1991 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham

Navigating Neurodiversity

navigating neurodiversity


The European Agency on the Development of Special Needs Education (EADSNE) (2006) highlighted individual differences as one of the largest challenges faced by teachers in mainstream schools not only in the UK but across Europe. Teacher training and preparation to support neurodiverse pupils within a mainstream setting has failed to keep up with the changes within the field of inclusion leaving teachers ill equipped to achieve true inclusivity within their classroom. The most recent study of mainstream teachers within the West Midlands highlighted that less than 29% of teachers felt confident to support the neurodiverse pupils within their class with 17% unsure of the meaning of Neurodiversity. Navigating Neurodiversity provides hands-on training and support for mainstream schools to improve teacher confidence when supporting the neurodiverse pupils within their classroom. To provide advice and guidance of ensuring barriers to learning within the classroom/school are permanently removed and providing ongoing intervention and support strategies, including de-escalation techniques to provide and happy, safe and inclusive environment which best supports learning for all pupils. We also work with leadership team, including SENCo, providing support, advice, planning and assessment documentation throughout the EHCP application process to ensure a successful outcome is achieved with maximum support gained for learners with SEN. Book Now What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity is the term to show the diverse way of the way the brain functions, specifically the range of ways in which we learn, think and relate to others (Honeybourne 2018). The neurodiversity paradigm argues that there is not one ‘normal’ way in which the brain functions. Originating within the study of autism to show that there was no ‘norm’ with regard to learning and social interaction and that autism was not a disorder, neurodiversity is now the term used to include all perceived neurological differences including dyscalculia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and Tourette syndrome and supports the theory that no set way of neurocognitive functioning is more important/normal than the other and that differences in learning should be supported and embraced.




We are a leading software development house involved in the OO mentoring sphere. Our aim is to develop software applications with you not for you. The team have a wealth of knowledge in OO software development using C++, Java, Delphi, CORBA, J2EE, EJBs, COM, UML and numerous database technologies such Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server and Interbase. We are run by technology gurus for none technology gurus who need unbiased views and objective strategies for their companies future software developments. We can boast an unprecedented 11 years of object oriented software development experience. Our team have worked with IBM, BP, British Airways, CTS, the Government, City banks, Primary Insurance companies and London Underground. Our team can bring architectural, business analysis, mentoring and software development skills to your company in a selective manner. stream2stream are currently engaged in developing streaming software applications for the growing mobile multimedia market. We expect to see fascinating products in the market by the end of 2003. Building Applications with you, not for you! Our world as we know it and understand it is changing at an ever increasing pace. There seems to be no end in sight to the learning that one has to do to be sure that the applications produced today will stand the trials of customers and time. A university professor once stated "that if you are learning computer science with the intention of graduating and then that's it, think again! You will be a part-time student forever". The requirements that are been driven down from clients to the suppliers of software systems are becoming more and more complex as we the purveyors of IT systems present more and more fascinating technology and our users/clients capture the vision of how these technologies can be used in their lives and corporations. stream2stream is here to help you build the applications of tomorrow. We are not a software house that you can outsource your work out to. We are not a training company concerned only with delivering high quality detailed training with no after-train support or consolidation. We are not a body shop supplying developers who will cut code and then run the fastest sprint ever seen. We are not consultants whose only intention is to give you the feel good factor even though time-scales and budgets have been breached! We are your conscious of bringing to you · Software development at your side. We work with you transferring the knowledge we have to your teams. We have been mentoring software developers and companies for the last four years guaranteeing that the systems that are built are scalable, maintainable, flexible and stable. · High quality training in UML, Architectures and Java. We don't just train you in these technologies, but we work with you in using these tools, transferring our knowledge and experience to your teams. · Professional software developers not hackers. They are all trained UML advocates, ensuring that all tasks are captured in document form. Each developer can confidently transfer the knowledge that they acquired and implemented to any of your teams through mentoring. · OO Mentoring. This means that you get the full development life cycle support. From the moment your project begins right through to deployment and then maintenance, we are there supporting you. Changes in technology will be brought to you as we become aware that the technology has become stable. Why continue developing software the way you have done. Join the technological revolution. Determine your future by creating it with us To see how we can further your software development projects contact us for more information

Trading 402

trading 402


My name is M. R. Naveed and I’m a Property Investor, Serviced Accommodation Business Owner, Fulltime Day Trader and the founder of Trading 402. The reason behind establishing Trading 402 was to fill the gap left by the main stream traders who spend 1000s on Marketing funnels to reach to 1000s to sell their course which haven’t really benefited the students and i feel the main reason behind that is the reason why those courses were sold to those students and the sole reason was not to make students money but to fill the so called coaches pockets. On the other hand my approach is simple my objective is to get people out of their 9-5 jobs the modern slavery they are in. And what’s different about my training course is the passion, energy and personal touch. I take every students success personally because the intention behind these training course isn’t to make me money but to train my students to be independent day traders so that they are able to make this a career and have this as their main stream of income. The end goal for Trading 402 community is to earn freedom of these 3 kinds. 1. Freedom of Location Everyone should be able to make money no matter where they are. Making money doesn’t mean you should be stuck behind your desk fixed a location in a corporate office. Aim is to make money from anywhere in the world as long as you have laptop with fast internet connection. 2. Freedom of Time I believe there should be fixed hours of work where you feel prisoned for those hours. Day Trading even though very risky but if learnt it can make a huge difference in your day to day life and how much time you can buy back for you to enjoy that time with your loved ones and on yourself and maybe on something you really love doing whether is helping the less fortunate, helping a charity, spending more time for your LORD, Whatever that maybe. 3. Freedom of Money No one should struggle to make ends meat. Even though day trading is extremely risky, once learnt and enough efforts made to get your head around it. it could be extremely rewarding financially which could eventually change everything for you and your loved ones.