579 Educators providing Entrepreneurship courses delivered Online

Amala Education

amala education


Amala (formerly known as Sky School) was conceived in 2017, in response to the gap in quality education provision for displaced youth. Our name is inspired by the Arabic word for hope, which our education embodies. We believe that young refugees - as all people - have a right to quality education. Yet, fewer than one in three refugees are able to complete their secondary education and only 6% are able to access higher education. In 2016, Amala co-founders Mia and Polly were working on a prestigious scholarship; the programme admitted refugees to schools around the world to complete their upper secondary education. They found that for every scholarship place available, hundreds of promising applicants were turned away. Their subsequent research showed that there were few educational opportunities available for refugee youth aged 16-25, many of whom are forced to drop out of educational systems due to the barriers they face. The idea for Amala was born: to provide transformational learning programmes for displaced youth and their host communities to improve their lives today and open up opportunities for the future. Amala has two key programmes: The Amala High School Diploma, the first high school diploma designed for and with refugee youth, and Changemaker Courses in areas such as Peace-building, Ethical Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship. Amala supports students to access further opportunities for education, training and work beyond their studies. Read more about our programmes here. Amala’s curriculum has been developed with the support of our educational partner UWC South East Asia, one of the largest international schools in the world with an expertise in values-based curriculum development, and led by UWCSEA’s former Director of Teaching and Learning Stuart MacAlpine, in collaboration with refugee youth and 150 educators. Amala learning focuses on the development of learner agency as well as competencies that enable learners to make change in their lives and communities. Amala learning is delivered through a blended learning model and in light of Covid-19 many courses have been adapted to an online model. Amala programmes are delivered both directly by Amala and in collaboration with partners whose missions are aligned to our own. Through collaborating with partners we have been able to bring transformational education to refugees in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Read more about where we work here and how to become a partner here. Amala is established as a non-profit organisation in the United Kingdom, and our remote team spans London, Singapore, Greece, Jordan and Kenya.

LearnDrive UK

learndrive uk



WELCOME TO LEARNDRIVE! YOUR TRUSTED ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM! We Learndrive, are on a mission to provide easily accessible quality education and training for everyone around the world. As an online training provider, we strive to provide courses to help our learners achieve their academic and career goals. Learndrive offers a wide range of courses that are tailored to make them useful to individuals who are willing to learn. We are constantly working on delivering new and on-demand courses for our learners.   OUR MISSION & VISION The 4th industrial revolution is currently happening. Our mission at Learndrive is to empower organisations and individual employees so that they can adapt to this new way of living. We do so by providing flexible, effective skills training.  Here at Learndrive, we believe in expertise. Rather than providing shallow materials,  we provide a sophisticated platform on which the real subject experts can share knowledge with you- the learners. We provide premium learning materials so you can land your dream job. Learndrive has a clear mission; that is to get you ready for the new tech-based industrial era. The need for career advancement in this era goes far beyond mere training. Gaining in-depth subject knowledge is essential to unlocking your career goals. For this reason, we have a team that constantly works on producing premium learning materials.  Achieving our vision requires us to go to the experts in their relevant fields. With expert-written learning materials at Learndrive, you can enhance your credibility and boost your earning potential.  We want to help you reach the top of your career. The thousands of courses we offer are tailored by professionals in different fields so that you can easily grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.  Our courses are based on industry-relevant curriculum with audio and video modules. We also offer assignments that test your learning and hone your skills. We also aid our learners to adapt to the updated industry compliance and practices. We offer our courses to students from the UK and all over the world. The focus of our organisation is to make you ready for the new industrial era. We offer our best to you without regard to race, language, or nationality.

The MasterHearting Club

the masterhearting club

You may be familiar with masterminding, where a group of like-minded individuals get together (in person or online) to support each other, exchange ideas, discuss challenges and so on. They can be executives or any other professional, but are often business owners/entrepreneurs, where people around them on a daily basis usually do not have the same priorities or outlook and so cannot understand the unique challenges they face. Hi, I’m Arthur Kendall, founder of the Masterhearting Club. I had been wanting to set up some sort of masterminding group for some time when one day, in late 2018, I read about a new approach, which instead of focussing on solving problems using the mind, people would use the heart as the guide. This immediately resonated with me and I decided to set up a platform which would allow people (of any background) to set up private or semi-private groups – where certain things can be shared with the wider community. In the first instance I intend to use this online platform to organise a small beta group, with a couple of local friends plus a couple of remote members, to test this dynamic, all of whom have an entrepreneurial streak, though quite different backgrounds, which is important, to allow different perspectives on our challenges. Since I live in a fairly rural area, albeit a provincial capital, a major motivator was to allow closer connections to be formed with people around the world who share a similar worldview on consciousness, leadership and entrepreneurship. This will allow members to spend time with people who more closely align with our international entrepreneurial outlook and desire to make the world a better place. At the same time, I can help others achieve the same and create their own groups within this heart-centred, conscious business community. So this is your community. Not like you read in so many sites and marketing blurbs. I may be the originator, but this thing is bigger than me, the universe is creating it, initially through me, but as a way to bring people together that will evolve it in ways I cannot even yet conceive. I will not set direction and insist on strategies to get to where I want to go. That is the conventional “predict and control” model, which I know is destined for the history books. My model is the “sense and response” model, and I will use it to adapt the site, and as more come on board, you will also contribute to its destiny. Thank you for your interest in the Masterhearting Club and I hope your membership will be as transformational for you as it is for me.