4207 Educators providing Dog courses delivered Online

Toddies Dog Training

toddies dog training



Having a dog is one of the most incredible experience's life can offer. Or so I was told. I found a great breeder who I met at a show. Her dogs were beautiful, and my heart melted as I watched them trot around the show ring. I couldn't wait for my boy to arrive. Prior to him joining the family, I spent hours watching and reading books to prepare for his arrival. So, he arrives, and I was over the moon, to put it lightly. Four weeks into having this tiny, lively puppy, who was 12 weeks old, I got the shock of my life! My little Ted, my beautiful boy, gave me the biggest, angriest bite you could imagine. His teeth crushed my fingers, leaving them bruised and bloody. This was not a dog but a Tasmanian devil. Although my hand hurt, my heart was crushed. It's very easy to fall out of love with a dog you can't trust. As you can imagine, I was devastated and realised that I needed to learn more so this incident didn't happen again. I spent an enormous amount of time researching and putting into practice what I had learnt. I found that the style of "Old School Punishment" just wasn't working with Ted. I understand why looking back with the knowledge I am blessed with now. There is so much information out there, books, television programmes, YouTube videos, blogs. It's a minefield and so easy to travel down the wrong path, and I certainly had taken the wrong path for Ted and me. Unfortunately, I learned how to be mean, how to shout and even hurt my puppy, asserting my dominance, to show him who was boss and Nip it in the Bud. Honestly, in a world where we already control our dogs, be it when they're fed, what is given, when we take them for a walk, who they can stop and say hello to, when and if they can have a treat. How much control do we need? Fortunately, very fortunately, I met a fabulous lady called Lynda Edmondson, who ran a doggy dancing class near me. It was here that I was introduced to a totally different world of training, of positive reinforcement where you motivated your dog to learn and work as a team. These times were truly magical, filled with fun, and my eyes were opened to a kind way to train. I learnt to love my dog for who he was, to stop focussing on the negative. We then attended a monthly clicker workshop with Lynda, and this was when Ted and me came into our own, and I loved to show off what we could both achieve together. Ted is an English toy Terrier with a huge personality which I fully appreciate and can now accept. After many years on a journey of learning and training to become a specialist in my field, which was initially to support Ted, I qualified with the IABTC. I completed their dog training and behavioural modification course. I now enjoy a career that I love. I am still committed to learning and keep up to date with new research. In my previous life, I was a time and motion technician in a clothing factory. I would study people, then create a process to train others to complete the work more efficiently. Saving companies time and money. I suppose it's quite similar to what I am offering you as a dog trainer. I will study your dog and your relationship, then create a process of training that can be carried out and repeated to improve behaviour. Reduce the amount of time wasted looking online, reading endless books, leaving you none the wiser. Tap into my knowledge and all of the time and money I've spent learning how not to do things as much as how to do things. My main aim is to set you up to succeed. If you are successful, then I'm successful. I will give you my full support to learn how to make immediate changes, enjoy the mischief and appreciate your dog's true personality. Give me a call if you want to chat about creating a dog that is a joy to be around and find your best friend.

Four Paws Dog Training (Leyland)

four paws dog training (leyland)



Customers highly recommend Four Paws Dog Training in Leyland, praising Kathryn's expertise and effective training methods. Dogs and their owners have enjoyed various courses, including Gundog Training and puppy socialisation, benefiting from small class sizes and individual attention.  The training is described as fun, practical, and packed with exercises that dogs enjoy. Kathryn's knowledge and approachable nature have made a significant impact, leading to successful training outcomes and satisfied clients eager to continue their dog's education. At Four Paws we offer a Puppy Foundation & Socialisation course. For puppies aged 12-22 weeks old. We also offer Pet Gun Dog Training  Beginner Course for pet gun dogs aged from 5 months, that have had NO PRIOR training. Level 1 Gun dog training, this is for pet gun dogs aged 6 months upwards, that have had some basic training, have attended a puppy course, and now their owner wishes to further their dogs training. Level 2- This is an advanced course for pet gun dogs aged 6 months upwards that have completed a Puppy & Level 1 training, and now their owner wishes to advance their dogs training skills. 121 Home Training for those unable to attend a weekly class. "New Owner" Puppy Pack. For puppies aged 8-12 weeks old, for those who have got a pre puppy and need some help settling their puppy in their new home. Further details  of all of these services can be found on the "Courses" page of our web site www.fourpawsdogtraining.co.uk

Patrícia Grechi

patrícia grechi


I’m the founder of Positive Dog, Podcaster, Dog Behaviour and Training Consultant, Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT) and proudly Brazilian. I specialise in well-mannered and happy dogs with more than 7 years of experience in dog behaviour. I believe in fear and force free dog training and science-based training guides all I do. When training with a dog, I investigate deeply all the possible motives why the dog is showing the behaviour. I’m used to working with dogs that had many other trainers before and no success. I also work alongside vets helping to investigate contributing factors that can affect behaviour conducting clinical investigations. I’ve helped 900+ dogs and guardians to live easier and happy lives with their dogs. Marvin, the fluff in the picture, was my rescue dog and soulmate who taught me so much and, unfortunately, he passed away last year. My eagerness to help animals who have behaviour issues like Marvin just grew since I adopted him. I sought education and certifications to help me to deliver long term results for dogs that struggle.   Aside from practical experience, I also have wide-ranging knowledge of behaviour modification and applied behaviour analysis. I focus on: * Aggression & Resource Guarding * Impulsive control * Separation anxiety * Repetitive behaviour * Noise sensitivities  * Anxiety and fear  * Dog-cat relationship * Dog behaviour issues * Puppy issues and socialisation * Training issues (recall, lead walking, focus etc)