required to deliver efficient service? * Activity: efficient service requirements of the professional administrator 4 WORKING STYLES * Identifying your working style preference * Understanding the importance of a flexible approach * Identifying areas of improvement to become a more effective team member * Activity: Questionnaire (completing, scoring and charting) * Activity: drawbacks of my style * Developing your working style 5 ASSERTIVENESS * Understand the differences between behaviours * Activity: Definition and characteristics of assertive / aggressive / passive behaviour * Activity: Identifying different behaviours * Understanding how to be more assertive * How to use assertiveness techniques * How to ask for feedback * Activity: Making requests assertively * Activity: Refusing requests assertively 6 TIME MANAGEMENT * The importance of planning for success * The importance of managing interruptions * The importance of having clear purpose * Time management best practices * Activity: How do you plan your time? What prevents you improving your time management? How will you recognise success? 7 PRIORITISATION * How to prioritise work to meet deadlines * The prioritisation matrix * Activity: Post it! 8 DEALING WITH INTERRUPTIONS * The impact interruptions have on productivity * How to manage interruptions * Activity: What interruptions do you experience? * What tactics can be employed to reduce these interruptions? 9 CLOSE * Open forum * Summary * Action planning

Professional administrator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Miss Date Doctor’s Personal Dating Consultation: Unlock Your Relationship Potential Are you tired of navigating the complexities of the dating world alone? Do you crave personalized guidance and support to help you find love and build fulfilling relationships? Look no further! Miss Date Doctor offers a comprehensive and Personal Dating Consultation designed to empower you on your journey to relationship success. At Miss Date Doctor, we understand that each individual’s dating journey is unique. That’s why our experienced and qualified dating experts are here to provide you with a tailored approach to dating coaching. With our Personal Dating Consultation, you’ll receive one-on-one attention, expert advice, and actionable strategies to enhance your dating skills and increase your chances of finding meaningful connections. Our Personal Dating Consultation is entirely free, allowing you to experience the value of our services without any financial commitment. During this consultation, our dating experts will delve into your dating history, identify your goals and desires, and provide personalized insights to address your specific challenges. We’ll cover a range of topics, including building self-confidence, effective communication techniques, dating etiquette, and creating a positive dating mindset. Our team of experts stays informed on the latest dating trends, psychology research, and relationship strategies to ensure that you receive the best guidance possible. So why wait? Take the first step towards transforming your dating life and sign up for Miss Date Doctor’s Personal Dating Consultation today. Discover the power of personalized support and unlock your relationship potential. Remember, the consultation is free, giving you the opportunity to experience our expertise without any financial commitment. 40 MINS https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/personal-dating-consultation/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/personal-dating-consultation/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Train the trainer (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

At some point in your life you will have attended a training course or workshop, but what happens when you are asked to deliver one? Some people relish the opportunity while others are challenged by it. Whatever you feel about training others, it is a skill that is admired and can be studied and learned. With the trainer you will be learning the techniques, skills and understanding you need and you will have the chance to deliver a short training session to others, receive feedback and having the confidence to deliver it for real in your job. The training will comprise one day followed by a half day when all those able to attend will deliver and have feedback on a 20 minute training activity. * To be able to create and maintain an environment conducive to learning and engagement * To understand basic learning theory and practice and the difference between training, facilitating and learning * To understand how adults learn and how to apply it as a trainer * To be able to plan and deliver a training activity using the appropriate set of skills and behaviours * To be able to review and evaluate learning and identify how outcomes are met * To manage the learning process and the participant engagement in the training environment * To be able to present effectively and appropriately to a variety of audiences * To deliver and receive feedback on a short delivered training activity with peers * To review and evaluate learning and have an action plan to take back and put into practice DAY ONE (full-day) 1 WELCOME, HOUSEKEEPING, HOW THE DAY WILL BE RUN * Introductions (and making the most of them) * Warm up - breaking the ice followed by review and feedback * Creating an environment conducive to learning and engagement; managing expectations well as a trainer * Group task with feedback and review in plenary 2 WHAT IS TRAINING AND HOW DO ADULTS LEARN? * Trainer input: David Kolb's Learning Cycle * Group tasks 3 HOW TO PLAN A SESSION AND WHAT TO INCLUDE - TRAINER INPUT * Starting at the end and working backwards * Linking outcomes to purposeful activities * Practice task and planning time for day two using a template 4 THE SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS OF A BRILLIANT TRAINER * Modelling skills and behaviours * Creative task and discussion 5 MINI REVIEWING TASK * De-brief - using reviewing in training 6 HOW TO MANAGE THE PROCESS * Trainer input followed by practice * Paying conscious attention to language (verbal and non verbal), feelings and responses in the room and managing yourself as a trainer 7 THE TRAINER'S TOOLKIT #1 * Key tools, materials and templates * Choosing different tools and approaches with different audiences * Know your audience 8 THE TRAINER'S TOOLKIT #2 * Key tools, materials and templates continued * Addressing trainer good practice 9 REVIEW, EVALUATION AND ACTION PLANNING ACTIVITIES * Why and what should we be evaluating and why it's important * Action planning task * Group review task DAY TWO (half-day) The day will comprise a series of 30 minute timed sessions where each delegate will present and deliver a training activity with the group. The training activity will be prepared and planned in advance and will take 20 minutes (+ or - 2 minutes) to deliver in real time. This will be followed by review and feedback from the trainer and peers to complete the total of 30 minutes as a time slot. Reiteration of the task and discussion can take place with the trainer if needed, and there is time included in Day One to support the training planning.

Train the trainer (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Powerful presentation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This very practical workshop has a simple objective: to help you prepare, design and deliver memorable and high-quality presentations. This programme will help you: * Use a proven, structured tool-kit when designing and developing presentations * Benefit from short cuts and best practice when designing and using Powerpoint presentations * Select the right information, examples, exercises and activities - and use them well * Prepare and structure a presentation or session appropriate to the audience, and to best achieve your objectives * Maintain audience or group interest * Develop and practise presentation skills to improve your voice tone, speech power and body language * Use practical methods to control nerves and anxiety - develop higher levels of confidence and credibility * Command a room, hold attention and create a high impact 1 INTRODUCTION * Personal objectives * Key messages and learning objectives of the workshop 2 PRESENTATION SKILLS * What does good look like? * Exercise: Characteristics of high/low impact presentations * Presenting yourself as a 'winner' * The energy / attitude model * Exercise: Being a winner 3 PREPARATION SKILLS - EIGHT STEPS TO PREPARING A GREAT PRESENTATION, PLUS POWERPOINT TIPS •The magic circle • How to 'assume the role' when presenting • The eight steps • Step 1 - develop your objectives - The five questions that you must answer before preparing your presentation - Defining your objectives and outcomes - Creating a first draft - Step 1 exercise • Step 2 - analyse your audience - Doing your homework: audience, event, venue - Developing a pre-event check-list - Methods and means for researching your audience - Step 2 exercise • Steps 3 and 4 - structure the main body of your presentation and state the main ideas - Ways to structure your presentation for maximum impact - Balancing and managing content and topics - Organising your information: 6 options and methods - Your 'one main point' and creating a 30-second summary - Steps 3 and 4 exercises • Step 5 - decide on supporting information, using the toolkit - Making your case convincing: ways to support your claims - Selecting and using relevant and interesting examples - Quotes, case studies and printed material - Presenting statistics, tables and graphs - Ways of maintaining visual interest - Transitions and links, creating a 'golden thread' - Step 5 exercise: Creating compelling stories and anecdotes 4 • Step 6 - create an effective 'opening' - Claiming the stage and creating a good first impression - The three most powerful ways of opening a presentation - The five elements of a strong opening - Step 6 exercise: Participants work individually to prepare an opening, focusing on personal introduction, and then deliver to the group, with structured feedback • Step 7 - develop transitions - Step 7 exercise / examples • Step 8 - create an effective close - Signalling and sign-posting; the importance of, and how to do it effectively - Five ways to close a presentation successfully - Step 8 exercise / examples • Presentation design and Powerpoint - An interactive review of participants' own real-life past presentations and advanced tips and techniques on using Powerpoint effectively 4 FACILITATION SKILLS * The three main types of group activity - triads, teams and main group * How to select the right activity, define the objectives, set it up and run the debrief * Using energisers - with examples * Exercise: Dealing with 'difficult' behaviours * Exercise: Working in triads, design and deliver 5 TIPS AND TRICKS: PRESENTATION AND FACILITATION * 10 reasons why facilitation fails * Five golden rules for success * Defining the session goals and the facilitation plan * Open and closed questions - why and when to use * Using a 'car park' to manage unresolved issues * Using AV aids - tips and tricks * Exercises: Including participants working in pairs to prepare a short section form of one of their own presentations 6 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Summary of key learning points * Action plan

Powerful presentation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

English Language Courses

By Bath Academy

English Language courses at Bath Academy are suitable for every type of student. Join classes every Monday.

English Language Courses
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bath, & 2 more

Presentation skills

By Rough House Media

WHETHER YOU HAVE TO CHAIR A MEETING, PITCH A PROPOSAL OR SPEAK AT A CONFERENCE YOU NEED GOOD COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS. Addressing a group of people with assurance and confidence does not come naturally to everyone. Our presentation skills training courses will teach you how to conquer your fears and give a successful and memorable performance. We will tailor the training to your specific needs, from coaching before an important keynote or honing your pitch to improving your negotiation and influencing skills, or learning how to network effectively. A TYPICAL COURSE CAN COVER: * Recognising the strengths of your own communication style * Using the different elements of voice and body language effectively * Conquering your nerves and use body language to your advantage * Pitching presentations so they meet your audiences’ needs * Structuring a presentation so the audience is engaged from start to finish * Using visual aids * Handling questions All our presentation skills training is bespoke, with options including one-to-one coaching, combined training and coaching programmes and group training courses. All these courses can be delivered virtually, as well as face to face. As many of the skills needed to give a good presentation are shared with media interviews, we frequently combine our presentation skills and media interview skills training. VENUE We deliver courses in the most appropriate format for your circumstances – whether face to face or online. Face to face courses are portable: they can be held in purpose-built studios, at your own offices or at an external venue. In the latter two cases, we create a mock studio for the practical exercises. Online courses give you flexibility and enable you to offer training to delegates from all over the world. We have run virtual courses for people from the Far East, South Asia, North America and Europe, as well as the UK.

Presentation skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Richmond
Price on Enquiry