441 Educators providing Education courses in Liverpool

Wellman Fitness

wellman fitness


This was me 12 years ago, aged 16 and weighing 15 stone and 8 pounds. I battled with my weight for much of my childhood, averaging a weight gain of a stone a year. This had a significant and negative impact on my emotional wellbeing and I became very creative in my attempts to cover the embarrassment I felt about my physical presentation. Not only was my self- esteem on the floor, so was my confidence. I remember Fridays at school very well, it was the day we had swimming which meant having to expose my physical form in front of my peers which I found humiliating and difficult to deal with. This ended with me trying every trick in the book to avoid swimming including skiving and feigning illness. My weight issues impacted on my passion for golf too, during the summer months I continued to wear a jumper in an effort to hide my body. I tried to lose weight through yo-yo dieting, self-education and slimming pills but nothing seemed to work and I was left feeling de-motivated and with my self-confidence at an all-time low. By the time I reached young adulthood, I had become very frustrated with the way I looked and knew that it was preventing me from reaching my full potential in life and I accepted that I had to make changes. I plucked up the courage to join my local gym and have never looked back. It was hard initially, I felt I was being judged by my size and initially the embarrassment did not leave me. All summer I would be training in the gym doing a mixture of cardio, weights and circuit training, this was in addition to playing several rounds of golf each week. My aim was to stay active all summer and this strategy achieved results; pounds were dropping off each week and my confidence grew as a result, I was more confident with the girls and was able to go swimming without being self- conscious.

Evolve Enterprise

evolve enterprise


Welcome to Evolve Enterprise Established in 2016, Evolve Enterprise offer bespoke support for children from 7-11 who may be at risk of becoming disengaged in mainstream education due to their complex needs and vulnerabilities. We specialise in working with children who struggle to adapt to the demands and expectations of mainstream school and support them and their families through the pathways of assessment, planning and intervention. We offer a therapeutic based alternative provision from our center in Well Lane Primary School (Annex). We aim to to support schools, children and families and, if possible, help them to either re-integrate back to their mainstream school or enable transition into the provision that is most suitable to meet their educational needs at the earliest opportunity. Our therapeutic and nurturing environment is designed to support all our pupils to help them to progress and develop personally, socially and emotionally. We understand the importance to children and their development of being in a mainstream setting and spending time with peers and friends but, unfortunately this is not always possible. Our goal for all children who access the Evolve programme is to support them to integrate back into their chosen pathway while supporting schools, parents and other support services with a more strategic and seamless transition. At Evolve we have a strong sense of responsibility to our children and families and believe that by working in partnership we can help them to achieve so much more. Our vision is for Evolve to be a single point of contact for schools, helping manage the day to day support for each individual and, by promoting consistency and structure through our therapeutic learning, we aim to give them a sense of security and belonging. We believe that by offering this it will give a more complete support package and, by working with schools, help to maximise the best outcomes that help to guide some of the most complex and vulnerable children through key stage 2, and beyond, with purpose and guidance.

Liverpool Hope University SALA Award

liverpool hope university sala award


Liverpool Hope University pursues a path of excellence in scholarship and collegial life without reservation or hesitation. The University’s distinctive philosophy is to ‘educate in the round’ – mind, body and spirit – in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Liverpool Hope University is distinctive in that it is the only university foundation in Europe (and the USA) where Catholic and Anglican colleges have come together to form an integrated, ecumenical, Christian foundation. It has happened in Liverpool and nowhere else in Europe largely because of the presence in the 1980s of two remarkable church leaders: Bishop David Sheppard, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese, and Archbishop Derek Worlock, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese that extends from Liverpool across the north of England. They confessed their faith to each other and took their congregations to visit each other’s cathedrals, a symbolic act of Christians working together in the context of northern Irish religious sectarianism. When the three colleges (St Katharine’s 1844, Notre Dame College 1856 and Christ’s College 1964) came together the name ‘Hope’ was adopted came from Hope Street that links both cathedrals - a living parable of what can happen when Christians unite and work together for the common good. This year we celebrate 175 years since the founding of our first college in 1844; in that year there were only six universities in England (two of them medieval) but all of them did not admit women, Catholics or Jews. The founding colleges of Liverpool Hope University were among the first few institutions to begin opening up higher education to the vast majority of England’s population. The Anglican Bishops of Liverpool, going back to the founding Bishop, Bishop Ryle, were all evangelicals. The friendship of the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Archbishop was largely based on both their sharing of a mutual faith and their commitment to the poor. This adherence to historic Christian faith remains the university’s own commitment as it seeks to live out that faith in its life and work in a secularised British academy. At the beginning of each academic term we hold a Foundation Service to restate our foundational mission and values. Our Graduation ceremonies are held in alternating years in both the Anglican and Catholic Cathedrals in Liverpool.The new name of Liverpool Hope University was chosen to represent the ecumenical mission of the Institution. Liverpool Hope University was born in July 2005, when the Privy Council bestowed the right to use the University title. Research Degree Awarding Powers were granted by the Privy Council in 2009.

Calderstones School

calderstones school


I am exceptionally proud to lead and work in such a richly diverse school community in which students with different languages, cultures and religions learn together in harmony. The school's comprehensive nature is something that we value immensely. Our students are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued. We work closely with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our students. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Over the last few years we have spoken constantly about raised expectations and we will continue to push this throughout this academic year, particularly as we look to re-set and recalibrate on the back on the impact of the pandemic. In every aspect of school life, we will raise the bar for students and staff with the view that 'nobody rises to low expectations'. In terms our curriculum delivery, student achievement and progress, their involvement in school and community life, the ways in which students wear the uniform and present their work with pride, the ways in which they speak to each other and the behaviours that they demonstrate within the school and the community in which it resides ... in all of these ways, our expectations will be more ambitious and explicit than ever before. To this end, we have developed a ‘Manifesto for Change’ which sets out the ways in which we aim to continue our journey to excellence and identifies the long-term priorities for the school. One of our main priorities this year will be to ensure, as far as we can, that no child is left behind and that every child is challenged by the curriculum that we have in place. Students should find things difficult, although not impossible, at times. They should struggle at times and be expected to think deeply about the work that they do. They shouldn’t be getting everything right all of the time; if they are, the work is too easy and they’re not being challenged. None of this means that they shouldn’t be enjoying their learning; being challenged can be enjoyable. The curriculum is the bread and butter of our educational offer and should be inspiring a real thirst for learning; we can only do this through supporting and challenging. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed; we would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.

Mersey School of Anaesthesia

mersey school of anaesthesia


Established in 1997, The Mersey School of Anaesthesia (MSA) is principally concerned with preparing Trainee Anaesthetists facing their Primary & Final FRCA Examinations. Originally held within a Charitable Trust Accounts at Liverpool Heart & Chest and Aintree Hospitals, it was advised by the Trust Account Managers that it should be moved and run as an independent Charitable Company. In 2012 the MSA registered with the Charity Commission (Reg. No. 1149165). Income is invested back into the Courses that the MSA run and at the end of each Financial Year, any surplus income is donated to Research, Education and Patient Care charities, these mostly of an anaesthetic texture in the UK or used to support Volunteer Anaesthetists in various Charitable Ventures Abroad. Overall, by the end of March 2021, the MSA has donated a total of over £900,000 to such concerns, all of it by reason of candidates’ subscriptions to our courses and classes allied to the full support of those Anaesthetists, who contribute as Faculties to those Courses without expectation of recompense. Here is a collage of some of the Donations/Funding Grants that have been made in recent years: HERE Its Motto & Objectives The Motto of the MSA is “If you Feed the Children with a Spoon, they will never Learn how to Use the Chopsticks” If you are a Trainee planning on attending MSA Courses, it is important that you must appreciate before you attend that the MSA never claim to provide teaching or distribute teaching materials on its Courses. You must not attend expecting to be taught. The Courses are designed for Exam Preparation and include; – Exposure to Exam Style Questions – Opportunities to Practice in as close to Exam Conditions as we can muster – Learn & Fine Tune Exam Techniques – Peer Learning The advice to Trainees is that they should attend MSA Courses only when they consider themselves adequately Prepared, in terms of knowledge, for the Imminent Examinations. The MSA’s emphatic advice regarding all the FRCA Examinations is that trainees should only sit these examinations when they feel that they Deserve to Pass. It has to be courting Disappointment to enter for these exams Hoping to Pass We also fully appreciate our methods do not suit everyone’s learning style, therefore, you must feel assured before attending that it will help you in your Exam Preparation and subsequently embrace the ‘gameplay’ we offer. We are very conscious of Trainee’s valuable time and want to make sure you make the best use of it. Not everyone finds the same approach useful. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, but also advise you to speak to Colleagues who have been to MSA Courses in the past to ask them the questions: ‘Why they would recommend?’ and ‘How did the Course help them?’. Supporting Lifebox… The MSA also contributes to Lifebox, an international charity concerned with the improvement of Anaesthetic Services in underprivileged parts of the world where the mortality from General Anaesthesia can be unacceptably high due to a lack of suitable equipment or adequately trained personnel. To date this specific donation is over £35,000. You can find our recent donations HERE Supporting AquAid… We at the Mersey School of Anaesthesia are aware that keeping our Candidates hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. In 2016, conscious of plastic pollution, the MSA stopped distributing Bottled Water to Candidates at Registration to the Courses. Instead, we invested in a couple of AquAid Water Coolers to be used on the Courses and asked Candidates to bring their own refillable bottle. With each purchase of a Water Cooler Refill Bottle an automatic donation has been made to the Africa Trust. We are delighted to be informed that, as a result, these funds have helped to build an ‘Elephant Pump’ in Africa to provide a much needed source of clean & fresh drinking water for many in the community. Thank you to AquAid for providing an excellent service and for giving us the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please consider AquAid when looking for a ‘Water Solution’ in your business or offices; we would highly recommend! To date [2021] AquAid have donated in excess of £16 million and helped bring a life-time supply of clean, fresh drinking water to more than 3.2 million people.