5060 Educators providing Environment courses delivered Online

St. Michael Archangel, Uk

st. michael archangel, uk


The Society of Saint Pius X is an international society of priests dedicated to the maintenance and celebration of the Traditional Catholic Mass. Its main purpose is the formation and support of priests who conduct apostolic work in schools and parishes all over the world. The worthy celebration of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a central tenet of Catholic spirituality. Our apostolic activity is centred around the Holy Sacrifice and all that pertains to it and our dedication to the formation of priests comes of devotion to the Mass. In 1991, in answer to families seeking a good Catholic education for their children, a small boarding school was opened in Hampshire. Staff and children were, and continue to be, able to experience the unique privilege of a Catholic environment centred around Holy Mass. With the passage of time, families and faithful have moved to the area, desirous of regular access to the sacraments. With the permanent presence of priests and religious, the school community has grown and developed into a thriving Catholic parish centred around the Tridentine Mass - the largest of its kind in the U.K. The small school chapel has long become insufficient to cater for the needs of the ever-growing number of souls in need of pastoral care. It has become urgent to relieve the school from the demands of parish ministry and to provide a dedicated space for parish growth. With over 40 baptisms in the past 3 years, it is time to rise to the challenge. We wish to build a church worthy of the Divine Guest Who seeks to give Himself to souls, a church where everyone can come to visit Him Who resides within. St. Michael’s forms the largest traditional Catholic community in the country and yet it has no church. The project is underway to give God a new house and home.

5D Health Protection Group Ltd

5d health protection group ltd


5D Health Protection Group Ltd is a globally leading accredited microbiology and contract research organisation (CRO) offering exceptional contract scientific testing services on a global scale. We are our customers partner of choice in the field of microbiology, biofilm science, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control. In particular, we have exceptional skills in standard and customised microbiological, antibiofilm, biological and antimicrobial testing. We have over 28 years experience in developing ‘fit for purpose’ scientific research and models that mimic, as close as possible, the complexities of ‘real-life’. Our Liverpool site is segregated into independent laboratory areas that provide a wide range of scientific testing support services. With a dedicated team of very highly skilled PhD scientists with specialisms in an array of different fields including microbiology, biofilms, antimicrobials, biologics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, clinical engineering, chemistry and diagnostics and biosensors, 5D are able to offer a flexible service to deliver on all your existing and on-going scientific needs. The 5D group work closely with our global customers who operate in many different sectors. These sectors include medical devices, wound care, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, veterinary medicine, oral care & dentistry, food & drink, infection prevention & control, built environment, industrial & engineered systems and potable water. We also provide and develop customer specific CPD accredited training courses as part of the 5D Education Academy. As a ‘one stop shop for all microbiology and scientific testing’ the 5D group also provide on-going advice and support to our customers during their development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. At 5D we are always advancing our skills and knowledge to improve on our existing scientific service offerings to our customers.

Tytherington School

tytherington school


We are a successful, ambitious and high-performing school at the heart of the local community. At Tytherington School, we pride ourselves on our high standards which enables us to provide first-class learning experiences for all students. As Headteacher, and a parent myself, I make no apology for having a very simple and uncomplicated view of what makes an exceptional school. At Tytherington School we have a calm and supportive environment which is characterised by respectful relationships between the teachers and students. There is a very clear focus on delivering high academic standards for all students. We encourage all students to strive to fulfil their potential wherever their interests or talents may lie. Excellent teaching and learning is at the core of our approach. We provide all our students with a forward looking and rich curriculum which allows them to develop the skills and knowledge required to grasp any opportunities the future may present. Our ethos encourages students to be articulate, resilient, courageous, curious and have the confidence to stand up for what they believe in. We are very proud of our strong culture of academic success at key stages 4 and 5. We offer a wide range of courses which enable all students to thrive. Tytherington is a safe and happy school where there is a sense of pride amongst students. If you want to know more about us please arrange a visit, we would love to see you. Mr Emmanuel Botwe MA (Oxon), Headteacher Please click the link below to hear Mr Botwe’s recent TED Talk about his values and beliefs about Education. Mr Botwe’s TED Talk Please find below the link to a podcast about Mr Botwe where he talks about Headship and the school.

Go Green Sustainability

go green sustainability


Lucy has been involved in property development and investing with developers for many years, building projects in England, Scotland, France and Barbados. Sustainable development is the only future, with our advice and unique certification, developers can be placed ahead of their competitors and create faster, easier to sell homes. Lucy relishes the opportunity to collaborate with developers to advance the use of sustainable practices during the planning stage. Please use the Contact page to get in touch about this subject. Creating Awareness Plastic in our oceans is a huge environmental and health problem. Reducing plastic from our everyday lives will help reduce the need for and cost of recycling. This is important because recycling streams are not correctly managed, and many are dysfunctional. We also need to correctly dispose of our plastic and other unwanted items, choosing to reuse, repurpose or give it away. Keeping plastic out of our oceans (and our food chain) is a big issue which is why I organise beach and underwater clean ups wherever and whenever I can. I also enjoy visiting schools to give presentations that include short videos about marine life, and coral reefs. Plus, we discuss the different types of plastic, how it is affecting the environment and how we can all try to ‘Say No To Plastic’. Please get in touch via the contact page if you would like a free school or community presentation visit, because this is something I’m passionate about doing. "Just a note to say thank you so much for the wonderful talk you gave the year 2 classes. The feedback has been amazing! All the kids were full of facts and information last night, it seems they have learnt a lot. The books have gone down a storm too and your photos are stunning. Thank you!"

Hall Farm Eastoft

hall farm eastoft


Hall Farm Eastoft has been farmed by the Coulman family for some 150 years or more and over time the land has produced a wide range of arable crops and been home to cattle, pigs, chickens and more recently alpacas. Extending to around 235 hectares (575 acres) of land the farm grow wheat, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes and grass, as well as maintaining an extensive environmental scheme to enhance the natural habitat. It is important to us to farm to the highest environmental, sustainable and welfare standards which means we subscribe to a range of key industry standards and generate much of our energy and resources from sustainable sources. As members of Red Tractor Assurance schemes for both crop production and our pig production, as well as Freedom Food, British Quality Pork and Global Animal Partnership schemes for our pigs, we ensure that all our produce meets high production standards and enters the food chain. We generate all our power from our Solar PV system, powering lights, feed systems, grain driers and our vehicles and use a Biomass boiler to provide heat. In addition, around 90% of our water use is either borehole sourced or from rainwater harvesting ensuring we minimise our use of mains, treated water and rely on naturally produced water. The farm has hosted educational visits for many years, supported by Natural England’s environmental schemes, and has developed this educational support since 2017 into a social farm engaging with young people and adults, empowering them to develop skills to enrich their learning, wellbeing and social life. With our focus on sustainable, environmentally friendly farming coupled with our increasing community of social farmers, here at Hall Farm Eastoft we aim to provide a community farming operation benefiting the environment and the local community.




My WordPress BlogWhat is Sustainable Performance? Sustainable performance is about building up your energy, and your resources, over time, instead of burning out, missing family time, or feeling misaligned with your values, or anything that matters to you. It’s about making small steps but regular progress towards your goals to attain a stronger sense of achievement & contentment overall. Sustainable Performance is about knowing yourself and letting your biology and uniqueness work for you rather than against you. SIGNUP FOR NEWS Emotional Safety in Business Unhappy employees lead to unserviced customers and unrewarded investors. Gallup – one of the biggest management consulting companies – identified in their study in over 142 countries this dreadful correlation between 👉performance, engagement & well-being👈 87% of workers report low engagement, low well-being & low performance. This translates into 1.2 billion disengaged workers around the globe. This has had a direct impact on employees’ ability to adapt to a fast-changing work environment, on their capacity to find creative solutions and anticipate forthcoming events. Lack of engagement impacts the overall team dynamics, productivity and capacity to care for each other. It also potentially increases misunderstandings, frustrations and conflicts. The live Q&A sessions Each week we cover one of the key elements of Sustainable Performance, with the purpose to reverse the vicious circle of low engagement, low well-being & low performance, into a virtuous uplifting one. The calls are limited in number so everyone has a chance to talk & make progress towards their goals (aka get more things done) whether it’s unlocking their performance at work, saving time for family, or anything else that matters to you really. It’s also an opportunity to help other participants or get inspired by them 😉 Weekly live calls currently take place on Mondays.

Trust Training

trust training

Trust Training Limited (TTL) is a leading firm specialising in the provision of Training, Workshops and other Capacity Building Services aimed mainly at supporting Donor Funded Projects with specific reference to their design, objectives and guidelines. Since 2013 that we have been in existence, we have built deeper understanding of the requirements of these interventions and how these shape project delivery expectations and hence training. Our Trainings/Workshops are deeply committed to knowledge and skills transfer. These we achieve by offering both client specific and general programmes aimed at equipping all levels of staff with relevant and practical skills Our Philosophy is to make available especially to the donor funded project community, knowledge and competence that largely exist within that larger environment in one way or the other but have become inaccessible or unavailable to some membership of that community by design or circumstance. The Trainings/Workshops bring together the Project Coordinating Units; the Beneficiary/Implementing Agencies and the Sector Agencies for “Competence& Skills Transfer” or “Capacity Building& Development” (CPD). Over the years, our Training & Workshop Business has focused on specific “Knowledge Areas” and “Markets”, hence our slogan – “Building Capacity in Donor Funded Projects”. Overtime, our engagements have evolved into what we now refer to as “SOLUTIONS BASED WORKSHOPS”. In that, we attempt to provide solutions, to the challenges faced by our clients, through Training & Workshop rather than Consulting. This has made our engagements “Tailored” or “Customised” to the client’s project, circumstances and needs. It tends to take more of a “Workshop” format than “Training” by the end of which, Knowledge and Competences are shared and gained. Participants tend to leave with some sort of “OUTLINE PLAN / FRAMEWORK” at least mentally, for the solution of their recognised needs.

The Small Woods Association

the small woods association

About Small Woods » Our History Our History Small Woods are experts in the field of sustainable woodland management and social forestry, developing to meet the needs of these growing sectors, and work in partnership with other organisations. In the beginning 1988 - National Small Woods Association (NSWA) established aimed at supporting woodland practitioners, raising the profile of the UK’s under managed small woodlands and networking best practice amongst woodland projects. With strong support from the then Department of the Environment (DOE). 1994 - NWSA and Green Wood Trust (GWT) create a woodland college in Coalbrookdale near Ironbridge 1997 - NWSA Ltd becomes a company limited by guarantee and extends work to input on national and regional policy, while increasing the range of woodland management courses on offer. 1998 – Increasing public concern for sustainable management of local and ancient woodlands Small Woods Association becomes a charity 2000 – NWSA change direction and Small Woods Association (SWA) is established as a registered charity ‘to further education in the conservation of small woodlands’ 2001 – SWA are asked to host ‘Herefordshire Sustain Project’ - a partnership of woodland sustainability projects and policy context, following a seminar hosted by HRH the Prince of Wales and the Duchy of Cornwall 2001 – SWA establish Heartwoods Ltd - to re-link the timber supply chain, requested by the Forestry Commission as a follow on to the Marches Woodland Initiative. 2002 – SWA host a new Woodland Initiatives Co-ordinator role, funded by the Forestry Commission and Countryside Agency (now Natural England), to support a network of woodland initiatives. 2005 – SWA and GWT merge based at the newly re-named Green Wood Centre in Coalbrookdale, and become a focus for the coppice and greenwood sectors.

The Compass School

the compass school

Haddington ,

A warm welcome to our school web-site! The Compass School is unique. As an independent primary school for children age 3-12, it has acquired an outstanding reputation in East Lothian and beyond for providing its children with a firm foundation for their life-long learning. At The Compass, our aim is to provide a warm and caring environment in which our children are encouraged to develop their unique gifts and talents and progress not only academically but in their confidence and self-esteem too. We strongly believe that every child has the ability to excel in some aspect of school life and we provide our children with numerous opportunities to enjoy success and to flourish, through achieving their own personal targets. At the heart of The Compass lies the principle that a child’s time at school should be a happy one. We encourage strong personal values such as care and respect for others, polite and responsible behaviour, high standards of appearance and personal organisation and our children derive great satisfaction from meeting these expectations. Consequently, they develop positive and healthy relationships based on friendship, honesty and trust. We aim to prepare children not only for their next stage of education, but for the challenges of a fast-moving and modern world where knowledge, communication and creativity will be the keys to our children’s future success. We know that the world into which our children will grow-up to work and live in their adult lives is one which will be increasingly global. The ability to communicate effectively will be key to their future success and it is essential that we provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in their working lives. We warmly welcome you to visit our school and discover more about what makes The Compass experience so unique.




ActiveHistory.co.uk is the work of Russel Tarr. I am Head of History at the International School of Toulouse. Prior to this I worked at Wolverhampton Grammar School. I have a degreee in Modern History from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. I am also a fully-qualified teacher with a PGCE from the School of Education at Birmingham University. What is ActiveHistory.co.uk? ActiveHistory.co.uk (est. 1998) provides interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, worksheets and lesson plans for teachers and students of World History. It provides materials on scores of topics from the Middle Ages to the present day, aimed at every age range between 11-18 years. It provides a highly effective means of teaching history using all the benefits of modern internet technology. ActiveHistory is a practical, continually evolving resource produced by a full-time history teacher for his students and his colleagues. All of the top activities have been produced with the classroom in mind, and are continually amended after being tried out in class by myself and other visitors. As a result the site has earned some glowing testimonials from its loyal subscribers and praise from newspapers such as the Sunday Times and the New York Times. Roger Frost in The Sunday Times wrote, "To see teaching creativity bubble onto the internet, and regain any lost joy for school, take a trip to Active History. Pick your year and topic, and discover an enjoyable, intensely hands-on learning environment...The exercises are witty, irreverent and often brilliant". Becky Hewlitt, writing the Times Educational Supplement, was of the opinion that, "If the Queen taught history then Russel Tarr would be a knight of the realm. His superb site has saved me thousands of hours of planning and is a constant source of innovative and exciting ideas."