432 Educators providing Gardening courses delivered Online

Hammersmith Community Gardens Association

hammersmith community gardens association


Hammersmith Community Gardens Association is a local environmental charity set up in 1984. We manage four community gardens in Hammersmith and Fulham. HCGA has a range of projects which include conservation training schemes, volunteer gardening sessions, health and wellbeing projects, environmental playschemes and environmental education in local schools. We assist local groups in the design, plan and management of their green spaces. We promote environmental sustainability within the borough and manage our sites to maximise biodiversity and encourage wildlife. To reflect the expansion of our working to neighbouring boroughs in 2016 the charity adopted the working name of Healthy Community Gardening Activities (HCGA) The gardens are used as an educational resource by local schools, a site for volunteer gardening groups and in the holidays there are environmental play activities. As well as creating space for people the sites have also been designed to encourage wildlife. We run the community food growing area in Normand Park and work with local ‘Friends of’ groups to manage and promote their sites. In Westminster we run weekly gardening sessions in Queens Park Gardens, Westbourne Park and Penfold Street Hub. We support the Fisherton growing project with regular gardening sessions as well as by providing plants. In Westminster and The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea we deliver short Adult Education courses around gardening and herbal activities as well as a programme of walks. HCGA has a team of school gardeners who deliver environmental education sessions in schools on a weekly basis in three boroughs. These include formal curriculum-linked activities as well as lunchtime and after school clubs. We can also guide groups on how to make their premises more environmentally friendly and give technical growing advice. For more information about booking an educational visit for your group or for a member of our team to come to your site please contact us. Through the Grow Well project we work with local people across the Hammersmith and Fulham borough to provide therapeutic gardening sessions for people who need a bit of extra support hopefully leading to participation in our regular volunteering sessions. The Get Out There! project offers local unemployed or socially isolated people the opportunity to learn new skills in basic environmental management such as habitat conservation, tool use and wildlife identification. Participants get the opportunity to visit and work on a range of different habitats across London as well as local sites in Hammersmith and Fulham. We also run a Men in Sheds programme at Godolphin Gardens for socially-isolated men. Our Volunteers maintain our gardens and contribute hundreds of hours of their time each year. Many of them have physical or mental health problems which prevent them from working in paid employment. We also host around 20 companies each year on corporate volunteering work days. As well as completing several physical tasks the companies make a donation to HCGA which covers staff time and materials. This is extremely valuable to us as it then funds the upkeep of the gardens.

Esther Wolff, The Gardener's Friend

esther wolff, the gardener's friend


I’m Esther Wolff, and I’m a garden coach, qualified in horticulture and garden design. Based in Harrogate, in fabulous North Yorkshire, I’m lucky to have the gorgeous RHS Harlow Carr Gardens on my doorstep. This is where I trained in horticulture and garden design, where I regularly go for inspiration, to soak up the beauty of the gardens in all seasons, and to use the wonderful library – and where I now work part-time as a Horticultural Advisor. My passion for gardening grew out of my love for the natural world. I spent 15 years working on environmental issues around the globe, before deciding to step back and try to make a difference in my local area. I’m a strong believer in gardening organically, and in our responsibility as gardeners to provide a home and source of food to insects, birds and other wild animals. At a time when the natural world is under threat in so many ways, what could be better than watching wildlife thrive in your own small patch? Of course, gardening has many benefits for the gardener too, offering fresh air, exercise and a sanctuary from a busy world. There is such pleasure to be gained from nurturing plants and watching them thrive under our care, as well as from creating beauty where before there was none. My conviction that we would all benefit from gardens in our lives eventually led me to establish my practice as a garden coach. I now share my skills with others, helping them to develop the knowledge and confidence to create and look after their own beautiful outdoor space. If you would like to learn to grow a wonderful garden, why not book a session today and start your gardening journey?

Townsend Va Church Of England

townsend va church of england

St. Albans

As the only Church of England secondary school in this area, we offer something very special: a long tradition of a high quality education which develops the personality and talents of every child in our care. The school is open to everyone and you do not have to go to Church to apply for admission. As a Church of England School, we are very conscious of our mission to provide your daughter or son with more than just academic success. We are a school with clear principles and ideals based on a Christian ethos, and this philosophy is central to our success. Our great strength is that we keep reminding ourselves of what every parent/carer knows: children learn best when they are happy. We provide a stimulating learning environment where all children can achieve, whatever their ability or aptitude. All students are valued as individuals and all flourish in a community that lives by the Christian values of love, compassion and respect for each other. We uphold the traditional values of good manners and hard work and have high expectations of all our students. Our teaching encourages independent learning and provides students with those skills and qualities which they need to take them through the 21st century. We instil a love of learning and offer a wealth of cultural, social and sporting activities through which your child can find and develop new interests and skills. I look forward to welcoming you and your son or daughter into our lively and thriving community.