35 Educators providing Engineering courses in Edinburgh

TCD Research Development Office - RDO

tcd research development office - rdo



Research is an essential part of what we do in Trinity. We are driven by a passion for research and scholarship. Our research has a fundamental influence on our teaching. Research, along with teaching, forms our identity. Research is one of the factors that makes Trinity the leading university in Ireland and a university of international standing. The research we do here in Trinity is diverse and rich. We take pride in being research active across all three of our faculties - Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Engineering, Maths & Science; and Health Sciences. The Trinity Campaign is built around the theme Inspiring Generations, a theme that is very apt for research as our work looks to understand the past as well as build the future. Our Research Charter provides a context for how we work. The Charter is the result of a highly consultative process that engaged people from different disciplines and divisions across Trinity. The Charter is our public commitment to the values that underpin our research. We also warmly embrace the principles set out in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. One of the seven principles in our Charter is ‘Standing Up for Research’. This is especially important in today’s world. We need to ensure that the neutral voice of the expert researcher is taken seriously, that research continues to be resourced, and that research continues to matter. To that end, #researchMATTERS is our research magazine and our way of sharing some of the many research stories that are part of work and life in Trinity. Our vision is to engage in research with the quality, intensity, depth, diversity, and openness that leads to fundamental breakthroughs, new understandings, key insights, and that can make translational and transformative advances.




GeeLearn’s Social Mission GeeLearn’s social mission is centered around the delivery of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM), and in particular science education, to children in developing OECD countries. Leveraging our strengths as an innovator in online learning design, development, delivering, and funding, we volunteer our skills and energy and partner with organizations to deliver STEAM education to children in these developing nations, starting with Colombia. In 2020, after an intense 5-year review, Colombia was welcomed as the newest OECD member. In 2021, GeeLearn Ltd. Partnered with the Children’s University at the University of EAFIT (Universidad de Los Ninos de Universidad Escuela de Administración, Finanzas Instituto Tecnológico) in order to volunteer its skills, knowledge, and talents to expanding the reach of Children’s University via digital learning throughout not only Colombia but the whole of Latin America. Background of GeeLearn Ltd. and its Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: Online Science Education for Children: Colombia to Latin America 2020 – 2023 GeeLearn Ltd. is a social enterprise headquartered in The Melting Pot, “Scotland’s Leading Centre for Innovation”. This volunteer effort for EAFIT Universidad de Los Ninos on behalf of GeeLearn Ltd. represents a social good and comprises a major part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative over a period of three years. The CSR initiative was approved by the company’s board of directors in the Autumn of 2020. The goal of the company was to engage with an educational initiative to help serve children in a developing country that is a member of the OECD. Colombia became an official member of the OECD in 2020, the 37thcountry to do so in the organization’s 60-year history. The directors of GeeLearn Ltd. have identified 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that its volunteer cooperation with EAFIT’s Universidad de Los Ninos touches upon and will help Colombia achieve. These include: