162 Educators providing Courses in Bristol

International House Bristol

international house bristol

IH Bristol was started in 1987 as The Language Project by Val, while studying for her PhD. The school has been teaching students ever since and it is the biggest remaining family owned and operated language school in Bristol. We joined the International House global network of affiliated language schools in 2009 and are proud to be members of such a highly regarded, diverse and vibrant organisation. Over the course of the years we expanded into two beautiful period buildings in the Clifton distric and diversified into teacher training, exams, junior summer - and winter - school and foreign languages. In 2019-2020 we added a new custom-built student common room to our Queens Avenue building, furthering our ambition to always put the student experience first. IH Bristol aims to give back to the community: we have taught many refugee classes in Bristol and have been involved in development projects in Cuba, Angola and Vietnam. We adapter our buildings for Covid very early so that we could facilitate English exams for medical professionals needed by the NHS. And let's not forget our free exercises and our Phrase of the Day videos, which can help students worldwide to increase their knowledge on a daily basis. We are working towards making our operation more environmentally sustainable and have so far installed 100s of ultra low energy light fittings and fixtures and sophisticated heating controls. The English Courses How can you be assured of the quality of the English teaching? Well, we are the people in Bristol that train teachers for English language schools and that run the English exams, so we know a thing or two about what’s needed. What's more, any member of the International House worldwide network must always have the highest quality standard in their teaching.

Alternatives in Education

alternatives in education


According to Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to have a say on all matters which affect them. This includes their education. When children and young people are involved in decisions about their learning, they become active participants in their education and they are more motivated. Alternatives in Education - Parent's Voice Parent Voice When parents are involved in their children’s education, children do better. Research has found that parental engagement is one of the most powerful levers for school improvement. When schools listen to their parents and work with them as genuine partners they achieve the best outcomes for children and young people. Alternatives in Education - Teacher's Voice Teacher Voice Teachers are professionals and yet many feel that they have little say over their work. They are told what to teach and when and how to teach it by a government (in England) which dictates the content of the curriculum and exerts a stranglehold over schools through the testing and accountability framework. When teachers have greater autonomy to respond to the needs of the children and young people they work with, children do better. Alternatives in Education - School Community Voice School Community Voice When school leaders listen to their students, their teachers and their parents they are better able to meet the needs of the communities they exist to serve. When responsibility for the school’s vision, values and direction is shared, schools are strengthened by such collaboration and empowered to be their best.

Control Shift

control shift


Control Shift celebrates computational arts that explore the messy spaces in-between humans, nature and machines. We bring people together to re-imagine our relationships with technology through dialogue and arts. We live in a world where machines increasingly collect information about us, reducing our bodies and the things around us to streams of data. In turn the digital realm can feel abstract, and out of our control. The stuff of computers and digital infrastructure is often hidden out of sight and huge power imbalances exist around who is making technology and who benefits from it. Yet the impact of our interactions with machines and technologies are very much rooted in the body, materials, and emotions. Through workshops, discussions, installations and screenings Control Shift brings creative and critical approaches to technology. Control Shift 2020 was curated by Becca Rose, Martha King and Rod Dickinson, and you can visit the archive to find out more about the programme. In 2019 we produced ‘You Make the Rules’ which was part of Processing Community Day (a global celebration of ‘art, code and diversity’ initiated by the Processing Foundation). Control Shift Community The Control Shift network is a collective of digital artists, educators, producers, and technologists from Bristol (UK) and working internationally. If you are interested in joining the network or finding out more sign up to our newsletter sign up to our newsletter. We have an extended network of partners, funders, supporters and mentors including Knowle West Media Centre, Arnolfini, Watershed, Furtherfield, Aksioma, and Processing Foundation. We want our events to be welcoming and inclusive and we use the Berlin Code of Conduct as our guide.