862 Educators providing Fundraising courses delivered Online

One Voice (Immingham District)

one voice (immingham district)


ONE VOICE IS A VOLUNTARY COMMUNITY GROUP WHICH WAS FORMED IN 2009 AND HAS CONTINUED TO THRIVE WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITIES OF IMMINGHAM, HABROUGH AND STALLINGBOROUGH. One Voice continues to support the community of Immingham Habrough and Stallingborough and continues to reflect on the most effective way to do this. When the group was formed in 2009 until 2019 it ran with a committee structure is built around what residents felt was needed to ensure the community as a whole was represented, Key partners sat on the committee with a number of representatives who have an area of focus within the community. However in 2019 the formal structure of a constituted group was dissolved and the group became a steering group for the Charity One Voice Immingham District who were gifted all the assets and agreed to continue the projects that were being done under the group. This decision was made following specialist advice and support which concluded that this was the most effective way for One Voice to continue their work. OUR ROLE Obtain and maintain a balanced, reflective and representative membership of the local community, by bringing together community members on a regular basis in order to address community issues of common concern. Develop lines of communication, structures and relationships with residents; service providers and other community organisations to ensure that agreed actions are taken forward for the betterment of the local area. To promote and contribute to the physical, social and economic regeneration of the community. OUR AIMS Reflect and represent the views of all community members, regardless of age, health sex, creed or religion, helping them to achieve the best possible quality of life. Raise awareness and inform community members of social developments. Work to raise and promote a positive profile of the area, reflecting and increasing the pride of those who live and work in the community. Secure better value for money through smarter investment, simplified delivery chains and high quality partnerships Identify and support ways in which to improve and protect both the local natural and built environment. Respond to new agendas and initiatives when necessary to reflect the short, medium and long term needs of the community.

Art Classes

art classes


My career as an artist started in 1996 when I was asked to illustrate articles from a national religious magazine in Italy. Through the years I developed skills in both digital illustration and hand paint with watercolour and acrylic. In 2002 I decided to take it further and attend a school of art and, in 2005, I graduated as a Comics illustrator and special effects artist. Since I was always attracted by the movie world, I decided to use my new certificate to approach this fantastic world. I worked few years for a production company which took me away from my Country of origin and gave me the opportunity to develop my skills as an artist and writer. I wrote several screenplays for the big screen and illustrated storyboards on a daily basis and here is when I started thinking about writing and illustrating stories for children. “The first tale of Sarah” in fact was born as an idea for a children’s movie but not developed more than a script. In 2015 I moved in the UK and I started working on my first personal project “The Tale of Sarah”, a three books series which I’m writing and illustrating. The first one was published in 2017 and I’m currently working on the second volume. My goal in sharing these stories is to share a message of hope with readers of all ages. As an artist I keep on developing my skills every day and trying new ways and techniques to improve my illustrations. In 2018, I enrolled BA in Illustration at the Open College of the Arts.

Streetgames UK

streetgames uk


StreetGames harnesses the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people right across the UK. StreetGames' work helps to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful. WHY SPORT? Sport is energetic, inclusive and enjoyable, but StreetGames' goal isn’t just about having fun. StreetGames believes in the power of sport to transform lives and to broaden ambitions. Sport teaches key skills such as teamwork, understanding and self-discipline, brings people together, creates pride in a community, breaks down social boundaries, and inspires people to make a difference in their own lives and for others. Through sport, StreetGames can empower young people to kick-start a cycle of positive change that echoes throughout their entire community. StreetGames' central programme: 'Doorstep Sport' encapsulates many of these important qualities, offering fun and informal sports clubs that work to meet the needs of today's disadvantaged young people - a staggering 70% of whom are not involved in structured activity elsewhere. They do this by operating according to the 'Five Rights of StreetGames': being carried out at the right time, in the right place, with the right people, for the right price and in the right style to suit the needs of these LSEG youth. TEAMWORK StreetGames' work is delivered in partnership with the StreetGames Alliance of around 1,000 Locally Trusted Organisations, working in disadvantaged communities across the UK. The collective power and reach of this alliance enables unparalleled access to young people growing up in over 4,000 poverty-hit localities. These organisations are the lifeblood of their neighbourhoods. They have earned their spurs, built trust and won the right to make a difference in their community. They understand what will work and what’s needed on their patch. They reach those that others find ‘hard to reach’ and are able to collaborate with StreetGames to replicate what works at scale and at pace. The organisations that make up the StreetGames Alliance maintain industry standards for safeguarding, insurance, health and safety, and equalities and diversity. Each is a self-determining organisation that is independently managed and funded. Most are charities, legally constituted community groups or Community Interest Companies. All are embedded in their ‘hard to reach’ neighbourhood. LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD 3.5 million UK children currently live in poverty. Fewer than 1/4 meet national guidelines for recommended daily activity. Young people from the lowest economic bracket are 3 times more likely to suffer with mental illness than a counterpart from the highest-earning group. The UK’s poorest children live an average of 3.6 to 5 years fewer than their more affluent peers These same children also spend an additional 16.5 years in poor health. Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 13.01.07.png "StreetGames has turned my life around. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be right now" LYNDSEY DAWN - STREETGAMES PARTICIPANT. StreetGames believes in fair play, both in sport and in life. With only £3.21 to spend on sports activities per week – compared to the national average of £12.11 – struggling families just can’t afford to keep pace. That’s why StreetGames has made it its mission to level the playing field. Here’s how. StreetGames is committed to making communities healthier, safer and more successful. StreetGames' programmes are conducted in the ‘Right Way’ - offering projects at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price to suit the needs of young participants. Through StreetGames' pioneering Doorstep Sport approach, the organisation improves young lives through sport, giving access to positive role models, volunteering opportunities and diversionary activities. Through Fit and Fed, StreetGames tackles the hidden issue of holiday hunger and inactivity, through nutritious meals and fun, healthy activities. Through Us Girls, StreetGames work to empower young women within a holistic and supportive environment - tackling the everyday sexism that presents a barrier to participation in sport.

Cromwell Museum

cromwell museum



The Cromwell Museum is home to the best collection of items relating to the life and times of Oliver Cromwell on public display anywhere in the world. The collection comprises over 800 items, including portraits, clothing, miniatures, arms and armour, historical documents written by or about Cromwell, and displays as diverse items as copies of his death masks and even his hat!  The Museum is located in the former Huntingdon Grammar School building, which was where Oliver Cromwell was educated as a schoolboy. The building itself is all that remains of a medieval hospital, built to provide hospitality for travellers and pilgrims in the 12th century. It was also where the young Samuel Pepys was educated in the 1640s. The Museum tells the story of Cromwell’s life, from his time at the school and his early years in Huntingdon and St Ives, before he became involved in national politics. On display you can see the vestry book of the parish of St Ives, which includes his signature, and some of his possessions, including his hat. By contrast, the Museum’s exhibits include luxurious items given to Cromwell later in life, including a magnificent Florentine perfume cabinet, which was a gift from the Grand Duke of Tuscany; and a 17th century medicine chest still with its surgical instruments and tools, which Cromwell is said to have taken on campaign with him.  We also tell the story of Cromwell’s military career, and have several of his swords displayed alongside other weapons, arms and armour of the English Civil War. Displays also include many original and iconic paintings of Cromwell, his family, his political and military contemporaries and of events relating to the Civil War, by the great artists of the period including Robert Walker, Sir Peter Lely, William Dobson and Samuel Cooper.  Our displays look at more than simply Cromwell himself; they also examine his impact and legacy right through to our own times. The Museum cares for an impressive collection of drawings and cartoons including works by Gerald Scarfe and Quentin Blake.  It is impossible to show everything in the Museum so exhibits are regularly changed. Our role is not to praise or condemn Cromwell. He is a controversial figure to many; our role is simply to present the facts and various interpretations of his life, telling his story 'warts and all' and allow visitors to make their own minds up about him.  Visitors can see more through our programme of regular temporary exhibitions and events throughout the year; we also offer tours and activities for groups and schools. The Museum is operated by an independent charity, the Cromwell Museum Trust.