1076 Educators providing Fashion courses delivered Online

Wolfram Lohr Workshop Showroom

wolfram lohr workshop showroom



Wolfram Lohr, has been working with leather for over 20 years after initially learning shoe making with various shoe makers in Brighton. He branched out to create an accessories range of luxury handmade leather goods soon after seeing a need for good quality, long lasting and stylish products for his customers. The brand has grown from a one man band to a partnership between Wolfram and Sarah Gardner, together with their team, they run their successful business and leather making courses from their eclectic studio in Hove. Wolfram has also grown in the UK craft scene and has been exhibiting at fairs and trade shows for several years, travelling to the USA, Paris, Frankfurt and London. Wolfram draws creativity from bringing old and new together. He has a passion for traditional leather crafts and his own personal collection of vintage objects, from leather bags to hats and clothing, is a constant source of inspiration. He takes shapes from vintage products and adapts them into modern accessories, creating a balance between functionality and contemporary design. His current product range consists of strong belts, wallets, stylish handbags, beautiful rucksacks, messenger bags and desk items. All Wolfram Lohr products are handmade using high quality, traceable, Italian vegetable tanned leather and is created with a passion for quality and strength. They are made to last gaining more character as time goes on. Each product is also stamped and dated with an individual reference number, this highlights the artisan qualities and makes the product unique for each customer. We recognise the importance of slow fashion, sustainability and small batch production and we strive to bridge the gap between mass production and the craft person.

Louise Worthy Artist & Printmaker

louise worthy artist & printmaker

I am an artist and printmaker living in Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands. I am fashion and textiles trained (Bath Spa University and Manchester Polytechnic) which is where my love of printmaking started. I worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years as a designer. When I moved to Sutherland in 2005 I had the chance to be more hands-on creative and re-kindle my love of printmaking that had been simmering on the back burner since the early days of college. I take inspiration from my surroundings in the Scottish Highlands with its abundance of wildlife and vast range of contrasting landscapes, from the moors and mountains, waterfalls and lochs to the turquoise waters and white sands of the beautiful beaches. For a number of years I used a converted ACME mangle for producing my prints but then in 2012 I treated myself to a proper traditional etching press which is fabulous and much easier to use! My work includes various methods of printmaking; monoprint, drypoint etching, collagraph and lino cut and I also love mixed media techniques. I love the process of creating prints using different methods especially monoprints, where part of the fun is not knowing what the end result will be until the last minute. It can take hours of manipulating ink on the printing plate before they go through the press. I love experimenting and each finished piece is unique. I exhibit regularly in the Scottish Highlands including local galleries and my work is included in private collections in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. I also teach workshops for individuals and small groups in various printmaking techniques.