71 Educators providing Environment courses in Coventry

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

Association of Drainage Authorities

association of drainage authorities


Established in 1937, ADA watches over, supports and promotes our members’ interests at a national and parliamentary level, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussions. ADA’s members include national agencies like the Environment Agency in England, internal drainage boards, local authorities, and regional flood & coastal committees. ADA’s Associate Members include contractors, consultants and suppliers to the industry. ADA’s water level and flood risk management community is built upon the interaction and connections made between our members. We champion and campaign for the sustainable delivery of water level and flood risk management, offering guidance, advice and support to the sector, whilst also informing society about our members’ essential work. At ADA, our ethos is to promote good practice within the water level management community. We try and offer as many different forms of communications as we can to update and inform our members, as well as the wider public and key stakeholders. ADA also helps our members to promote their work, products and innovation, as well as highlighting projects, services, job positions and events. And most of all, we enjoy bringing professionals together, using their knowledge to help find solutions to our nation’s water and flood risk management issues. ADA is proud to be a member of EUWMA, which represents public, local and regional water management organisations from across Europe. Follow the links in this section to find out more about how ADA is governed by, and for, its members. You can also find out how to become a member of ADA.

Jls Educational Services

jls educational services


My name is Jo Souter and I am an experienced specialist dyslexia teacher and assessor. I am passionate about helping children to unlock their potential! Specialist teacher and assessor Oxfordshire As a teacher and as a mum of 2, I understand that every child is different and that a 'one size fits all' approach doesn't work. As a result my teaching is personalised to each student and draws on their strengths. My philosophy is that if your child doesn't understand something, then it is up to me to teach it differently. Up until having my children, I was a full time class teacher in a primary school. Therefore I understand the demands of teaching a class of 30 children each with differing strengths and difficulties! My skill is in creating a positive learning environment in which your child can thrive. After missing school due to Covid my daughter had sessions with Jo to increase her confidence. It was really inspiring to see her learning and enjoying a more creative & fun way of learning. - Parent of a Year 1 student Over the past 9 years I have worked as a specialist dyslexia teacher and assessor both in schools and privately. In addition to assessing, teaching and supporting individual children, I provide training and guidance for parents, teachers and support staff. Qualifications The field of dyslexia is ever evolving and I am committed to keeping up to date with the latest developments. As an Associate Member of the BDA (AMBDA), my continuing professional development is verified by the BDA every 3 years. I appear on both the BDA and PATOSS registers.

Kidz Own Out Of School Club

kidz own out of school club


Welcome to Coten End Primary School! We hope that this website gives you an insight into life at our very special and immensely popular school. We are in a lovely location in the centre of Warwick and there is a very strong sense of community. It is the people who make a school and we are fortunate to have wonderful children, parents, staff and governors who share a common aim of wanting the very best educational experiences for every child. Our vision is ‘Learning for everyone, learning from everyone’. We are wholly committed to this and it is evident on a daily basis. We take the education of children and young people very seriously and it is a privilege to be trusted with this important role. Children only get one chance and that is why we strive to make every day matter. At Coten End Primary School, we are proud of our acknowledged commitment to each individual child. We recognise that children learn and develop in different ways so we aim to provide a curriculum that supports, challenges and enriches every step of the learning journey for every child. Some children will need specific support at some point in their school career with something they find challenging and we aim to provide that support within a caring environment, drawing on a wide range of external expertise as appropriate. Similarly, many children are ready to embrace a high level of challenge to reach their full potential and we provide a personalised approach to their learning. Every child matters at Coten End and I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can work together to meet your child’s individual needs.

Chrysalis Craft Coventry

chrysalis craft coventry


Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC was founded in March 2020 in response to the urgent unmet needs of BAME and migrant communities who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has challenged the mental health and wellbeing of everyone, more so for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in our communities. Many have experienced unimaginable trauma and have seen major disruptions in their life already. The pandemic has amplified further the existing mental health problems. Often left in limbo, not able to take on higher education studies and not allowed to work (with many refugees under or unemployed) and likely to face loneliness or worse, direct discrimination, within their new communities. Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC run sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. The aim is to build self-esteem and friendship through artistic techniques, using art to work against loneliness as a result of language, cultural and ability barriers. The social enterprise supports people from a variety of different backgrounds, focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Focusing on women who came to Coventry and the surrounding area recently, and those who have been here for a long time, but who have experienced barriers to integration. Local authority, NHS and charities working with migrants’ commission and refer people onto in-person and online workshops. Grant funding supports materials and content development. Over the short period of the start-up, Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC supported thousands of individuals suffering from loneliness, domestic abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, homesickness and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because of life experiences with positive results. During the pandemic the workshops have proven invaluable, acting as a safe environment and an information and signposting service. Directing people to urgently needed services they could not reach due to language barrier or stigma caused by misinformation.

Solihull School Enterprises

solihull school enterprises


At Solihull, we pride ourselves on ensuring that all pupils realise their full potential. Our central aim is to provide for every pupil as rich a life as possible so that school fosters fulfilment, happiness and success; a preparation for life as a good adult in society. Teaching is excellent and our examination results speak volumes about the progress Silhillians make in their studies. Our most recent inspection graded us at the highest level in all areas of school life. Our pupils enjoy outstanding facilities and a wide-ranging and comprehensive co-curricular programme. Solihull School excels on the sports field, on the stage, in the debating chamber and in the concert hall; and pupils benefit from many enriching cultural excursions at home and abroad. Boys and girls are encouraged to develop as individuals in a caring and civilised environment, and our strong pastoral care network underpins the many and varied successes enjoyed by pupils. We uphold traditional values in a global community, emphasising the importance of high moral standards and ethical conduct. Many Old Silhillians have gone on to be pioneers and leaders in their chosen fields and these qualities are honed here at school. Pupils are actively encouraged to develop their leadership skills, to take responsibility for others and to serve the local, national and international communities. Solihull School is a beacon of excellence and I hope that our prospectus and website give you a feel for the character and high expectations that pervade all areas of school life. However, to appreciate our ethos and happy atmosphere fully, I would urge you to visit the school, either at one of our formal open events or at any other convenient time. Solihull School was founded in 1560 and is very proud of its place within the community. In 2020 Solihull merged with Saint Martin's School to create a leading independent coeducational 3 - 18 day school across two campuses, with Solihull Preparatory School on the Saint Martin's campus and Solihull Senior School on the Warwick Road campus.

Ashlawn School

ashlawn school


As the Principal I am delighted to welcome you to Ashlawn School. I am proud to be part of its heritage, its success and its future: we are a school where excellence is at the heart of everything we do. I believe passionately in education and I know that Ashlawn provides the very best educational experience for all its young people. We are a happy school where high standards and expectations lead to outstanding academic results for all our students. Respect for each other and high standards of behaviour are values which we all share and for which we are all responsible. My colleagues and I are committed to providing an inspirational environment where our students are engaged and enthused, and where learning enables all young people to realise their academic potential and acquire the skills and values they need for life’s journey. Whilst academic success is important we recognise that there is more to education than exam passes; confidence, adaptability, learning skills, creativity and resilience are all necessary life skills. Success is celebrated in all aspects of school life as we recognise the needs of each individual and where everyone really does matter. As a bi-lateral school, Ashlawn is the perfect blend of tradition and innovation. We are a forward-thinking and exciting centre of learning with excellent results and our young people are proud to belong to a school which offers the range of opportunities that our unique curriculum affords. Our record of success is reflected in our A level and GCSE results and we are committed to providing the highest standards of provision. In 2013 we were delighted when Ofsted recognised the school as outstanding in every category and shortly afterwards we were designated a National Teaching School with responsibility for teacher training and supporting other schools in our region. This success is testimony to the aspirations and efforts of our community – our students, their families and our staff.

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner

Insite Training

insite training


inSITE Training & Development, Inc., a woman owned small business, was started in 1991 by Founder Susan S. Porter. Upon her retirement in 2010, Carol Erdman, who had worked with inSITE for 15 years became President and CEO. Since the turn of the century, inSITE has continued to grow and serve the business community as well as contribute to the community as a whole. Improving the quality and availability of education remains our primary focus for corporations, government agencies, and the non profit community. With a strong administrative team, instructional design staff and seasoned facilitators, inSITE has the unique ability to provide a wide variety of services. We hire graduate level interns to demonstrate our commitment to development of the next generation of instructional designers and instructors. Our forte has been to place teams on-site to assess, develop, deliver, and evaluate classroom-based training and web-based solutions. inSITE has expertise in conducting comprehensive needs and task analysis that truly determine skill-based needs. We focus on performance, not training, so our recommendations, once implemented, create an environment where employees not only have task-related skills to conduct their jobs, but are able to perform at levels needed for employees to reach their benchmarks, departments to achieve their goals, and the organization to attain its strategic plan while being flexible and ready to take on new challenges. Our eLearning modules can be tailored to include your policies, culture and other specific content. We use gamification to engage learners in classroom and web-based platforms. Adults learn when they are engaged and participating so our classroom learning engages all the senses. In order to ensure significant learning occurs in two to six hour courses, we limit lectures to 15 minutes or less and call them lecturettes. The remainder of the class is for large and small group discussion, enriching case studies that are so true to life they arouse emotion, role plays that help participants understand how they naturally behave in certain situations, simulations and video vignettes that demonstrate typical work place issues and bring learning to life. We provide a number of inventories including MBTI and its Step 2, DiSC, Thomas Kilmann, Gregorc Style Delineator, and the Conflict Mode Instrument. The use of the World Café is a highly successful learning format that draws in high level professionals and managers. We ensure a great deal of practice of all new skills and tools so that participants can transfer learning readily upon return to their job. inSITE Training & Development, inc. has conducted all aspects of the ADDIE model for both the Federal government and private sector. Most often, we conduct a needs analysis as a prelude to designing and developing instruction as well. By being involved in the entire ADDIE process and often delivering the training ourselves, we have learned just how comprehensive the needs analysis must be. We have on staff advanced degreed Instructional Designers, Project Managers, Instructors and Facilitators (PhD, MBA, Masters Degree), Coaches (ICF certified), a Psychometrician, a Web designer and a Gamification/eLearning programmer.