5060 Educators providing Environment courses delivered Online

Kingsbury High School

kingsbury high school


Welcome to our school website. Kingsbury High School is a fantastic community with a commitment to learning and achievement but also a mission to develop youngsters to become successful members of society. I hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting things happening at our school and see our students acting in the ‘Kingsbury Way’. We aim to provide clear relevant information for all, please let us know if there is anything missing or contact us if you want to know more. Kingsbury High School has many strengths and a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by the School motto, spectemur agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to respect themselves, others and the environment. Our students gain excellent examination results in both GCSE and across the Sixth Form. In our most recent inspection Ofsted again rated the school as “good”. Equally, the school is very proud of the way it has achieved these outcomes and the rounded education it offers to its students. We recognise our place in the community and are a key part of the partnership, Kingsbury Schools Together with our local primary schools and the Village (special) School. A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Integrity; Respect; Responsibility; Resilience; and Aspiration. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character. I hope that whatever the reason you have chosen to look at our website, as a member of the school community, a prospective parent, student or member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, you find what you are looking for.

Touchstone Education

touchstone education



Founded by Paul and Aniko Smith, Touchstone Education is a property investment company that exists to inspire people to financial freedom through knowledge. Invest in your dreams… Shape your future. All of our training courses, from an online webinar to a 12 Month Masterclass, have three aspects to them for you. Practical Knowledge First, we don’t just dump information on you… we give you the knowledge you need to take action. All our courses are designed to be immediately enabled, so you can make changes immediately. Some property investments CAN provide a reliable route to financial freedom, but having the information you need isn’t enough. You also need support. You need people to look out for you… people who can show you the holes in the road. When you attend a course with Touchstone, you’ll always leave with the knowledge to take immediate action, and the support to keep you on track. Inspiration We all need inspiration. But why? Inspiration is to inspire; to breathe in; to show that something is possible. To support you in doing something you wouldn’t otherwise do. People talk a lot about motivation, but motivation is an external force to get somebody to do something they don’t want to do. You’ll always come away inspired after attending a course with us at Touchstone Education. Things that were ‘impossible’ will suddenly be achievable. Group Accountability If you want to achieve true financial freedom, you’ll need help along the way. As well as people cheering you on, you’ll need people holding you accountable. You’ll need a group of people who will challenge your mindset, and encourage you to grow as a person. We often quote Dr John Dimartini, who says “the skillset without the mindset will just leave you upset”. If you spent two days and thousands of pounds on a Serviced Accommodation course and then didn’t do anything, you’d be upset. What you get at Touchstone Education is an environment where you’re supported every step of the way. We’ll celebrate your successes. And we’ll push you when you need it. It’s equally important to be pushed when you don’t want to do something, as it is to be patted on the back when something has gone right. Thanks to the Touchstone Team. The property leverage course I attended yesterday was packed with valuable info and insight - my note training skills were definitely tested! Such great content and worth every penny!

London Longsword Academy

london longsword academy


Everyone is welcome to train, from beginners to expert martial artists, no matter what your age, gender or background may be. Here you will have the opportunity to study diverse medieval and Renaissance weapon styles, including longsword, sword and buckler, dussack, messer, rapier and dagger, in a safe, friendly and completely inclusive environment. LLA will help you find and exceed your limits, teaching you a martial art honed and made perfect through Europe’s many centuries of warfare. SIMPLE YET SOPHISTICATED Every technique shown is the simplest answer for the threat given, and the most effective way to attack and cover in one motion. What at first appears to be more complex, you will soon learn is the simplest way to deal with a more complex threat. POWERFUL BODY MECHANICS Applicable to most armed and unarmed martial arts. This art will teach you to fight using your entire body, maximising your power and honing your instinctive responses. LOGIC AND GEOMETRY At the LLA we use a simple four step training method. Each technique is based on logic and the demands of the situation, rather than clever or showy moves; it just happens that some techniques look damned good. The method breaks down each set of techniques into four steps, each student only progressing to the next part of the technique when they have mastered the first. This means that as a beginner you can train with more advanced practitioners straight away and never feel left behind, while allowing you to advance at your own pace. Variations in the four steps allow for overlaps and cross- referencing of responses and pressures, thus building your understanding and repertoire of combat simply and quickly. INCLUSIVITY AND DIVERSITY One thing we are at pains to point out at the LLA is the multi-cultural nature of these arts. Manuals such as I.33 & Paulus Hector Mair’s Fechbuch (amongst many others), show women and men, white and black training together and it is also known that several masters of these arts were Jewish. This diversity is part of our art and history; we feel it should be a proud part of its future. LLA has a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory behaviour or hate speech amongst its students, and aims to be a safe and welcoming space for all.

Infinite Arts

infinite arts


Anchor Point is a dynamic, one-of-a-kind community outreach and skills-training centre in Birmingham, a practical, caring response to the complex needs of inner city lives. Building on Betel UK’s 25-year track record as a national charity helping the marginalised, homeless and addicted, Anchor Point will address head-on the hardships of social exclusion, substance dependencies, family breakdown and unemployment in one of Britain’s most under-resourced urban wards. The three-fold vision is: to create a thriving community hub that integrates seven family-friendly businesses, each serving the public, that simultaneously deliver a range of employment skills and addictions- recovery training all under one roof. Anchor Point will offer a safe, welcoming environment to residents and university students of greater Aston where they can flourish. Hundreds will enjoy an impressive restaurant serving homemade food, drinks and baked goods, affordable arts performance and fitness training, a children’s softplay arena, a gender-neutral hair and nail salon, catered banqueting, plus multi-purpose meeting and conference facilities for hire. All these diverse activities inter-link, sharing one 40,000-square-foot building just outside the boundary of Birmingham’s Clear Air Zone. When compared to most other social inclusion models nationwide, Anchor Point’s multi-purpose skills training sets it apart as truly exceptional. All seven social enterprises will be staffed by recovering Betel residents, each a member of our successful, therapeutic, work-based recovery model. This means that Anchor Point not only promises essential socialising for scores of city-wide youths and families. But it will also serve as a healing, restorative workplace, helping men and women to break with substance and welfare dependencies alike. Together, the businesses will simultaneously train for future employment more than 60 men and women in the process of rebuilding their lives and families after years of life-controlling drugs and alcohol addictions, homelessness and criminal offending. Anchor Point revives the power of local community. It is a visionary investment in lives where restored men and women, now clean from addictive substances, re-build confidence and a vitally important work ethic as they “give back” to others. Inner city neighbours are likewise enriched, embracing old friends and new relationships in an atmosphere of belonging, leisure, learning and personal growth. The outcome? A swelling synergy of people’s potential, as one by one they are encouraged, equipped and empowered for purposeful new directions.

Dog Training Centre of Excellence

dog training centre of excellence


A space for each individual training session must be reserved using this website. Click here to see the Countryside Code Please take a look at Dog Training Centre of Excellence Facebook page for online training tips and activities. DTCE is one of the South East’s premier dog training facilities. Our professional instructors possess well in excess of 40 years’ experience, covering all areas of dog behaviour and positive training techniques. Our dog training classes promote responsible dog ownership and will not only teach your dog obedience and good manners, but also help you to understand the complexities of owning a dog, how to get the best from your pet and how to ensure a happy and safe pet within your home, when walking on the lead and when running in the park. At DTCE, we offer a variety of classes in a fun, patient and rewarding environment. The classes are designed to increase confidence in you as an owner and develop an understanding and permanent bond between you and your dog. We cater for all breeds and our classes start with our much loved puppy classes through varying levels of obedience, agility and scentwork training to more specialist training sessions for anti-social and difficult dogs. In addition to classes on the premises, we can offer ‘one-to-one’ sessions at locations of your choice if the group sessions are not suited or convenient to you. Shelby is nuts!! GSD Just jumping for no reason Experienced Instructors Our aim at DTCE is to provide a comprehensive dog training service which can cater for all breeds and all types of dogs. Our experienced instructors offer the very best in training techniques to ensure a happy and lasting relationship between you and your dog. We aren’t fixated on a ‘one size fits all’ approach to training - in fact there are various techniques which can achieve a successful outcome. Quite often people with aggressive or anti-social dogs find it difficult to find an establishment where their particular issues are addressed. We have shown over many years, with our training techniques, how disruptive dogs can be trained, and can become valuable pets within the home and out and about. Toby (Spaniel) flying off the A Frame at DTCE Make a Difference Set within 2 acres of Essex countryside, or our all weather floodlit manège; DTCE is one of the South East’s premier dog training facilities.

Jenny Newman

jenny newman

Providing interactive workshops in the community. I invite you to take part in community events whilst discovering and benefiting from Qi Gong, Meditation, and Sound Healing As well as being good for your posture and breathing! Qi Gong is recognised as a form of preventative medicine and studies have shown that those who practice it experience less anxiety and better moods. There’s no age limit, there’s no right or wrong, there’s just a desire to take part and nourish yourself in a shared environment. Qigong embraces nature and reminds us of the rhythm of the seasons. Movement meditations are designed for the physical benefits of improving posture and breathing as well as exploring internal resistance. The philosophy of Qigong is that nature is our teacher. Each session or workshop explores how to release tension, embrace change and harness the energy of the cycle of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. After a career in Music and the hospitality industry, I re-trained in 2010 in therapeutic sound in the community and then qualified as an instructor in Tai Chi Qi Gong. I continue to study with the Deyin institute in the practice of Tai Chi and Taoist philosophy. Having learned transcendental meditation back in the 80s, self-healing had always been of interest. Having also qualified as a masseuse I have a background in dance and a strong interest in anatomy. I continued to explore using meditation as a means of relaxation whilst incorporating sound healing and movement. My joy is working in community groups with a variety of workshops and sessions I traveled abroad in 2005 to work for a charity in Sarajevo with PTSD sufferers and took some training in this area. I felt drawn to finding ways to help people with trauma to relax and to give themselves time to heal and explore their own physical and emotional journeys. Part of finding a life balance is something we all want to explore. I found the best way for me was a mix of progression in learning as well as in giving and helping charities and worthy organisations. Here’s a list of my contributions. It’s a privilege and not always financially possible but the philosophy is that in giving we receive so it doesn’t always have to be by paying out in money.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.

International Brass Band Summer School

international brass band summer school


The IBBSS looks forward to giving our guests a warm welcome. The quality of the faculty virtually ensures a high-octane adventure for everyone involved. Located at University of Wales, Swansea, which overlooks the majestic panorama of Swansea Bay, all participants will be spoilt for choice both in the realm of music and holidaying options on offer. As in any learning situation, the bottom line rests with the quality of the faculty, and in this case, it is as good as it gets anywhere in the world. Each member of the faculty is internationally renowned, not only for their musical and performance expertise but also their social skills, a consequence of a regular diet of globe-trotting, performing and conducting master-classes to people of all ages and abilities. It was famously said of the Artistic Director, Dr. Nicholas Childs, that if he had played the cello rather than the euphonium, his name would have been Rostropovich. He is now perhaps more widely known as Artistic Director of the world-famous Black Dyke Band. Meanwhile, the instrumental tutors represent the cream of Britain’s incredibly talented core of brilliant instrumentalists: the incredible Tom Hutchinson from The Cory Band, Daniel Thomas, Richard Marshall and Brett Baker from Black Dyke, Freelance soloist Owen Farr and Gary Curtin from the Fodens Band. Under their expert tutelage you will be given the opportunity to explore new repertoire, meet new friends and generally have a fantastic time. For those applicants who possess an overwhelming desire to seriously improve their all-round playing skills and musical understanding, then, without doubt, they have chosen wisely, for the fixed intention is to provide them with a learning experience of a lifetime, whilst still allowing time and space for holiday fun. If the aim is to balance a general improvement in overall playing standards with making new like-minded friends, whilst enjoying a little more time in the sun amidst great surroundings, then look no further. In short, everyone enrolled in the summer course will be able to design a great banding holiday with precisely as much music making as is desired. The International Brass Band Summer School also caters for non-participating and non-residential visitors. For those who want to brush up on their brass band skills whilst their partners soak up the sun in a sublime environment, rest assured, this will resemble Christmas in the summer.

Tgb Academy

tgb academy


The GelBottle Academy prides itself on offering high-standard education at the forefront of the industry. Every course takes into consideration all elements of the nail world including insightful, current business and marketing tips within all courses. TGB Academy courses feature in-depth education and learning with a whole cohort of highly experienced educators. Every single one of our educators offers a wealth of marketing and business experience, hints and tips from working within the industry, as well as an extraordinary standard of nail care and technician skills. In addition, every TGB educator has to undergo an in-depth training program in house at The GelBottle HQ, ensuring that their teaching practices and nail skills are absolutely premium. All TGB Academy courses are Guild accredited, an important characteristic for any professional education which you may choose to invest in. This means you receive a recognised qualification each time you take a TGB course. This is a fantastic development to both your personal portfolio and a sturdy investment in your nail industry career. Partnering with TGB training to use our products and sitting our educational courses will re-energize your businesses and help you take your company to the next level. In such a fast-paced market, it's imperative to remain up to date with both trends, social media skills and of course, application tips and services to ensure that you provided added value to every service you offer. It's also important to be an expert in every product you use and apply within your salon environment, as this ensures you have the ultimate knowledge in regards to product and service safety and the health of your customers. Taking a TGB accredited course is the only way to guarantee absolute expertise in the system you use. All courses offer a long-term support system to ensure that your development as a student is positive and enlightening every day. This is incredibly important to us as an industry-first education center, as we want every The GelBottle customer to feel fully supported whatever career steps they may choose to make. When joining The GelBottle Academy, you are joining a journey to career development and by booking a course with us today, you'll be taking the very first steps to ensure you are becoming the best version of your professional self. What are you waiting for? Join us on your learning journey today.

Natural Animal Centre

natural animal centre


The Natural Animal Centre provides educational courses on animal behaviour, training and management. The NAC courses have been running since 1999 and have trained many animal behaviourists who have gone on to build successful careers in behaviour and training. The NAC is run by a team of industry experts and is an approved UKRS and ABTC provider, offering the highest standard of accredited courses to animal owners and professionals alike. The NAC has its own virtual learning environment that allows students from all over the world to join in with courses, lectures and webinars, ultimately fulfilling the NAC mission statement; “Positively influencing the wellbeing of animals worldwide”. Heather and Ross Simpson founded the NAC in 1997 when they opened the first centre in Sussex. In 2003, they moved to Wales and opened the second centre and they remained there until 2019 when the NAC Sanctuary moved to Chichester after Heather sadly passed away the year before. With a background in animal behaviour, Heather has published her first PhD paper on zebra behaviour working with Professor Christine Nicol of Bristol Vet School. The Natural Animal Centre ran animal behaviour courses for people to come and stay and spend weeks at a time studying the science of animal behaviour, in a centre purpose-built for the animals it was home to. The NAC then developed further and converted the EBQ and CBQ stage 1 courses into online distance learning programmes which pioneered the way that people could learn the science of animal behaviour for these species, in as much depth as they would have done in person, from home. With this step forward came the release of the EBQ Stage 2 and the CBQ Stage 2. As of 2021, the ownership of the Natural Animal Centre changed when Ross chose Alex Le Grand as a successor. Alex brought on board Debbie Busby and Aliyah Woodland to help him develop the NAC further into the future of the animal behaviour industry. The Natural Animal Centre is now managed by the new team and is re-structuring all the courses and developing them further to move in line with the animal behaviour industry becoming more controlled over the coming years. With this, new programmes are undergoing development and in 2022 there will be more courses available for owners, professionals, degree students, etc.