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475 Courses in Bristol

Geomechanics at Well and Field Scale

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Geomechanical evaluations are about the assessment of deformations and failure in the subsurface due to oil & gas production, geothermal operations, CO2 storage and other operations. All geomechanical evaluations include four types of modelling assumptions, which will be systematically addressed in this training, namely: 1.      Geometrical modelling assumption: Impact of structural styles on initial stress and stress redistribution due to operations 2.      Formation (or constitutive) behaviour: Linear elastic and non-linear behaviour, associated models and their parameters, and methods how to constrain these using 3.      Initial stress: Relation with structural setting and methods to quantify the in-situ stress condition 4.      Loading conditions: Changes in pore pressure and temperature on wellbore and field scale This 5 full-day course starts with the determination of the stresses in the earth, the impact of different structural styles, salt bodies, faulting and folding on the orientation of the three main principal stress components. Different (field) data sources will be discussed to constrain their magnitude, while exercises will be made to gain hands-on experience. Subsequently, the concepts of stress and strain will be discussed, linear elasticity, total and effective stress and poro-elasticity in 1D, 2D and 3D, as well as thermal expansion. Participants will be able to construct and interpret a Mohr-circles. Also, different failure mechanisms and associated models (plastic, viscous) will be discussed. All these concepts apply on a material point level. Next, geomechanics on the wellbore scale is addressed, starting with the stress distribution around the wellbore (Kirsch equations). The impact of mudweight on shear and tensile failure (fracturing) will be calculated, and participants will be able to determine the mudweight window stable drilling operations, while considering well deviation and the use of oil-based and water-based muds (pore pressure penetration). Fracturing conditions and fracture propagation will be addressed. Field-scale geomechanics is addressed on the fourth day, focussing on building a 3D geomechanical model that is fit-for-purpose (focussing on the risks that need evaluation). Here, geological interpretation (layering), initial stress and formation property estimation (from petrophysical logs and lab experiments) as well as determining the loading conditions come together. The course is concluded with interpretation of the field-wide geomechanical response to reservoir depletion with special attention to reservoir compaction & subsidence, well failure and fault reactivation & induced seismicity. Special attention is paid to uncertainties and formulating advice that impacts decision-making during development and production stages of a project. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives Upon completing of this course, the participants will be able to: * Identify potential project risks that may need a geomechanical evaluation * Construct a pressure-depth plot based on available field data (density logs, (X)LOT, FIT, RFT) * Employ log-based correlation function to estimate mechanical properties * Produce a simplified, but appropriate geometrical (layered, upscaled) model that honours contrasts in initial stress, formation properties and loading conditions, including * Construct and interpret a Mohr-circle for shear and tensile failure * Calculate the mud weight that leads to shear and tensile failure (fracturing conditions) * Identify potential lab experiments to measure required formation properties * Describe the workflow and data to develop a field-wide fit-for-purpose geomechanical model * Discuss the qualitative impact of pressure and temperature change on the risk related to compaction, well failure, top-seal integrity and fault reactivation Target Audience This course is intended for Drilling Engineers, Well Engineers, Production Technologists, Completion Engineers, Well Superintendents, Directional Drillers, Wellsite Supervisors and others, who wish to further their understanding of rock mechanics and its application to drilling and completion. There is no specific formal pre-requisite for this course. However, the participants are requested to have been exposed to drilling, completions and production operations in their positions and to have a recommended minimum of 3 years of field experience. Course Level * Intermediate Trainer Your expert course leader has over 30 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry, covering all geomechanical issues in the petroleum industry for Shell. Some of his projects included doing research and providing operational advice in wellbore stability, sand failure prediction, and oil-shale retortion among others. He guided multi-disciplinary teams in compaction & subsidence, top-seal integrity, fault reactivation, induced-seismicity and containment. He was also involved in projects related to Carbon Capture Storage (CCS). He is the founding father of various innovations and assessment tools, and developed new insights into the root causes seismicity induced by Oil & Gas production. Furthermore, he was the regional coordinator for technology deployment in Africa, and Smart Fields (DOFF, iField) design advisor for Shell globally. He was responsible for the Geomechanical competence framework, and associated virtual and classroom training programme in Shell for the last 10 years. He served as one of the Subject Matter Expert (SME) on geomechanics, provided Technical Assurance to many risk assessments, and is a co-author of Shell's global minimun standard on top-seal integry and containment. He has a MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering and computational mechanics from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Training experience: Developed and delivered the following (between 2010 and 2020): * The competence framework for the global geomechanical discipline in Shell * Online Geomechanical training programs for petroleum engineers (post-doc level) * The global minimum standard for top-seal integrity assessment in Shell * Over 50 learning nuggets with Subject Matter Experts * Various Shell virtual Geomechanical training courses covering all subjects * Developed Advanced Geomechanical training program for experienced staff in Shell * Coaching of KPC staff on Geomechanics and containment issues on an internship at Shell in The Netherlands, Q4 2014 * Lectured at the Utrecht University summer school (The Netherlands, 2020) on induced seismicity among renowned earthquake experts (Prof. Mark Zoback, Prof. Jean-Philippe Avouac, Prof. Jean-Pierre Ampuero and Prof. Torsten Dahm) (https://www.nwo.nl/onderzoeksprogrammas/deepnl/bijeenkomsten/6-10-juli-2020-deepnl-webinar-series-induced-seismicity) * Lectured at the Danish Technical University summer school (Copenhagen, 2021) summer school on Carbon Capture and Storage (https://www.oilgas.dtu.dk/english/Events/DHRTC-Summer-School) * Virtual Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Project Risks & How to Manage Them training course (October and November 2021) POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Geomechanics at Well and Field Scale
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3697 to £4299

Gas Lift Design & Optimization using NODAL Analysis

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Gas-lift is one of the predominant forms of artificial lift used for lifting liquids from conventional, unconventional, onshore and offshore assets. Gas-lift and its various forms (intermittent lift, gas-assisted plunger lift) allows life of well lift-possibilities when selected and applied properly. This 5-day training course is designed to give participants a thorough understanding of gas-lift technology and related application concepts. This training course covers main components such as application envelope, relative strengths and weaknesses of gas-lift and its different forms like intermittent lift, gas-assisted plunger lift. Participants solve examples and class problems throughout the course. Animations and videos reinforce the concepts under discussion. Unique Features: * Hands-on usage of SNAP Software to solve gas-lift exercises * Discussion on digital oil field * Machine learning applications in gas-lift optimization Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: * Understand the fundamental theories and procedures related to Gas-Lift operations * Easily recognize the different components of the gas-lift system and their basic structural and operational features * Be able to design a gas-lift installation * Comprehend how digital oilfield tools help address ESP challenges * Examine recent advances in real-time approaches to the production monitoring and lift management Target Audience This training course is suitable and will greatly benefit the following specific groups: * Production, reservoir, completion, drilling and facilities engineers, analysts, and operators * Anyone interested in learning about implications of gas-lift systems for their fields and reservoirs Course Level * Intermediate * Advanced Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 5 days in total (35 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 20. This course is also available through our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Prerequisites: * Understanding of petroleum production concepts. * Each participant needs a laptop/PC for solving class examples using software to be provided during class. Laptop/PC needs to have a current Windows operating system and at least 500 MB free disk space. Participants should have administrator rights to install software. Trainer Your expert course leader has over 35 years' work-experience in multiphase flow, artificial lift, real-time production optimization and software development/management. His current work is focused on a variety of use cases like failure prediction, virtual flow rate determination, wellhead integrity surveillance, corrosion, equipment maintenance, DTS/DAS interpretation. He has worked for national oil companies, majors, independents, and service providers globally. He has multiple patents and has delivered a multitude of industry presentations. Twice selected as an SPE distinguished lecturer, he also volunteers on SPE committees. He holds a Bachelor's and Master's in chemical engineering from the Gujarat University and IIT-Kanpur, India; and a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, USA. Highlighted Work Experience: * At Weatherford, consulted with clients as well as directed teams on digital oilfield solutions including LOWIS - a solution that was underneath the production operations of Chevron and Occidental Petroleum across the globe. * Worked with and consulted on equipment's like field controllers, VSDs, downhole permanent gauges, multiphase flow meters, fibre optics-based measurements. * Shepherded an enterprise-class solution that is being deployed at a major oil and gas producer for production management including artificial lift optimization using real time data and deep-learning data analytics. * Developed a workshop on digital oilfield approaches for production engineers. Patents: * Principal inventor: 'Smarter Slug Flow Conditioning and Control' * Co-inventor: 'Technique for Production Enhancement with Downhole Monitoring of Artificially Lifted Wells' * Co-inventor: 'Wellbore real-time monitoring and analysis of fracture contribution' Worldwide Experience in Training / Seminar / Workshop Deliveries: * Besides delivering several SPE webinars, ALRDC and SPE trainings globally, he has taught artificial lift at Texas Tech, Missouri S&T, Louisiana State, U of Southern California, and U of Houston. * He has conducted seminars, bespoke trainings / workshops globally for practicing professionals: * Companies: Basra Oil Company, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, EcoPetrol, Equinor, KOC, ONGC, LukOil, PDO, PDVSA, PEMEX, Petronas, Repsol, , Saudi Aramco, Shell, Sonatrech, QP, Tatneft, YPF, and others. * Countries: USA, Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Congo, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Mexico, Norway, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, S Korea, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, UAE, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela. * Virtual training provided for PetroEdge, ALRDC, School of Mines, Repsol, UEP-Pakistan, and others since pandemic. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Gas Lift Design & Optimization using NODAL Analysis
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3749 to £4360

Climate science workshop - Climate Fresk

By The C Collective

Join a Climate Fresk Climate science workshop to learn about the causes and effects of climate change through a fun and collaborative experience.

Climate science workshop - Climate Fresk
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London
£1500 to £5000

Best Practice in Portfolio Management in Upstream Oil and Gas

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS VIRTUAL INSTRUCTOR LED TRAINING (VILT) This 4 half-day Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course presents the principles and best practices of portfolio management in the upstream (E&P) oil and gas industry. The VILT course is equally valuable for small independents, large integrated international companies and national oil companies. The VILT course consists of presentations, case studies, illustrative practical exercises and syndicate discussions. Particular emphasis is given to pragmatic portfolio management approaches and solutions which can be implemented swiftly without recourse to major investments in planning and portfolio management software. The VILT course will draw on examples from your expert course leader's 35+ years' experience in the oil and gas industry as an explorationist, upstream vice-president and management consultant. The VILT course handout will comprise softcopy slides used in the presentation and a softcopy workbook for the exercises. Participants will gain proficiency in portfolio management techniques, understand how and why to undertake this activity and be able to apply key concepts directly in the business of their teams / divisions. The VILT course will be presented over 4 half-days, using Microsoft Teams or Zoom and a proprietary set of VILT tools. Participants will be asked to complete a pre course questionnaire (PCQ) addressing their objectives and experience, and attend a session to familiarise themselves with VILT tools before course commencement.     Training Objectives To present the tools, concepts and principles of portfolio management * To define the quantitative metrics which are used to describe projects in a portfolio * To understand the benefits of portfolio management at different stages of the upstream business: in strategy development, opportunity screening, business development, drilling prospects, conducting appraisal of discoveries and developing fields * To put portfolio management in the organisational context by describing the role of the portfolio management team and examining how value assurance (quality control) is best conducted on portfolio data for projects and assets * To demonstrate how portfolio management contributes to improved business performance By the end of the VILT course, participants will understand: * Key concepts and principles of portfolio management * How to design a simple portfolio database and describe complex projects in a small number of objective metrics * How to segment the portfolio into meaningful units * How to use portfolio data in making business choices and decisions at the strategic and tactical levels * The extent to which it is meaningful and reasonable to make comparisons across different portfolio segments * How the portfolio management team can support the wider business in decision-making Target Audience This VILT course is specially designed for exploration and development geoscientists, E&P economists and finance staff, and E&P managers. Both technical and non-technical staff will benefit from the concepts presented. Companies are encouraged to send participants from different functions and seniority levels to gain great benefits especially those which would like to implement the concepts presented in this VILT course. Course Level * Basic or Foundation Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 4 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. The VILT course will be presented in an interactive workshop format that allows for discussion. Course Duration: 4 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (16 hours in total). Trainer Your expert course leader draws on more than 35 years of experience managing, reviewing and directing projects in all aspects of the exploration business: from exploration business development (new ventures), through prospect maturation and drilling, to the appraisal of discoveries. He has more than 30 years' experience with Shell International, followed by 10 years consulting to NOCs in Asia Pacific, Africa and South America and independent oil companies in the United Kingdom, continental Europe and North America. Other than delivering industry training, he has worked on projects for oil & gas companies of all sizes, including independents, national oil companies and (super)-majors, private equity firms, hedge funds and investment banks, and leading management consulting  firms. He is an alumnus of Cambridge University. He has M.A and Ph.D. degrees in geology and is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London as well as a respected speaker on management panels at international conferences. Professional Experience * Management consultancy & executive education: Advice to investment banks, businesses and major consulting firms. Specialist expertise in upstream oil & gas, with in depth experience in exploration strategy, portfolio valuation and risk assessment. * Leadership: Managed and led teams and departments ranging from 3 - 60 in size. Provided technical leadership to a cadre of 800 explorationists in Shell worldwide. Member of the 12-person VP team leading global exploration in Shell, a $3 bln p.a. business and recognised as the most effective and successful among its industry peers. * Accountability & decision-making: Accountable for bottom-line results: in a range of successful exploration ventures with budgets ranging from $10's million to $100's million. Made, or contributed to, complex business decisions / investments, taking into account strategic, technical, commercial, organisational and political considerations. * Corporate governance: Served as non-executive director on the Boards of the South Rub al Khali Company (oversight of gas exploration studies and drilling in Saudi Arabia) and SEAPOS B.V. (exploration deep-water drilling and facilities management). * Technical & operations: Skilled in exploration opportunity evaluation, the technical de risking of prospects, portfolio analysis and managing the interface between exploration and well engineering activities. Unparalleled knowledge of the oil and gas basins of the world, and of different operating regimes and contractual structures, ranging from Alaska, Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, through to the Middle East, former Soviet Union, Far East and Australia. * Safety: Following an unsatisfactory audit, became accountable for safety performance in Shell's exploration new ventures. Through personal advocacy and leadership of a small team, delivered pragmatic and effective HSE systems, tools and staff training / engagement and a dramatically improved safety record. * R&D: Experience in the 3 key roles in R&D: scientific researcher, research manager, and 'customer' for R&D products. After re-defining Shell's exploration R&D strategy, led the re-structuring of the R&D organization, its interface with 'the business' and approaches to deployment and commercialization. * Strategy: Accomplished at formulating competitive strategies in business, R&D and technology deployment, translating them into actionable tactics and results. Defined the exploration strategy of PDO (a Shell subsidiary in Oman) and latterly of Shell's global exploration programme. * Professional education, behavioural/motivational coaching: Experienced in organisational re-design, change management, leadership education and talent development. * Commercial skills: Personally negotiated drilling compensation claims, educational contracts and E&P contracts, with values of $5 million to $100+ million. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Best Practice in Portfolio Management in Upstream Oil and Gas
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1960 to £3699

Navigating Petrophysics: Log Analysis, LWD & Wireline

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Petrophysics remains a vital component to many facets of the petroleum industry, from quantification of hydrocarbon reserves to developmental strategies to real-time decision making for reservoir navigation. Targeted at awareness to knowledge level, this course addresses the tenets of petrophysics and formation evaluation, using integrative perspective of multiple datasets, including geological, geophysical, and logging and core data. Significant worldwide case histories are included, as well as several exercises designed to provide hands-on experience. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives By attending this course, the participants will be able to: * Understand better the latest geological, geophysical, and logging/core technologies and their role in petrophysical analysis, formation evaluation, and reservoir characterization. * Address the pros and cons of key datasets, with emphasis on need for integrative studies and calibration of datasets. * Apply quick-look qualitative techniques as well as quantitative aspects to understand vital aspects such as volume of shale/clay, porosity, permeability, and water saturation determinations. * Select tool combinations to resolve key issues and for specific applications. * Assess uncertainty in petrophysical measurements and techniques and its influence on reserve estimation. Target Audience This course is recommended for development and exploration geologists, petrophysicists, log and core analysts, geophysicists, petroleum engineers, managers, and technical personnel. Course Level * Intermediate Trainer Your expert course leader received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geology from the now University of Louisiana-Lafayette in 1989 and 1990 respectively, and his Ph.D. as a National Science Foundation fellow at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, in 1993. From 1994 - 1996, he studied planetary tectonics as a NASA-funded postdoctoral fellow at Southern Methodist University. In 1996, he returned to UL-Lafayette, where he was awarded in 1997 the Hensarling-Chapman Endowed Professorship in Geology. He began independent consulting activities in 1991, and in 2001, he left academia for full-time consulting for clients ranging from one-man shops to supermajors. He rejoined UL-Lafayette as an adjunct professor from 2011 - 2018. He is an active researcher, receiving several million dollars in grants from federal, state, and industry sources, presenting numerous talks, including a 2019 AAPG Levorsen award, and publishing on a diversity of geoscience topics, including a Grover E. Murray Best Published Paper award in 2017. He is co-author of the inaugural GCAGS/GCSSEPM Transactions Best Student Paper award in 2018. He served as the GCAGS Publisher since 2006 and in various GCAGS/GCSSEPM Transactions editing capacities since 2006, including the 2014 and 2017 - 2022 Editor (named Permanent Transactions Editor in 2017), and Managing Editor since 2011, receiving a GCAGS Distinguished Service Award in 2018. He served as the General Chair for GeoGulf 2020 (70th GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention), the 1st hybrid geoscience conference in the world. He is a Past President of the Lafayette Geological Society and served as its Editor and Publisher from 2002 - 2018. In 2018, he founded the Willis School of Applied Geoscience, reformulating decades of industry-training experience to provide alternative opportunities for graduate-level education. In 2020, he received an Honorary Membership from GCSSEPM. He also joined the LSU faculty as an adjunct professor in 2020. In 2021, he co-founded the Society of Applied Geoscientists and Engineers, serving as its President, General Chair for the SAGE 2022 Convention & Exposition, and Vice-Chair for the Benghazi International Geoscience & Engineering Conference 2022 (BIGEC 2022). POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Navigating Petrophysics: Log Analysis, LWD & Wireline
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3611 to £4199

Advanced Body Shape Package

By Harley Elite Academy (HeLa)

Expert Body Shape Fillers Package includes: * Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers * BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical * Threads lift injectables for body ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * Registered Medical professional * Level – Beauty Therapist * Dental Nurse * Physiotherapist * Holds at least 6 months experience with needles (micro-needling, microblading, tattooing, vaccinations, phlebotomy and more) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE! After booking we will contact you for scheduling the exact course date! Courses dates are subject to change due to mentors availability. We will inform you via email if a date becomes available! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTENDANCE ONLINE (Theory), IN CLINIC (Practice) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERT LEVEL * Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers * BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical * PDO Threads lift injectables for body * PRP/ Mesotherapy Training Course Choose Online Theory or In-Clinic with practice 4 Days Intensive Courses  (1 Week)

Advanced Body Shape Package
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London
£4550 to £6500

Well Test Analysis in Practice

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING This 5-day training course enables participants to learn and understand the fundamental concepts of well test analysis. The methodology described in the course, which has become the standard of the industry, presents a systematic way of interpreting well tests in homogeneous and heterogeneous reservoirs, including fissured and multilayered systems.  Recommendations for designing tests in such formations, examples, and problem-solving sessions for practical experience and immediate application are included in the course. Training Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: * Understand the well test analysis methodology * Present the straight line, log-log pressure, derivative and deconvolution analysis methods * Learn the most common reservoir behaviours and boundary effects * Carry out the gas and multiphase analysis Target Audience The course is intended for individuals who involved with the design and interpretation of well tests. The following personnel will benefit from the knowledge shared in this course: * Petroleum Production Engineers * Production and Wellsite Geologist * Geophysicist * Reservoir Engineer * Drilling Engineer Trainer Your expert course leader has taught numerous well test interpretation industry courses around the world and has been involved in many consulting projects. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) since 1969, and he was elected a Distinguished Member in 2002 and an Honorary Member in 2009. He has chaired or organized many SPE Advanced Technology Workshops. He is a recognized expert in well test analysis and has published over one hundred technical papers and was responsible for many advances in well test interpretation, including: the use of Greens functions; wellbore storage and skin, fractured wells, and wells with double porosity behavior; the first major commercial computer-aided interpretation software; single-well and multi-well deconvolution; and a well test interpretation methodology which has become standard in the oil industry. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Well Test Analysis in Practice
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3611 to £4199

Advanced Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE The industry is surrounded with examples of poor Turnarounds, which have injured people and damaged businesses. If Turnarounds are not properly planned, managed and controlled, companies run the risks of serious safety and budget penalties, costly schedule delays and negative impacts on customers. As a consequence, operators are starting to explore Turnaround best practices and establish a more robust methodology. Turnarounds are the highest risk activity that we routinely perform in the industry, but they are also an area of massive variability in approach and outcome. Central to the variability is a lack of written methodologies and training - there are around 1,000 times as many books on maintenance as there are on turnaround management. All too often companies see Turnarounds as something to be survived and therefore it is no surprise that most Turnarounds fail. This 4 full-day course is based upon the Carcharodon 'Best of the Best' model of excellence for shutdown management with inputs from people who have done it from the trenches along with some of the world's most experienced shutdown specialists. All this experience has been condensed into a core methodology - our blueprint for success. It converts Turnarounds from a high-risk nuisance to a business opportunity. It has been used on multiple sites around the world, has been the basis of two books and is also supplemented by a roadmap for building and controlling a successful Turnaround. This is a certificate course where participants will have the option to participate for a short exam on the final day of the course to gain a Certificate in Advanced Turnaround, Shutdown & Outage Management from petroEDGE and the Academy of Turnarounds Operations and Maintenance. The purpose of this course is to equip the participants on the use of the Model of Excellence for Turnarounds and the principles of Challenge Planning to equip attendees with an advanced approach to Turnaround Management. The course is backed by real situations, high levels of interaction, group exercises and multiple case studies. It will explore the underlying mechanisms and levers that shape a Turnaround to demonstrate why we sometimes succeed or fail and introduce new conceptual approaches that can increase our chances of succeeding. Training Objectives Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to: * Position Turnarounds as part of an overall strategy of improving business performance. * Build the best Turnaround team possible from available resources. * Help senior management build effective steering teams. * Reduce the downtime associated with turnarounds while simultaneously improving safety performance. * Use the Model of Excellence to analyse their own performance, explain key principles to others and build a detailed methodology of their own. * Maximise the benefits of planning and preparation through a proactive challenge planning process where the participants will build a Turnaround from the ground up from concept to execution and review. Target Audience This course has been researched and developed for Experienced Managers, Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers, Planners, Team Leaders and Coordinators of: * Shutdowns/Turnarounds * Maintenance * Engineering * Reliability * Plant * Outage * Asset Management * Operations/Audit * Safety Course Level * Basic or Foundation Trainer Your expert course leader is a highly experienced facilitator in maintenance improvement, change management, continuous improvement and capability development as a management coach and trainer. He has a strong focus on people with an emphasis on developing people and the practicalities of improving maintenance performance rather than just the theory. He has worked internationally across Europe, America, the Middle East and Africa with extensive experience in Oil and Gas, the Chemicals sector and manufacturing as well as working with clients in Steel and Power Generation. As a result, he can bring best practice from a wide variety of sources. He spent the first fifteen years of his career as a specialist trainer working for companies such as Lloyds British Training Services and Rolls Royce. He then went on to work as a Principal consultant for ABB consulting for 15 years. During this time, he refined some of the established improvement tools including how and when to apply them for maximum impact whilst still continuing to develop and deliver training in support of this. Recent work has included improvements to the Work Order to Work Execution processes of Engineering departments and focused on Reliability, Planning and Scheduling. This ongoing field experience has helped him test and refine specialist training in a number of areas. He has been able to use his own experience to contribute with other maintenance specialists to the Carcharodon models of excellence. Its methodologies are recognised as 'Best of the Best' standards providing the inspiration for two books, projects that have won awards such as the prodigious UK Chemical Industries annual Excellence in Engineering award and form the basis of this training. He was recently awarded a national award as coach of the year. He uses the same skills to ensure that he does not just preach maintenance best practice, he discusses it, explains it and ensures that delegates have a much more personal and flexible experience. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Advanced Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3009 to £3499

Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Control

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Whether you are maintaining an oil rig or processing plant, good quality maintenance is critical to delivering a safe reliable product to your customers. Whatever your level of maintenance experience, this course will equip you with the valuable skills and understanding that will enhance your maintenance career. Too often the maintenance department is seen as the cause of why assets are unavailable, in poor condition yet are costing too much to maintain. By comparison, pace setting companies see maintenance as adding value to their assets and employ an integrated, holistic approach to their maintenance activities. This course will help you move towards that pace setting performance. This course is based on an integrated maintenance model that has been used by leading companies and consultants with success and recognised as best practice. Participants will learn the total impact that maintenance can have on a business, identify key elements (and value) of effective maintenance for their own plants to not only reduce costs but also improve performance. The critical types of maintenance will be covered from day-to-day activities to shutdowns and reliability improvement. The course will break down traditional functional boundaries and encourage a holistic approach to maintenance. With an organisation's maintenance process only as good as its weakest link, this course will guide participants through all the key steps of a maintenance process and its supply chain. Participants will understand what is considered a good standard for each step in the maintenance process, how to identify the weakest links and subsequently how they can accelerate their performance improvement. Participants will have the option of gaining a Bronze Level qualification from the Academy of Turnarounds Operations of Maintenance. For those who obtain a pass, they will receive a Pass certificate and for those who achieve the top quartile score, they will receive a Distinction level pass. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to: * Explain the challenges and objectives facing maintenance organisations today * Demonstrate the importance of work order systems and use techniques for time estimations and priority assignments * Prepare a preventive maintenance program * Apply project management techniques to effectively manage major maintenance activities and shut downs * Use capital budgeting techniques to evaluate maintenance capital expenditures * Demonstrate understanding of how to maintain the optimal stock levels of spare parts to ensure operational continuity * Prepare the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate and improve performance in maintenance Target Audience This course is not just for maintenance professionals. Maintenance teams cannot perform without effective integration with operations and supply chain functions. Availability losses are often caused by operations or design issues and pace setting companies have generated significant benefits by integrating operation and maintenance strategies and working more collaboratively. This course will help all members of the operations and maintenance teams and their supply chain better understand their respective roles in ensuring that maintenance is benefitting and not inhibiting their business. Course Level * Basic or Foundation Trainer Your expert course leader is a highly experienced facilitator in maintenance improvement, change management, continuous improvement and capability development as a management coach and trainer. He has a strong focus on people with an emphasis on developing people and the practicalities of improving maintenance performance rather than just the theory. He has worked internationally across Europe, America, the Middle East and Africa with extensive experience in Oil and Gas, the Chemicals sector and manufacturing as well as working with clients in Steel and Power Generation. As a result, he can bring best practice from a wide variety of sources. He spent the first fifteen years of his career as a specialist trainer working for companies such as Lloyds British Training Services and Rolls Royce. He then went on to work as a Principal consultant for ABB consulting for 15 years. During this time, he refined some of the established improvement tools including how and when to apply them for maximum impact whilst still continuing to develop and deliver training in support of this. Recent work has included improvements to the Work Order to Work Execution processes of Engineering departments and focused on Reliability, Planning and Scheduling. This ongoing field experience has helped him test and refine specialist training in a number of areas. He has been able to use his own experience to contribute with other maintenance specialists to the Carcharodon models of excellence. Its methodologies are recognised as 'Best of the Best' standards providing the inspiration for two books, projects that have won awards such as the prodigious UK Chemical Industries annual Excellence in Engineering award and form the basis of this training. He was recently awarded a national award as coach of the year. He uses the same skills to ensure that he does not just preach maintenance best practice, he discusses it, explains it and ensures that delegates have a much more personal and flexible experience. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Control
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3009 to £3499

Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices - Aligned with SMRP* Best Practices and the CMRP Certification

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE This 4 full-day Maintenance and Reliability Masterclass course will provide Maintenance and Reliability personnel with a full explanation of the Award-winning Model of Excellence for maintenance. This is top tier training that has also been designed to equip participants with practical skills to take back to work. The course enables participants to develop a strategy to achieve outstanding maintenance and reliability performance for their own workplace. This course is aligned with SMRP* best practices and the CMRP exam. It provides an opportunity for participants to sit for an examination+ on the final day of the course. Your facilitator for this course is a fully qualified CMRP professional, an approved SMRP Proctor, authorised to conduct CMRP exams and a globally respected maintenance consultant and best practice trainer. +Exam fees are not inclusive in the course fees. *SMRP refers to Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals. PetroEdge is not affiliated with SMRP. Training Objectives By the end of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Appreciate the content and underlying principles of our maintenance Model of Excellence o How to develop a strategy for outstanding maintenance and reliability performance o Developing reliability methodologies and programmes to drive performance o Options and tools to improve reliability at equipment level o Leadership skills and improving organisation and human performance o Work with management with an overview of the latest practice in planning scheduling and control 2. Describe how maintenance can become a more strategic and influential function 3. Use the Carcharodon model of excellence and class leading methodologies for improving maintenance and reliability Target Audience This course will benefit: * Maintenance managers * Reliability professionals * Experienced supervisors * Planners * Project engineers * Operations managers * Functional specialists Course Level * Basic or Foundation Training Methods Course methodology of this training course: Other than world-class visuals and slides, this course will include a high level of interaction between the facilitator and participants and group discussion among the participants themselves. There will be a number of case studies to demonstrate key points and also a minimum of one workshop exercise each day to give participants the chance to apply learning and appreciate key aspects of best practice. Participants will also have the chance to share examples from their own experience, discuss real problems they are facing and develop actions for improvement when they return to work. Examples of the exercises that are used in this course are as follows: * Exercise: Understanding the challenges and seeing the opportunities * Exercise: Developing a strategy * Group Exercise: Selecting maintenance plans * Group exercise: Case study failure * Group exercise: Planning work Trainer Your expert course leader is an award-winning consultant and trainer with 30 years' experience in maintenance and reliability improvement. He has worked across five continents, in a wide variety of environments from the world's largest oil refinery to a small drinks production line. He has 10 years of maintenance management experience in the process industry, so he brings a very practical approach to training. He moved into consulting with ABB Eutech as their global maintenance specialist where he led maintenance and reliability best practice panels, delivered a wide range of maintenance improvement projects and trained other consultants. He is a fully qualified CMRP professional, an approved SMRP* Proctor, authorised to conduct CMRP exams and a globally respected maintenance consultant and best practice trainer. He founded his consultancy and training business in 2002 to focus on maintenance and reliability improvement. As part of this, he developed a range of maintenance 'models of excellence' with inputs from authors, international lecturers and some of the world's leading consultants and operators. His work has been recognised as being at the leading edge of industry best practice, winning independent awards such as the UK Chemical Industries Association 'Excellence in Engineering' award. He remains close to the industry as a respected specialist helping operating companies to achieve changes in performance. This ongoing field work enables him to continue to refine and extend best practice and the learning from this is continually fed into his training. His unique experience of facilitating two major turnarounds when the Coronavirus escalated into lockdown have given him a unique insight into how events of this type can disrupt maintenance. Moreover, his involvement in developing management processes and leading a Coronavirus response on a major industrial asset means he can talk with direct experience about how to cope and innovate in this global pandemic. He is also the expert course leader for the following courses offered by PetroEdge: * Preventive and Predictive Maintenance * Effective Plant Turnaround Management POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices - Aligned with SMRP* Best Practices and the CMRP Certification
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3009 to £3499