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Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas & Politics

imagine! belfast festival of ideas & politics


The 8th Imagine! Belfast Festival proved to be a successful offering involving 147 events and 359 speakers & performers during 21-27 March 2022. The eclectic week of talks, workshops, theatre, poetry, comedy, music, exhibitions, film and tours attracted an audience of 9,210 online and in-person attendees. Most of the events (82%) were free as the festival returned to live events after two years operating online. Although Covid continued to impact on our programme with 17 events cancelled due to illness, we were still able to roll out a huge range of events including headliners such as Michael Ignatieff, Tom Robinson, Helen Thompson, Michael Longley, Ece Temelkuran, Bill Neely and a host of exciting arts and cultural events – with many sold out or oversubscribed. We have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the festival through an audience survey(3.5% sample). Our survey found that 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations. It was particularly pleasing to find that 60% of audience members were attending a festival event for the first time and 37% of the sample had never been to a festival venue before, which suggests that we were able to reach new audiences and introduce them to new venues and partners. Other outcomes included: 12% of attendees came from outside Northern Ireland. Of these, 13% stated the festival was the main reason they were visiting Belfast. Audience spend: Our sample spent an average of £35 attending our events Number of festival partners: 52 Number of international participants: 40 with 27 events organised by participants from outside UK & Ireland Number of free events: 121 – 82% of total events Average ticket price: £7.8 Number of workshops: 14 Number of venues used: 35 Media coverage: Total number of items: 98. Reach: 4,022,796. AVE: £181,881. PR value: £545,644 Positive feedback was also elicited from survey respondents, detailed as follows: 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations with only 1% reporting dissatisfaction (increased from 94% in 2021) 95.3% of people answered the question ‘after attending the festival, would you be more likely to attend other politics-related events’ (88% last year) 97.8 of respondents stated they were more likely to recommend the festival to family and friends after attending one of our events with 1.6% stating they felt the same When asked whether the festival promotes Belfast and Northern Ireland in a positive way, 98.4% said yes, with 1.6% responding as ‘don’t know’ People appeared to be reasonably well informed about the festival. 92% of the sample stated they were either well or somewhat informed about the festival prior to attending an event Respondents overwhelmingly found the subject matter of the event/performance as the main reason for attending the festival. However, familiarity with the speaker/performer was also cited as a factor. We also asked whether respondents considered themselves to be disadvantaged and found that 21% of the sample considered themselves to fall into this category which suggests were able to significantly engage with vulnerable and less well-off sections of the community. We invited the public to suggest and organise events in November 2021 and received a record 98 proposals, most of which we were able to support. This was a higher than expected level of public participation in the festival which resulted in more events than planned taking place in the 2022 programme. We also had a greater variety of events with more place-making events, exhibitions, music and discussions/workshop events compared to previous years.

Migration Museum

migration museum


About the Migration Museum The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has shaped who we are – as individuals, as communities, and as a nation. Migration is a pressing contemporary issue and is at the centre of polarised political and online debate. But there’s an underlying story of comings and goings stretching back many centuries. And this story goes to the heart of who we are today. Britain has thousands of museums, but none comprehensively focused on this important theme that connects us all. The time is right for a highly relevant, accessible visitor attraction that shines a light on who we are, where we come from and where we are going. From our current home in the heart of Lewisham Shopping Centre, we stage engaging exhibitions and dynamic events, alongside a far-reaching education programme for primary, secondary, university and adult learners. We have a growing digital presence and convene a knowledge-sharing Migration Network of museums and galleries across the UK. The story so far The Migration Museum was founded by Barbara Roche, who first made the case for a migration museum for Britain almost 20 years ago, stemming from her time as Britain’s immigration minister, and from visiting similar museums in other parts of the world – notably Ellis Island in New York. Barbara assembled a founding team of people from different professional backgrounds who shared her passionate belief that Britain’s migration history should be placed at the heart of our national story. Together, they began to scope what a national migration museum might look like. Sophie Henderson, a former immigration judge and barrister, came on board as Director in 2013. Between 2013 and 2017, the Migration Museum staged pop-up exhibitions and events and ran education workshops at a wide range of venues across the UK, including the Southbank Centre, the National Maritime Museum and City Hall in London, the Museum of Oxford, Leicester railway station, and the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. From 2017 to 2019, the Migration Museum was ba

Janet Haigh

janet haigh


I am a freelance designer-maker, applied artist, crafts-woman, whatever you want to call me – I stitch stuff by hand; fabric, metal, porcelain, leather, vitreous enamel.. . My work is various, it depends whether I am working for myself, to commission or collaborating with other artists. But whatever I do is slow to make; detailed hand stitching in any material whether in silk, linen, wool or wire takes time, consequently my work is also slow to evolve. I decided to show on this site what I do, who I am work with, how I work and also how I think. I want to show the work behind HER WORK not just the finished things. The journey from the first idea, searching, researching, drawing, sampling and eventually making the finished piece. You will be able to watch my work progress, or not; maybe by seeing this record people will come to value making that is manufactured by hand, heart and eye. In May 2010 I developed – Heart Space Studios ( from my yoga practice “Put your Hands in your Heart Space”) and for 5 years it was a space in Bristol England for all things textile. The activities at the studios can still be viewed – I closed the studio workshops in 2015 – the classes remain on this site as part of the blog, they contain many of my most popular posts….. Heart Space Studios continues as a group of makers who develop projects primarily for publishing companies. Most notably we work with designer Kaffe Fassett in the production of his patchwork quilt books and other fabrics.

Breech Birth Network

breech birth network

Kingston upon Thames

Hello!! My name is Muge and I am the founder of My Breathing Path! I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I lived there until 2018. I was working in the Turkish finance industry for more than 10 years and during that time I was suffering from an advanced hernia in my neck. Working in a high stress environment and dealing with lots of problems at the same time, made me a super-achiever. I first came across breathwork in a workshop in 2010. It was extremely powerful but also it was completely different to the other techniques that I had tried before. As I continued to go to the sessions, it helped me to understand my behaviour as a perfectionist and its subsequent consequences for my life, the hernia and my unbalanced relationship with my family, friends and colleagues. After experiencing healing and transformation myself, I decided to become a facilitator. Since 2014, I have been working in the field of Transformational Breath as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator in private sessions, workshops and seminars while I continued to work in my finance career. I have experience in working with a wide variety of people – each possessing their own set of needs and goals. My further qualifications, Basic DNA Theta Healing Practitioner and Reiki II Certification are used in conjunction with Transformational Breath sessions to help people reach their potential and achieve their goals. Life is a combination of different journeys and within my new journey in the UK, I look forward to sharing my experiences through transformational breathing sessions with others, who want to discover more about themselves with transformation in their life, increase their self-awareness and live a healthier lifestyle.

North London Collegiate School

north london collegiate school

North London Collegiate School is a top independent day school for girls aged 4-18. Since its founding in 1850, generations of girls have received an ambitious academic education and formed a bond with NLCS, which lasts forever. We provide a carefully judged blend of support and challenge, a friendly and warm atmosphere, glorious facilities and extensive extra-curricular activities. We are proud of our tradition of producing independent minded young women with the drive to make the most of opportunities and a difference in the world. That was the Frances Mary Buss, in 1850, and it remains at the heart of the today. We have a strong track record of enabling students to gain entry to their , but examination success is only part of the picture and inspire pupils with a love of their subject which goes beyond the examination syllabus. NLCS celebrates the individual and creative spirit of the pupils. We provide the springboard for our students to find their place in a world which will require not only technical skills, but also creative and communication skills to thrive. This is why we continue to invest in and enhance and offer a . Over create a vibrant atmosphere which helps students to develop a relaxed self-confidence and enjoy their time at Canons. To find their niche, to develop confidence and to succeed in whichever area they choose. We can’t recall visiting another all-girls school and finding quite this kind of relaxed self-confidence. Every pupil matters, the pastoral care at the school ensures students feel supported and valued throughout their time here. We encourage students to be resilient and bounce back when faced with challenges or disappointments. Academic and pastoral staff work closely together to ensure no pupil is without support during her time at the School. - As we remember in our prayer "Thou dost require much from those to whom much is given" and today it is just as important that our students develop a sense of social responsibility and learn how to make a practical difference to the world around them. NLCS has a global perspective that is unique amongst London day schools. In the Sixth Form, students can study the - a highly regarded qualification that is particularly prized by Ivy League, Russell Group and European universities. In addition to this, the opening of our sister schools in Jeju, Dubai and Singapore benefits our students through exchange and collaboration opportunities. The best way to get to know the school is to , experience the buzz and energy of the corridors, enjoy the stunning grounds and the Performing Arts Centre and, of course, meet the students who make it such an exciting place to work and learn. You’ll be sure of a warm reception whether you are a prospective parent, pupil, teacher or a former student.