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Uk Offer International Education

uk offer international education


Hundreds of thousands of international students study in the UK each year, giving the UK a consistently high ranking in popularity. With a diverse population and a reputation for prestigious schooling, the UK is a natural location for international students to flock to. And for students worldwide seeking an English-language education, what better place to study than the country that invented the language? With an excellent higher-education system and hundreds of world-class universities, the UK promises a rich experience for international students. Our Study UK resource is intended to help you learn more about studying in the UK as an international student, and includes sections on choosing the UK as a destination, choosing a location within the UK, learning more about the country, its history and culture, and adapting to life in your adopted country. About the UK Learn about the origins of the United Kingdom, a country rich in history and culture and find out how the country we know today was formed over many years through the union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Why Study in the UK The UK is one of the most popular destinations in the world to study abroad, but why is it so popular - learn more about what the UK has to offer international students. UK Education System Recognized around the world as a world class system, the UK's education system is comprehensive and adaptable. This section also has vital information on how to enter programs in the UK such as GCSE, A-Levels and degree programs. Financial Aid for the UK Financing an international education is the greatest barrier for most international students. This section helps students learn about sources of funds including scholarships and loans, as well as other practical financial topics like tuition costs and budgeting. Studying/Living in the UK What is it like to live in the UK? What is the climate like? What is the public transport system like? All these questions about the UK are answered and more, with a focus on the information that international students need most.

Helen Grieve

helen grieve


I’ve been an holistic therapist since 1996 gosh!!! having always been different I suppose you would call me an eclectic blend of witch, druid, Buddhist, spirit, star-seed and light-worker all rolled into one. Having studied a variety of beliefs, traditions and religions, I’ve taken what I’ve liked and left the bits I don’t. I’ve always lived a busy life style you know …. work, travel, going to clubs , circles, groups and Moots. My life was happy and fulfilled . I’ve worked for myself making lotions and potions , I’ve always been called a Witch, but i don’t mind.., I’ve traveled the world, life was good until I returned from Vietnam having had my booster jab at my Gps surgery. Recovering.. In 2016 after a Hepatitis vaccination left me with my body attacking its self , with stroke like symptoms unable to move more that a few feet let alone walk, talk or look after myself. I was added to the list of random side effects and given a diagnosis of ME/CFs . later on that years fibromyalgia was added to the list having had all joints in my body attacked leaving me in pain like I’ve never experienced (except for child birth..) So, it’s been an up hill struggle these last few years. I’ve returned to my roots seeking out like-minded people and those who can offer healing on an energetic level. I trained in Angelic Reiki and what an experience that was.. Beautiful if not profound connection with the Angelic Realm, I often call upon them when times are hard. My grand-pier had passed to the world of spirit not long before I got sick and during that same year I must have gone to 20 funerals. Three of my friends passed within two weeks and over that 10 month period it became a stand joke, no one would stand near me.. I don’t know how I would have made it through if I didn’t know where they were going or if they were alright. But, I do know where they are, I have that comfort and often feel them around me, I wish you all felt what I feel, the love and support they send, and you can..