1253 Educators providing English courses in London

Spread Ur Wings

spread ur wings


Before living in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India, I hadn’t thought much about menstruation. I was the last one in my class to get my period and when I did, my dad bought me flowers and my mother wanted to throw me a period party. With such a body-positive family, I felt like periods were, if anything, too much in the limelight. While working for a local non-governmental organization (NGO) in UP, I surveyed hundreds of girls in rural villages to ask what they needed. What I heard over and over again was: We need information about how our bodies work, why we change during puberty, and how to care for ourselves. So I began sitting in on menstrual hygiene trainings, studying best practices from other local NGOs, and learning how to conduct my own. The overwhelming majority of women and girls with whom we spoke used mattress stuffing or dirty rags as pads and hadn’t learned about menstruation until they’d already begun bleeding. I couldn’t stop imagining how terrifying it would be to suddenly begin bleeding profusely from my genitals without understanding why it’s happening. Story after story solidified my devotion to assist these girls in knowing and loving their bodies. One girl recounted how her friend died of an infection. As a sanitary napkin, the friend used a dirty rag that had cleaned a bicycle. She was then too ashamed of her vaginal discomfort to seek medical help. I began realizing what those in this field already know: this issue requires widespread attention. And this issue requires much more than briefly supplying girls with information and sanitary napkins. If girls internalize they are inherently impure, then they’re set up for a life of devaluing their bodies. The social norms and mindsets of shame surrounding vaginas and periods have fatal and traumatic psychological consequences. I created Spreading Your Wings to help address these obstacles. No other Hindi or English comic book exists that speaks to the rural specific logistical and social challenges these girls face. The book incorporates metaphors, games, and explanations that my team and I have seen resonate with girls in our trainings. We strive to not just equip girls with accurate and relatable information, but to help them reframe the very way that they see their bodies, to transform the shame they feel into pride. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about Spreading Your Wings and this issue we care deeply about. To learn more about this issue and why it's important, check out my article, "Becoming a Menstruating Woman." We’d be overjoyed if you helped us spread the word. Thanks again!

LSI Language Studies International

lsi language studies international



LSI has an extensive network of schools located around the world . You can learn English in one of our schools in England, Canada, the USA, New Zealand or Australia. We also have language centres in France and Switzerland. LSI also works with partner language schools in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica. All our schools are modern and equipped with the latest technology. They are in the centre of attractive city destinations. LSI teachers possess solid teaching skills and all staff have been carefully selected to ensure a friendly and helpful service can be extended to all LSI students. They are on hand to guide you through your studies. Whatever your present level in the language you wish to learn, whatever your needs, this website will take you to the right language course for you. LSI has one aim and purpose: to ensure that you get the best possible language learning experience. Our website will tell you most things you need to know about Language Studies International (LSI). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience guarantees your success. Since 1965 we have successfully taught thousands of students from all parts of the world. Below are some of the reasons why... International atmosphere You will meet students from all over the world and share the experience of learning a foreign language. Central locations With centrally located schools in some of the most desirable cities in the world, LSI students have access to a wide variety of social and cultural activities. We will find the right level for you On your first day, we will establish your level and needs with a written test and an interview, and place you in the best class for your level. Interactive classrooms At LSI, languages are taught in a dynamic and energetic way. We believe active communication in the classroom is the most effective way of learning – by speaking you will achieve fluency. Language competence certificate You receive a certificate on your last day, stating the course attended and the level attained, as proof of your language competence. A report is available if required. Quality inspected homestays Contact with other students and local people makes sure you practise these skills outside the classroom. Multicentre courses Multicentre Courses allow you to learn and live the language in more than one LSI location. Small classes, excellent teachers Regular individual counselling and effective course design ensure that you make rapid progress in key communication skills. Our teachers are carefully selected, friendly, helpful, and ready to listen. Fully equipped language centres LSI Language Centres are fully equipped with up-to-date materials and resources in comfortable surroundings. Computer rooms are readily available for use during lessons or for self-study. Programmes range from intonation practice to grammar and vocabulary development. Free WiFi LSI students receive FREE WiFi internet access in school.

London Pco Licence And Training Centre

london pco licence and training centre


We at London PCO Licence and Training Centre have helped over 500 people to get PHV drivers’ licence. You will be benefited from our 5+ years of professional experience & we will guide & support you step by step so that everything is processed evenly. A private hire driver licence is beneficial as you can work at your own convenient time and get more flexibility in your working life. However, getting the PCO licence, is a complex process as you must provide different documents to start your application. We are here to guide you step-by-step throughout the process to get the licence as fast as possible. We will help you to prepare all your documents for DBS check, TFL registration, Application form, medical check-up, DVLA check-code and attend to any queries or letter send over to you by TFL during this time. We help and support you to make all the steps as smooth as possible by resolving any issue you might have during the entire process. To assist and guide you more to pass the assessments designed by TFL, we provide a variety of training options and packages. You can even customize your own training package with us as per your need and budget. All our courses are designed following TFL syllabus, and we use the actual exam software to enhance your skills which will make you fully ready to pass the test confidently and obtain the licence afterwards. We know the reading & understanding capability of everyone is not alike and that’s why we have designed the whole course and training tools in a compatible way to meet different needs, so everyone can possess a clear concept. We deliver professional training at a convenient and easy pace, while making all the contents of the syllabus understandable for you.

Kids In Kathmandu Nepal

kids in kathmandu nepal


Kids in Kathmandu Nepal (KIKN) charity has been set up to provide help and support to orphans and disadvantaged children and young people, mainly living in and around the Kalimati area in Kathmandu. The Objects of the Charity are: To relieve the poverty of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by the provision of clothing, equipment and other goods for daily living, and To advance in life and relieve the needs of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by providing support, facilities and activities which assist in advancing their education and developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible adults. The Charity has two main strands of work: The first is the sponsorship of individual children from both the Save Lives Foundation Orphanage and from local schools. In December 2018, our sponsors are supporting 31 children and young adults. The second is to enhance educational opportunities by improving infrastructure and facilities at two local schools, and a home for disabled children. The Charity’s income comes from the sponsors of individual children, from fund raising events, from grants for specific projects, and one-off and regular donations from its supporters. Sponsorship pays for the school fees, all the educational materials and school uniforms required for the sponsored children’s schooling. In addition, those sponsored children who are living at home are each given an emergency lamp and a specially made table to enable them to continue studying during the regular power cuts in the long winter evenings. We purchased a small generator for the orphanage, where eight of the sponsored children live. We now have sponsored children entering higher education, and the Charity is committed to fund the additional fees and maintenance, whilst studying for degrees or other vocational courses. To date KIKN has two graduates, four undergraduates and fifteen doing A-level equivalent. Schools: We fund infrastructure and equipment projects and breakfast clubs at The Shree Neel Barahi School, Lubhoo School, Ishwor School, Shree Buddha School, Saraswati School and the Adarsha School. We also fund 0.5 salary of a computer teacher and a karate teacher at Shree Neel Barahi School, following the purchase of 35 computers and the installation of solar panels (due to daily power cuts). We were greatly assisted by grants from Futures for Kids, a UK charity. Extra-curricular Activities: All sponsored children are offered the opportunity to attend English tuition classes. At the Shree Neel Barahi School, we fund karate and Nepalese dancing classes, open to all pupils at the school. Chief Officer/Founder, Lai See Chew, visits Kathmandu each year to ensure that the Charity’s funds have been distributed and utilised according to the Charity’s Objects, as approved by the Trustees. If you would like to know more, please visit our projects page.