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Action For Community Development

action for community development

Action for Community Development (AfCD) is a community-based organisation assisting socially excluded members of the community such as ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers and unemployed people in general. We give impartial, reliable and professional training, information, career advice and guidance. Our Background: AfCD was established to respond to reports that Refugees and people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities feel alienated from sources of advice, advocacy, training and statutory agencies provisions. There remain challenges to improve engagement and increased social inclusion. National statistics suggest that issues of inequality persist between different communities in British society and in many societies. AfCD was set out to reduce these barriers, bringing about socio-economic justice and promote equal opportunities for the benefit of the wider community. We manage a resource centre in South London which offers comprehensive services to our beneficiaries. These are in the form of advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and training. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers reaches out to our beneficiaries who recently migrated to the United Kingdom and those already settled in the UK on a low income, disadvantaged or deprived. We support the transition from dependency to sustainable living. Our team consists of people with vast experience who have passion and enthusiasm for their work. We also work with partners organisations and agencies to pool together expertise, maximise available resources to support our beneficiaries towards their goal of resettlement, skills acquisition, education and gainful employment. Objectives: To provide training, information, career advice and guidance to Refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged members of the society. To promote empowerment, self-advocacy and build the capacity of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities (BAME) and other disadvantage members of the society to the benefit of the wider community. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, resource assistance and coordination with other community-based organisations. To carry out research and publications on issues of socio-economic development and human rights. To set up projects as well as collaborate with existing indigenous Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the developing world whose works are geared toward the development of civil society and the reduction of poverty. Mission: AfCD was founded with the mission to promote community building and social transformation in diverse and under-resourced communities. We do this through specific and measurable approaches designed to enhance the capacity of individuals. We support disadvantaged members of the community by helping them define their own path to bring about social change. Social transformation and community development can only occur in a society free from all form of prejudices, deprivation and is culturally dynamic. We work with our networking partners in providing information, advice and guidance to individuals to meet their needs. We also provide training, resources and community engagement in our effort to develop responsible and active citizens.

Meliora Advisory

meliora advisory


Tony Cotrupe brings over 30 years of experience in business valuations, investment banking, economic consulting, and private equity to Meliora Advisors. Tony began his career at Ernst & Young in its Financial Services Group, where he performed pre- and post-transaction valuations for companies in a variety of industries. He was also an economist in E&Y’s International Services Office, where he provided economic consulting services to multinational corporations for transfer pricing, strategic planning, cross-border transactions, and litigation support. From 2003 to 2006, Tony was a Director at Huron Consulting Group where he was responsible for Huron’s New York Financial Valuation Group. Tony led a team focusing on financial valuations for public and private companies. From 2006 to 2008, Tony was Senior Vice President at Paramax Corporation, a middle-market M&A advisory firm in Upstate NY focusing on middle market M&A and other advisory engagements. At Paramax, Tony also led the corporate advisory and valuation services efforts. Tony worked for eight years at J.P. Morgan Securities (formerly Chemical and Chase Securities), first as an investment banker in the Emerging Markets Investment Banking Group, where he structured debt and equity transactions for corporations in Brazil. Tony then started and ran the Private Equity Group within JPM’s Global Private Bank, where he sourced, structured, and executed venture capital and buyout transactions for high net worth clients worldwide. Tony also led the private equity fundraising effort, raising capital for large buyout firms including The Blackstone Group. After J.P. Morgan, Tony joined Gerard Klauer Mattison (GKM) as a Private Equity Fund consultant, providing fundraising and fund management for a fund of funds focused on venture capital and buyout investments. In 2009, Tony formed Meliora Advisors, LLC, a corporate advisory and consulting firm. Meliora Advisors has successfully executed projects in a broad array of industries, including: Aerospace, Biotechnology, Business Services, Financial Services, Food and Beverage, Healthcare, Heavy Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals , Power/Electricity, Robotics HealthTech. Tony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Economics, both from the University of Rochester. He is a CFA Charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute. He has spoken at conferences and taught classes on valuation, M&A, and private equity.

Simply Repair South Lakes

simply repair south lakes



Hi, I am Karen Bentley-Brown, founder of Bentley-Brown Associates and passionate about helping people to grow good business. For the past twenty years I’ve been helping businesses and charities to develop and thrive. I enjoy nothing more than reading about or, even better, visiting businesses that have found a way to improve the world we live in and at the same time as making a profit… Actually there is one thing I enjoy more that is sharing those ideas (See Positive News). Over this time it has become clear to me that the organisations who look after their people (staff and customers), and their environment, are the most successful; to put it bluntly they are more sustainable AND they make more money. You could say that I’m a bit biased as I have always believed that we should leave the planet in a better way than we found it, both for people and wildlife. One of my early memories is joining WWF’s ‘Panda Club’ as a child in the 1960s after hearing about the plight of giant pandas (I’m pleased to say that they have recently been taken off the ‘endangered species’ list). In my later life I was privileged to work for WWF as one of their Regional Managers before moving on to fundraising and development roles with other environmental organisations including the National Trust. The Growing Club Growing Club Trainers As my work began to merge with the ‘for profit’ world I always carried my environmental hat with me. At first it was under the guise of ‘saving the planet can save you money’… This is true but it isn’t a very authentic business model and I knew there was a better way to do business. Since becoming a freelance business consultant and coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of businesses both large and small and have developed a template that works for all organisations based on John Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line or People, Planet, Profit model. Put simply, if you look after your people and your planet you will make more profit. But there are an infinite number of ways to do this and I’d be delighted to help you find the best way for you and your organisation to develop and tell your positive impact story. ☺

DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

disasterready.org - free online training


DisasterReady.org [http://www.disasterready.org], a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation [http://www.csodfoundation.org], launched in 2013 with a simple but powerful mission: To better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at zero cost. 10 years later, DisasterReady has provided essential online learning to more than 1 million humanitarians from 195 countries. Every day, more than 1,000 people create a free account on DisasterReady.org. Developed in collaboration with leading NGOs, U.N. agencies, humanitarian experts, and professional development providers, DisasterReady.org is recognized as the largest and most trusted professional development portal in the global humanitarian sector. DisasterReady is available in four languages – English, French, Spanish, and Arabic and includes over 1,600 titles on technical topics such as shelter, food security, and logistics as well as professional development topics such as personal safety, leadership, and project management. Some of our most popular titles are our free assessment-based certificate and certification programs. These have been developed by our own instructional designers in partnership with NGOs and subject matter experts from across the humanitarian aid and international development sectors. These include: * Project Management Essentials [https://www.disasterready.org/free-certificate-project-management] * Personal Safety and Security [https://www.disasterready.org/certificate-safety-security] * Procurement and Logistics [https://www.disasterready.org/procurement-logistics-certificate] * Core Humanitarian Certification [https://www.disasterready.org/free-core-humanitarian-certification]