1370 Educators providing Graduate courses delivered Online

Hampton Trust

hampton trust


We are ambitious in our goals and the way in which we help those affected by domestic abuse. To tackle the root cause of domestic abuse we work directly with individuals who are being abusive. We make it our mission and our focus to identify the complexities behind violent, coercive and controlling behaviour to end the cycle of domestic abuse and reduce repeat victimisation. Too often the value of a perpetrator led approach is overlooked in favour of victim services due to the lack of evidence and lack of funding. Our decades of experience working with perpetrators, and subsequent results, has reinforced the belief that people can change. We have access to, and intelligence on, perpetrators outside of criminal justice that no other agencies have, enabling us to measure success rates as well being the first to intervene to ensure victim safety. We know that responding to domestic abuse is a challenge across all frontline services and we can’t do this alone. We work with a range of stakeholders across the voluntary and statutory sector to deliver what we know works. We are fortunate to have excellent partnerships with those sharing our passion to make a difference, no matter how hard it seems. We strongly believe the current criminal justice response to offenders needs reviewing. If we are to address the vulnerabilities associated with offending , and ultimately reduce offence rates, it requires a significant shake up. To that end we are not afraid to test new approaches evident in our innovative criminal justice interventions and the programmes we offer young adult offenders to consider their choices. We are currently exploring a trauma informed response to working with females in the criminal justice system.

Overstone Park School

overstone park school


A Message From The Principal & Director Driven by a desire to create a co-educational school where the gifts and talents of all pupil's are realised. Three pupils launched the school on 4th September 1983. At Overstone Park School we embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small class groups in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Overstone Park School offers the best in education with continuity offered to all pupils from 0 to 18 years, as we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the building of confidence and self esteem within each of our pupils. We offer the best in education and care to pupils of all ages and abilities, because we believe that every child is unique, gifted and talented in their own special way. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence to ensure that every child achieves their best potential to ensure that they are given an excellent start, to build firm educational foundations to enable them to seize all of the opportunities that offer them to explore and develop their abilities educationally, emotionally and spiritually. We embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small groups classes in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Social, musical and sporting activities are an integral part of the school’s curriculum which helps to form balanced individuals, and enhance the ability, talent and skills of each pupil in every aspect of school life, to help them to develop their character and to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. In our safe, secure, spacious and adventurous environment, from birth to school age our children are provided with a caring team, a wide range of facilities, equipment and resources to ensure that they are given every opportunity to develop their unique talents and abilities. At Overstone Park School children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements and participate in all aspects of nursery life. Pupil’s opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated, they are encouraged to become good and effective members of their community.




Guidelines for your practice given the current COVID-19 pademic There are a few things that we now have to do... You MUST book your space online as class numbers are limited. If you or anyone you have been in contact with has or thinks they may have COVID-19 please do not attend the session. Bring your own mat, equipment, blanket, and water to the session. Scan the QR Code fo the NHS Track and Trace App if you are using it. We must always keep 2 metres between us and place our mats to allow this. I will have some cones to mark out mat placement. I will not be adjusting you hands on during practice or providing the hands on settling during relaxation. Please be kind to your fellow yogis – we are all coping in different ways and some of us are more apprehensive than others. General Information about the classes. All classes are designed to be suitable, safe and enjoyable for beginner and intermediate Yogis. Adults of all ages are welcome. Please let me know if you have existing conditions by email or telephone prior to the class. For the 90 and 75 minute class - Class format is generally a gentle warm up followed by a flow of postures to increase body temperature and then a range of poses to build strength and increase flexibility. We then move to gentle stretches and twists to cool down. The end of the class usually consists of a breathing practice to calm the body and mind with a final section of relaxation to close the session. For the Beginners class - Class format is similar in order but focuses on the foundation poses with extra time taken to ensure correct allignment and movement into and out of postures. For the Gentle Yoga class - Class format is similar in order but at much less intense level. The class is aimed at those with limited flexibility or reduced strength who want to gradually build and improve both areas. For all classes each person is encouraged to focus on their own practice and to do only as much as feels right for them. We are all different so a posture that one person finds easy another might find more difficult. Yoga is an excellent way to improve your own strength and flexibility against your own starting point - wherever that may be. I use a combination of demonstration, verbal guidance and adjustment. Each posture will be taught with options to practice the next stage or level if the Yogi wishes Every week will have a different focus; some postures will be familiar every week others will be introduced to keep the class interesting and fresh. For the Beginner... It is best to wear comfortable clothing such as leggings or jogging bottoms and a T shirt. Socks, a warm fleece or jumper, maybe even a blanket are useful for relaxation at the end of the class in cooler weather. Some water to sip on is a good idea in hot weather. Please bring your own yoga mat.