219 Educators providing Courses in Birmingham

Leadership Partners

leadership partners


Providing pre-deal analysis and due diligence for Private Equity teams or companies involved in transactions in the CRO and pharmaceutical field. Our experienced management, commercial operations and financial partners and associates provide a unique perspective on deal potential. MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Bespoke training courses developed and delivered globally across the CRO, Pharma, Manufacturing and Legal business sectors. The programme delivers specific finance and business training solutions in a highly competitive environment using experiential learning techniques via a deceptively simple industry-specific board game for teams of 2-6 players. COMPANY DEVELOPMENT Catalyzing the development of companies. We help you identify the potential within your organization and the industry and provide the framework to take your company to the next level. STRATEGIC CRO PARTNERSHIPS With a unique perspective on the pharmaceutical and CRO industries we work with you to identify and understand current outsourcing practices and, through an interactive process, work with you to develop a solution to meet your needs for the future. SALES SKILLS TRAINING Bespoke courses, skills analysis and mentoring services led by experienced business developers and experts in relationship management. A combination of real-life scenarios and role-play provides your sales teams with a highly realistic environment within which to fine-tune their RFP management, bid-defence and communication skills. OUTSOURCING & PROJECT FINANCE Experienced staff provide virtual, biotech & pharma companies with innovative solutions ranging from support and training for existing staff, through to management of specific outsourcing projects including RFP preparation, negotiation and contract execution. We can even help you manage your financial and commercial relationships with your selected CRO providers.




At ilmburst, we are very excited about launching this project. Excited, because we are passionate about nurturing our children from a young age, nurturing in them a love for their religion and nurturing their spiritual development. The idea for ilmburst began when we found that many of us as parents don’t have the confidence to teach our children their religion. This is due to a variety of reasons. Some of us feel we don’t have the knowledge and ability, others among us don’t have the time to research and prepare the material needed to teach our children and yet others are afraid that they may teach something incorrectly or use inauthentic material. We aim to help change that, in sha Allah. We should all be able to help teach our children in an engaging and fun way. What better way to bond with your children than doing something which is pleasing to Allah? Using the individual skills and talents of our team we have brought together people qualified in Islamic studies, education and teaching experience to create a wide variety of resources across a wide breadth of subjects, which are then designed using professional design software to ensure high quality. Our vision is to help nurture a generation of Muslims who are proud and confident of their Islam, and who then use this confidence to excel academically, into their chosen career paths and be role models within their communities. We ask Allah, the Most High, to grant us all success as parents and teachers, and that He blesses our children and makes them a source of happiness and joy for us in this world and the next.