1931 Educators providing History courses

St Bede's Catholic College

st bede's catholic college


A very warm welcome to St Bede’s Catholic College. We are committed to the principles of Catholic education and academic excellence, as envisioned by our namesake, St Bede.   It is the responsibility of our college to prepare children to be good citizens and the servant leaders of the future. Through our culture that focuses on gospel values such as service, compassion and forgiveness, Catholic and non-Catholic students alike leave St Bede’s ready to be beacons of light to future generations.  Each member of the school community is recognised as being created in God’s own image and so equally valuable. Non-Catholics feel equally welcome and their spiritual journey as important. The learning of knowledge built through human history is an intellectual human right. Knowledge provides liberty, freedom and power. Therefore, the curriculum at St Bede’s is designed to give access to a wide range of subjects, with expert teachers guiding students through the traditions. Through this curriculum, students have the chance to develop character traits such as fortitude and perseverance, as well as skills including reasoning and critical thinking. As students have different areas of aptitude and interest, St Bede’s caters for all, as we know that often it is only through exposure to these opportunities that they find their God-given gifts. Expectations for effort and application are very high to ensure all students reach their potential, regardless of ability. Such high demands are supported academically, socially and spiritually. Students feel valued at St Bede’s because of its personalised approach, celebration of difference and its desire to develop confidence and independence. St Bede’s nurtures young people’s self-esteem and sense of worth through the provision of a range of opportunities both within and outside the classroom. As Saint John Henry Newman said, any education worthy of the name must involve ‘heart speaking to heart’; a personal connection. We know that the selection of a secondary school or sixth form is a very important decision for families and hope that our website gives a sense of our college. If you wish to explore in greater detail what a St Bede’s education means in practice, please do not hesitate to come and see.

Learning Links International

learning links international

Bangor Wales

Learning Links International (LLI) is a volunteer led social enterprise set up in 2010 with support from Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari. The LLI Directors come from Wales, Jamaica, Nigeria and England, and we are currently operating on Zoom. Join us on Zoom - every Friday or at one of our special monthly focus groups - to check these out Click HERE Initially based in Wolverhampton, Learning Links International founder, Liz Millman, worked with colleagues in Wolverhampton and the wider West Midlands, making links with Jamaica, as well as developing and managing the Black History Month Programme in North Wales. Click HERE In 2014 LLI gained the National Sector for Voluntary Organisations Award: Investing in Volunteers. By 2016 LLI was working mainly in Wales and we are grateful to Maggie Ogunowa for helping us set up an office in Penygroes. At present our focus is in finding new ways to research the shared histories and links between communities and countries, and telling these stories using a range of approaches working with poets, teachers, authors, academics and entertainers. With our developing Zoom skills we started 'Black History Lunchtime Coversations' every Friday lunchtime - teaming up with 'Belong Nottingham' and 'Highlands and Slavery' This is going well. Click HERE to go to the website and register for the next session or link with recordings of past sessions. Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari, keeps in close touch and we are working on the 'Building Bridges' poetry project, showcasing the poetry written by students and teachers he met at schools in North Wales and in Pennants, Jamaica. Yasus Afari's virtual 'Jamaica Poetry Festival 2020' was amazing - a fabulous achievement with 65,000 views so far - to check out on YouTube Click HERE It's well worth planning to take a couple of hours and just watching it! The 'Dyffryn Ogwen Writers and Friends' Zoom sessions on Creative Writing have started and are going well. Click HERE for more information. This is supported by Lottery 'Celebration' funding. The 'Pennants Project' team meet evrey few weeks and we are making good progress towards raising the funds to refurbush the school in ennants and build an Infant Department. We are also currently exploring the links that Wales has around the world, as well as looking at ways to celebrate Welsh Language and Culture, and due to Liz's current location, we are exploring the way that the story of colonial invasion of the Australian continent is told. It was recently 250 years since Cook landed, so there is lots of TV coverage of the story - told in many different ways. In the UK we work with a wide range of organisations and schools, including Arts Council Wales, , Race Council Cymru, Rotary International and Wales International/ Cymru a'r Byd. In Jamaica we work with the Institute of Jamaica, Edutainment Promotion and the Jamaican Language Unit, as well as the Rotary Club of May Pen and Clarendon Council.

The Guitar Amp & Keyboard Center

the guitar amp & keyboard center



You read it right - we are turning 30 this year! To celebrate GAK's 30th anniversary and our fresh look, we're going to delve into our history and how we grew into one of the top music retailers in the UK. It's been a long journey from very humble beginnings to getting to where we are today. And it all started with one man and a market stall. 1992 HUMBLE BEGINNINGS It's been a long journey from very humble beginnings to getting to where we are today. And it all started with one man and a market stall. 1995 BRITPOP EXPLOSION Britpop bands like Oasis, Blur, Suede and Pulp were all electric guitar-based, markedly increasing the demand for the instrument. As the popularity of the guitar flourished, so did the business. 2000 FRESH EXPANSION The business would begin to flourish and grow at a seriously quick pace. Bigger and bigger premises were needed to keep up with the ever-growing amount of stock that needed shipping to customers. 2010 BRAVE NEW WORLD The Internet was a lot like the Wild West back in its early days. By having the foresight and the initiative to delve into this new frontier of sales, we were able to get ahead of the curve and grow alongside the Internet boom. 2016 TEA TO MD From GAK's early days, Max McKellar was helping drive the business forward as it entered unexplored territory. Today, he's leading the company as our Managing Director - a long way to come from cleaning guitars and making tea! 1994 SETTING THE TONE From the beginning, the store was a down-to-earth and unpretentious place to buy your music gear. Everyone was welcome and they were free to try out whatever they wanted. 1996 BEYOND THE STORE A flat above the store had its kitchen and bathroom converted to a mail-order room and office respectively. To spread the word about GAK's Mail Order service, print ads would be run in popular magazines such as Guitarist and Sound On Sound. 2002 THE INTERNET AGE We were one of the first music retailers in the country to go online and have an e-commerce store. Our customers could buy their dream piece of gear, have it brought straight to their house and receive the same friendly service you'd get into the store. 2014 DESTINATION HUB With help from the eye-catching print ads and the enormous success of the website, word spread about what an exciting place the GAK store is to visit. You can walk in and discover something new around each corner. 2022 30 YEARS AND BEYOND As we reach the major milestone that is our 30th birthday, we are beyond excited to unveil the brand new look and feel of the GAK brand. We're looking forward to what the next thirty years and beyond have in store for us.

British Society For Middle Eastern Studies

british society for middle eastern studies


Our Aims To encourage and promote interest and study of the Middle Eastern cultural region from the end of classical antiquity to the present day in particular but not exclusively through the dissemination of information and by the encouragement of co-operation amongst persons concerned with the scholarly study of the region. Statement of Purpose Founded in 1973, BRISMES provides a forum for educators and researchers in Middle East Studies. Membership is open to all regardless of nationality or country of residence. We work to promote interest in Middle East Studies and to raise awareness of the region and how it is connected to other parts of the world, including the UK. Middle East Studies is a diverse field, which encompasses all the humanities and social sciences and reaches from the present back to classical antiquity. The long history of our field of study has made us particularly aware of the connections between knowledge and power. We see connections between research, education, teaching and fundamental questions of social change. We do not believe that research and education should be divorced from the wider social and political context nor that it should exist to serve elites. We believe that a commitment to promote research and education in Middle East Studies involves a duty to consider the conditions under which knowledge is produced and disseminated, and if necessary, to speak out against power structures and interests that prevent the flourishing of research and education in our field.

Politecnico di Milano - Scuola Master Fratelli Pesenti

politecnico di milano - scuola master fratelli pesenti

Master universitari I Master di I e II livello rappresentano sempre più dei laboratori dove la ricerca scientifica e l'innovazione tecnologica vengono trasferite nei percorsi formativi di eccellenza per figure di alta professionalità. Nell'arco di un anno sono forniti moduli di didattica frontale (o in alternativa on-line), corsi brevi di docenti stranieri e professionisti ad invito, visite in cantieri, seminari su "case history", attività di stage e tesi per l'esame finale. Ciascun Master si suddivide essenzialmente in due semestri: nel primo vengono impartiti lezioni, seminari, si svolgono le esercitazioni anche sotto forma di visite in cantiere e laboratori; il secondo semestre è dedicato allo stage e alla stesura del project work. Enti pubblici e privati, studi associati di architettura e società di ingegneria di nota fama collaborano con la Scuola. L'esperienza negli stage diviene anche strumento di placement e recruiting nel mondo del lavoro. La didattica frontale che viene svolta nei primi quattro/cinque mesi dei Corsi di Master, attivati dalla Scuola "F.lli Pesenti" del Politecnico di Milano, è articolata in più Unità Didattiche. I contenuti, evidenziati nel titolo di ciascuna Unità, sono svolti da docenti della Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura e professionisti di nota fama, che forniscono la necessaria base tecnico-scientifica per corsi di Master nell'ambito di Costruzioni Civili e Infrastrutturali. Le lezioni sono erogate in lingua italiana, con la presenza di eventuali seminari/lezioni integrative in lingua inglese. Gran parte del materiale didattico mostrato a lezione è in lingua inglese.