4995 Educators providing English courses delivered Online

The Academy Of Franchising

the academy of franchising

Welcome to The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning, universally known simply as "The Academy" to all, is an extraordinarily professional association of second language instructional institutions that are now franchised and available across the USA. We appreciate your interest in The Academy, and we welcome you to our franchise website. There is much information to review on our website. We encourage you to preview our entire website before contacting us about the possibility of franchise ownership as a Regional Developer or as a Franchisee. You may also be interested in our other franchised instructional institutions, Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention www.theacademyfranchise.org and Academy of English Language Learning www.theacademyenglishfranchise.com - All schools are available for franchising in major metropolitan areas across the USA, providing professional-level instruction to many of the same students, which makes these schools a superior tandem franchise team. We look forward to hearing from you. We strongly encourage detailed and lengthy communication by telephone where questions and answers are best related. Our franchising process is detailed later in our website. Completion and submission of our Questionnaire will permit the optimum level of discourse throughout the process, so we encourage you to complete it and submit it at your earliest convenience. Once again, welcome to The Academy! About The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning is headquartered in the Phoenix, Arizona area. It is universally known simple as "The Academy." It is owned by Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc., an Arizona corporation. Its sister instructional institutions are Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention and Academy of English Language Learning. The Academy [Academy of Second Language Learning] has developed and written the methods and practices, course curriculums, and text/work books for its professional private instructional institution that is now a Franchise. For its second language courses, The Academy has recorded its own proprietary audio recordings.

Winford Bilingual Primary School

winford bilingual primary school

Our goal is to prepare your child for life beyond the primary classroom. During their time at our school, they follow the Dutch, UK, and IPC curriculum. This approach provides children with a very solid emotional, intellectual, and cultural basis for secondary schooling. True bilingualism allows students to pursue their secondary education in the Dutch or International environments successfully. Winford Bilingual's whole-child approach integrates Montessori ideals of independence, curiosity, love of learning, and a sense of community. What makes us special? Two Teachers Per Classroom Each classroom has a fully qualified English and Dutch speaking teacher. Each teacher speaks their native language to our students, and all subjects are taught in both languages. Click here for more information. Child-Focused With no more than 20 children per classroom, we are able to focus on each individual child. Our teachers meticulously craft each and every lesson to ensure the progress and development of their students. Click here for more information. Comprehensive Bilingual Curriculum All subjects are taught in Dutch and English throughout the school day. Children complete the Dutch, UK, and IPC curriculum and become fluent in both languages. Click here for more information. Multi Age Classrooms Children love to learn from other children and this provides great mentoring opportunities for students. This also allows us to teach to ability, so that we can focus on the best education for each child. Click here for more information. Flexible Holidays As a global school, we know how important world travel and exploring is for all learners. Winford Bilingual offers the advantage of a flexible holiday schedule. Click here for more information. Dutch and International Students Our school community reflects the multicultural population of Amsterdam. It provides a warm and supportive environment throughout primary schooling.

The Campion School

the campion school


The Campion School aims to be an outstanding Roman Catholic school with a strong and united community in which everyone contributes to the school’s religious and educational objectives. The school was established by the Society of Jesus in 1962 and it bears the name of one of the most famous English Jesuits who was martyred for the Faith in 1581, Edmund Campion, S.J. The school has developed its own distinctive Catholic ethos and traditions, building on those first endowed upon it by the Jesuits. It seeks to draw on the long-established Jesuit educational ideals of a Catholic community in which endeavour and opportunity lead students to the highest levels of achievement. The most recent Diocesan and Ofsted inspections described the school as an ‘outstanding Catholic school’ and a ‘good school with many outstanding features’. We are proud of our successes and have ambitious plans to develop and improve the school further. “Success and personal endeavour are encouraged, rewarded and celebrated. There is a strong ethos of not only wanting to do well but about being proud of doing so.” We have a long-standing tradition of providing a rich and varied curriculum to stimulate and interest students. Each individual is given the appropriate support to achieve their full potential. For example, students who are particularly gifted or talented may be offered courses operated by the London Borough of Havering and during lessons they are often given extension work to stretch and challenge. In 2019, our Year 11 students achieved excellent GCSE results, with 89% achieving grade 4 and above in English and mathematics. Furthermore, 43% of students achieved the EBacc. The numbers achieving two good grades in science and at least one good grade in a modern foreign language are also very high by local and national comparisons.

Unleashed Pawtential

unleashed pawtential


People sometimes ask me about why I do what I do and how I got started. So I thought I would tell you the story of how the Fairydogmother was born. ONE MAN AND TWO DOGS Billy was one of my first dogs. Born on Valentines day 1996 he bounced into our lives at 8 weeks old: an adorable white English Bull Terrier puppy with one brindle ear and an attitude. Billy was a ‘special’ dog; one of those naughty but nice dogs you can’t help but love because they make you laugh, but also drive you to distraction because of their behaviour. Billy was a spinning/tail chasing, attention seeking nightmare who refused to let go of anything he was having fun with. Billy was never aggressive, he just loved to play tuggy. Unfortunately Billy liked playing tuggy with everything he could get his teeth into – hosepipes still attached to the tap, branches still attached to trees. He destroyed my mum’s lawnmower when she left him unattended in her garden for a mere 30 minutes, he played tuggy with my sister’s curtains and once sank his teeth into a live electric cooker cable sticking out of the wall when we were renovating the kitchen. The only reason he survived that particular game of tug was lightening quick reflexes turning the power off! Billy was a nightmare, but I loved him and wanted to help him and make our lives easier. Billy had lit the spark in my interest in dog behaviour, so I really got stuck into finding out how I could help change his behaviour and started doing Dog Behaviour courses in 2001 – 2003. Fast forward a few years (after having two children that kept me busy and interrupted my studies) I now had a new dog; Lola who was a two and a half year old rescue who had been abandoned in a flat to starve. She was absolutely wonderful, except for one thing; her obsession with footballs. I discovered said football obsession when I decided to take her to my eldest son’s football match one very wet, muddy Saturday morning. I walked up to the edge of the pitch with Lola on a lead and she spotted the football … and ran for it (she is a hefty American Bulldog x Staffy) and, taken by surprise and suddenly helpless on the other end of the lead she dragged me face down in the mud, slowly but surely trying to make progress towards the ball being kicked around the pitch. Watched by all the other parents I had to be unceremoniously rescued from the quagmire. Lola’s sheer determination to get at footballs wasn’t getting any better and a friend of mine said to me that if I went to see Keith, a dog trainer who helped run a local rescue, he would be able to help. So I rang and booked an appointment and I went to see him … and that day changed everything. He didn’t just help with Lola, he offered to teach me real hands on dog training working with dogs at the rescue. As long as I turned up regularly and got stuck in, that was the deal, and I was eager to start.

Coppice Designs

coppice designs


Saffron Walden

Hello, my name is Andy Basham and I first got interested in coppice crafts and woodmanship through conservation work, mainly coppicing ancient woodlands. I was running a cane furniture workshop and material supply business at the time. Soon I realised I wanted to 'convert' to using local materials and traditional tools / practices. English woodland, particularly the uses for the underwood or coppice, became my passion. After selling my cane furniture business in London and moving to Norfolk, I took up hurdle making in willow osier, also rustic furniture, even making plantable live willow chairs and benches. I displayed and demonstrated my wares at craft fairs and built up a whole range of items to sell, including rakes, besoms and walking sticks. Seems to me very right that the best quality, or perhaps the most individual or unusual sticks occurring in nature, should be ear marked for walking sticks, after all they will be always close to hand even if not used every day. Its a strong link twixt ourselves and mother nature. What Andrew offers a range of greenwood products & services from the hazel woodland he helps manage. Utilising coppice wood and his palette of traditional skills he can weave a bespoke in-situ hazel hurdle; runs hazel chair making courses; and has a vast array of handmade hazel products - from pea sticks to faggots, from thatching spars to rake tines. See greenwood products from Coppice Designs for full list of creations >> Ethics I don't travel far for my raw materials, most is only a short bike ride away. This cuts down on 'wood miles' reducing our carbon footprint and supports the local economy. For these reasons I don't encourage people to travel long distances for my products or material. Carriage can be arranged for finished products and raw materials. Be warned this can be expensive as most of what I deal in is bulky and/or heavy. Where An old hand at woodland management Andrew is now based near Saffron Walden, North Essex. He demonstrates and displays his craft at country fairs mainly in East Anglia. See our events programme. You are welcome to view his products, contained in his 'show shed', next to his workshop at the new courses venue, Bridge Meadows, Springhill, Widdington, CB11 3SU, strictly by appointment. >>Jacob Lambert < Jacob Lambert models a "living willow chair". Want to make your own chair? See our courses page. Work Experience and Apprentceships Jacob Lambert (pictured left) got in touch and after a period of work experience became a successful apprentice. Get in touch with Andy to discuss the possibilities. Hales Wood, NNR/SSI I lead volunteer work parties at the reserve. We warmly welcome new volunteers. Coppicing is probably the best example of permaculture beneficial to man and beast (and plants!). The intricacies and diversity is mind blowing, please get involved if its not too far to come. Bring all your mates - in one car to make the journey count! Email me directly to be put on our specific Hales wood vols newsletter/mailing list for dates and other news. Become a part of the solution to climate change, instantly improve your carbon footprint, learn how, come along. While you need to be reasonably able/fit, no experience is necessary.