163 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham

Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School College Of Performing Arts

stuart bathurst catholic high school college of performing arts

West Midlands

Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School offers a distinctive Catholic and inclusive education based on traditional Christian values and high expectations. The school’s motto “Tien Ta Foy” or “Steadfast Faith” underpins a commitment to help our students grow in self-esteem and realise their full potential. We offer an education for the development of the whole person: Intellectual and spiritual Moral and emotional Social and cultural We work in partnership with our: Parents Primary schools and Parishes Diocese and Local Educational Authority We aim to provide vibrant experience of Christian community where everyone can flourish. Students, teachers and support staff are expected to work for the common good of the whole community. Respect for a person and a person’s property determine the character of our relationships. Visitors to the school always comment on the calm and purposeful atmosphere in our classrooms and corridors. This is a school in which teachers can teach and students can learn. Our unique balance of traditional values and progressive teaching has enabled our students to achieve high standards. We never rest and are never complacent. We continue to seek development opportunities and improve on our best practice. We know that we are a very good school but working together, united in purpose, we will continue to go from strength to strength. Stuart Bathurst, our patron, was a man who took his faith seriously. He was an Anglican priest who made significant personal sacrifices to become a Catholic. He saw education as the key to personal growth and as the means to enable Catholics to make the fullest contribution to the common good of society. From his commitment and achievements, we learn the importance of a steadfast faith in God and each other. Stuart Bathurst’s example encourages our students to have faith in God, and we as teachers and parents, to place our faith in them. We welcome into our community all those who share our vision, and can actively support our aims and values as a Catholic school.

East Birmingham Community Forum Ltd.

east birmingham community forum ltd.

West Midlands

In our 30 years of service, we have delivered Careers Guidance support to over 100,000 people, delivered 40,000 accredited qualification, and offered enterprise support to 1,550 businesses. EBCF Ltd is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee established in 1992 by Her Magesty’s Government mandated by the Secretary of State to establish locally managed community capacity building provision via East Birmingham Taskforce (1988). The Company established three main areas of focus, these being, Jobs, Enterprise, and Training. The business operated under the JET Shop brand for many years in the heart of East Birmingham and during the last 10 years successfully branched out to other inner-city areas of Birmingham and regionwide to meet contractual obligations and strategic objectives. EBCF has delivered jobs, enterprise, and training related projects through Local, Central and European government funding, and including other philanthropic agencies. We are accredited with all leading exam boards and hold direct claim status (DCS) for many qualifications from entry level to Level 6 in various vocational areas. Our Careers Advisers are in-house trained and qualified to Level 4 and 6 with wealth of knowledge and experience to enable our customers to make a smooth transition from learning to work. Our 30 years of local in-community delivery enables us to have a qualified perspective on what will work and what will not when engaging local communities. Our success to date has been possible by investing in local communities, establishing partnerships with likeminded organisations, and levering resources of benefit to our beneficiaries.
