54 Educators providing Courses in Bristol

Abbeywood Community School

abbeywood community school



If you are an ex-Abbeywood Community School or Filton High School student you can get involved in the school Alumni in the following ways: Share your pictures and stories of your time at school via flickr found here and the Filton High and Abbeywood Schools former staff and pupils association facebook page found here. Contact the Headteacher (Ben.Dilley@olympustrust.co.uk) if you would like to offer any direct support for the school as a business mentor or if you’re interested in coming into the school to inspire current Abbeywood students with your experiences and achievements We are always delighted to hear of the achievements of our alumni – so please do get in touch. ….I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the teachers and staff at Abbeywood who have taught me, formally and informally and have contributed to my academic success. Abbeywood remains fond in my memories and I really cherish the time I have spent there. Truth be told I have never been that good in academics before I went to the UK but I believe the fun I had in school there made me a person who was eager to learn more and develop a thirst for knowledge. Please send all my love and thanks to all the teachers there who have supported me through my high school days at Abbeywood. Thank you very much for providing me with a safe and comfortable learning environment. A lot of what I have learnt there has shaped the person I am today, not just in academics but also morally. I believed I have gained a lot of confidence and become a very critical thinker during my time there. Do send my regards to the community in Abbeywood, especially the teachers that taught me and my fellow friends. Thank you too sir for being very encouraging and supportive!

The Human Nature Project

the human nature project


Human Nature is a network of nature-lovers, a bid made in what is clearly a time of great need to reverse the established principles used by all the major conservation organizations and rewrite the story on our terms. Nature should be a universal language accessible to all people regardless of race, background or socio-economic status. Yet in this modern world of apartment blocks and iPhones, it is rapidly being driven out of sight and mind. At Human Nature, we are working to reverse this trend: communicating innovatively and effectively the true place that humanity should hold in this world, erasing the tragedy of the commons and bringing nature into the collective consciousness as a positive force to be shared by all. Over the centuries, our species has developed an intricate web of barriers and blockades to separate ourselves both mentally and physically from other lifeforms. We perceive ourselves as uniquely cultured, somehow divinely selected to sit one rung above the rest on the great chain of being- blessed with a superior intelligence and thus untouchable. Obvious parallels could be drawn with colonial views of indigenous groups, and the uphill battle being fought to this day to uproot such age-old paradigms. It’s clear we have a long road ahead, but as events of recent times have shown, the momentum is already shifting. There was a time for multinational charity figureheads, with their steady if slow governance of environmental matters. That time has now passed. And with it rises a new dawn, a blossoming sun signalling the new era of conservation- nature for the people, by the people, and with the people