416 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham




We are dedicated to creating the skilled engineering workforce of tomorrow. Operating from our campuses in Doncaster and Birmingham, NCATI is part of the University of Birmingham Group, and is led by a team with strong links with both industry and education. This ensures that the skills we teach are ones that employers in the transport and infrastructure sectors need. To deliver the major infrastructure programmes and rail modernisation initiatives planned across the UK, the engineering workforce needs a greater number of talented people, with a different blend of skills, and from more diverse backgrounds. Our mission as an organisation is to produce a new generation of highly skilled professionals from a range of communities, changing what the rail industry looks like with new segments of the UK joining Britain’s rail, transport, and infrastructure workforce. Accessible from levels 3 to 6, our curriculum offer is for ages 16 and above, and includes part-time and full-time courses, as well as apprenticeships. One of our values at the college is pioneering excellence, and we strive to achieve this by utilising the best technology and facilities available – with over £9 million of specialist kit and equipment donated to us by our employer partners. Industry collaboration is integral to our success, and NCATI has benefitted significantly from engaging with leading sector employers like HS2, Honeywell, and Alstom. Our network supports us by offering apprenticeships, work placements, mentoring and site visits. We also have guest lecturers that come into the college and teach learners about the latest innovations in the industry. Our learners are at the heart of everything we do. That is why we have created a supportive learning environment with smaller class sizes and personalised one-to-one mentoring, allowing every individual to thrive and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Bright Pi Education Consultancy

bright pi education consultancy


At Bright Pi we are passionate about supporting all those involved with the teaching and learning of mathematics; raising standards and helping all to achieve their best in the early years and primary phases. Based in the Midlands, we form a highly regarded team with wide ranging experience and up to date skills providing support to schools across the UK. The team has taught across the early years and primary age range and all have experience in local authority school improvement working with teachers, leaders and other stakeholders. Having worked as regional co-ordinators for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), Bright Pi maintains a close working relationship with the NCETM delivering their ever-evolving national ‘Professional Development Lead’ programme. We are proud to work alongside other partner organisations including the National Maths Hub Network. We play a key role on the strategic board for our local hub and lead on the Mastery Readiness programme for the Origin Maths Hub. This supports those schools starting their journey in Teaching for Mastery, as well as those developing their practice. In addition, Bright Pi has also provided operational external key stage 1 moderation for the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), monitoring practice in various local authorities across the country. We are accredited by NCETM as Professional Development Leads and support individual schools as well as networks with bespoke packages of support, tailored to specific need and context. Bright Pi also offers CPD sessions for all those involved in mathematics education, supporting improvement in both subject and pedagogical knowledge. We are keen to raise the profile of mathematics as a subject and enjoy working with parents, governors and the wider community.

Marshall Assessment

marshall assessment


End point assessments are the final tests given to an apprentice during their apprenticeship. The goal of this activity is to offer an impartial, objective review of individual skills, knowledge, and behaviours. Although the activities are different for each apprenticeship, end-point assessments follow the same general structures. The end-point assessment is performed after a minimum of 12 months after the start of the apprenticeship. It must be successfully completed before the issuance of an apprenticeship completion certificate. Every training provider delivering on Apprenticeship standards must have an agreement with an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). Assessment Organisations must be registered on the Government approved register (RoEPAO). If you have apprentices in the life science, chemical science, physical science or in the science education sector, our fair and straight-forward EPA process provides a cost effective, quality-assured assessment solution for your business. Marshall Assessment has over 30 years’ experience of work based learning and assessment. We make the unfamiliar structures of end-point assessment easily navigable with comprehensive customer support and assessment resources. We have a broad range of occupational competence that spans most of the UK science sector. Our industry-competent assessors focus on precise communication, clear expectations, and rapid reporting of assessment decisions. Assessment activities depend on the apprenticeship under evaluation. Individuals might participate in professional discussions, complete skill-based challenges, or perform in situational judgement tests. Portfolios and practical observations are sometimes part of the process, as are presentations, showcases, and interviews. Each assessment activity works to evidence the knowledge, skills and behaviours that each learner has developed during their apprenticeship. This complete and careful evaluation of their skills, knowledge, and behaviours is an impartial, yet rigorous process that tests the candidates core ability to perform their job role effectively and safely. The unique benefit that the end-point assessment brings is its holistic design. People retain knowledge and learn new skills in unique ways. Instead of trying to fit each candidate into the same profile, this process looks at the competency of the individual from all facets. Assessment Plans Achieve Crucial Outcomes. Assessment plans are delivered by the training provider with guidance from the EPAO. This provides structure to the EPA and signposts our assessors to maximise our assessment opportunities. End point assessments remove managers being the sole decision-makers on the competencies of a candidate. Although, that change can be challenging for some, working with our team ensures that your assessment plan achieves the best possible outcome. Our assessment team are flexible and will rapidly understand the requirements of your business. We will partner with you to give your apprentices the best possible chance to shine and demonstrate their competencies. This partnership begins with initial assessment and progresses to EPA and beyond, as we will stay in touch with you regarding your apprentice’s progression. Now is the time to link up with your EPAO. Our future depends on the expertise that your apprentices demonstrate in the science sector. Together we are responsible for building a brighter, safer world through a highly trained and competent scientific workforce. Use the experience our team provides to help your organisation and the science sector to bounce forward.

Insite Training

insite training


inSITE Training & Development, Inc., a woman owned small business, was started in 1991 by Founder Susan S. Porter. Upon her retirement in 2010, Carol Erdman, who had worked with inSITE for 15 years became President and CEO. Since the turn of the century, inSITE has continued to grow and serve the business community as well as contribute to the community as a whole. Improving the quality and availability of education remains our primary focus for corporations, government agencies, and the non profit community. With a strong administrative team, instructional design staff and seasoned facilitators, inSITE has the unique ability to provide a wide variety of services. We hire graduate level interns to demonstrate our commitment to development of the next generation of instructional designers and instructors. Our forte has been to place teams on-site to assess, develop, deliver, and evaluate classroom-based training and web-based solutions. inSITE has expertise in conducting comprehensive needs and task analysis that truly determine skill-based needs. We focus on performance, not training, so our recommendations, once implemented, create an environment where employees not only have task-related skills to conduct their jobs, but are able to perform at levels needed for employees to reach their benchmarks, departments to achieve their goals, and the organization to attain its strategic plan while being flexible and ready to take on new challenges. Our eLearning modules can be tailored to include your policies, culture and other specific content. We use gamification to engage learners in classroom and web-based platforms. Adults learn when they are engaged and participating so our classroom learning engages all the senses. In order to ensure significant learning occurs in two to six hour courses, we limit lectures to 15 minutes or less and call them lecturettes. The remainder of the class is for large and small group discussion, enriching case studies that are so true to life they arouse emotion, role plays that help participants understand how they naturally behave in certain situations, simulations and video vignettes that demonstrate typical work place issues and bring learning to life. We provide a number of inventories including MBTI and its Step 2, DiSC, Thomas Kilmann, Gregorc Style Delineator, and the Conflict Mode Instrument. The use of the World Café is a highly successful learning format that draws in high level professionals and managers. We ensure a great deal of practice of all new skills and tools so that participants can transfer learning readily upon return to their job. inSITE Training & Development, inc. has conducted all aspects of the ADDIE model for both the Federal government and private sector. Most often, we conduct a needs analysis as a prelude to designing and developing instruction as well. By being involved in the entire ADDIE process and often delivering the training ourselves, we have learned just how comprehensive the needs analysis must be. We have on staff advanced degreed Instructional Designers, Project Managers, Instructors and Facilitators (PhD, MBA, Masters Degree), Coaches (ICF certified), a Psychometrician, a Web designer and a Gamification/eLearning programmer.

The Learning Path

the learning path


Preparing and selling hot food has risks. There are the usual shop risks; customers having accidents, theft, vandalism; but takeaway shops involve the use of hot overns and sometimes hot oil as well, greatly increasing the possibilities of fire and burns to staff and, occasionally, customers as well. Increasingly, though, we have a compensation culture around hot food, ranging from claims of being scalded by hot liquids such as drinks or soups, and there have been numerous cases of people with allergies falling ill through eating food containing possible allergens. Insurance has never been so important for food shops and you can get more information from this cheap shop insurance site. Hot food delivery insurance Risks don't end when the food leaves the premises if you have a delivery service; and this is why delivery staff need hot food delivery insurance. Unfortunately, people deliving hot food tend to have more accidents than the average. Whether they deliver by bike, car, scooter, van or motorbike they are statistically at a higher risk on the road than other road users. This is because hot food needs to be kept that way; and no matter how carefully the food items are packed some cooling is going to happen. Also; most delivery drivers have a certain number of deliveries to make in order to earn their keep. These facts mean that there is a tendency for drivers delivering takeaway food to go a bit faster than they really should, which increases the likelihood of accidents. In addition, the greatest demand for food to be delivered is when the weather is bad, and during the evening, and both these conditions make for more difficult driving conditions. Motor insurance companies insist that those delivering food are properly insured to do so and without this cover delivery drivers risk heavy fines and other penalties which could lead to losing a driving licence. So, when insuring you shop, don't forget to insure your delivery staff too! What kind of insurance does a hot fast food shop need? A business normally requires some, possibly all, of the following: Public liability Employers liability Professional indemnity Buildings and contents cover Bigger companies can also face more complex risks such as terrorism, cyber attacks, defamation, and much more. Every business is different and so every business requires protection against different risks. Smaller companies Smaller businesses can be at greater risk than larger ones because they do not have the financial backing to survive compensation claims or other disasters which adversely affect them. A simple slip or trip in the workplace can lead to a court case that can destroy a business; a fire can wipe out years of hard work. Managers need to not only concentrate on day-to-day essentials but also consider what happens if things go wrong – and they do so all too readily. Your business is unique and therefore it is highly likely that you need a unique insurance package. It is also easy to look for the cheapest insurance by visiting price comparison websites; but few managers have the time to go into all the small print on innumerable policies. Failing to do so however can result in a disaster if something goes wrong that should have been insured, but wasn't, because of an oversight. A professional insurance broker who specialises in business insurance should be able to advise managers on exactly what insurance they need, where to buy it, and how much they really need to pay for it. Majority of brokers will not charge the company they advise a fee, because they will receive commission from the underwriter that they pass the business on to. In the vast majority of cases working through a broker is the only way to buy a lot of insurance products anyway, since few underwriters will deal directly with businesses, except perhaps the very largest ones.

Balsall Heath Is Our Planet

balsall heath is our planet


Criminals have been breaking into Balsall Heath City Farm to steal the animals. This is upsetting for the staff and volunteers who look after them, at this much loved family learning facility (open daily). Donations are being collected through crowd funding to make the site secure, so together we can stop the abuse. MAKE A DONATION Vote for a Neighbourhood Council 05/12/2022 at 10:02 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Good news. Many residents of Balsall Heath have voted Yes to setting up our own Neighbourhood Council to improve the area. All the money raised will be spent here. But it will take every vote, to get over the threshold. Due to postal delays, residents are asked to send the green voting paper as soon as they can, to be sure your vote is counted before 15 December. Anyone who has lost the ballot paper can be sent another by emailing Name, Address Postcode, subject BH Neighbourhood Council Vote bids@cesvotes.com Energy saving grants for Balsall Heath 18/11/2022 at 11:49 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Homeowners and tenants living in Balsall Heath can apply to have work done on their homes that could significantly reduce their energy bills. Funding has been attracted by Retrofit Balsall Heath for up to 700 homes. Deadline for return of applications is Wednesday 23 November . Delays and even disappointments are possible with a free scheme, but “if you don’t ask, you dont get”. There’s no household income cap, or requirement to be on benefits, but the scheme is for older homes with poor energy rating (D,E,F,G EPCs). The scheme is completely free for eligible owner-occupiers. Private landlords need to pay a one-third contribution. A 3-page form needs to be filled in by the resident to apply and agree for a surveyor to visit. These can be got from BH Library, Baths, BH Children’s Centre, Jericho Foundation. Completed forms – please email form to RetrofitBalsallHeath[at]gmail.com or drop in at MECC, 93 Court Road, B12 9LQ MECC 0121 440 3500 9am-4pm Vote for a Neighbourhood Council 04/11/2022 at 9:51 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Voters in Balsall Heath are receiving postal ballot papers from the city Elections Office, this month, November. If enough people vote Yes, the new council will be set up and the councilors recruited. They will then draw up a plan and a budget and set the “precept” (a small charge) to pay running costs. There is a new webpage that tells people more about the case for setting up this new structure, separate from Birmingham City Council, (but working with it of course) to power up our ability to solve problems, find opportunities and get communication and coordination working in our complex and multicultural neighbourhood. Advance Website Our Garden of Balsall Heath 16/08/2022 at 2:34 pm | Posted in Gardens, Green Spaces, Trees | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath With the 2022 Commonwealth Games came an arts project called Our Garden and this has produced some great videos about people appreciating green spaces and trees in our neighbourhood. With the heat wave people have really appropriated the shade of all the trees planted over the last 40 years in the greening of Balsall Heath. Watch the videos Action at the Pocket Park 20/06/2022 at 4:29 pm | Posted in Green Spaces, Streets | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath A team assembled to replace planter at Balsall Heath Pocket Park. We learned that a vehicle had smashed into it and driven off, but we were able to put in a new and more robust one. Passers by said they really appreciate this space for walking, cycling and sitting down in the busy centre of our neighbourhood. Thanks go to Hywel and the Countrymen group from BH City Farm, as in the pictures. A Council of Balsall Heath – more time to have your say 27/04/2022 at 3:30 pm | Posted in uncategorised | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Sunday 15th May is the extended deadline, for people to say if they favour an elected body, with the powers of a parish council. The City Council’s survey is quite brief and is at BeHeard. If you can introduce this as a discussion for a group that you know, then, please contact me for help with that. John Newson bhiop[at]jericho.org.uk

Courses matching "work"

Show all 1666

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE


By Geopace Training

THIS COURSE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1: INTRODUCTION TO PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT003) - Level 3 (Ireland Level 5) 2: ADVANCED PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT005) - Level 4 (Ireland Level 6) 3: GEOPACE COMPETENCY CERTIFICATE - CPD Certified (optional with Virtual Classroom) Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist FAST-TRACK YOUR PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING WITH OUR COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE 20% off - Multi-Course Discount Cover all stages from beginner through to Level 4 Available as Classroom or Virtual Classroom Complete your beginner to advanced training in 2 days Awards 2 accredited qualifications - Introduction to Phlebotomy and Advanced Phlebotomy qualifications Both courses are dually accredited (OCN & CPD) Geopace Certificate of Competency included with classroom attendance or available as an option when booking virtual classroom Covers all steps up to live blood draw Learn advanced skills and techniques Virtual Classroom options include comprehensive Practise@Home Training Kits (yours to keep) Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE
Delivered in Portsmouth + 13 more or OnlineSat, Sept 2108:30 + more

Advanced Phlebotomy - Skills & Techniques (GPT005)


By Geopace Training

The UK's first and only Level 4 qualification in Phlebotomy (equivalent to Ireland Level 6) FDSc (Foundation Degree Level) qualification Nationally Recognised certificate Dually accredited: Open College Network and CPD Covers both aspirated and evacuated systems Covers specialised blood collection systems & methods Classroom or Virtual Classroom learning options Comprehensive Training Kit is provided when booking our Virtual Classroom option (yours to keep) Complete your training from beginner to advanced level This course either follows on from our Introduction to Phlebotomy Course or can be combined with our introductory course as part of a course package (see below) Available to candidates who have completed (or are currently enrolled to complete) our Introduction to Phlebotomy Course or have previous phlebotomy practical experience.

Advanced Phlebotomy - Skills & Techniques (GPT005)
Delivered in Liverpool + 14 more or OnlineSat, Sept 2116:30 + more

Aesthetic Therapy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE


By Geopace Training

THIS COURSE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1: PERIPHERAL I.V. CANNULATION - IV THERAPIES COURSE (GPT008) 2: VACCINATION / INJECTION COURSE (GPT601) Learn how to administer injectables and intravenous therapies ... FAST-TRACK YOUR AESTHETICS TRAINING WITH OUR COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE 20% Multi-Course Discount Cover all stages from Level 1 through to Level 4 (FDSc) Cover your theory training online Complete your advanced practical training in 1 day Practical training in Classroom or Virtual Classroom Comprehensive Practise@Home training kits for VC Awards 2 accredited qualifications Dual Accreditations for all courses Covers all steps required to safely perform injectables Covers all steps required to safely perform IV therapies Practise IV on artificial arm with fake blood Practise injection techniques on realistic injection pads Learn beginner to advanced skills and techniques Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Aesthetic Therapy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE
Delivered in Liverpool + 3 more or OnlineSun, Sept 2208:30 + more

Peripheral I.V. Cannulation Course (GPT008)


By Geopace Training

Learn how to cannulate ... Nationally Recognised Qualification OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) - Ireland Level 5 CPD Accredited - The CPD Certification Service Classroom or Virtual Classroom options Covers all steps for cannulating in arm or hand Practise on artificial arms and fake blood! Essential qualification for all IV therapies Phlebotomy training desirable but not essential Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Peripheral I.V. Cannulation Course (GPT008)
Delivered in Milton Keynes + 9 more or OnlineSun, Sept 2208:30 + more

Vaccination / Injection Course (GPT601)


By Geopace Training

Learn how to administer vaccines or injections ... Nationally Recognised Qualification Includes IM, ID and Sub-Cut Injection methods OCN Accredited - Level 4 (Foundation Degree - FDSc) Covers all steps to safely perform a vaccination Use same techniques and skills for aesthetic therapies Includes B12, Vitamin C and other treatments Essential qualification for all injections Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Vaccination / Injection Course (GPT601)
Delivered in Milton Keynes + 5 more or OnlineSun, Sept 2213:00 + more

NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)

By Proactive NLP Ltd

NLP Business Diploma - The Fundamentals of Collaborative Relationships training & certification with Proactive NLP Ltd is your first step towards developing collaborative leadership and collaborative cultures. Start transforming your projects now!

NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)
Delivered In-Person in Birmingham + 1 moreTue, Sept 2408:00 + more
£675 to £750

Description A spirited yoga practise to boost your energy, uplift your soul, and leave you feeling lit up from the inside out! Move better, breath better, and feel better for LIFE! This is an invigorating and energising mixed-ability yoga class designed to challenge you physically, make you sweat, and leave you with that blissed out post-yoga feeling! Options given to suit all levels of yoga experience - both beginner's and advanced students will find something to work on, from down-dog to handstands! Get strong, retrain habits, and get moving! Every class contains structured flowing movements interwoven with guided breath work. Challenge your strength, mobility, and fitness. Classes always end with svanasana - mindfulness-based guided relaxation, meditation, and massage to leave you feeling calm, grounded, and blissful. Carry that feeling over into your life, as you enjoy more energy, feeling more centred, and finding more strength and balance both on and off the mat. - Fantastic stress relief! - Improve your posture - Great mobility, strength, and balance training - Learn to move with confidence and prowess - Boost your energy! - Increase body-awareness, coordination, and mental focus - Feel more awake, more powerful, and more alive! Taught at the Hub on the Green - a beautiful calm and clean setting in the heart of Bournville. What style of yoga is it? Not all yoga is created equal! Roo teaches a modern style of yoga that has been developed by a physiotherapist and neurologist, providing movement education for both your body and your brain. This innovative method provides a smarter, safer, and more effective approach to yoga and movement. Working from the ground up with intelligent sequencing and emotional awareness, this movement practise is designed to retrain your habits, correct postural imbalances, and teach you how to hold yourself and move through space - so that you can stand tall, move with confidence, and feel empowered for LIFE! Come and feel the difference! First time? Use code TRYFOR5 to get your first drop-in class for only £5 🙂 Discounts for yoga teachers - get in touch to find out more! Option to drop-in (£11 per class) or book a 6 week block (£54). These are 6 consecutive classes, starting from the week you book them on. When there is a break (for example, over the summer), your 6 week block will be "paused" for the duration of the break, and start again when classes resume. There will be no refunds given for any classes missed within your block. Mats and yoga blocks are provided. Spaces are limited - pre-booking is strongly advised! Any remaining spaces will be allocated to walk-ins on the day on a first-come-first-served basis. If the room is full, I'm really sorry but you will be unable to join the class. So make sure you book! :D See you on the mat! Roo x

Yoga Flow
Delivered In-Person in BirminghamTue, Sept 2418:30 + more
£11 to £54

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom


By Geopace Training

Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) CPD Accredited (The CPD Certification Service) Covers all steps up to live blood draw Practise on artificial arm and fake blood! Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom
Delivered In-Person in Manchester + 17 moreWed, Sept 2508:30 + more

MHFA England Mental Health First Aid

By Mindmaps Wellbeing

Online MHFA England mental health first aid course delivered by Registered Mental Health Nurses from Mindmaps Wellbeing. Why choosing Mindmaps Wellbeing is a good choice for your mental health training. The MHFA England RRP is £325pp, our rate is £300pp and our fee includes: ✅ Instructor led training sessions over two days ✅ Course Manual ✅ Workbook ✅ Handy Cue Card ✅ MHFAider Certificate upon completion Plus, exclusively when you choose Mindmaps Wellbeing, it also includes: ✅ Your instructors are Registered Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Educators (They of course have their own lived experiences too, which they bring to the course, ensuring the content is brought to life). ✅ Access to our online MHFAider peer support groups moderated by the instructor team. ✅ Access to MINDWELL companion for resources, self-care, and ongoing guidance to support you in the role as a MHFAider. ✅ Advanced Delegate Plan – This allows delegates to book onto our open courses on dates that suit, with the best value on course fees available. For a little extra: ✅ Quarterly Facilitated MHFAider Forum – to provide ongoing expert support and guidance. ✅ Organisational MINDWELL Companion tailored for your workplace / organisation.

MHFA England Mental Health First Aid
Delivered in Liverpool + 6 more or OnlineWed, Sept 2508:00 + more

Unlock Your Public Speaking Confidence

By Samina Arshad

Welcome to Embrace Public Speaking with Confidence Group Coaching event! Are you tired of feeling nervous and anxious when speaking in public? Join us on Thu Sep 26 2024 at 9.30 AM at The Warehouse - Birmingham Friends of the Earth environmental community hub to conquer your fears and become a confident speaker. This in-person event will explore practical techniques and strategies to help you communicate effectively and confidently in front of any audience. Enhance your leadership skills with this group coaching session to become more aware of your Public Speaking style, and preferences, thus, becoming amicable with expressing your voice effectively for impact at various levels. This may be publically with stakeholders, at a system, or partner level and with your customers, families or service users (outwardly) and within your team and organisation (inwardly). Don't miss this opportunity to boost your public speaking skills and unleash your full potential. See you there! Why not visit the Enigma company website for more information about us: www.enigmaccs.co.uk

Unlock Your Public Speaking Confidence
Delivered In-Person in Birmingham Thu, Sept 2608:30
£150 to £250