1931 Educators providing History courses

Southend High School For Girls

southend high school for girls


It’s a great privilege to introduce myself as the Headteacher at Southend High School for Girls, and on behalf of our students and staff, I’m pleased to welcome you to our website. The school has over a hundred years of history, tradition and success – educating the brightest young minds. As Headteacher, I’m passionate about the learning and development of our students and am delighted that you’ve shown an interest in our wonderful school. SHSG is a unique school. Students and staff cherish its traditions, such as celebrating the school’s birthday just before October half term and presenting birthday presents to the school. Clocks are a popular gift! Our 1,200 students and 140 staff are joined by past pupils, governors and headteachers in the hall – singing the school’s song, Jerusalem, with gusto – a great example of the SHSG family coming together. Indeed, once a member of the SHSG family, always a member of the SHSG family. Southend High School for Girls is a high-performing grammar school – academic excellence is at the core of our purpose and commitment to students and parents. Teachers are passionate about their subjects and are experts in their fields. We are unashamedly ambitious for our students and challenge them far beyond the National Curriculum. For example, in Year 7 students learn Latin and classical Greek, in addition to learning how to code in computer science. At GCSE, students can take Further Maths and Statistics, including additional subjects beyond the curriculum, such as Critical and Contextual Art. At A Level, students study four subjects and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Of course, we’re about far more than just great academic outcomes. Developing the whole person and seeing our Year 7s grow into confident, articulate and highly motivated young adults strong in self-belief and ready to start their next chapter after Year 13 is why we’re here. A student’s journey at SHSG is full of adventure, and we encourage students to get involved. There’s something to inspire and challenge everyone. Students relish opportunities to participate in Duke of Edinburgh and World Challenge expeditions, to be leaders, to perform in school shows, and to represent the school in our nationally renowned sports teams. SHSG is an inspiring and vibrant place, full of energy and laughter – and amazing people! It’s a school where we constantly aim to meet the challenges set out in our principles of ensuring that everyone is safe, happy and successful.

Theresa A. Kahn

theresa a. kahn

Thus far, it has been an incredible journey through life with its challenges, obstacles, and great insights gained on the way. I began both my life and spiritual journey from when I was born in West Germany in a military hospital outside of Wiesbaden, Air Force Base. My father was in the U.S. Air Force. Children born from military parents were considered military brats. I suspect that was the case because we were given the opportunity to travel the world, see how others lived, learn about different cultures, peoples, and religions. We were certainly spoiled in that way. It was a very colourful upbringing, having had the opportunity to live in and travel to so many countries. After my father’s deployment in West Germany and where I was born, we moved to France for several years, then Japan for a further 5 years, then back again to Germany for another 5 years, where I completed my high school years. Those experiences certainly gave me the impetus and even perhaps memories from past lives as being a traveller and explorer of sorts. I grew to love traveling because it opened my eyes to a greater world where endless possibilities were reachable. Navigating My Way Through Life in London I was never a child to follow the crowd, always an observer and very curious. I was born extremely sensitive, an empath, very intuitive, which was both a help and a hinder as I navigated my way through life. When we finally moved back to America after spending most of my early years overseas, I could feel almost immediately and instinctively I would not remain in America for long. I was being ‘called’ back to Europe and when an opportunity arose in the form of studying as an exchange student in London, England, at the University of London, there was no way that I was going to ignore this inner pull. London was to become my home and has been my base since I arrived those 30+ years ago. Living in Europe gave me the space to spread my wings, further my life experiences and delve deeper into my spiritual quest. As we all go through this unique time in history with the world changing so rapidly, it is also an opportune time to explore and expand by joining together in our spiritual journey through meditation, healing, and discovery. Allow Me to Reach Out My Hand and Open Heart to You I have been immensely blessed that my studies and experiences, in Education, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Spiritual and Personal Development have led me to teaching, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring, as well as being able to offer a beautiful array of ‘Energy- Based Interventions’. Clients, students, and those wanting spiritual guidance have come to me from all walks of life, from different belief systems, gender preferences, professions, and cultures. It has always been an enormous pleasure to learn from one another and share our commonality; an invisible thread that binds us together, through our desire for inner peace, comfort, good health, and above all, LOVE! Image I continue to work in this way and so grateful to offer my expertise to those who are genuinely committed in wanting to make this world a better place, by having the deep desire to do the inner work needed for healthy, conscious positive change.

Dr Cathy McQuaid

dr cathy mcquaid

With over 25 years’ experience as a therapist and 35 working within the helping professions, I know counselling and psychotherapy works. During this time I have offered counselling and psychotherapy for individuals and couples, using a combination of the person-centred approach with Transactional Analysis and psychodynamic theoretical models. I believe the client themselves holds the answers to their questions. What I provided was warmth, compassion, respect and a safe space in which they can tell their story: a willingness to share the therapeutic journey and to help them to reach the goals they set. The approaches I used can help the client understand the history of their difficulties, and offer a way forward in terms of restructuring or realigning their perceptions of life, helping them rediscover their drive towards wholeness and health. Although I no longer offer counselling or psychotherapy to clients I bring all my knowledge, skills and experience into my work as a workshop presenter, supervisor and trainer. My focus now is on offering online supervision, undertaking research, continuing to write on topics and run workshops on topics that interest me. I offer training to trainers, both face to face and online. As a supervisor I offer supervision to qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, something I have done since 2002. Supervision can be undertaken individually or in small groups. In addition I am endorsed to teach and supervise Transactional Analysis by the European Association for Transactional Analysis, this means I can teach and supervise supervisors and trainers. As a supervisor of trainers I come with experience of setting up and running a training and therapy centre, of gaining MSc recogition for my courses and running a low cost therapy centre. I know how challenging it can be to meet the many and varied national and international requirements; maintaining personal idiosyncratic preferences; whilst adhering to academic norms; set core competencies; and external organisational requirements that, at times, appear to conflict with one another. As a researcher my most recent project concerned the impact of the death of a child, of any age, on parents and siblings. This has resulted in May 2021 to my second book Understanding Bereaved Parents and Siblings: A Handbook for Professionals, Family and Friends. I run workshops for professionals who want a greater understanding of how they can work with bereaved mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Workshops are planned for bereaved parents and siblings later in 2022. In addition I have a specific interest in training courses and training standards. Having completed my DPsych in 2010 and written my first book What You Really Need to Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training: An Essential Guide published by Routledge in 2014, I have gone on to continue my research into counselling and psychotherapy training from both the trainees and trainers perspectives. I am passionate about training and training standards and want to work with others who wish to work to the best of their ability with integrity, passion and trustworthiness. If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please email me via this link or call me on 07428 551163 between 10am and 5pm. I do not interrupt sessions to answer the phone, but there is a confidential answering machine; please leave your name, number and any message, and I will call you back.

2489 (Bridge of Don) Squadron  Air Training Corps

2489 (bridge of don) squadron air training corps

This brief history tells how the RAF Air Cadets was formed. As an essential part of the RAF, supplying better-trained and experienced personnel during times of war, it has evolved into the largest air cadet organisation in the world. The first cadets In 1859 several schools around the country began forming armed, uniformed units of adults and older boys with the purpose of protecting Britain in the event of an attack from overseas. By the turn of the century there were units in more than 100 schools and, in 1908, the units were re-titled the Officer Training Corps (OTC). Many ex-cadets and officers served with distinction during the First World War. By the 1930s the beginnings of today’s CCF (RAF) appeared in the form of OTC Air Sections. In Army uniform, but with an RAF armband, they trained very much like today. Air Commodore Chamier, the Air League and the ADCC It was a simple enough idea. The Second World War was on the horizon and if aircraft were to be used as a major combat strength, then the RAF would need a serious amount of combat-ready pilots and competent support crew to keep them in the air. That idea came from Air Commodore J A Chamier, now known as the father of the air cadets. He served in the army, the Royal Flying Corps and the RAF in 1919 (not long after it formed). With his love for aviation, he was determined to get British people aware of the RAF and its vital role in any future war. He wanted to establish an air cadet corps, encouraging young people to consider a career in aviation - pretty exciting at a time when very few people ever got the chance to fly. His experience in World War I, where training time was very limited, convinced him that the sooner training began the better prepared and experienced a person would be in combat. So, in 1938 the Air Defence Cadet Corps (ADCC) was founded by Air Commodore Chamier who was then Secretary-General of the Air League – an organisation made up of people who wanted to make the British public aware of the importance of military aviation. Demand for places was high and squadrons were set up in as many towns around the UK as possible. Local people ran them and each squadron aimed to prepare cadets for joining the RAF or the Fleet Air Arm (the Royal Navy's aircraft division). They also helped form the diverse programme of activities that our cadets enjoy today. During World War II, with many instructors being drafted into the RAF and squadron buildings being used by the military, cadets were sent to work on RAF stations. They carried messages, handled aircraft and moved equipment. They filled thousands of sandbags and loaded miles of belts of ammunition. They were invaluable. By the end of the war, in just 7 years since the formation of the ADCC, almost 100,000 cadets had joined the RAF. The ATC and CCF Towards the end of 1940, the government realised the value of the cadet force and took control of the ADCC. It reorganised and renamed it, and on the 5th February 1941 the Air Training Corps was officially established with King George VI as the Air Commodore-in-Chief.

Greensville Learning

greensville learning


GLC is a non-profit center for students with learning differences and/or Attention Deficit Disorder. We are the first replication site of The Hill Center in Durham, NC and have been serving area students with learning differences since 2002. Our Vision The vision of GLC is to make this successful teaching method available to as many students in Pitt County and the surrounding counties, as possible. GLC will continue to serve the needs of Pitt County students by working in partnership with Pitt County Public Schools and area private schools. It is also our goal to work with families and students in need of financial assistance by offering scholarships. In addition, GLC hopes to cooperate with ECU as a resource for future teachers and as an official internship site and volunteer service center. We look forward to becoming a vital resource for the east. Greenville Learning Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions, scholarship programs, or any other administered programs. Mission Statement Greenville Learning Center enables students with learning differences and/or Attention Deficit Disorder to achieve their full potential and to become confident, independent learners. History The doors of Greenville Learning Center opened in the fall of 2002. It was the vision of three local families who shared the need for this type of school for their children and others in Pitt County. In 1997 they sought the guidance of The Hill Center and began the process of modeling their successful program. Over the past years, we have served students from the following schools: A.G. Cox Middle School Ayden Grifton High School Belvoir Elementary Chicod School Christ Covenant School Eastern Elementary EB Aycock Middle School Elmhurst Elementary School The Epiphany School of Global Studies Falkland Elementary Hope Middle School John Paul II Catholic High School North East Carolina Prep The Oakwood School Our Lady of Perpetual Hope – Rocky Mount, NC PS Jones Middle School Ridgewood Elementary Rose High School South Central High School South Greenville Elementary School St. Peters Catholic School Wahl Coates Elementary School Washington Montessori – Washington, NC Wayne Christian School Wintergreen Intermediate Wintergreen Primary School Words from a founding parent As one of the founders of GLC and parent of an alumni student, it has been amazing to watch the journey of this little school develop. In the beginning, many thought it would be impossible to start such a project in eastern NC, but the determination of three mothers cannot be underestimated. The idea began to take root in 1997 after a visit to The Hill Center in Durham. It was determined by the three founding families at that time to make an investment and to begin to hire teachers to train in The Hill Center Methodology. Laura Bruce Hadley Nichols came on board and eventually became the school’s director. Dr. Michael Priddy who was a superintendent of Pitt County Public Schools at the time, made the trip to Durham with the founding mothers along with Mr. Larry Seigler (GLC board member), and Dr. Marilyn Sheer (previous Dean of ECU School of Education). We met with The Hill Center professionals and Dr. Priddy and decided that GLC would be a great partner with Pitt County Schools. The meeting was successful and afterwards Dr. Priddy granted transfer credit to GLC from Pitt County Schools. From this point on, GLC has been helping children throughout Pitt County meet their academic potential and feel good about who they are even though they learn differently.

The Nest Southwest Community Interest Company

the nest southwest community interest company


The Nest Southwest is a not-for-profit, social enterprise, community interest company. It was set up in Devon by local women to support other women and girls through the major life transitions of menstruation, pregnancy, birth and menopause by providing social, emotional and informational support. From left to right: Nancy, Jodie & Hazel are The Nest’s 3 co-directors. Scroll down the page to read more about them and The Nest team. Our Vision & Mission Our vision is to live in a world where women and girls feel empowered and fulfilled at each stage of their life. We want to be part of creating a cohesive society where these rites of passage are honoured as gateways of personal development as well as biological milestones. Our mission is to provide social, emotional and educational support, to improve well-being and self-esteem. We support women, girls and people who menstruate through menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. We believe in intersectional feminism by promoting gender justice and racial justice. We are anti-racist and pro-trans rights. We believe in equality for all genders. We offer compassionate peer support, and provide a safe, nurturing environment to explore emotional and physical literacy as we pass through these rites of passage. There is no right or wrong way to go through these gateways, they are as individual as we are. But we don’t have to do it alone. What a different place our world will be if we felt belonging, supported, and respected as we welcomed ourselves to the next stage of life! Our History The seeds of this dream had been swirling for some years before finding a place to land. The Nest was officially registered as Community Interest Company in October 2019 by Hazel Acland, Jodie Wilkerson and Nancy Osborne. Together they launched their first project in March 2020 just as the covid-19 pandemic was sweeping the world. Plans quickly adapted to this new reality and became a weekly online wellbeing group to bring together pregnant and birthing people in the Exeter and East Devon area. The group has evolved to create a perinatal peer support network, training mums to support other mums through matrescence from pregnancy to parenting. The Nest has grown in other areas as well – starting to deliver services around menstruation and menopause support, with much more in the pipeline! Equality We aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. We want to challenge all forms of oppression including those based on race, ethnicity, nationality, faith, gender, sexuality, learning ability, physical impairment, mental illness, age, occupation, income, or wealth. We aim to design our activities, services and decision making processes specifically to encourage and support participation from people who face disadvantage in society, including women, girls, BME people, disabled people, LGBTQI+ people, and people on low incomes. Safeguarding The Nest Southwest CIC is fully committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults. We believe that safeguarding is of paramount importance and that everyone has the right to be safe. We work hard to ensure that The Nest protects and promotes the safety and well-being of all children, young people and adults we work with. All our team members are trained in safeguarding and child protection and have valid DBS checks. The Nest has a designated safeguarding lead who oversees and regularly reviews our training requirements and safeguarding policies. The Nest’s Safeguarding Lead is Jodie Wilkerson (jodie.thenestsw@gmail.com).

Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium

haringey nursery schools training consortium


The Consortium was formed in 2011 to represent the progressive and outward looking role of nursery schools in the 21st century. We are a partnership of three maintained nursery schools in Haringey with a rich and diverse history of excellent integrated early years practice. Our central aim is to progress our role in leading system improvement in the Early Years in Haringey and beyond. Within our local authority we have established a strong reputation for providing high quality accredited and non-accredited training. This has been enhanced by working in partnership with the Haringey Early Years Team, Pen Green, Derby University, Middlesex University and Barnet and Southgate college. The schools are located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation within the borough of Haringey and serve a diverse population representing a rich cultural and ethnic mix. Typically 24 different languages are being spoken at each school and 65% of the pupil cohort have EAL. Each nursery school has an on site Children’s Centre and a key aspect of this work is supporting families onto pathways back into employment. The centres have effective on site volunteer training and placements for families within the community. We have been part of projects to enable and enhance children's learning and development across the curriculum and widened our partnership through collaborative creative projects including link work with Italy. Sweden, Finland & Denmark. We are one of 16 consortiums designated as an Early Years Teaching Centre, by the DfE in 2011, and we continue to develop and promote the training of staff in local early years settings. Staff training and development is associated with higher quality early years provision (Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), 2017) Children who experience high quality early years provision are well placed to achieve higher outcomes at school and develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities necessary for life-long learning. (Foundation Years Great Early Years & Childcare, Knowledge Hub, 2018) Who are we? The Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium is a collaboration between Rowland Hill, Woodlands Park and Pembury House Nursery School and Children’s Centres. This partnership was formed in 2010 in order to support young children and practitioners in Early Year’s settings locally and further afield. The Nursery Schools have on-site Children’s Centres and offer fully integrated care and education for families. The combined strength of the nursery schools together with children’s centre services and childcare enables them to offer a wide range of services to children and families. The Nursery Schools have been judged by Ofsted to have outstanding practice and in 2011 were awarded ‘Early Years Teaching Centre’ (EYTC) Status. What is our aim? The Nursery Schools have a reputation for exciting, innovative Early Years expertise, practice and research which we have developed in order to improve outcomes for young children and their families. Through a close, strategic partnership with the Local Authority and a range of other partners, we are able to offer a range of high quality training and development opportunities for those in the Early Years Workforce. This includes staff in Primary Schools, Nursery Schools, Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years Settings and Childminders. Together with the Haringey Early Years Quality and Improvement Team, we also offer an annual Early Years Conference.