364 Educators providing History courses in London

The Institute of Art and Ideas

the institute of art and ideas


There is little that we can be certain about, but we can be confident that a time will come when our current beliefs and assumptions are seen as mistaken, our heroes - like the imperial adventurers of the past - are regarded as villains, and our morality is viewed as bigoted prejudice. So the IAI seeks to challenge the notion that our present accepted wisdom is the truth. It aims to uncover the flaws and limitations in our current thinking in search of alternative and better ways to hold the world. The IAI was founded in 2008 with the aim of rescuing philosophy from technical debates about the meaning of words and returning it to big ideas and putting them at the centre of culture. Not in aid of a more refined cultural life, but as an urgent call to rethink where we are. That rethinking is urgent and necessary because the world of ideas is in crisis. The traditional modernist notion that we are gradually uncovering the one true account of reality has been undermined by a growing awareness that ideas are limited by culture, history and language. Yet in a relative world the paradoxes of postmodern culture has left us lost and confused. We do not know what to believe, nor do we know how to find the answers. The IAI was founded to help address this intellectual crisis. Our research and editorial teams have worked around the clock to face up to this challenge and unearth fresh ways of thinking that might guide us in an uncertain world. When, with the founding of the IAI, we declared that philosophy and big ideas should be at the heart of our culture, we did not do so out of reverence for ideas or an attachment to the academy and intellectual life. We did so because it is these core thoughts and ideas that determine the character of our world and our lives. It is our vision that philosophy and big ideas are not a pleasant reflective addition to our everyday lives but an essential determinant of who and where we are and of what is possible. At the IAI we are committed to finding new and better ways to make sense of the world so that we can navigate a brighter future in an increasingly dangerous world.

Kingsbury High School

kingsbury high school


Welcome to our school website. Kingsbury High School is a fantastic community with a commitment to learning and achievement but also a mission to develop youngsters to become successful members of society. I hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting things happening at our school and see our students acting in the ‘Kingsbury Way’. We aim to provide clear relevant information for all, please let us know if there is anything missing or contact us if you want to know more. Kingsbury High School has many strengths and a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by the School motto, spectemur agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to respect themselves, others and the environment. Our students gain excellent examination results in both GCSE and across the Sixth Form. In our most recent inspection Ofsted again rated the school as “good”. Equally, the school is very proud of the way it has achieved these outcomes and the rounded education it offers to its students. We recognise our place in the community and are a key part of the partnership, Kingsbury Schools Together with our local primary schools and the Village (special) School. A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Integrity; Respect; Responsibility; Resilience; and Aspiration. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character. I hope that whatever the reason you have chosen to look at our website, as a member of the school community, a prospective parent, student or member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, you find what you are looking for.

London Longsword Academy

london longsword academy


Everyone is welcome to train, from beginners to expert martial artists, no matter what your age, gender or background may be. Here you will have the opportunity to study diverse medieval and Renaissance weapon styles, including longsword, sword and buckler, dussack, messer, rapier and dagger, in a safe, friendly and completely inclusive environment. LLA will help you find and exceed your limits, teaching you a martial art honed and made perfect through Europe’s many centuries of warfare. SIMPLE YET SOPHISTICATED Every technique shown is the simplest answer for the threat given, and the most effective way to attack and cover in one motion. What at first appears to be more complex, you will soon learn is the simplest way to deal with a more complex threat. POWERFUL BODY MECHANICS Applicable to most armed and unarmed martial arts. This art will teach you to fight using your entire body, maximising your power and honing your instinctive responses. LOGIC AND GEOMETRY At the LLA we use a simple four step training method. Each technique is based on logic and the demands of the situation, rather than clever or showy moves; it just happens that some techniques look damned good. The method breaks down each set of techniques into four steps, each student only progressing to the next part of the technique when they have mastered the first. This means that as a beginner you can train with more advanced practitioners straight away and never feel left behind, while allowing you to advance at your own pace. Variations in the four steps allow for overlaps and cross- referencing of responses and pressures, thus building your understanding and repertoire of combat simply and quickly. INCLUSIVITY AND DIVERSITY One thing we are at pains to point out at the LLA is the multi-cultural nature of these arts. Manuals such as I.33 & Paulus Hector Mair’s Fechbuch (amongst many others), show women and men, white and black training together and it is also known that several masters of these arts were Jewish. This diversity is part of our art and history; we feel it should be a proud part of its future. LLA has a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory behaviour or hate speech amongst its students, and aims to be a safe and welcoming space for all.

The Southover Partnership

the southover partnership


The Southover Partnership is one of the UKs leading independent and managed Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) organisations. We are renowned experts in SEN and are passionate about children, learning and teaching. Our dedication to helping children achieve is seen in everything we do. We are committed to providing exceptional and tailored services for each child we teach. What we do The Southover Partnership comprises two core services: The Southover Partnership school – Based across three sites in London. Southover Outreach services – Support in schools & Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) The Southover Partnership history The Southover Partnership was born in the summer of 1994 when Carol Frankl made the decision to start up her own company focusing on special educational needs. She launched the company from her home and named it The Southover Partnership: Southover being her place of residence; Partnership because Carol was adamant that her company would be a collaboration between all parties involved. Southover initially emerged from Carol’s disillusionment with the mechanisms for funding special needs and her passion that each child should have a positive educational experience. At the time there were many grant maintained schools that didn’t have access to local authority services due to the method of funding by central government. The Southover Partnership aimed to ensure special educational needs provision could be met. The service began by offering a select group of students support in school and some at-home tuition. It swiftly extended to providing full-time education to these students. Carol expanded Southover’s services and recruited the highest calibre staff to assist in schools as well as at home. Carol’s outstanding reputation in the education sector put her in demand to provide training and consultancy for SENCOs and schools. So great were the requests for Southover’s servicesprovisions that Carol formed her own school for children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and autism. The Southover Partnership school was officially recognised by the Department for Children, Schools and Families in August 2007, with the first inspection taking place in June 2008. This was a huge achievement for Carol, and a real adventure, as prior to this point much of the education for children out of school was provided by local authorities. The Southover Partnership was soon recognised as a leading provider of alternative special needs education

Battle Of Ideas

battle of ideas


The UK's premier festival of ideas, produced by the Academy of Ideas. Join us at this year's festival at Church House, London, on Sat 15 & Sun 16 October.From the cost-of-living crisis to the war in Ukraine, and from culture wars to institutions in meltdown, this has been a year of enormous challenges. The death of Queen Elizabeth II marks both the end of an era and of an important connection with the past. In just a few days in September, we had both a new prime minister and a new king. Yet our political leaders – only recently in some turmoil themselves – don’t seem up to the task, and many people feel like their voices aren’t being heard. We need to get beyond lurching from one emergency to another and start moving society forward. We must understand how we got here, with an eye to shaping a better future. The aim of the Battle of Ideas festival and events is to provide an opportunity to debate the issues in a full and frank manner, bringing together a wide variety of voices and, most importantly, creating a space for everyone to have their say. THE STATE WE’RE IN Rising inflation, falling living standards and eye-watering bills are front and centre of most people’s minds. And after the pandemic, the already-weak institutions of government seem incapable of rising to these challenges. If the failure to prepare for Covid was bad enough, the absence of any meaningful planning on a wide variety of issues – from energy to healthcare, housing to infrastructure – has truly been exposed. We seem to find ourselves in a state of permanent crises – from not being able to get a GP appointment to civil servants revolting against their ministers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown into question our previously held assumptions about international relations and shaking up the world order. There is a general feeling of instability, with uprisings in Iran – where women are burning their head scarves in protest against the morality police – and shock election results in both Italy and Sweden. When the Cold War ended, we were told we were at the End of History, that there was no more need for big ideas. There was no alternative to the world envisaged by globalist thinkers: a free market, managed by technocratic experts moving the whole world towards some form of liberal democracy. Recent events have challenged such complacency.

Cavendish Learning

cavendish learning


Cavendish Education is a family of independent co-educational day and boarding schools and colleges for students between the ages of five and 21. As a group, we are transforming the common perception of specialist education and throughout our schools, we challenge what it means to be neurodiverse by supporting our students to excel in ways they never thought possible. We believe we are unparalleled in our approach, which sits between mainstream and traditional special school education. Our curriculum supports and nurtures students with a diagnosis of autism and associated communication and language needs, as well as those with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Seeing potential in every student The ability to think differently is celebrated and encouraged at our schools and colleges. Seeing extraordinary ability in every single one of our students, we unlock and nurture their potential. The holistic and differentiated academic curriculums in our schools and colleges are designed to ignite the imaginations of students with unique learning profiles and nurture their innate talents and abilities. A range of enrichment activities, such as sport, technology, the arts, outdoor education and life skills, further enables our students to grow. In the ethos of Cavendish Education, each of our schools and colleges has developed its own character, facilities, and strengths. Together, our schools and staff are committed to allowing every student to shine while they are with us and to achieve success in education or employment when they leave us. We are very proud of all our students and their many achievements. They show that with the right support, those who think differently can make vital contributions to our world while leading happy and successful lives. History Our founder, Aatif Hassan, was inspired by his own life experiences to establish Cavendish Education. Having been through the education system with dyslexia, he understands the need to give those who are neurologically diverse the tools to create successful and meaningful lives. Aatif himself went on to achieve a successful career, both in business and as an officer in the Army before founding Cavendish Education in 2013. Cavendish Education is driven by Aatif ‘s dedication to nurturing those young people who think differently, enabling them to lead happy and productive lives. It is his desire to change the perception of what it means to be neurologically diverse through the achievements of Cavendish Education’s students and the quality of its curriculums.

Ursuline High School Wimbledon

ursuline high school wimbledon


Ursuline High School, Wimbledon is a voluntary-aided, comprehensive high school for Roman Catholic girls from 11-18. Under the Trusteeship of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. St Angela Merici Feast Day: 27 January. The school has moved through several phases during its history... The Ursulines were founded by St Angela Merici who lived in Italy in the 16th century. St Angela was born around 1475 in Desenzano on the shores of Lake Garda in Northern Italy. She was left an orphan in early life and spent several of her early years at Salo with her uncle. She acted as an advisor to the rich and influential and was known for her ability to reconcile those with differences. She was a ready helper of the poor and needy and she took a foremost place in what was very much a man's world. She moved to Brescia - the scene of her main work and where she eventually founded her company. On the 25th November 1535 St Angela founded the company of St Ursula, putting the company under the patronage of this early English saint, who was popular in the middle ages as the Patroness of learning. This was a particularly appropriate choice, as it reflected her concerns for the development and fulfilment of women. Her companions lived in their own homes but were consecrated to a life of poverty and virginity. After St Angela's death in 1540 her company became involved in evangelisation especially through education. Many branches of St Angela's company flourished and spread. There are many ways in which St Angela had a lasting effect on the company she founded and on the Church. Like St Paul she made herself all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel to bring all people to Christ. In her writings there is a great emphasis on prayer and all through her life St Angela was known as a woman of prayer. She also made a clear stand against the luxury of the world around her. She emphasized true poverty of spirit and trust in God alone. St Angela was also an educator in the widest sense of the word and in particular in the Christian context of leading people to find Christ in the circumstances of their lives.