732 Educators providing Diving courses delivered Online

Kitty Kittley Fitness

kitty kittley fitness



First of all, let’s clear up the name thing. My parents weren’t so cruel as to name me Kitty Kittley… I just happened to be called Kitty and fell in love with a man called Mr Kittley! I grew up on the Kent/Sussex border and went to school in Cranbrook, but after spending 20 years living and working in London, my husband Chris and I took the plunge and moved to Hawkhurst in Kent, where we now live with our two young children. In my 20s I worked as a scuba-diving instructor and then opened my own dive school and shop in London, taking people diving around the UK and abroad. Sadly, when the recession hit in 2009, I was forced to close the business. I went on to work as a court transcriber from home, which I still do on a part-time basis. However, my passion is movement, exercise and the outdoors, so I decided to retrain as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. I’ve been a keen exerciser since my mid-20s but in 2008 I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, which ultimately led to me having three vertebrae fused in my lower back shortly after my son Billy was born in 2014. At the time of diagnosis, my consultant said to me, “You will be pain free if you get strong and fit.” This gave me the nudge I needed to get serious about my health and to really start taking care of my body. I am a firm believer that something good comes out of everything. Without exercise I am not quite sure where I would be. It has helped me physically and mentally a great deal and I believe that movement is one of the key elements to a happy and healthy body and that our sedentary lifestyles are to blame for many ailments. Through exercise and movement I believe that you can be stronger, healthier, banish aches and pains and be happier in yourself. I am a level 3 personal trainer and level 2 British Weight Lifting instructor based in Hawkhurst, Kent and I am qualified to work with post-natal and pregnant clients. I am also a MovNat Level 1 certified trainer. MovNat is entirely based on the practice of Natural Movement skills, i.e. movements that the human body was designed to perform. I aim to incorporate functional and natural movement into my sessions, which in turn helps with everyday life and creating a leaner, stronger and more supple body. I am also a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and can offer nutritional advice and plans. Qualifications: Level 2 Fitness Instructor Level 3 Personal Trainer Movnat Level 1 Certified Trainer Jenny Burrell Modern Post Natal Assessment and Exercise Prescription Jenny Burrell Modern Pregnancy Exercise Level 2 Award in Circuit Instruction Level 2 Award in Indoor Cycling Level 3 Award in Instructing Outdoor Fitness Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral Level 3 Award in Sports Conditioning Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach Level 2 British Weight Lifting Instructor

Steph Wall Yoga

steph wall yoga



It’s that cool, no-nonsense, free spirit sensibility that characterizes the experience with Steph Wall Yoga. A modern yoga teacher with mischievous and playful side, Steph delivers a unique and empowering practice for students with a wide range of needs. There is an air of mystery around Steph herself, something powerful yet vulnerable, a compelling combination that keeps her students both intrigued and intensely loyal.” A lover of the unseen, insatiably curious and forever diving into the darkness, Steph owes much of her knowledge to the whispers yoga gave her to keep discovering, unravelling and growing amid her darkest days. Always learning from life itself, Yoga has become the container she uses to hold herself in as she reclaims the wild, mysterious, essence inside of her. Steph feels a deep and powerful call to translate the complex and rich tradition of Yoga to the modern-day human looking to develop themselves consciously, authentically and deeply. She continually expands her knowledge in several different domains of Yoga to grow with the tradition as it grows with her. Standing side by side with the tradition, her students, nature and the mysteries of life, Steph dives deep into the unknown to discover the complex, intricate and potent curiosities of life. Steph has been practicing Yoga for over a decade and completed over 1000 hours of training. Her primary teachers are Julia McCabe and Tiffany Cruikshank. Her passion lies in discovering the physical body and the complexities of Hinduism, translated via vinyasa and yin yoga.

Claire K Croft

claire k croft


‘I don’t remember where I lost myself but I do when I chose to be found’ This is how my story begins in the international best seller ‘Reclaiming your Midlife Mojo’ It has been said that owning your story is the most powerful thing you can do. That I agree with, all be it, vulnerably uncomfortable! For you here’s a little back story … For YEARS I was in survival mode Forever juggling, lost in the to do list, functioning but not LIVING My life was a performance. I was an actress & a good one Playing an extrovert when I am an introvert Out going, out there, when my soul was crying for solitude The signs were all there, all masked and ignored I hid the pain, the deep rotted sadness, stuffed them down, to grow roots those roots go so deep that I was literally ‘rooted’ … forced to stop, nothing left, light out & in truth wanted out. A presence greater than me lifted me that day and life began to change It was the wake up call I needed to stop blocking, hiding and running and to come home to me. It was not an easy or comfortable journey but one I would do again in a heart beat. That was 8 years ago. Since that day I followed the cosmic bread crumbs and trusted where I was guided I bought a caravan by the sea, trained in yoga, hired (my ‘first’ ) coach, became a coach, and continued to learn/ certify/invest in healing modalities/ trainings that felt like a YES in my body. Everything I share is tried, tested, integrated and embodied. I am a walking testimonial of the healing power of diving INTO the SHADOWS to alchemise them to LIGHT

Briony Gunson

briony gunson


I’ve been on a Hero’s Journey since 2014. What that means is I’ve been questioning the nature of my reality and diving into existential crises. I have phases of feeling super alive and aligned! And other times, I feel super confused, vulnerable and afraid. The expansion and contraction. The death and the rebirth. Over and over. Just riding those waves of personal transformation and evolution - which I think we can all agree have really heated up since 2020! I’m not shy from making big bold moves. From sacking off a successful corporate career in 2019 to work for myself in the personal development space, to reconnecting with my estranged dad after 17 years apart and also getting divorced. I am doing The Work, and am a student of Hermetic Laws. And my external world continues to change as my internal world. As above, so below. As within, so without. My path is my work and my work is my path. I love snakes and have a companion snake, Marmalade, who’s been with me since 2007. She’s a constant reminder to keep moving - the law of vibration - and that it’s ok to keep shedding and letting go as we move through life. Oh and I’m a massive water baby. I love being in cold water, whether that’s rivers, lakes, loches or the sea! And I love trees! My feet are often dirty from walking barefoot so much. I am gradually rewilding this animal body, and listening deeply to her needs. There is so much wisdom in this body,. You can join me on this adventure! I work with people in a variety of ways. I typically work with other space holders - coaches, breathworkers, therapists - to support their mindset and business practices. I offer group coaching and 1:1 sessions.