862 Educators providing Fundraising courses delivered Online

Brighouse High School

brighouse high school


At the heart of the Brighouse community is Brighouse High School and we are delighted to start a new academic year on the front foot with you all, looking forward to another successful year working together. The summer results showed the determination and resilience of our students and staff and we were delighted to see our Year 11 and Year 13 cohorts secure the qualifications they needed to take those important next steps in life. Even more satisfying, perhaps, was seeing the development of those young people over the years into young adults ready to contribute to society. Despite the continuing difficulties of last year, our school and our community continued to thrive and we are proud of all of their achievements. A particular highlight of last year was the relaunching of our wide and varied extra –curricular activities and our trips and visits. Everyone was delighted to see the Lakes trip back in the calendar and the Year 7 students had a wonderful week up in the Lake District during that final week of June. There have also been other trips out to the coast for coursework studies in Geography and to Doe Park and Bradley Woods for outdoor pursuits as well as planning ahead for the return of the Berlin trip and the Ski trip. As we took the step back to formal examinations, we saw the incredible achievements of our students who have worked hard for many years to secure the richly deserved outcomes from the key stage 4 and key stage 5 examinations. As always, I am delighted to say that Brighouse High School students are heading into the wider world to embrace their next challenges, whether that be with us for two more years in our sixth form, in college, university or employment and the school continued to strengthen the qualification outcomes in many key areas. In our vibrant and successful sixth form college there were outstanding results in academic and vocational qualifications and our post-16 students moved on to their places in higher education, employment or training. In key stage 4 we were delighted to see that the majority of our students achieved the important GCSE benchmark qualifications in English and Maths, the vital springboard into their next stages in education and life beyond school, and succeeded across our rich creative curriculum too. As always though, I am sure that you will agree that our school is about so much more than just qualifications. From the moment our Year 7 students step foot across the threshold, they are challenged to contribute and to achieve within a warm, caring and supportive environment. The opportunities within and beyond the traditional curriculum are rich and diverse at Brighouse High School; we encourage all of our students to become part of our community and build on the sense of togetherness, which is so important to us, and importantly recognised by those who visit us. Ofsted recognised the strength of relationships in our school when we were inspected in February of this year, commenting that ‘positive relationships are a cornerstone of the school’ and recognising that ‘everyone cares at Brighouse’. It is on the firm foundations of these relationships that we build our success with our students and the community. We will continue to deliver strong classroom practice within an appropriate and personalised curriculum, a positive ethos and behaviour and, with support from home, we will continue to deliver successful outcomes for all.

Able Hands Together

able hands together


Having worked in social care since college, Able Hands Together Founder Laura Tween focussed her work on adults with learning disabilities. After completing her law degree it soon became apparent that the average office environment wasn’t the space for her. She became a social care consultant, and it was through this work that she found her creative energy and passion for community projects was highly suited to being a social entrepreneur. Whilst delivering social care, Laura found that most therapeutic activities for people, like cinema or bowling, were entirely non-skills building. Laura wanted to create an offering where they could learn new skills, build their independence and work on emotional well-being simultaneously. A therapeutic farm service ticked all these boxes. Able Hands Together was established in 2015. The role of the Co-Farmer was soon born, to assist with day to day farm work, building employability, interpersonal skills, independence, and self esteem. Both staff and Co-Farmers work together to care for the animals, & plan and maintain the smallholding to make the most of the growing season. We have just had the exciting news that Able Hands Together has been approved as an Alternative Education Centre by Wiltshire County Council for Co-Farmers aged 18 and over. Laura is immensely proud of Able Hands Together and welcomes you to get in touch. Jason Rhodes Jason Rhodes Director Jason is the Managing Director of Commercial Business at Nottingham Trent University. Jason brings a wealth of business knowledge and advice to Able Hands Together. Jake Tween Jake Tween Director Jake interprets Government Policies on Education to ensure that the advice given by Able Hands Together is of a high standard. He also serves as a great consultant when it comes to the boring paperworky stuff. Nicolette Ann Shears-White Team Member Nic has worked at Able Hands Together for a number of years now and is proud to have a close working relationship with all the Co-Farmers. Having previously been a social worker, Nic is well connected with Hampshire based learning disability professionals and is very knowledgeable about safeguarding and rights. She promotes our Co-Farmers’ independence and works with a skills based approach with our clients. Carl Anderson Carl Anderson Team Member Carl is an ex-member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. He brings a wealth of skills-based services to the farm. If something needs to be built, Carl’s the man to do it! Our Co-Farmers love helping him to construct and build everything, from goat gates to raised vegetable beds. All staff that support our Co Farmers have DBS checks, are employed with their employment history and references checked. They are trained in safeguarding, Health and Safety and Equality and Diversity. Staff receive ongoing supervision and have access to further training.

Kids In Kathmandu Nepal

kids in kathmandu nepal


Kids in Kathmandu Nepal (KIKN) charity has been set up to provide help and support to orphans and disadvantaged children and young people, mainly living in and around the Kalimati area in Kathmandu. The Objects of the Charity are: To relieve the poverty of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by the provision of clothing, equipment and other goods for daily living, and To advance in life and relieve the needs of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by providing support, facilities and activities which assist in advancing their education and developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible adults. The Charity has two main strands of work: The first is the sponsorship of individual children from both the Save Lives Foundation Orphanage and from local schools. In December 2018, our sponsors are supporting 31 children and young adults. The second is to enhance educational opportunities by improving infrastructure and facilities at two local schools, and a home for disabled children. The Charity’s income comes from the sponsors of individual children, from fund raising events, from grants for specific projects, and one-off and regular donations from its supporters. Sponsorship pays for the school fees, all the educational materials and school uniforms required for the sponsored children’s schooling. In addition, those sponsored children who are living at home are each given an emergency lamp and a specially made table to enable them to continue studying during the regular power cuts in the long winter evenings. We purchased a small generator for the orphanage, where eight of the sponsored children live. We now have sponsored children entering higher education, and the Charity is committed to fund the additional fees and maintenance, whilst studying for degrees or other vocational courses. To date KIKN has two graduates, four undergraduates and fifteen doing A-level equivalent. Schools: We fund infrastructure and equipment projects and breakfast clubs at The Shree Neel Barahi School, Lubhoo School, Ishwor School, Shree Buddha School, Saraswati School and the Adarsha School. We also fund 0.5 salary of a computer teacher and a karate teacher at Shree Neel Barahi School, following the purchase of 35 computers and the installation of solar panels (due to daily power cuts). We were greatly assisted by grants from Futures for Kids, a UK charity. Extra-curricular Activities: All sponsored children are offered the opportunity to attend English tuition classes. At the Shree Neel Barahi School, we fund karate and Nepalese dancing classes, open to all pupils at the school. Chief Officer/Founder, Lai See Chew, visits Kathmandu each year to ensure that the Charity’s funds have been distributed and utilised according to the Charity’s Objects, as approved by the Trustees. If you would like to know more, please visit our projects page.