2325 Educators providing Engineering courses delivered Online

Exceed Worldwide

exceed worldwide


Exceed Worldwide, with partners, has established Schools of Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) in five countries in Southeast and South Asia – Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. With the exception of the Philippines, our Schools train Prosthetist Orthotists to International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Category 2 standards. The Philippines School trains students to ISPO Category 1 standard. In addition, our Cambodian School trains P&O technicians. This course has been recommended for ISPO Category 3 accreditation and is awaiting certification. Exceed works closely with ISPO to gain and maintain international accreditation standards and all of our P&O schools work closely with key partners, including government ministries, institutions of third-level education disabled persons’ organisations and other NGOs, to ensure that programme curricula comply with national standards and that graduates of P&O schools are recognised as health care professionals who can be integrated in national health systems. Places at our first, internationally-acclaimed school in Cambodia (established in 1994) are offered to students from other lower and middle income countries and this school will offer a course at ISPO Category 1 level from 2021. DEVELOPING CLINICAL SERVICES Courses at each P&O school focus on theory and practice, with a strong emphasis on practical training in teaching clinics which emphasise the importance of establishing and delivering care to national and international standards. Exceed P&O centres provide high quality, free or very low cost physical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. ADVOCACY We work at grass roots level with teachers, community leaders and families to encourage understanding of the needs and abilities of children and adults with disabilities and promote their inclusion in local communities and society in general. We also collaborate with national and international resource holders and policy makers, including national governments, ISPO and WHO, to ensure that equal rights and the inclusion of persons with disability is high on the agenda. COMMISSIONING ACTION-BASED RESEARCH Lack of hard data and high quality research on the impact of disability, the needs of people with disabilities and the design, development and assessment of support services is a critical issue. To address this well-documented research and data deficit, Exceed has founded and co-ordinates the Exceed Research Network (ERN), an international research consortium involving universities, NGOs, P&O businesses and eminent social, P&O and engineering researchers and practitioners from these sectors. ERN is a young organisation, but Network partners are already carrying out applied research to address a range of P&O and disability issues. OFFERING COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATION Exceed Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) activities reflect ISPO and WHO guidelines. Our community teams focus on the identification of people with disabilities who need support, referral for treatment at Exceed centres and follow-up support. This support enables children, young people and adults with disability to access education and training, gain employment or start small businesses. We also work with community projects that directly address poverty and the exclusion of people with disabilities from mainstream development assistance. DEVELOPING NEW APPROACHES TO SERVICE PROVISION 80% of those who need P&O services do not have access to them. Resources are scarce and Exceed believes that the future provision and expansion of P&O services to an adequate level will depend on creative co-operation between governments, the private sector, NGOs and donors to develop new service models. Exceed believes that social enterprise (a business that uses its profits for social impact) will play an important role in this mix and has launched Exceed Social Enterprises as a vehicle to access private wealth to support charitable services.

The University of Huddersfield

the university of huddersfield


Whatever you aim to do in life, it pays to get a good education. And with high standards of teaching and learning and excellent facilities that's exactly what our students can expect from the University of Huddersfield. Based right in the town centre and at the heart of the local community, we help thousands of people, from school leavers to those returning to education after a gap, achieve their goals each year. Why do nearly 20,000 students choose to study at Huddersfield? Excellence The University of Huddersfield is a growing centre of research and excellence and we always push the boundaries of knowledge. The University of Huddersfield achieved a Gold Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) award in June 2017. This award expired in June 2021 and the scheme is currently being revised. We look forward to being reassessed when the awards are re-opened in 2023. We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017). Triple proof of teaching excellence; our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2022). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best. We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 20 since 2008 (2022 data). We've world-leading applied research groups in biomedical sciences, engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Judges highlighted the University’s outstanding record for student satisfaction and employability with the University placed in the top ten in the country in both categories. We asked our staff and students why they thought the University of Huddersfield won the University of the Year award. Here's what they said. Employment We have an impressive record for graduate employment, with 96.5% of our undergraduate and 96.6% of postgraduate students in work or further study within fifteen months after graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20, UK domiciled, other activities excluded). The University places a great deal of importance on industry experience and therefore 100% of our undergraduate students have the opportunity to undertake professional work experience during their studies. Enjoyable Since 2008, £156 million has been spent on campus development making sure our students have access to some of the best facilities in the country. Our campus also has a vibrant social scene and we have a very active Students’ Union with more than 110 clubs and societies. Enterprising The University is growing its reputation as a leader in the field of enterprise. In 2012 the University was awarded the prestigious Times Higher Education Entrepreneurial University of the Year and followed this up in 2013 and 2022 when it was awarded a Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: International Trade. Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation, also received an individual Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Then in 2019 our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bob Cryan, won the Examiner Business Person of the Year award. We have helped a number of graduates to set up their own successful businesses and have a fantastic Enterprise Team who are here to help students get their business ideas off the ground. The Enterprise Hub, housed in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, is a great hub for students who wish to set up their own business and provides a great opportunity to network with other students and local businesses.