1931 Educators providing History courses




Welcome to my journey of how to Teach Me Islam came to launch.  Assalamu Alaykum,  My name is Nabeela, CEO of TEACHMEISLAMAPP.  I hold a Masters’s equivalent degree in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence. I am also a qualified Early Years Educator. With 9 years+ of solid experience in Education. Since then, I am now also a qualified Business Analyst. With 9 years of experience on my side, I have become aware of this untapped potential for the facility that was missing within our community. I realised that the demand for qualitative Islamic teaching with progressive results for parents and students is high. It has been my dream to scale out, unite and build a limitless platform, bringing different social groups together, no matter the age, gender, religion or background.  Teach Me Islam is the first of it's kind, an award winning pioneering virtual organisation. An easy and accessible online platform and application that is designed to offer you the flexibility to book high-quality Islamic private tuition lessons from the comfort of your home. Delivered to you by British-educated, security-assured DBS-verified, rightly qualified Islamic tutors who nurture our students through their programme that transforms our student's lives spiritually.  We use a revolutionary three-tier programme steeped in rich Islamic history from Arabic comprehension of the Holy Quran to the teachings of the Prophets and their noble companions. Enjoy interactive and highly-organised lessons through our easy-to-use platform, in a digestible style designed to build confidence and help you or your loved ones learn in a coherent way that is both effective with long-term practical results in our student's lifestyles. Suitable for adults and children, both men and women.  Learn through interactive online lessons at your pace with friendly and familiar tutors who share similar values and beliefs. Contact us via our contact form on our website for a free phone call consultation for all the details. 

SeerPharma UK

seerpharma uk

Littlehampton, West Sussex

How we help the UK pharmaceutical sector The UK pharmceutical sector is highly regulated, highly specialised and highly competitive. But we believe these three factors are not mutually exclusive. What it takes to be rigidly compliant in an operation is the same as what it takes to be relentlessly focused on high quality output. Attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the detail are both required corporate traits. SeerPharma UK has an extensive knowledge of the detail of the regulatory environment and can communicate this effectively to those staff in key positions within your business. We also have a deep knowledge of the quality and productivity tools and techniques your business needs to succeed. So whether that’s improving your compliance history with the regulator, differentiating yourself against national and international competition or driving greater profitability from your operation, we can help you reach your goals. Part of something much bigger SeerPharma UK is the European centre of SeerPharma which has extensive coverage across Asia-Pacific. There is much regulatory convergence across UK & European and Asia-Pacific pharmaceutical compliance and we frequently share knowledge and materials with our colleagues in the Australian Head Office. How we go about our business Our philosophy can be summarised as follows: Understanding the Regulations is good, but understanding the Regulator is, we believe, the gold standard. As former MHRA inspectors we have both the insight and practical understanding of the regulatory regime as well as practical knowledge of how those regulations are interpreted. Our aim is to share that inside knowledge to help you compete successfully in the regulated environments of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices and related industries. Our technical partners in the UK We work with a range of organisations in the UK to provide our clients with the breadth and depth of knowledge required in this highly regulated and competitive market.




YourGamePlan’s mission is to ensure that every student has the confidence and support they need to make the best decision about their future when they leave school. We believe soft and employability skills are paramount and guidance on improving these skills should be available to everyone, for free. We don’t charge schools or students for our services. We will also be partnering with top UK employers to create sector specific courses, enabling students to understand more about career options available to them. In turn, helping young people choose which career path is right for them. All of our courses have been checked and certified by the CPD. From the CPD: ‘Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the independent CPD accreditation centre working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications. Our unique experience and history working with training providers, professional bodies, academic institutions and corporate organisations enables us to support organisations seeking authoritative accreditation for their CPD activities. Thousands of CPD training courses, events, e-learning programs, conferences, workshops and seminars are formally accredited by us every year adding significant value for audiences and providers alike. We evaluate further learning activities to the highest standards. Hundreds of thousands recognise our CPD Certified symbol as the qualitative benchmark that, not only reflects but also sets those standards. The CPD Certification Service supports the Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional organisations on an increasingly global basis. Our CPD quality marks are protected by international copyright legislation. CPD submissions are assessed and accredited against the universally accepted structured checklist which The CPD Service has developed over the past 20+ years. The process takes an impartial and objective overview of structure and value to ensure full conformity to CPD guidelines.’

UCL Special Collections

ucl special collections


UCL Library Services consists of 17 libraries and assorted learning spaces located across London, covering a wide range of specialist subjects ranging from bio-medicine and science to arts, architecture and archaeology, plus learning spaces in the Student Centre, Senate House and the Graduate Hub. Our digital library is one of the best in the world, and we manage UCL Discovery, the institutional repository which enables the world to access our researchers' work for free. We've also started the UK's first completely open access university press, UCL Press. Together, UCL Library Services is at the heart of providing the information to support UCL's academic excellence and research that addresses real-world problems, as set out in the UCL Research Strategy. Read our Mission Statement. What we provide expert staff to help you get the most from UCL's resources; inspiring spaces for learning (individually and in groups); a vast and rich collection of books, e-resources and journals; access to UCL Special Collections with treasures from UCL's history at the forefront of scientific research; a place to come together and share expertise. We are a global leader in Open Science policy and implementation. The Office for Open Science and Scholarship co-ordinates work in this area across UCL. The specialist tools we've developed in bibliometrics and data management are helping researchers to exploit data as it becomes available at UCL and supporting UCL researchers to demonstrate the impact of their work. We support UCL students and staff, NHS staff and the general public both online and on site ensuring they can access the library resources they need wherever they are. We also engage staff, students and external audiences through academic teaching sessions, exhibitions, special events, community and school links and social media.

Flourishing Language Solution

flourishing language solution


Let me know what I can help you with.Translation ServiceInterpreter Service---Welcome ToFlourishing Language Solution Ltd Flourishing Language Solution Ltd is a Private limited Company registered in England and wales. Quality service provision is what our company prioritises, and we strive to achieve this through the provision of tailored services to Tigrinya and Amharic speaking serviceFlourishing Language Solution Ltd is a Private limited Company registered in England and wales. Quality service provision is what our company prioritises, and we strive to achieve this through the provision of tailored services to Tigrinya and Amharic speaking service users, who require an interpreter or translation services to fully access services available to them. We supply linguists who are DPSI qualification holders and NRPSI registered to ensure quality service provision. We also work in partnership with other NRPSI registered and regulated linguists and supply other rare languages. Company Director: Mr Tesfom Gebrehiwet Mr Tesfom is a DPSI certified and NRPSI registered & regulated linguist. He has been working as a Freelance Interpreter and translator since May 2008 and DPSI Language Specialist since August 2017. His strong professional academic background (B.A Degree in History, Eritrea; B.A Hons in Community and Youth Studies and M.A in Social Work, UK); along with his teaching and mentoring experiences has enabled him to gain relevant skills in training and assessing other linguists. As a Freelance interpreter and translator, he has been delivering various interpreting assignments including court trials, tribunals, police stations, probation services, NHS, Asylum Screening, Detention Centres, Mental Health Hospitals, schools, DWP, JCP, HMRC, CAFCASS, Medical Health Assessment centres (ATOS & CHDA), Social services (LAC Review, TAF Meetings, safeguarding issues including S. 47 enquiry …etc), local law firms and so on. Read More

Ipswich And Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre And Mosque

ipswich and suffolk bangladeshi muslim community centre and mosque

Welcome to the Ipswich Mosque Ipswich & Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre and Mosque. The Ipswich Mosque offers a wide range of services; in addition to the Daily Prayers. We also offer counselling; education for children and adults; services related to birth, marriage and death and more. It is with great sadness that Ipswich Mosque has learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty’s children and their families on this sad occasion. Her Majesty was a great example of devotion to civic duty and public life. She is not only the longest reigning monarch in British history she has also been the background to the lives of most of us alive today. She was the monarch who earned the widest possible respect here in the UK and throughout the world. Her Majesty always put duty first and brought dignity and decency to the highest office in the land. She embodied the best of qualities and was a focus for national unity and identity. Her Majesty has been the still calm centre of stability and reassurance to this nation and the other nations of which has been head of state for more than seventy years. While so much around her has changed she has been a distillation of our national identity, she has been a constant in an ever shifting world, steadfast, dependable dutiful. Her Majesty’s life was one of finely judged service true to the principles of constitutional monarchy driven by duty. Her Majesty’s life has been a huge inspiration and she will be sadly missed by all. Her Majesty’s passing is great loss to the nation. She was a remarkable human being who leaves a remarkable legacy to our country and beyond.

King Johns House & Heritage Centre

king johns house & heritage centre

What we now know as King John’s House and the adjoining Tudor Cottage were once a small part of Church Court in Romsey and are Church Court’s only surviving buildings. By the turn of the 19th and 20th century, the Court had been reduced to little more than a densely populated slum housing among the most impoverished of Romsey’s residents. At this time you would find no mention of King John’s House on any map or in any book as it was just a run-down building in a run-down part of Romsey. In modern times we know that the House was once a very high status building and part of a major medieval complex although its exact purpose is not completely understood. You can see many early features dating from this time, including fine stone masonry, ancient roof timbers and graffiti cut into medieval plaster. The Museum features aspects of Romsey life during the Victorian and Edwardian period. The 'old gun shop' has been reconstructed upstairs, using original fixtures, fittings and display items, while William Moody and his sister wait to greet you in the recreated parlour in the room behind. When you visit the House and Museum you can discover how and when King John became associated with the House, how it descended from high status medieval building to slum over 800 year of continuous occupation and use and why the Moody family are so important to the history of King John’s House. King John’s House and Museum are in the custodianship of a registered charity, dedicated to preserving King John’s House for future generations. Donations in support of this work are always appreciated. The charity is kindly supported by Test Valley Borough Council who work in partnership to share this important heritage property TripAdvisor