4993 Educators providing English courses delivered Online

Antai Fintech Global

antai fintech global


We host a team of cognoscente educators that understand your core-drive to learn and that a learner’s nature is to jump in-between pathways, collecting all the knowledge that possibly exists. We offer the opportunity for you to choose and relocate between technical, vocational, and academic pathways. We make it feasible for you to change your educational module as your goals change without compromising the quality of learning facilities. AFG has collaborated with the finest and most-suited education providers to upscale your experience in a foreign land. With our increased support, continued assistance, and rewarding career guidance, you are bound to become the person of your dreams. Our vision compels us to create a homely environment for learners coming-in from lands far away and twist the wrists of educational boundaries while setting benchmarks for those who aspire to learn. Mission Mission Unclipping the wings of the learners who are kept from the scope of skies! We aim at guiding young learners to explore the depths of education, opportunities, and career trails without feeling restricted. One must always advocate perseverance and have a quest for curiosity. We encourage an expedition to seek answers, ask questions and challenge the customary by taking a road less traveled. Vision Education is a global phenomenon that is only kept alive when shared and appreciated. Antai Fintech Global inspires students from across the world to put resources into their dreams while giving them a stage to analyze, seek after, and live-through quality training experiences at leading universities. With our world-class education and an unconventional teaching approach, we equip our students with the ability to create new career paths, pave their own paths, and win at life with holistic development. Education Keys to a Successful Career AFG allows you to become more independent with your decision and take-up the right career path that leads you towards your unique goal. This pursuit is conquered by advancing your potential through the following means: Skills Assessment tool: To bring out your best version, you need to know your strength and weakness. Through our assessment tools, we measure your aptitude for the desired career plan. Expert Guidance: Providing assistance by experts who help you become industry-ready after A level or the final year of schooling. We examine your current profile to expedite the future prospects and aim for the right opportunity that guides you towards that ‘breakthrough.’ Understanding the global trend: It’s crucial that you understand the global dynamics of the industry you’re pursuing and equip yourself with the suitable skills to accredit your educational qualification.




If you attend one of our accredited qualification courses, we are also required to collect and hold information about your household situation. This includes whether or not you are the only adult in the household, if any adults in the household are in work, and if there are any children living in the household. It also includes your National Insurance number, employment status and the length of time you have been in this employment. Other types of information collected and held include your highest previous qualification, if you have achieved level 2 in maths or English and any learning difficulties and/or disabilities you have that may impact on your learning. What will we use your data for? Educafe CIC receive Adult Education Budget (AEB) funding from Local Authorities / the Department for Education via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to support the delivery of education to adults over the age of 19 years from local authority. To receive the funds the service must comply with the ESFA Funding Rules which state we have to collect certain data from you when you enrol upon a course, draw up an individual learning plan or complete post-course evaluation forms/surveys. You can read the rules online at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sfa-funding-rules. We collect “special category” data in respect of any learning difficulties or disabilities you have in order to make sure that we can make adjustments for you to learn effectively. We only use this data for that purpose, and it is only shared with the express purpose of ensuring you can access learning that is in line with the requirements of The Equality Act 2010. We are required to collect and process this data as a condition of receiving funding under SFA funding rules. The data may be also be used to carry out research on the impact of the courses and/or promote other courses or learning opportunities. Who will see your data? Your data will be seen by the Educafe, the local authority and authorised employees in the community learning service. If it is used for marketing and research purposes it may also be seen by third party organisations contracted by Educafe CIC to carry out this role. The ESFA reserve the right to access these records as part of any audit they undertake in order to satisfy themselves that learners exist and the funding is being used in accordance with the ESFA Funding Rules. The ESFA Privacy Notice is available here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice Why are we doing this? We are legally processing your personal data through your contract (the enrolment form) to attend an Adult Education Budget funded course. This part of the processing is necessary to provide you with the service you have requested. Educafe CIC is working with local authority Community Learning services acting in the public interest. As such, some processing will take place for these purposes. There is also a legal basis for the processing we undertake, as the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 requires the School to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). You are under no obligation to give the School permission to use your data for marketing and research purposes, it’s your choice. This is clearly marked on the enrolment form as an “opt-in”. If you don’t wish to be contacted, simply leave the relevant boxes blank. If you opt-in and subsequently decide you don’t wish to hear from the School in the future, just let us know by responding to the emails you receive – we’ll remove you from the distribution list. How long will your data be kept? You have a number of rights when it comes to the data we hold about you. These are detailed on our request form that also allows you to make a request for us to take action about something. Data will be kept for a maximum of 5 years. How is your data stored and processed? All your data is put on Educafe’s Records system, which is a secure database and management information system. Your paper records are initially stored securely in locked filing cabinets at either Educafe CIC or at the local authority. Transfer overseas Your data will not be stored or sent outside of the UK.