5059 Educators providing Environment courses delivered Online

Camp Crusoe

camp crusoe


Camp Crusoe is the quintessentially British summer camp experience where campers feel connected, valued, challenged, and supported. We take having fun incredibly seriously and believe that as modern childhood is all too short we must help our kids make the most of every moment of it. While school work is a vital part of our children’s development, so too is holiday time: Camp Crusoe is very much a fun and adventurous camp and not a summer school! We are the perfect size. There are plenty of opportunities to make new friends with no more than 80 campers per session. We know every camper by name, what interests them, if they need extra support or just an open stage to shine. Over the course of camp, community bonds are forged that last well after campers return home, sometimes a lifetime. Having seen first hand how our American cousins get it so right when it comes to summer camps, we feel it is essential that every child has the opportunity to get away from home each year and enjoy a new environment, testing themselves, trying new things and making new friends, all while having fun in the great outdoors. Too much time seems to be spent cooped up with electronic gadgetry of one sort or another when there is so much fun to be had outdoors, playing with other kids in a safe and controlled setting. Our extensive program of activities from water-sports to drama, archery to photography, appeal to every type of child, offering the opportunity for each camper to grow in confidence, improve their decision making skills and maybe discover a new lifelong hobby. We don’t try to cram too much in and allow just the right amount of time for campers to hangout, make new friends and play together. We are a small, independent camp run by a close-knit team of friends and family who are committed to enriching children’s lives. The core group have many years experience working with children both on summer camps and in the classroom, and are supported by a highly trained and motivated team of camp counsellors, many of whom have worked at camp before and are planning a career working with children. Camp Crusoe is about allowing children the time and space to be exactly that - children. Fun and personal development is our ultimate aim, but we also know from experience how much children learn at camp, both about themselves and about being part of something larger than them. We hope you agree and come join us for the Camp Crusoe experience!

Crimsham Farm

crimsham farm


Crimsham Farm is a community farming project, spearheaded and run by Veterans of the ArmedForces and young adults with learning difficulties. We run a variety of weekly clubs that engage with the local community, offering a completely inclusive experience for all. The site itself has been structured on a needs led basis, built and improved at every step through engagement with our users and the wider community, additions made at their request, making us the most unique farming project in the county. Crimsham Farm also acts as an alternative education provision, providing a space away from school for students who struggle to fit with the models of mainstream education and as a therapeutic centre for students with Special Educational Needs. By 2021 we will be host to a Veterans RV where members of the Armed Forces can come for mental health assistance, support groups, drop in centres, breakfast clubs and general information and signposting to help with every day life. With a passion for the outdoors, education and needs, Crimsham Farm is pioneering the way forward in positive therapeutic interactions in a safe and disabled friendly environment, providing a space that cannot be found anywhere else in Sussex in which the local community no matter the cause, can come and join in the fun, whether that’s through reduction of social isolation, inclusion in activities or just somewhere to come for a cuppa and a chat, it can be found here on the farm any time of the day, any time of the year! We have a huge range of activities to engage in, all of which can be found here on the website, and the site is expanding and improving all the time, so if you want to get involved, but cant find your niche, drop us a message or pop by for a chat. If you are a school or charitable institution helping those struggling with mental health or disability based needs, why not come and see what we can offer your clients and students. We truly are a one stop shop for all! As a not for profit, we rely heavily on donations in order to keep up our amazing work, what with the struggles of Covid over the past year, things are even more difficult for everyone than they were before, so, if you know what we do, like what we do and want to help, why not donate now? Any amount will help. Stay local, help local, reap the rewards.

Manchester Montessori House

manchester montessori house


Manchester Montessori House is the first bilingual English- French kindergarten in Manchester, in the United Kingdom for children ages 3 to 6. Initially it had started as a Montessori group for Home Educating families in Greater Manchester in 2008. There was, and still is, a big demand for alternative education and Montessori is one of these options. Montessori methodology, well known worldwide, does offer holistic approach and supports all areas of children’s development. It places the child in the centre, where he/she can develop his/her full potential through carefully and purposefully offered ‘hands on’ activities. The highly qualify staff ( with a lot of teaching experiences), implement valuable principals of Montessori philosophy while educating young children in their formative years of grow. The staff aims are to provide Prepared Environment that enables children to express their full potential over the most important and crucial first six years of life, but also later on. Teachers are ‘to offer the child an environment rich in motives for activity, in which he/she can choose what he/she will take and use. In this choice he/she is free from any teacher’s control, or indeed from adult control in general’ (Montessori, 2007, p. 186). Children who attend to our setting are carefully observed and ‘scaffold’ by the experienced practitioners on the way to ‘Normalisation’ as Dr Montessori called this process and cited it as “the most important single result of our whole work” (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1949). Children natural phenomena, potential and internal energy horme, – ‘this universal force is not physical, but is the force of life itself in the process of evolution’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.42), are directed on the most natural way of holistic development. All the little learners are treated with the respect, are given attention they deserve, are being looked after as a unique individuals. Peers in our setting are given opportunity to grow in consistency and harmony which helps them to progress in all areas of grow ‘to follow the child, adapting himself to the child’s rhythm and the psychological needs of his growth’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.39). It is important for us that children grow in calm, safe and beautiful environment and are learning to be creators of the world around them. They acquire how to develop self-discipline, motivation and love of work as a natural response to their internal needs. Educational materials in our kindergarten are purchased from the licensed manufacturers of Montessori materials and are the same, which are taught in all over the world. The furniture are comfortable and accessible for children. All the apparatus are made of wood or natural resources and comply with high safety requirements. We focus on each child individually to help him/ her evolve the curiosity to the nature and to the surrounding world. We promote individuals who grow free, are independent, be self-motivated and confident. They are empathic and tolerant, can recognize their own feelings but also, which is very important, can respond to the needs of others. We give children the opportunity to develop according to their respective capabilities and to easily adapt themselves in multicultural societies. The Montessori system of education provides an environment rich in activities for every area of learning. Montessori called her schools “Casa dei Bambini” or “the children’s home”. In their home from home the children find room full of mysteries, challenges and discoveries. Our Montessori approach is holistic and aims to develop the whole child when they have the greatest capacity to learn. Follow by Montessori we aim to: help children become confident, compassionate, happy, calm, purposeful, free and independent, empower them and be creative. Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and to encourage in them a love of learning. Give children an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it. The Montessori Method is a dynamic and complete approach to the enrichment of young children and as such represents the very best that a parent can give during these formative years. ‘The child is in a continual state of growth and metamorphosis, where as the adult has reached the norm of the species’ (E.M. Standing, 1984, p. 106).

344 Dance School

344 dance school



344 DANCE SCHOOL is based at DANCE STATION, Alexandra Park, Fishponds, a building comprising 3 fully equipped dance studios, a lecture and music room, changing rooms, rest areas, a studio theatre and a Dancewear shop - KATHY'S DANCEWEAR. Our lessons also operate in rented premises in 8 branches covering the Bristol area:- Church House, Long Ashton The Village Hall, Emersons Green Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke The Batch, Warmley 467c Wells Road, Knowle The Village Hall, Wickwar Children and adults can learn for fun or they can take advantage of the many opportunities offered to them including exams with the ISTD, RAD, LAMDA and LCM; shows; competitions; workshops and masterclasses; summer schools and many other performance opportunities. All our exams are held at our own premises as we are an Approved Exam Centre for all the above examining boards. Whether you dance at Dance Station or one of our branches, the school has a positive, fun, atmosphere to bring out the love of dance and help you get the most out of your lessons. Dance is a performing art and with our beautiful studios and theatres, performance opportunities can be developed to the full. STUDIOS are also available for hire at both our Fishponds and Knowle Branches. FOR CHILDREN it is a chance to learn a variety of dance styles, be creative and make friends wiith similar interests outside of their school groups, build confidence and sociial skills, develop good poise, posture and discipline all within a safe environment with highly respected, experienced and qualified teaching staff. FOR ADULTS we have one of the largest selection of classes in Bristol, catering for all levels from beginners to advanced and for all ages - some of our dancers are over 80 years so it is never too late to learn! We have a great social atmosphere at Dance Station and extra activities often include theatre trips, dance social evenings and meals out. We are also on MOVE GB so if you are a member you can take advantage of their rates. FOR THE SERIOUS DANCER we are able to push you to achieve your maximum potential through the large range of classes and dance techniques on offer, variety of teaching staff, and availability of masterclasses with professionals, and opportunities for private tuition to enable you to compete at the highest levels. We also train Dance Teachers as well as professional dancers, and our teachers are spreading their knowledge all over the country and indeed, the World! Ex-students have gone on to full-time vocational training at such places as Elmhurst, Hammond, The Royal Ballet, Laine Theatre Arts, Rambert, Northern Ballet School, Northern Contemporary, London Studio Centre, Arts Ed, Italia Conti, Bodyworks, Masters, Millenium, Bird, Performers, Wilkes & Liberatus as well as our own 16+ vocational course. Careers have included West End performing, Cruise Ship Performing, National and International tours, Pantomimes, Holiday resort entertaining and teaching opportunities around the world.





The vision of the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health is to nurture health and inspire well-being in all people. This ultimate goal is supported by our mission to: Provide the highest quality healthcare by blending proven conventional and complementary medicine approaches from around the world, Create outstanding integrative health leaders through transformative education and training, and Advance the science of integrative health by conducting and disseminating rigorous research. Values Our work is guided by and infused with a commitment to the values of: Whole-person care: Our comprehensive, team-based approach acknowledges all aspects of each individual — body, mind, and spirit Equity: We welcome and respect all people, value diversity, and strive for inclusivity. We are committed to improving integrative health care for members of medically underserved communities Compassion: We foster empathy and attend to the influence of social, cultural, and historical contexts on health, health behaviors, and access to health care Collaboration: We promote interprofessional teamwork among our clinicians, educators, and researchers, and build partnerships across UCSF and internationally Focus on wellness: We emphasize health promotion and illness prevention, as well as treatment of disease Empowerment: We provide resources and tools that cultivate resilience and engage each person’s unique healing abilities Osher Center Building The Osher Center for Integrative Health is housed in the Osher Building, located on the UCSF Mount Zion Campus. The five-story structure was designed by KMD Architects with the goal of creating a healing environment. The exterior of the building, veneered in brick and wood resin materials, was designed to be responsive to the surrounding neighborhood, and the construction followed sustainable building practices that received LEED Silver certification from the United States Green Building Council. The interior space of the Osher Center incorporates nature, natural light and fresh air, simply organized spaces, and pleasant colors and textures. Spaces are intimate and friendly and promote relaxation. The Osher Center also includes features not typically found in conventional medical clinics or academic institutions, such as large group rooms for yoga and meditation instruction, the Takahashi Japanese Healing Garden, and treatment rooms for acupuncture, massage therapy, biofeedback, and mind-body awareness. Our facility contributes to the well-being of its staff and faculty occupants and supports the healing process of patients.