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Courses matching "User Experience"

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Programming in HTML5 with CSS


By Systems & Network Training

PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create and style HTML5 pages. * Use JavaScript. * Style HTML5 pages by using CSS3. * Use common HTML5 APLs in interactive Web applications. * Create HTML5 Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors. * Enhance the user experience by adding animations to the HTML5 page. PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Website developers. * Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals. * Duration 5 days PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE CONTENTS * Overview of HTML and CSS Overview of HTML, Overview of CSS, Creating a Web Application by Using Visual Studio 2012. Hands on Exploring the Contoso Conference Application. * Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages Creating an HTML5 Page, Styling an HTML5 Page. Hands on Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages. * Introduction to JavaScript Overview of JavaScript Syntax, Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript, Introduction to jQuery. Hands on Displaying Data and Handling Events by Using JavaScript. * Creating Forms to Collect and Validate User Input Overview of Forms and Input Types, Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes, Validating User Input by Using JavaScript. Hands on Creating a Form and Validating User Input. * Communicating with a Remote Data Source Sending and Receiving Data by Using XMLHTTPRequest, Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX operations. Hands on Communicating with a Remote Data Source. * Styling HTML5 by Using CSS3 Styling Text, Styling Block Elements, CSS3 Selectors, Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3. Hands on Styling Text and Block Elements using CSS3. * Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript Writing Well-Structured JavaScript, Creating Custom Objects, Extending Objects. Hands on Refining Code for Maintainability and Extensibility. * Creating Interactive Pages using HTML5 APIs Interacting with Files, Incorporating Multimedia, Reacting to Browser Location and Context, Debugging and Profiling a Web Application. Hands on Creating Interactive Pages by Using HTML5 APIs. * Adding Offline Support to Web Applications Reading and Writing Data Locally, Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache. Hands on Adding Offline Support to a Web Application. * Implementing an Adaptive User Interface Supporting Multiple Form Factors, Creating an Adaptive User Interface. Hands on Implementing an Adaptive User Interface. * Creating Advanced Graphics Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics, Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas. Hands on Creating Advanced Graphics. * Animating the User Interface Applying CSS Transitions, Transforming Elements, Applying CSS Key-frame Animations. Hands on Animating User Interface Elements. * Web Sockets for Real-Time Communications Introduction to Web Sockets, Sending and Receiving Data by Using Web Sockets. Hands on Implementing Real-Time Communications by Using Web Sockets. * Creating a Web Worker Process Introduction to Web Workers, Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using a Web Worker. Hands on Creating a Web Worker Process.

Programming in HTML5 with CSS
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Network design


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK DESIGN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides you with the knowledge needed to perform the design of a network infrastructure that supports desired network solutions to achieve effective performance, scalability, and availability. We recognise that the role of design does not normally require hands on skills but hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory not to teach configuration or troubleshooting. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create HA enterprise network designs. * Develop optimum Layer 3 designs. * Design effective modern WAN and data center networks. * Develop effective migration approaches to IPv6. * Create effective network security designs. NETWORK DESIGN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone involved with network design. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 5 days NETWORK DESIGN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS PART I RELIABLE, RESILIENT ENTERPRISE L2/3 NETWORK DESIGN Optimal Enterprise Campus Design: Enterprise campus design principles, hierarchy, modularity, flexibility, resiliency. EIGRP design: EIGRP Design, Should you use EIGRP? OSPF design: OSPF scalability designs, OSPF area design, OSPF Full-Mesh Design, OSPF Hub-and-Spoke Design, OSPF convergence design and optimization techniques. IS-IS Design: The protocol, IS-IS hierarchical architecture, IS-IS vs OSPF, IS-IS Deep Dive, IS-IS Design Considerations. BGP design: BGP overview, Designing Scalable iBGP Networks, BGP Route Reflector Design, Enhancing the Design of BGP Policies with BGP Communities, Case Study: Designing Enterprise wide BGP Policies Using BGP Communities, BGP Load-Sharing Design. PART II ENTERPRISE IPV6 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS IPv6 Design Considerations in the Enterprise: IPv6 Deployment and Design Considerations, Considerations for Migration to IPv6 Design, IPv6 Transition Mechanisms, Final Thoughts on IPv6 Transition Mechanisms. Challenges of the Transition to IPv6: IPv6 Services, Link Layer Security Considerations. PART III MODERN ENTERPRISE WIDE-AREA NETWORKS DESIGN Service Provider-Managed VPNs: Choosing Your WAN Connection, Layer 3 MPLS VPNs, Case Study: MPLS VPN Routing Propagation, Layer 2 MPLS VPN Services. Enterprise-Managed WANs: Enterprise-Managed VPNs, GRE, Multipoint GRE, Point-to-Point and Multipoint GRE, IPsec, IPsec and dynamic VTI, DMVPN, Case Study: EIGRP DMVPN, DMVPN and Redundancy, Case Study: MPLS/VPN over GRE/DMVPN, SSL VPN. Enterprise WAN Resiliency Design: WAN Remote-Site Overview, MPLS L3 WAN Design Models, Common L2 WAN Design Models, Common VPN WAN Design Models, 3G/4G VPN Design Models, Remote Site Using Local Internet, Remote-Site LAN, Case Study: Redundancy and Connectivity, NGWAN, SDWAN, and IWAN Solution Overview, IWAN Design Overview, Enterprise WAN and Access Management. PART IV ENTERPRISE DATA CENTER DESIGNS Multitier Data Center Designs: Case Study: Small Data Centers (Connecting Servers to an Enterprise LAN), Case Study: Two-Tier Data Center Network Architecture, Case Study: Three-Tier Data Center Network Architecture. Trends and Techniques to Design Modern Data Centers: The Need for a New Network Architecture, Limitations of Current Networking Technology, Modern Data Center Design Techniques and Architectures, Multitenant Data Center. SDN: SDN characteristics, How SDN addresses current Networking Limitations, SDN Architecture Components, SDN Network Virtualization overlays. Data Center Connections: Data Center Traffic Flows, The Need for DCI, IP Address Mobility, Case Study: Dark Fiber DCI, Pseudowire DCI. PART V DESIGN QOS FOR OPTIMIZED USER EXPERIENCE QoS Overview: QoS Overview, IntServ versus DiffServ, Classification and Marking, Policers and Shapers, Policing Tools: Single-Rate Three-Color Marker, Policing Tools: TwoRate Three-Color Marker, Queuing Tools, Dropping Tools. QoS design principles and best practices: QoS overview, classification and marking design principles, policing and remarking design principles, queuing design principles, dropping design principles, Per-Hop behavior queue design principles, RFC 4594 QoS Recommendation, QoS Strategy Models. Campus QoS, WAN QoS, Data Center QoS. MPLS VPN QoS Design: The Need for QoS in MPLS VPN, Layer 2 Private WAN QoS Administration, Fully Meshed MPLS VPN QoS Administration, MPLS DiffServ Tunneling Modes, Sample MPLS VPN QoS Roles. IPsec VPN QoS Design: The Need for QoS in IPsec VPN, VPN Use Cases and Their QoS Models, IPsec Refresher, Encryption and Classification: Order of Operations, MTU Considerations, DMVPN QoS Considerations. PART VI IP MULTICAST DESIGN Enterprise IP Multicast Design: How Does IP Multicast Work? Multicast Protocols, Multicast Forwarding and RPF Check, Multicast Protocol Basics, PIM-SM Overview, Multicast Routing Table, Basic SSM Concepts, Bidirectional PIM. RP discovery, Anycast RP Features, MSDP. PART VII DESIGNING OPTIMUM ENTERPRISE NETWORK SECURITY Designing Security Services and Infrastructure Protection Network Security Zoning, Designing Infrastructure Protection. Designing firewall & IPS solutions: Firewall architectures, virtualized firewalls. Case Study: Application Tier separation, Case Study: Firewalls in a Data Center, Case Study: Firewall High Availability, IPS Architectures, Case Study: Secure Campus Edge Design (Internet and Extranet Connectivity). IP Multicast Security: Multicast Security Challenges, Multicast Network Security Considerations. Designing Network Access Control Solutions: IEEE 802.1X, EAP, 802.1X supplicants, 802.1X phased deployment, Case Study: Authorization Options. PART VIII DESIGN SCENARIOS Design Case Studies: 1: Enterprise Connectivity, 2: Enterprise BGP with Internet Connectivity, 3: IPv6, 4: Data Center Connectivity, 5: Resilient Enterprise WAN, 6: Secure Enterprise Network, 7: QoS in the Enterprise Network.

Network design
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Software management - the business perspective (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Software comes in a variety of guises - application software, firmware, middleware, system software. Increasingly, however, it doesn't necessarily present that way, especially as the boundaries between software, data and source code are becoming more and more blurred. And as software becomes more complex and more difficult to disentangle, so it becomes harder to manage and to value. But as it becomes more integral to every aspect of a business, so it is ever more important to keep on top of the technical, legal and commercial issues that arise, issues such as: To address these issues, organisations need a process for evaluating their current situation from all perspectives and for identifying the key actions they need to take to ensure holistic management of their software. This very practical programme will help set your organisation on the right path. Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. This programme is designed to give you a deeper understanding of: * The technical, legal and commercial risks associated with software development, procurement, use and commercial exploitation * The most appropriate processes and responsibilities for managing those risks Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. 1 SOFTWARE BUSINESS MODEL * What is the software business model? * What options exist? * Has the software business model been thoroughly reviewed to ensure its viability? This means fully understanding the market opportunity, the business environment and customer and end-user expectations. 2 TECHNOLOGY * What are the technologies? * How has the technology selection been validated considering the competitiveness, structure, and potential for future innovation? 3 UI AND UX * What is the UI and UX? How to best articulate this? * Has the user interface and user experience been studied from both a subjective and objective view to give insight into customer behaviour? 4 LEGAL FRAMEWORK / COMMERCIAL ASPECTS * Has the necessary legal framework or commercial aspects that may impact upon use or operation of the software been understood and risks identified and mitigated? 5 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT * What is the software development process? * Are both the business management and development team's processes resilient in order to improve the company's capability and the maturity of the software? 6 SOFTWARE QUALITY * What is quality? * What are the metrics around software quality? What is the maturity level, based around a qualitative and quantitative assessment? 7 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATED * What IP should be considered when it comes to software? * Does the company understand both the intellectual property risks and potential opportunities associated with this software? 8 SECURITY * What does software security mean in this context? * How is it being addressed? 9 AN HOLISTIC APPROACH * Review of roles and responsibilities to ensure appropriate management and protection

Software management - the business perspective (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry