4785 Educators providing Design courses delivered Online




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

Alice Dartnell

alice dartnell


A big thing for me was struggling to identify with my Japanese side. This not only created issues with my relationship with my mum, because of language and cultural barriers, but it also caused my own insecurities and self-doubt. (I am now very proud of my Japanese heritage, but this led to emotions I wasn’t equipped to deal with as a teenager). Because of this, I was often labelled a troublemaker at school. I even got expelled from my lessons just a few weeks before my GSCEs! Despite actually scoring well on the GCSEs, I did manage to spectacularly fail my AS levels. I worked extra hard to get into a good university (the first from both my mum and dad’s family, whoop! You’ve always got to celebrate your wins!), and that is when I started to love education. In my final term of university, I learned that I was in fact dyslexic, rather than just a “trouble-maker.” My teenage years and early adulthood were plagued with severe depression, and I endured battles with an eating disorder that consumed my life for a decade. Then, after getting married, I became a military wife and was so proud of him and felt like such a team… but had to endure having zero contact with my partner for months at a time when he was on deployment. I won’t lie, it was tough being a military wife! My life has been littered with a lot of setbacks (Oh, let’s not forget I also ‘failed’ at being a landlady in my early 20s, as well as a business owning a bar in SE Asia, and did I mention that I lost my job on the same day the offer on our first home got accepted?! All that excitement and build-up, only to have to let it go… It was a lot). So, with all these setbacks, the thing that pushed me through was mindset work and personal development…. And that is what led me to realising knowing what I really wanted to do. I wanted to help others tackle their own setbacks and be the support that I needed and create a life they love. When I started my coaching diploma in 2016, I didn’t look back. I was focused on creating my own life by design, not by default, and was determined to help others do the same But I still had hurdles. I won’t pretend the road to building a successful business I love has been plain sailing… I attempted to start my business in 2019, resulting in a false start (my burnout forced me to prioritise my health and take a break) and my marriage unexpectedly during 2020 when we were all going through the pandemic. So, no, my story isn’t perfect. I’m not perfect. But I know it’s also possible to restart and redefine your life, on your own terms. I learned that a good life doesn’t come from avoiding the bad times, but from learning to overcome them and become better from them. I’m not a product of my past or any situation and neither are you. I had to realise that I still had the power to create the life I wanted – just like you do!

The Nest Southwest Community Interest Company

the nest southwest community interest company


The Nest Southwest is a not-for-profit, social enterprise, community interest company. It was set up in Devon by local women to support other women and girls through the major life transitions of menstruation, pregnancy, birth and menopause by providing social, emotional and informational support. From left to right: Nancy, Jodie & Hazel are The Nest’s 3 co-directors. Scroll down the page to read more about them and The Nest team. Our Vision & Mission Our vision is to live in a world where women and girls feel empowered and fulfilled at each stage of their life. We want to be part of creating a cohesive society where these rites of passage are honoured as gateways of personal development as well as biological milestones. Our mission is to provide social, emotional and educational support, to improve well-being and self-esteem. We support women, girls and people who menstruate through menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. We believe in intersectional feminism by promoting gender justice and racial justice. We are anti-racist and pro-trans rights. We believe in equality for all genders. We offer compassionate peer support, and provide a safe, nurturing environment to explore emotional and physical literacy as we pass through these rites of passage. There is no right or wrong way to go through these gateways, they are as individual as we are. But we don’t have to do it alone. What a different place our world will be if we felt belonging, supported, and respected as we welcomed ourselves to the next stage of life! Our History The seeds of this dream had been swirling for some years before finding a place to land. The Nest was officially registered as Community Interest Company in October 2019 by Hazel Acland, Jodie Wilkerson and Nancy Osborne. Together they launched their first project in March 2020 just as the covid-19 pandemic was sweeping the world. Plans quickly adapted to this new reality and became a weekly online wellbeing group to bring together pregnant and birthing people in the Exeter and East Devon area. The group has evolved to create a perinatal peer support network, training mums to support other mums through matrescence from pregnancy to parenting. The Nest has grown in other areas as well – starting to deliver services around menstruation and menopause support, with much more in the pipeline! Equality We aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. We want to challenge all forms of oppression including those based on race, ethnicity, nationality, faith, gender, sexuality, learning ability, physical impairment, mental illness, age, occupation, income, or wealth. We aim to design our activities, services and decision making processes specifically to encourage and support participation from people who face disadvantage in society, including women, girls, BME people, disabled people, LGBTQI+ people, and people on low incomes. Safeguarding The Nest Southwest CIC is fully committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults. We believe that safeguarding is of paramount importance and that everyone has the right to be safe. We work hard to ensure that The Nest protects and promotes the safety and well-being of all children, young people and adults we work with. All our team members are trained in safeguarding and child protection and have valid DBS checks. The Nest has a designated safeguarding lead who oversees and regularly reviews our training requirements and safeguarding policies. The Nest’s Safeguarding Lead is Jodie Wilkerson (jodie.thenestsw@gmail.com).

Westminster City School's Sixth Form

westminster city school's sixth form


A Level Results Day 2024 saw significant improvement with the proportion of students securing top grades (A* to B) rising by 6% to 58%. 83% of all grades were A* to C (up 8%) providing a strong foundation as students go on to higher education and the world of work. A record number of students will start degree courses at universities including UCL and Oxford. Over half of students have secured places at Russell Group or top 25 ranked UK Universities, and they will complete their studies in subjects ranging from Mechanical Engineering to PPE, and from Design to Psychology. The number of students going on to study either Law or Medicine has increased, showcasing the impact of the school’s Pathways Programmes. Other students hold places on competitive and prestigious degree apprenticeships. Without doubt, these destinations place Westminster City School as one of the most successful 6th Forms in London and this year’s outcomes are a key step in achieving our goal of being the 6th Form of choice in the heart of London. Within our Sixth Form, you'll enjoy more freedom and independence than your previous years in education but our supportive learning environment means you will be guided by highly skilled teachers in small classes, whilst our pastoral support and extra-curricular activities help you develop into confident and independent young men and women. Our facilities include a state-of-the-art Sixth Form study suite and common room, with outdoor space. Our central London location places you in the heart of the capital, within walking distance of the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.  This ensures you can go beyond your A Level subjects by attending workshops or lectures with business leaders, participating in conferences or research programmes at top universities or simply visiting the many museums, galleries, theatres, exhibitions and more that are found across London. Our location has also helped us build strong links with nearby organisations, like Polar Capital, an investment company near our Sixth Form. Thanks to generous funding from Polar Capital, our sixth formers will benefit from a fantastic suite of further support. All students joining our Year 12 will receive a free laptop and those thinking of university study can apply for one of two generous university bursaries, worth over £20,000 a year, for each year of future university study.