1369 Educators providing Graduate courses delivered Online

Flex Academy Of Performing Arts

flex academy of performing arts


FlexSchool is a unique learning network designed specifically for gifted and twice exceptional (2e) middle and high school students. At this time two campuses serve the Tristate area, one in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey and another in Bronxville, New York. FlexSchool embraces students for who and where they are, then supports them as they learn to thrive. Small, ability and discussion based classes taught by subject experts ensure meaningful conversations and the opportunity to ask high-level questions. The faculty, trained and supported by learning specialists and mental health professionals, focuses on critical thinking in all areas of learning. Our Cloud Campus welcomes online students from around the world into live, discussion-based classes and our community, either full-time or part-time. FlexSchool has had great success with remote students from Florida, Washington, California, West Virginia, United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, and Switzerland among other places! back next History FlexSchool started to save one twelve-year-old girl. Jane loved to learn what she wanted to learn, and spent hours engrossed in videos and web pages about animals. She could tell you about muscle cells and animal anatomy. She researched Native Americans and made all of the games and weapons used by the Lenni-Lenape out of found objects and craft supplies. She spent hours drawing and painting and could write fiction better than most college students. Yet, she loathed school. She rarely spoke in class, dropped out of the gifted and talented program, either didn’t do her homework or would forget to turn it in. She had As on the tests and Cs and Ds in the class. Jane’s academic future looked dismal. Poor grades and high test scores are not a winning combination for college admission. Her public school was not the right place for her, but neither were the local private schools. Academically-oriented private schools do not accept students with poor grades. Schools that accept students with poor grades are not always academically rigorous. Stalemate. Until we started FlexSchool. Jane spent six years at FlexSchool, learned to love learning again, graduated in 2020, and attends a well-known liberal arts college studying anthropology, linguistics, map-making, and art.

Blend Therapy and Training

blend therapy and training

Ive been a therapist, business coach, intuitive life coach and teacher for over 20 years. I am a creator by nature and have developed a range of unique training programs that cannot be found elsewhere. In 2000 I created TMJ Therapy®. This unique and original course combines 20 years experience as a dental professional, degree level clinical massage skills. Add a further 20 years experience of working with TMJ clients all over the world and you can see why this training is unmatched anywhere. A fully accredited qualification open to all, the Advanced Diploma in TMJ Therapy® has been taught to hundreds of therapists who are making an impact every day. The Blend fascial Facial® is a unique approach to working with the fascia of the face to both ease and relax the soft tissues. With no fancy products or machines just bespoke techniques and trained hands, the results are remarkable. Clients say they could see a difference in their appearance after just one treatment These are just two examples of the original massage training courses you can get only at Blend My courses are pioneering and exciting, and therapist always come back for more. I teach what I do. My courses contain the exact treatment protocols that have enabled me to have a huge impact in my clients lives, whilst building and amazing profitable practice The courses and programs I offer are exactly what I wish had been around for me when I was first starting out. As a fully qualified and accredited business and life coach and mentor, and degree level clinical therapist with over 22 years working in the wellness and health care industry my knowledge in these areas is incomparable and inspirational Whether you are a therapist wanting to advance your skills and grow your practice, or an entrepreneur wanting to find the magic juice that will grow your business beyond your wildest dreams, you will find it here. It brings me such pleasure to share that with both new and established therapists in business who want an amazing practice and. balanced life