1930 Educators providing History courses delivered Online

Creeksea Place

creeksea place


Creeksae Place Manor House Wedding Venue in Burnham, Essex has a rich history and meticulously kept gardens. The ideal venue for your weeding or event. Arthur Harris built Creeksea Place during the reign of Elizabeth 1st in 1569. It remained in his family for five generations after which it passed to the Mildmay family when Arthur’s great grand-daughter married Lord Mildmay. The current owners are the Bertorelli family and they too, coincidentally, have had five generations of ownership of this lovely historic Manor House during the reign of another Queen Elizabeth. In the intervening four and a half centuries much has occurred including many changes of ownership and usage. Now it is the determined wish of the current owners to continue the task of restoring this picturesque House to the glory it once was and to open the house and grounds up to the public at large. Once government restrictions allow, we will be hosting a myriad of varying and exciting public events. Arthur Harrys, as he was known in 1569, came from Prittlewell near Southend and was an important figure in those times. He had pledged to his Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, to raise a hundred men who would defend the monarchy if civil unrest ever occurred. His family flourished and has continued to do so today. There are literally thousands of Harris descendants around the world, particularly in the United States. Lord Mildmay who married his great grand-daughter, was also a man of importance. Charles I appointed him as ‘Keeper of the Crown Jewels’, a post equivalent to Chancellor of the Exchequer today. Lord Mildmay owned many other properties in England at this time and was a man of influence and power. So much so that he was one of the twelve men who signed the death warrant of his King. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 with Charles II, Lord Mildmay was also sentenced to death for regicide – the killing of the Monarch. He was fortunate though. Due, no doubt to his power and connections, his sentence was commuted but his power had waned. The next significant Creeksea moment occurred in the late 17th century. Due to the imposition of the Window Tax – tax on large houses with many windows; the North Wing was demolished. This was a wing that extended into what is now the car park. The footings of this part of the House was actually traced-out by an American Harris descendent in the last few years. There is also a story that the bricks from the North Wing were taken by barge to London where a street called Creeksea Lane was built. In a House with so much history, myths and legends remain abound. There are tales about secret tunnels from the House to the nearby River Crouch used for smuggling. However, what is true is the fact that there are no cellars in Creeksea Place, due no doubt to the relatively high water table. This would certainly prove a problem for tunnelers. Nevertheless, there is the remains of a gravity-fed fountain pipe that runs from the House to one of the lakes on the Estate and also evidence of two ten foot deep ice houses that would have been used for the preservation of vegetables and grain. There are many ghosts! The most prominent of which involves the marriage between Lord Mildmay and the great grand-daughter of Arthur Harris, who was not entirely happy with the union, and so the tragic bride is said to have committed suicide. Her ghost, known as ‘The Lady of the Lake’ has apparently been seen meandering her way across the Lawn, down to the lakes.

Speech House

speech house



The hotel is an unmissable historic building that has been a part of the Forest of Dean’s scenery since 1669. Set in the centre of the forest, this historic former hunting lodge is surrounded by one of the only surviving ancient woodlands in England. Whether you’re visiting this beautiful location for a weekend break or to explore one of the many walking or cycling routes, The Speech House is a stop you have to make. Why not pop in for our very traditional afternoon tea with fine-bone china in the Orangery, or even stay a night in one of our impressive 7 foot Master Four Poster bed suites, to really get an understanding of the character this wonderful establishment beholds. The hotel in an independent family-run hotel and we look forward to giving you the warm and friendly welcome The Speech House is appreciated for locally. We are happy to show you around and give you an insight into the historic elements of the building, there are many original items still available to view. We have shared some of the highlights to look out for below. We hope you enjoy reading about our hotel’s history and distinct character. Gill, Peter & Naomi The Hands Family The Hands Family & Hotels – How it All Began! Peter and Gill Hands started their business “Tauber Hands Ltd”, shortly after getting married in February 1986. Their first business, The Hyperion House hotel was a small 18 bedroom 2 star hotel in Fairford, Gloucestershire, which they purchased and quickly developed into a very successful 3 star 26 bedroom hotel with a popular restaurant. Naomi, currently Operations Director at the Speech House was born in 1988 in Fairford, and lived there with Peter’s daughter, Amanda. Shortly after having sold the Hyperion House the family moved back to Hereford. Having made this decision to opt for an “easier” way of life they invested the proceeds from the sale of the Hyperion into Breinton Court, a self-catering leisure complex on the banks of the River Wye, just outside Hereford . Katy, their second daughter soon appeared, and Breinton Court also became the family home for the next 31 years. Whilst at Breinton Court, Peter and Gill went on to purchase “The Bell Hotel “opposite Tewkesbury Abbey in 1992 and having sold it in 1995 took a short break until 1997 when they purchased the Heritage Park Hotel in the Rhondda Valley a 44 bedroomed hotel with a health spa and large conference and banqueting facility for 250 guests. They sold the Heritage Park Hotel in 2005, thinking they would take a break for a while but after 5 years of Peter taking over as Chairman of “Visit Hereford” for three and a half years and Gill doing some consultancy work, they couldn’t get rid of the “Hospitality Itch”. In 2010, they decided to have one last hurrah and invested in the wonderful historic Speech House. Ten years later, in 2020, their daughter Naomi, joined the family business. Having grown up in hotels, and then working in London for the past 10 years in marketing, she decided it was time for Mum & Dad to start considering the idea of retirement. Naomi, who has a keen interest in mountain biking and the outdoors was appointed “Operations Director”, and is bringing new ideas to The Speech House. She has a broad knowledge of the industry, and looking to bring new thoughts and ideas in to keep the Speech House as the premier hotel in the heart of The Royal Forest of Dean. The Speech House Hotel truly is a Hands family business, with Katy’s art and paintings all around the building, and Amanda holding her weddding at the hotel in 2021! The other new addition to the Management Team is Luca, Peter and Gill’s adopted Lucas Terrier who can often be seen around the hotel. Luca was made “Director of Dog Friendly Visits” He has been given his own Instagram page and become quite a favourite with the guests, both two and four legged.

Disability North

disability north

Newcastle upon Tyne

Disability North is a registered charity (no. 514733) promoting inclusion, independence and choice for disabled people and their families by providing information, advice and support on any aspect of disability. Services are also provided for students or professionals working in the statutory, voluntary and the public sector. We are a user-led charity with a constitutional majority of disabled people on our executive committee. The needs of disabled people, older adults and their families are at the heart of our services and our free, impartial advice empowers them to make informed decisions, maximizing the control they have over their own lives. Please see ‘Independent Living Support’ to discover the services we offer and how we can help you to live independently. Our Mission: To promote inclusion, independence and choice for disabled people and their families. Our Vision: To be the best resource for Disability in the North History: The Charity was originally known as Newcastle Council for the Disabled working from Mea House in Newcastle. In the early nineteen eighties Newcastle City Council offered the land now known as the Dene Centre to the Council for the Disabled with the proviso that they raise part of the funds to build the regions centre of excellence for disability. The Council for the Disabled accepted the challenge and the funds were raised. The centre was officially opened in 1985. In 1995 the Charity changed its name and became Disability North.

University of Oxford, (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)

university of oxford, (nuffield department of clinical neurosciences)


Welcome to the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN). Our aim is to carry out high quality research into the function of the nervous system in health and disease. We have a multidisciplinary workforce of close to 500 people, mostly based at the John Radcliffe Hospital, but also spread across the University. We are an integrated part of the broader neuroscience community across Oxford, with many links to other departments. Many of our scientists are also practising clinicians and provide general and specialist care through the Oxford University Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust. Through our DPhil programme, and our very strong group of early career researchers we play an important role in developing the careers of young scientists. NDCN builds on a long history of research in neurology, brain imaging, eye disorders, and anaesthetics in Oxford which has made major contributions to our understanding of how the brain works and to the development of treatments which have changed lives. Major discoveries made by NDCN scientists include the discovery of a type of cell in the eye which helps regulate our body clock, new techniques to image the human brain, devices to make anaesthesia safer, methods to prevent vascular diseases of the brain including stroke and forms of dementia, understanding and treating chronic pain, pioneering treatments such as gene therapy for inherited eye disorders, and the diagnosis and treatment of immunological disorders of the nervous system. The Department consists of six Divisions:

Hammersmith Academy

hammersmith academy



Since we opened in 2011 Hammersmith Academy has been striving to do something different. I founded HA because I wanted to create an inspiring school in the local community that had a clear vision, fostered self-confidence in its students and provided a Private School level of education for all. At HA we have adopted the Growth Mindset: excellence isn’t given at birth, but earned through hard work and determination. We focus on pushing our students to attain the highest qualifications they can, but they will only do that if they also develop a strong character. Qualifications open the door, but character gets you through it. Our longer lessons, peer to peer leadership, and mandatory ‘Session 3’ extra-curricular programme, ensure a richer, more in-depth delivery of the national curriculum, in which students take responsibility for each other and have ample opportunity to embrace subjects and skills they feel passionately about. We set high expectations and challenge our students to aspire to be outstanding in all areas of school life. From their uniform, to their attitude to learning, to their conduct in and outside of the classroom, we expect an exemplary approach at all times. Students and staff adopt a professionalism that would be standard in any job, to fully prepare our young people for the world of work. Our students and our staff work exceptionally hard, and you can see that in the sheer amount of quality work and experience that is achieved on a day to day basis. You can see evidence of this in any of our termly newsletters, or on our social media. In my experience of working in inner-city education, and my own time at school, I sometimes saw an attitude that assumed some people ‘can’t do’, and I knew this was wrong. I see that people, of any age, will respond to clear boundaries and clear vision. If you show your students you have belief in them and encourage them to have belief in themselves, their confidence grows and they surprise themselves with what they can achieve. Our students will leave school not only academically qualified, but confident, mature and ready to prove themselves.