5060 Educators providing Environment courses delivered Online

Sheffield Jazz Workshop

sheffield jazz workshop


Sheffield Jazz runs a Saturday Morning Workshop providing an opportunity for people who play an instrument or sing to learn about and explore the theory and practice of jazz improvisation in a supportive group environment. The Workshop is now in its 40th year! There are currently five groups running each Saturday morning which are loosely graded from beginners to more experienced, each under the guidance of a tutor who is a jazz musician with wide experience of playing and teaching. Twice a year a concert will be arranged where each group will perform material that has been worked on during the preceding sessions. Who’s it for? Sheffield Jazz Workshop is intended for adults but is open to under-18s with parental consent, provided they are able to participate and behave appropriately in the group. Individual instrument tuition is not provided – some basic ability on your chosen instrument is required. Some familiarity with music theory would be helpful but is not a requirement. Anyone interested in exploring jazz improvisation is welcome to join in. The best way to find out if it’s right for you is to give it a try, including just listening and observing without an instrument at first if you so wish. The Workshop does not own or provide any equipment so you need to bring your own gear. Keyboard players need to bring an electric keyboard as the rooms we use don’t have pianos. Guitarists and bass players will need to bring an amp. Vocalists will need a mic and an amp unless you have a very strong voice! Bear in mind you’ll probably be in a room with 6 – 10 saxophones or brass instruments and need enough amplification to be heard in that context. Everyone else bring your instrument (and a music stand plus pencil and paper). Where, when and how much? Location: King Edward’s Upper School, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW (near to the Hallamshire Hospital and King Edward’s Swimming Pool – car park access from Glossop Rd or Newbould Lane) Time: 10.00 am –12.30 pm on Saturdays, most Saturdays during school term time. If you are new to the workshop, please come along on a Saturday at 9.40 and someone will help you find a suitable group. If you have any questions, please contact Hannah at hanzieb@hotmail.com Cost per session; waged: £15.00, unwaged: £7.00 Please do not attend if you have tested positive for Covid-19, if you have Covid-type symptoms or have recently been in contact with someone who has or has subsequently tested positive for Covid. Who are the tutors? Workshop groups are mostly run by Chris Walker, Hannah Taylor, Graham Jones, Nadim Teimoori and Johnny Hunter. Occasionally some sessions will be run by other musicians, including Jude Sacker, Dave Burgoyne and Paul Baxter.

Invisible Advantage Ltd

invisible advantage ltd

It took us two years to find our company name! We realised that, when you work with us, you get a significant advantage. However, that advantage is ‘Invisible’. We believe that it is only the results of working with us that should be obvious, not the work itself. We all know people who’ve been to talks and training courses who emerge sounding like robots, or with a bunch of notes that just get thrown into a drawer. We never give scripts, or rules. We change people’s behaviour by inspiring them to think differently – so, ‘Invisible Advantage’! Our methodology is based on some simple, but extremely effective ideas: Entertainment and education go hand-in-hand. Every seminar, talk, workshop and training session should entertain at the same time as instruct. It’s the most fool-proof way of influencing people to take notice, to learn and to change their behaviour. The best teaching is easier to remember than to forget. We give people new experiences that will stay with them. Traditionally, delegates have been seen as passive receptacles for knowledge. We don’t believe this is effective – if you were only told how to ride a bike, you’d never learn, however once you’ve experienced riding a bike – you can never forget! On our courses, sessions and talks, attendees are active participants – engaging in learning ideas through enjoyable games, intriguing tasks and strategic exercises that make learning unforgettable and easy to apply. The best learning occurs when someone is presented with challenges, but in a supportive environment. We understand that taking on new ideas is an activity and does take effort, and this is difficult enough without added stress. Our content is carefully designed to become increasingly demanding while keeping the atmosphere fun, stimulating and ‘light’. Everything has to be related to the ‘real world’. Our way of working is designed to give people new skills and ways of thinking that are immediately useful. We keep theory to a minimum, and design our work around real-life role-play scenarios. Instead of talking about networking, we’ll re-create a networking event. Instead of discussing negotiation, we’ll get people negotiating. Instead of ‘presentation skills’ we’ll work with a real presentation. Working in this way means that people immediately see the relevance and are keen to try out their new skills. All the senses have to be engaged to create a rich learning experience. Learning really ‘sticks’ when someone enjoys it and is fully involved. Everyone learns in their own way, some people respond well to text, some to visuals, some to listening and reflecting, and some to getting up on their feet and trying things out on their own. We ensure that everything, from the invitations, through to the sessions and the follow-up, stimulates attendees in all these ways. Self-awareness is the key to change. If we want to develop, in any sphere, we have to know what we’re doing now – how we’re talking, how people react to us, how persuasive we are, how confident we appear, etc. Once we can see that clearly, we begin to see how to change. Woven throughout all of our work is the skill of developing self-awareness: physically, vocally and psychologically. Lee Warren Lee is co-founder of Invisible Advantage and delivers most of the public speaking engagements. He has spoken all over the globe at conferences, association events and internal meetings for many of the world’s largest organisations. He is the author of ‘How to Persuade Anyone To Do Anything (well, almost!)’ and ‘Grown-Ups Don’t Use PowerPoint’, two eBooks designed to help people who need to communicate more effectively in business. He’s currently working on a new book aimed at business presenters, due to be published in 2017. Lee has a strong background in sales, and is one of the U.K.’s most popular magicians – Prince William described him as ‘absolutely amazing’. He’s also a qualified Alexander Technique teacher and theatre writer. He’s written for The Almeida Theatre, The Royal Opera House and The Aldeburgh Festival. Lee is fluent in Spanish and good at playing the piano badly. Lee Warren “I’m passionate about the power of public speaking to create change. When I present, I try to bring the very best of the worlds of magic and business together to deliver something amazing that will also get results by speaking your language. I work hard to make sure that my sessions work for you. Starting with the outcome, I work backwards to design talks, seminars, keynotes & training sessions that are interactive, amazing and inspiring.” James Harwood James Harwood James was a co-founder of Invisible Advantage, and remains a Senior Associate. He advises on larger projects and strategy and delivers some of our training sessions and workshops. As well as a busy corporate trainer, James has been a professional West End actor and a teacher of The Alexander Technique. Matt Boardman Matt Boardman Matt is a presentation coach based in Madrid who also works on business development for Invisible Advantage. We’re convinced this makes us a global company! Matt is a graduate of Cambridge University, and was a leadership consultant at Deloitte. For five years he has delivered training in public speaking, building relationships and influencing techniques to charity volunteers in the UK, Kenya and Uganda. In his spare time he performs stand-up comedy. Our Associates We’re very lucky. Although we’re a small company, we’re connected to many of the leading experts in the fields of communication, PR, media, networking and sales. All of our associates are skilled at combining their subject knowledge with strong delivery and energy, which means that they can deliver the results you need through authentic, credible advice, delivered in a way which works. Our associates can work 1-2-1, with small groups or sometimes outside a learning environment – such as through Skype, teleconferencing and on-site presentation support.

Southport College

southport college


Southport College is a centre of technical excellence and the leading provider of vocational courses for school leavers and adult learners, as well as offering expert Apprenticeships and a wide range of Higher Education courses. COLLEGE 16-18 A full-time vocational course at Southport College can prepare you for employment in your chosen career, university or an Apprenticeship. You’ll be choosing a college with excellent results and fantastic progression to high quality destinations. We offer a wide range of vocational and technical courses with strong local employer links and you’ll be taught in industry standard facilities by our friendly and experienced tutors. We’ll give you the opportunity to take part in varied and interesting work placements, exciting trips and visits and participate in sport and enrichment activities. Throughout all this we’ll support you in a safe and secure learning environment in an easily accessible town centre location. 19+ ADULT LEARNERS Southport College offers a wide range of courses for adult learners whether you want to improve your skills, change your career, gain a professional qualification or learn something new. With courses available during the day or evening, our bright modern campus, in the heart of Southport, offers excellent facilities and experienced supportive tutors and is a really friendly place to learn. We offer introductory courses in many subjects and if you are looking to re-train or become more qualified we offer a wide range of courses from Level 1 to Level 3 designed to qualify you in your chosen subject. Our Access to Higher Education courses give you the entry requirements to start a degree course. SOUTHPORT COLLEGE UNIVERSITY CENTRE Our University Centre gives you the chance to study for a Higher Level qualification right on your doorstep. We offer smaller class sizes meaning our students benefit from more contact time with tutors who are industry practiced professionals. They bring years of experience with them and live briefs and industry links with key local businesses give students the valuable chance to link theory to practice. APPRENTICESHIPS Southport College is one of the learning providers of Apprenticeships in the area and we offer more than 30 Apprenticeship routes from Level 2 to Level 5 in a wide range of sectors. An Apprenticeship is a job with training and an alternative route into skilled employment. Apprenticeships are designed in partnership with employers to ensure employees gain the skills they need to do their job well. EMPLOYERS Business Development is Southport College's dedicated business training arm. We specialise in providing Apprenticeship recruitment solutions along with bespoke and mandatory training courses. Apprenticeships are the tried and tested way for businesses to develop their employees and for individuals to gain qualifications and experience whilst earning a salary. If you are an employer looking to take on your first trainee or to develop your existing workforce, whatever size your business is, we can help you with our wide range of Apprenticeships.

Woodford County High School

woodford county high school


What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. It’s a happy and cohesive community and an environment which liberates young women to take the risks and embrace the challenges that will prepare them for their future roles and responsibilities as leaders in tomorrow’s society. Woodford’s success is the result of striking a fine balance between tradition and innovation. Our values are traditional ones and we offer an unashamedly academic curriculum. We are keenly aware, however, that we are preparing our students for a working life none of us can yet anticipate. Our focus, therefore, is on developing the skills, attributes and habits of mind that will equip them as life-long learners. Woodford leavers are articulate, self-confident and skilled in the use of modern technologies. Our aim is to launch them into the world as self-starters, focused but flexible, armed with the courage to grasp opportunities and the resilience and humour to negotiate setbacks along the way. Above all we want them to be equipped to lead happy, fulfilling and useful lives, wherever and however they choose to lead them. Woodford enjoys an enviable reputation for intellectual, artistic and sporting achievements. In all of these domains, and others beside, we encourage and support our students in exploring their own potential, nurturing existing talents and interests and discovering new ones along the way. Our community, of course, is made up of individuals. To ensure we enable each and every girl to fulfil her potential, an emphasis is placed on personalisation, on proactive mentoring and on pastoral care. And the academic curriculum is complemented by a wide and stimulating range of extra-curricular activities. There is something for everyone. Our students will embark upon adult life conscious of their worth, ambitious for their futures and aware that they are lucky indeed to have been educated here. Woodford is a very special school. If you want to see how special, you are warmly invited to pay us a visit.

Camera School

camera school

I've taken other photography classes, but nothing compared to what I learned from the classes I took at Henry's. I looked forward to taking them each week. Jim, the instructor, was very knowledgeable, patient and explained the material with great detail. He took the time to fully answer any questions we had and provided quality feedback about my photography. Since taking the classes, everyone noticed the great improvement of my photos, and I'm more excited than ever to trying new things with the photography techniques I've learned. The other students in the class I was in also enjoyed it as much as I did, so much so that almost everyone took the more advanced classes together. Now, I no longer rely on the auto-mode on my camera and enjoy tweaking the setting and seeing the improvement of my photos. The classes and the expert instruction gave me the opportunities to see what potential my camera has and what setting work best in any given environment. I can't stress enough how many compliments on the improvement of my photos when posting on Facebook. My photos really now capture what I'm seeing, instead of dull version of real life. My only disappointment is that there's no more classes left for me to take. To anyone who wants to take their photography to the next level, The courses at Henry's Toronto are for you. Thank You Jim for opening my eyes on how easy it can be to capture truly special moments, and taking the lens-cap off of my imagination. - Kat Soderstrom FAQ/Contact Courses for Interchangeable lens (DSLR or Mirrorless) cameras I read everything I could get my hands on when I started photography as my new hobby and was skeptical that taking any courses would provide much more than I’d already learned. But I took the leap and signed up for Henry's 101 course with Jim Ogilvie. It was the best decision I made. Jim was great at explaining and demonstrating the various aspects of photography - I was amazed at how much we covered in 5 weeks. There’s no replacement for having an instructor walk you through concepts and answer your questions directly. I was so pleased that I signed up for 201 course with Jim and it was even better! I recommend both courses, whether you are brand new to photography or, like me, are self-taught and you know there may be some gaps. The quality of my work has grown and I credit Jim! - Judy Hauserman Taking the photo 101 and 102 courses at Henry's Toronto location are a great way to learn and be introduced to the world of photography. Jim is a wonderful instructor who is friendly, easygoing and has loads of knowledge on photography and different types DSLR cameras. These courses include both discussions and hands on assignments that further help you understand your camera and your new skills. - Sabrina Belardi-Redin

Faith Brooke Academy

faith brooke academy


Founded in 2013, Grace Brook Academy is a Christian School, located in Syokimau. We enrich the lives of our pupils, their families and the community through dedication to the principles of academics, discipline and faith. Our diverse student body, comprised of children from different regions, benefits from a progressive, modern, and congenial school setting, designed to foster academic achievement. We provide a safe, positive, learning environment that encourages the scholastic achievement of our pupils, as well as the development of their spiritual and social lives. Our staff is committed to providing high quality relationships, including faith in God, and practical skills as part of our school and life preparation. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Grace Brook Academy is to provide a Caring, Christ-centered education producing students who thrive in the word. This is derived from the acronym CARE – Christ-centered: GBA sees its primary purpose to be a welcoming school where students can be exposed to the rich life of God’s love by knowing Christ personally. It is our desire that every student comes to a point where Christ is the center of their life, influencing every thought that they have and action they make, and in so doing they can spread His Word even further. Accessibility/Affordability: Allowing Christ to influence every thought and action, we model our school after Jesus’ example of making Himself available to all that would come to Him. He did not set Himself aside for the most privileged or most affluent, but rather was welcoming to all that wanted to hear Him. Following His lead, our goal is to be accessible to the greatest number of students and families possible. Real-Relationships: Motivated by love, God sacrificed His own Son, so that we could have a real eternal relationship with Him (John 3:16). Likewise, the evidence that we have a vital relationship with Christ shows up in the way we love one another. Having a personal relationship with Christ is central to every other relationship we have and as we pursue this relationship with Him, He will increase our desire to serve one another. Educational Excellence: Finally, as a school, these values are expressed in an excellent Christian education. We don’t believe excellence is compromised with accessibility and therefore we dedicate ourselves in the pursuit of academic excellence unmatched by both public and other private schools. It is our desire that each student develop a lifelong love of learning and improving themselves for the future. Our Vision To be a leading Christian based institution for early childhood education and to become a center for academic excellence. Objectives and Goals Grace Brook Academy is committed to preparing all students to thrive in the 21st century by providing a solid foundation in Christ and an education that will allow them to excel in college and beyond. GBA strives to develop critical thinkers who can give well-reasoned answers to challenging questions.

The Seeds Of Change Uk

the seeds of change uk


To put it simply, we do it because we know that our methods genuinely work and can change lives. Our coaches find nothing more fulfilling than helping a learner to trust, learn and grow. We make BOLD claims about the work that we do at The Seeds of Change We make BOLD claims about the way that horses can help all of us to overcome challenges in life which limit our ability or potential in some way. We can do this, because we have almost 15 years of experience working with thousands of people and have seen the results for ourselves. We set ourselves a simple target to enable people to make a change in their life for good. To meet that objective, we are flexible, agile, experienced and totally focused on every individual who works with us - constantly refining and adapting our sessions to meet the present needs as they arise, but always focused on a longer-term objective as defined at the start. We are continuously learning and developing our work, and never cease stretching the potential of what can be achieved, whether that be in the real or virtual world. Every day we witness new and amazing ways our horses and clients interact with each other and this inspires the way we work. After all, the most important therapeutic tool is the connection between client and horse – we are just the facilitators! We work with adults, families and children. We are commissioned by Local Authorities, schools, support agencies, and parents, both as funded and private referrals. We have worked with more than 5000 clients, many of whom are children who are highly vulnerable or are experiencing socially debilitating conditions and present a vast array of behaviours when they are referred to us. Some of the stories of what they have achieved are simply amazing. View our case studies and testimonials to discover more… We can deliver sessions in person and virtual courses - more details of these can be found here. If you are looking for a fresh, non-judgemental, confidential, and effective way to move forwards in life, then consider The Seeds of Change. We cannot think of a better place to start to make a change for life than outside in the fresh air with a horse. Please get in touch to find out more about our approach and the way our sessions work. We offer sessions on a 1-1 basis which aim to overcome specific challenges. We offer supportive group sessions which can aid social development, help to build relationships, and encourage confidence and positive interactions in the wider social environment. We offer a range of academic courses which support educational development and transition into the workplace, including City and Guilds qualifications. We adhere to strict Safeguarding and Compliance documents and procedures to meet all Educational Standards. And most excitingly we can also now offer our work virtually to enable clients from further away to access our work too.

Cultivate Tees Valley

cultivate tees valley


Cultivate Tees Valley (CTV) is an environmental organisation that works in partnership to build a better world by growing food security for those living across the Tees Valley and by transforming unused urban and rural land into spaces where food is grown. Initiatives focus on combating isolation and improving mental health by connecting people through food and environmental initiatives, with a strong focus on recruiting and equipping teams of volunteers, alongside training and education programmes. Programmes incorporate art to help beautify more derelict spaces and up-cycling of items that would normally go to the landfill. Cultivate currently works across the Tees Valley developing urban food growing gardens and within ten youth centres across Stockton running an environmental education programme that aims to educate young people on the issues of climate change and how they can help change their environment for the better. The work of Cultivate Tees Valley has been partly inspired by Bonton Farms in Dallas, Texas, an organsation that one of our Directors worked alongside during his time living in the US. Bonton is located in an area with high levels of poverty, terrible health outcomes and poor access to fresh food. Bonton Farms was set up to grow fresh food for local people to combat their health and hunger issues, and put food on their tables. The other great impact of their work on their community was through the work they did mentoring local people through the running of the farm while providing meaningful activities for those facing isolation and loneliness. Growing Sites Arlington Park Arly Park is based in Parkfield and is run by the Cornerhouse Youth Project. This new initiative involves the development of an unused field into a safe growing space for local children, young people and families. CTV and Cornerhouse use this space to support pupils from Bowesfield Primary School during school time hours and work with local young people through evening drop in sessions. Thornaby Allotments Youth Direction asked CTV to develop their two allotments that had become overgrown. This growing space is used for vulnerable young people through one-to-one work, for volunteer days and for adults looking to improve their mental health through gardening. Harty Road Cafe Garden, Hartington Road Hartington Road is located in the most deprived area of Stockton. The Little Sprouts Charity have been working with residents through cooking programmes, bread making and a Pay As You Feel cafe. CTV started an urban garden on Hartington Road to provide training and education opportunities to residents while growing food for the cafe. Elmwood Community Centre Based in Hartburn, the Elmwood site has raised beds and a poly tunnel. Teesside University, NCS and Bright Minds Big Futures have partnered on this site. St Michael's and All Angel's, Norton 2020 will see us develop part of the Church grounds into a growing space that can be accessed by the local community and users of the food bank based at the Church.



We offer personalised sessions blending physical therapy techniques with powerful yoga practices and tools. We bring a joint experience and insight from our years of practicing, teaching and studying in the UK and internationally, shaped by our way of living in unity with nature. My aim is to share with you learnings from my continuously evolving personal practice. Work and life took a very fast pace that increased as the years unrolled, especially since I have been working in London with a large professional services firm for over 12 years now. I was very lucky though to recognise my resilient and reflective nature from an early stage and rather than trying to blend in to be more like others around me, I took interest in exploring passions that were deeply rooted in me and came from beyond my background and education. Following an accidental encounter with yoga, I soon realised that I had been practicing meditation and visualisation techniques as a teenager without knowing what those were. I had also always been passionate about self healing and natural remedies and collected articles as a kid from the natural health section of local newspapers. I still keep the habit. Nowadays I research, apply and build on bits of wisdom from different sources as I continue my development journey which expanded to include plant-based cooking and essential oils. I learned how so many things interconnect and how we are all on the same kind of journey of discovery, but always our path is very unique to us. Building on my regular practice of yoga for over a decade, the teacher training course at Nada Yoga School Rishikesh in 2017 and other shorter trainings I completed since then, the classes that I teach focus always on breath and connecting the mind with the body through it. The benefits you will experience from them will be very specific to you. In my case, I have always seen real benefits only with consistent practice over long periods of time, whatever frequency I take, be it 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week or longer sessions. A regular practice brought me clarity of thought, structure in my emotions and actions, increased insight and ability to find solutions or remembering things which I thought I never would recall (including work related!). I experienced reduced inflammation in my body and reduced pain from tensed or trapped muscles I used to often get over the years. I felt increased energy and joy of life and was able to navigate with more ease through challenging periods of time. I am also continuously humbled by the diversity of positive results my private or group sessions bring to those I share them with. Especially in supporting colleagues and others who experience a high pressure environment or who are looking to start, refresh or deepen their practice.

The Nursery School Company

the nursery school company

At The Nursery School Company we have play at the very heart of our ethos. Our settings have been thoughtfully designed to allow children the opportunity to enjoy learning. We designed our innovative and exciting curriculum to give children the widest range of opportunities. The success of our approach can be measured in the children’s high level of achievement. Our Approach Our educational approach has been brought together using twenty years of experience in the early years. We use the Forest School approach to inform and underpin our outdoor curriculum. We also take influences from other early years philosophers including High Scope, Reggio Emilia and the Montessori method. Whilst we draw on these methods, we are constantly evolving to ensure that the latest scientific findings reflect the modern world and the educational experiences the children are exposed to. For example working to provide STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) influences whilst also ensuring that we put emotional well-being at the heart of early years practice. Maria Montessori Children are given the freedom to work at their own pace making their own choices and correcting their own mistakes. Montessori method allows children to learn the way they learn best, by doing things for themselves. During independent activities children are encouraged to choose work that appeals to their interests. The teacher will also introduce new work to the children according to their abilities and stage of development. High Scope High Scope is an approach to early years education that has at its core the belief that children gain confidence, initiative and a lifelong love of learning when involved in well-supported activities of their own choosing. A consistent and flexible daily routine which provides for child and adult initiated activities. Opportunities to choose, plan, carry out and reflect on their activities Opportunities for children to engage in the active participatory learning process Adults who value and appreciate children and provide a creative and supportive learning climate Forest school Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. Forest school supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. Its roots reach back to the open-air culture seen as a way of life in Scandinavia where Forest School began. Reggio Emilia The Reggio Emilia sees children as curious individuals with the power and potential to develop and learn from their environment and the relationships they build with others. Children are viewed as strong and intelligent individuals who should be given every opportunity to reach their potential. Children are viewed as having unlimited potential and being eager to interact with and contribute to the world. The learning process is considered to be of much higher importance than the final product. Teachers create in-depth projects based on observations, information from parents and the interests of the children.