86 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham

The Beauty Click Academy

the beauty click academy


The Beauty Click was founded in April 2018 by Chantelle Bass. The idea came about as Chantelle has always been a working parent and understands how difficult it is to make time for beauty and hair treatments. She wanted to produce a website that has a platform for both the beauty and hair  specialists themselves and for the customers wanting to fit in appointments around their busy schedules. After being let down by her new child-minder for the umpteenth time, Chantelle bit the bullet gave up her sales career and put her all into launching this business. Chantelle’s life time friend Lauren came on board in June 2018, after understanding and sharing her vision she chose to also focus on building The Beauty Click brand. Lauren too is a parent and has dealt with the stresses of fitting things in around her parenting and work life. Chantelle’s career has mainly been within the sales and business development sector and Laurens within childcare, but both have also worked in the beauty industry and have a strong passion to be able to help those that want to learn new skills and move into the hair and beauty realm. After putting their full focus into the growth of The Beauty Click, working tirelessly to put into action the many ideas they’ve had and continue to envision, as well as being full time parents. It hasn’t been an easy journey so far but has been both exciting and inspiring, they are passionate and dedicated to the success of the company and are proud of the entrepreneurs they have become. A lot of the values of the business are to help parents get into flexible work by providing training and then to assist with a customer base, the Beauty Click has proved to be perfect for this. Also, to provide a solution for not just parents, but for everybody in this hectic world that we live in to keep up with regular self-care appointments or to allow for that cheeky pamper session. The Beauty Click is in a league of its own when it comes to Beauty on demand services. We do not set our prices, our members set their own. This means customers have a choice of the amount they are able or wanting to spend on treatments. We do not push out those that have a lower budget and we also have high end members that use exclusive products and have a higher price range. We pride ourselves in catering to the needs of all, including you!




At ilmburst, we are very excited about launching this project. Excited, because we are passionate about nurturing our children from a young age, nurturing in them a love for their religion and nurturing their spiritual development. The idea for ilmburst began when we found that many of us as parents don’t have the confidence to teach our children their religion. This is due to a variety of reasons. Some of us feel we don’t have the knowledge and ability, others among us don’t have the time to research and prepare the material needed to teach our children and yet others are afraid that they may teach something incorrectly or use inauthentic material. We aim to help change that, in sha Allah. We should all be able to help teach our children in an engaging and fun way. What better way to bond with your children than doing something which is pleasing to Allah? Using the individual skills and talents of our team we have brought together people qualified in Islamic studies, education and teaching experience to create a wide variety of resources across a wide breadth of subjects, which are then designed using professional design software to ensure high quality. Our vision is to help nurture a generation of Muslims who are proud and confident of their Islam, and who then use this confidence to excel academically, into their chosen career paths and be role models within their communities. We ask Allah, the Most High, to grant us all success as parents and teachers, and that He blesses our children and makes them a source of happiness and joy for us in this world and the next.

Wombourne High School

wombourne high school


I am delighted to welcome you to the Wombourne High School website, which offers a wealth of information about our school, our vision for the future, the flourishing developments taking shape at our school and the many successes and achievements of our students. We are an ambitious and supportive school, committed to providing all our students with the best possible education. We are proud of our team of dedicated staff who provide an inspiring, structured and supportive learning environment, in which every student is challenged to realise their full potential and encouraged to be ambitious for their futures. We believe that everyone has potential: our commitment is to help each young person to make the most of their abilities and to achieve their goals. We believe in high academic aspirations for every student, and we achieve these aspirations through our core values of hard work, positivity and kindness. At Wombourne High School our students work hard. They are courageous and determined in the pursuit of their goals, and resilient to setbacks. We help our students to understand that effort now will help ensure their success in the future. Our students know that every step they take forms part of their journey to success, and we help them to understand that long term goals are achieved by taking small steps every day. Through our positive environment, we always promote the highest possible aspirations for our students and encourage a ‘can-do’ attitude. At Wombourne High School we believe that anything is possible, and our students are challenged to do their best, to never give up and to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. We encourage students to demonstrate positivity by involving themselves in all aspects of school life and are committed to providing unique opportunities and experiences that lead to happy, healthy, and successful futures. Finally, and most importantly, we expect all our students and our staff to show kindness: to treat others as they wish to be treated, to be respectful, fair, and compassionate. Our students are polite and courteous, and always happy to help others. We are privileged to help our students develop their sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and the world around them and celebrate diversity through our inclusive culture. At Wombourne High School we recognise the importance of good examination results for our students’ future success, but we know that these alone are not enough. To secure places at the best universities and on the most prestigious apprenticeships, our students also need to develop their wider skills and attributes so they can take their place as positive and independent members of society, ready for success in any pathway they choose. Learning at Wombourne reaches far beyond the classroom; we offer an enriched, enjoyable curriculum and encourage all students to get involved in the wider life of the school, offering extra-curricular activities in a range of areas such as sport and the arts and an extensive variety of educational visits and opportunities. Wombourne High School looks forward to an exciting future, with fantastic exam results, extensive opportunities for students, and a successful Sixth Form, with work starting shortly on our new state-of-the-art building which will provide outstanding learning facilities for all students. Our vision is to develop students who are confident, independent and resilient citizens with unlimited aspirations, who leave our school equipped to be successful in any pathway they choose. If this matches the ambition you have for your child, I hope that you will visit Wombourne High School to see the exceptional opportunities we offer. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School College Of Performing Arts

stuart bathurst catholic high school college of performing arts

West Midlands

Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School offers a distinctive Catholic and inclusive education based on traditional Christian values and high expectations. The school’s motto “Tien Ta Foy” or “Steadfast Faith” underpins a commitment to help our students grow in self-esteem and realise their full potential. We offer an education for the development of the whole person: Intellectual and spiritual Moral and emotional Social and cultural We work in partnership with our: Parents Primary schools and Parishes Diocese and Local Educational Authority We aim to provide vibrant experience of Christian community where everyone can flourish. Students, teachers and support staff are expected to work for the common good of the whole community. Respect for a person and a person’s property determine the character of our relationships. Visitors to the school always comment on the calm and purposeful atmosphere in our classrooms and corridors. This is a school in which teachers can teach and students can learn. Our unique balance of traditional values and progressive teaching has enabled our students to achieve high standards. We never rest and are never complacent. We continue to seek development opportunities and improve on our best practice. We know that we are a very good school but working together, united in purpose, we will continue to go from strength to strength. Stuart Bathurst, our patron, was a man who took his faith seriously. He was an Anglican priest who made significant personal sacrifices to become a Catholic. He saw education as the key to personal growth and as the means to enable Catholics to make the fullest contribution to the common good of society. From his commitment and achievements, we learn the importance of a steadfast faith in God and each other. Stuart Bathurst’s example encourages our students to have faith in God, and we as teachers and parents, to place our faith in them. We welcome into our community all those who share our vision, and can actively support our aims and values as a Catholic school.

Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy

ormiston shelfield community academy


Our core drivers of Outcomes, Values and Choices are at the heart of our daily actions and interactions. Our aim is simple; by rigorously instilling our values, students achieve positive outcomes enabling them to make considered life choices which open doors to the opportunities they deserve.  Our team shares the vision. We all aspire to make a difference for our students every day. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships based on mutual respect, at all levels. Our relentless desire to deliver high quality teaching and pastoral support combined with an array of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom, enables our students to develop the knowledge, skills and character to lead successful, fulfilling lives. We create a safe and happy environment where students are nurtured academically, socially, and emotionally so that they are ready to tackle academic challenges and have the values to become responsible members of our society.  Outcomes We educate our students to understand that 'outcomes' means academic attainment and progress, development of values and character and progression to their preferred destinations. We support our students to achieve academic qualifications that empower them to seize opportunities and advance to the next stage of their chosen educational journey. We empower our students to have the knowledge, skills, personal traits and experiences in order to seize career and life opportunities. Values We are ready, respectful and responsible.  We are honest. We do what we say we’ll do and do not make excuses. We are a team. Helping a member of our team is helping ourselves Choices We develop our students to have the strength of character and courage to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Our values support our students to make the life choices that will have a positive impact on their future and contribution to society. Being outcome focused and values driven, students take responsibility for their learning and actions which opens doors for them to have a breadth of choices when they leave school.

CTC Kingshurst Academy

ctc kingshurst academy


A very warm welcome to Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst. We are a large academy serving a large community of students in year seven to year thirteen and it is my privilege to introduce myself as the new Principal. I joined Tudor Grange Academies Trust in 2015 as College Leader at Tudor Grange Academy Redditch. Since then, I have worked across multiple Tudor Grange sites in a school improvement guise. The Trust, as at September 2021, is a Trust of twelve schools: five secondary, one all through academy and five primary academies. The core vision of the Trust is to develop a Multi Academy Trust of four self-sufficient geographical hubs: Solihull, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the East Midlands. I have been working with, and at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst, since 2017 as part of the senior team here and have led, alongside the whole staff body the school improvement journey. My intention is to offer long-term commitment to a community that deserves the best for its young people. This school is special, and it is my intention, and the intention of the senior team and governors to hold high expectations of all learners by creating a culture of inquisitive and spirited learning coupled with high-quality, extra-curricular and in-school experiences that go beyond the classroom. We want learners at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst, to leave with, not only the qualifications they require to make their own choices, but also, as happy, and articulate young people with life- long memories. Young people who have developed skills and responsible attributes that will allow them to be successful happy adults. Our school is staffed by a team of fantastic teachers and support staff, who are committed to learning and ensuring the very best opportunities for our students. I hope the website gives you some idea about our community and the opportunities we have to offer.