799 Educators providing Fitness courses in Cardiff

Tots Play Hull

tots play hull


Hi, I’m Angharad and I live in Hull with my husband Paul, our two boys Caden and Colby and dog Phoebe. Since having my sons, I longed for a career change that gave me more time with my family. With being in the hairdressing industry for 19 years I knew what I enjoyed most was working with people. After much research I found Tots Play. Not only had I found a class that appealed to me as a mother with all the variety it offered, but also made me excited at the thought of being able to help parents or carers develop their connection to their child with all the benefits baby massage, yoga, signing, music, movement and sensory play provides. I will also make sure you take away lots of fantastic ideas to carry on the fun times at home. Having my youngest in the first lockdown has shown me how important baby and toddler classes are, not just for little ones but for helping parents bond with their child, as well as building invaluable supportive relationships with others in the same situation. Being a parent can be incredibly challenging and lonely sometimes so finding a class where you can share stories, laugh about the adorable or cringy moments and feel part of a community is irreplaceable. Have a look at the classes below to find the class that is best for you. Book your place and let the fun begin. If you have any questions you can contact me by email at angharadh@totsplay.co.uk or call/text me on 07816501552. I can’t wait to meet you and your little one at a class very soon Happy playing Angharad

Tots Play Edinburgh North West

tots play edinburgh north west


Hi, my name is Lian. I live in Winchburgh with my fiancé, Stuart, and my two little girls, Maddie and Connie, and I run classes in the Edinburgh North West areas. I am originally from Manchester and before moving to Edinburgh travelled the world working on a cruise ship. After meeting Stuart, we decided to put down some roots in Scotland and start a family. I attended lots of baby classes with Maddie, she spent most of the time sleeping but for me it was invaluable - being able to chat to other mums going through the same things at the same time. Also, being new to area meant I was able to meet, what have become, lifelong friends. In June 2020 I had my second daughter, Connie, in the middle of a global pandemic. My maternity experience was very different. Not having the opportunity to go to classes and share experiences with other Mums made me realise even more how important these baby groups are, not just for my baby but also for me. So this got me thinking about my future and where my passion was, then I discovered Tots Play and knew I had found exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to offer the same opportunity for new mums and the experiences I had to Edinburgh North West. I immediately jumped at the chance to bring this fantastic programme to families in the area. My aim is to offer you and your baby a relaxed and friendly environment, where you can spend special time with your little one playing, laughing, learning and bonding together. Each class brings with it a unique structured play programme, where you can share experiences through activities such as baby massage, yoga, music, sign language, sensory play and much more all in one place. Take a look below to see when classes are available and follow the links to book your place. You can also contact me on liand@totsplay.co.uk with any questions. I look forward to welcoming you and your wee one to Tots Play very soon. Happy Playing Lian xx

Tots Play Kirkintilloch to Falkirk

tots play kirkintilloch to falkirk


KIRKINTILLOCH TO FALKIRK Hi everyone, my name is Nicole and I live in Scotland with my Husband, Martiens and my daughter Hailey. We are Namibians who have made Scotland our home. I have previously worked as a horse-riding instructor as well as a travel agent, and before going on maternity leave, was working in customer service. After having Hailey I couldn’t bare the thought of sitting behind a desk all day while she went to nursery. I like to be active and love meeting new people. I took Hailey to Tots Play from the time she was just a few weeks old and we loved it. The benefits and results were amazing. From getting her to sleep better and helping her get over colic, to chats and advice from the parents and it was lovely seeing how much Hailey loved the interaction too. When the opportunity came to take over Tots Play in the area, I was so excited and was determined to make it happen. The support I received in the classes really helped me as a first-time mum, and I am passionate about providing this for others parents. Running the business also allowed me to escape the office environment, meet new people and be there to see my daughter grow up - a perfect fit for me! The Tots play program offers a unique experience using massage, yoga, music, sign language and sensory play all in one class. The program is designed to aid your little one’s development using easy, inexpensive and fun ways to play together, both at class and that you can continue at home too. This is a special time to bond with your child and encourage them to explore their new world with confidence. I am looking forward to meeting and sharing this amazing experience with you and watching your little ones grow while having fun. Take a look at the class schedule below to find and book the right class for you, and when you join us you’ll find a relaxed, friendly and welcoming environment where you can meet other parents to share ideas and your parenting journey with too. If you have any questions do get in touch at nicolep@totsplay.co.uk or 07746009221 and I’ll be happy to help. Happy playing Nicole xx