500 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham

Insite Training

insite training


inSITE Training & Development, Inc., a woman owned small business, was started in 1991 by Founder Susan S. Porter. Upon her retirement in 2010, Carol Erdman, who had worked with inSITE for 15 years became President and CEO. Since the turn of the century, inSITE has continued to grow and serve the business community as well as contribute to the community as a whole. Improving the quality and availability of education remains our primary focus for corporations, government agencies, and the non profit community. With a strong administrative team, instructional design staff and seasoned facilitators, inSITE has the unique ability to provide a wide variety of services. We hire graduate level interns to demonstrate our commitment to development of the next generation of instructional designers and instructors. Our forte has been to place teams on-site to assess, develop, deliver, and evaluate classroom-based training and web-based solutions. inSITE has expertise in conducting comprehensive needs and task analysis that truly determine skill-based needs. We focus on performance, not training, so our recommendations, once implemented, create an environment where employees not only have task-related skills to conduct their jobs, but are able to perform at levels needed for employees to reach their benchmarks, departments to achieve their goals, and the organization to attain its strategic plan while being flexible and ready to take on new challenges. Our eLearning modules can be tailored to include your policies, culture and other specific content. We use gamification to engage learners in classroom and web-based platforms. Adults learn when they are engaged and participating so our classroom learning engages all the senses. In order to ensure significant learning occurs in two to six hour courses, we limit lectures to 15 minutes or less and call them lecturettes. The remainder of the class is for large and small group discussion, enriching case studies that are so true to life they arouse emotion, role plays that help participants understand how they naturally behave in certain situations, simulations and video vignettes that demonstrate typical work place issues and bring learning to life. We provide a number of inventories including MBTI and its Step 2, DiSC, Thomas Kilmann, Gregorc Style Delineator, and the Conflict Mode Instrument. The use of the World Café is a highly successful learning format that draws in high level professionals and managers. We ensure a great deal of practice of all new skills and tools so that participants can transfer learning readily upon return to their job. inSITE Training & Development, inc. has conducted all aspects of the ADDIE model for both the Federal government and private sector. Most often, we conduct a needs analysis as a prelude to designing and developing instruction as well. By being involved in the entire ADDIE process and often delivering the training ourselves, we have learned just how comprehensive the needs analysis must be. We have on staff advanced degreed Instructional Designers, Project Managers, Instructors and Facilitators (PhD, MBA, Masters Degree), Coaches (ICF certified), a Psychometrician, a Web designer and a Gamification/eLearning programmer.

The Beauty Click Academy

the beauty click academy


The Beauty Click was founded in April 2018 by Chantelle Bass. The idea came about as Chantelle has always been a working parent and understands how difficult it is to make time for beauty and hair treatments. She wanted to produce a website that has a platform for both the beauty and hair  specialists themselves and for the customers wanting to fit in appointments around their busy schedules. After being let down by her new child-minder for the umpteenth time, Chantelle bit the bullet gave up her sales career and put her all into launching this business. Chantelle’s life time friend Lauren came on board in June 2018, after understanding and sharing her vision she chose to also focus on building The Beauty Click brand. Lauren too is a parent and has dealt with the stresses of fitting things in around her parenting and work life. Chantelle’s career has mainly been within the sales and business development sector and Laurens within childcare, but both have also worked in the beauty industry and have a strong passion to be able to help those that want to learn new skills and move into the hair and beauty realm. After putting their full focus into the growth of The Beauty Click, working tirelessly to put into action the many ideas they’ve had and continue to envision, as well as being full time parents. It hasn’t been an easy journey so far but has been both exciting and inspiring, they are passionate and dedicated to the success of the company and are proud of the entrepreneurs they have become. A lot of the values of the business are to help parents get into flexible work by providing training and then to assist with a customer base, the Beauty Click has proved to be perfect for this. Also, to provide a solution for not just parents, but for everybody in this hectic world that we live in to keep up with regular self-care appointments or to allow for that cheeky pamper session. The Beauty Click is in a league of its own when it comes to Beauty on demand services. We do not set our prices, our members set their own. This means customers have a choice of the amount they are able or wanting to spend on treatments. We do not push out those that have a lower budget and we also have high end members that use exclusive products and have a higher price range. We pride ourselves in catering to the needs of all, including you!

Neema Women Community

neema women community


We aspire to make a difference in the lives of thousands of women and families through our services and a part of our support focuses especially on BAME communities, so they can acquire the autonomy required to lead a productive and rewarding life and contribute to the development of their community. We know how important it is to keep a healthy mind to keep a healthy body. Studies have shown that minorities have more difficult access to mental health due to ethnic and cultural barriers such as religious beliefs, urban cultural legends, stereotypes and pre-judgment. From a global perspective, currently, women are considered the weak link in humanity and are often harassed or infantilised, while in reality, it is quite the opposite as women are the engine of this world. Without entering the feminism claimant, we want to support them, accompany them, and motivate them on the importance of their role so that they can fully take their place in this world and flourish. Our History arises from the experiences of our founders. Our Director Board is made of women from different stages of the community who have experienced the same challenges and difficulties as the women we are aiming to support. The board represents a multidisciplinary team that has travelled a lot, speaks several languages, and has mastered several cultures. We have carried out numerous humanitarian actions for 10 years around the world Asia, Africa, Europe, meetings with exceptional women and incredible life stories and success stories.